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Vote YES or NO on Prop 19

Vote YES or NO on Prop 19

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Game Bred
I dont think any of the BOD would want to get involved with a drug that is illegal. The reco Act will prevent them from moving forward. Once the feds get it rescheduled to a 2 then there is some wiggle room. Right now there is none for major corporations wanting to sale cannabis over the counter. I dont see it that way at all. I have spoken to Dick and he is in favor of mom and pop stores and welcomes smaller growers to the market. Anyone can go to there website and ask questions. If Dick wants to do a Major grow he will be on the front lines and would be the first to be prosecuted. I dont think he wants to go to jail just to prove a point he is not Mark Emery. If you dont believe us and you dont believe Dick whats the point of the discussion. After all he would know just about everything there is to know regarding this bill.

there is no point..

these types are the ones who believe phillip morris bought 1000 acres in norcal,
the dont understand RICO law and equate a corporate conglomerate repeatedly persecuted by the government with the union (state run union BTW) that sucks obama balls..

but hey ozarks and foxy are right..

the bod would risk rico prosecution for the FUCKING CHUMP CHANGE they would make

the risk vs reward dont add up.
and the index on the ROI dont make the nut..

yeah i need a hug..cuz i dont believe your rectal conspiracy theories...

so far the bill is still in your lap right?


Game Bred
I know the bill, why do you even mention about reading it.

Do you really not see why the 5x5 was implemented?

Rich lee megagrow=corporate, it is the road to walmartization. 5x5 is a limitation set to support that. To think corporations cant get in on this, its just an assumption you came up with.
I think they can make it happen. Prove that they cant?

We have a good enough system to survive to something better,and Id love for you to be free and grow. You are however in denial of this bills underlying intent.

wow no answer to the question...

what underlying intent do you see?
You won't be able to blame it on anyone else when the this piece of BS passes....although you'll damn sure try.
They are selling you guys a bucket of shit and telling you it's gold...and you're too high and lazy to smell the bucket. Most of you haven't even read it...I'd bet the house on it. It's alot of people taking advise from other "know it alls" who haven't read it either.


Game Bred
I know no one has ever used a credit card at a dispensary. Nor does any dispensary have a credit card machine. They all do cash, and don't put it in the bank because no big business will have anything to do with them while federal law says no no. None of them lease space from national companies. None of them purchase real estate through a realtor that is licensed. I could go on and on with the national companies that are already involved in this industry. Dagnabit you are just plain wrong.

why does pfizer not have a 215 grow?
how about

hmmm i guess somehow manufacture,distribution,processing,and sale is apples to the unions oranges..

need a hug yet?

its the water over there...nasty stuff!


Game Bred
"please do explain how the board of directors of a multinational corporation would concede to engage in an ongoing criminal enterprise to grow a schedule one narcotic.?.?.?"

its complicated. these corporations are playing a long-term game in which the 1st step is to bring cannabis, in a controlled manner, into the university/private research realm. monsanto, who has alot of $$$ behind this bill, and various other agribiz heavyweights want to "tax, control, and regulate" there way into a monopoly by seizing exclusive control of the cannabis genome, so as to create novel genetic manipulations in pursuit of new patents. mainly along the lines of specific cannabinoid ratios. once they have the patents in place its just a matter of convincing/lobbying the government that their genetics are superior because they are predictable and produce the desired "therapeutic" ratios for research. then they become the only source for "licit" seeds for pharmaceutical research, as defined by the u.s. gov't. in this way they position themselves to pretty much corner what will be an emerging global medical cannabinoid market. this is how they are going to take over and "control" medical cannabis. its only a matter of putting enough lobbying dollars into washington before these new pharmaceutical cannabinoid products are accepted and then made the industry standard for medical. at this point any small scale production will be as legal as small scale opium production, or in other words, not at all. these "licit" seeds will have terminator technology. this means that they are basically sterile and any producer will have to purchase new seeds of the variety they grow every year. there is no saving of seeds. theres alot more info but i cant fit it all right here. the end game is a world where the only medical cannabinoids available are from pharmchem companies like GW pharmaceuticals and the small producers get edged out. they want to create a system where they hold the keys to the medicine and we are forced to purchase their shitty product. this bill is fucked. i am voting no. its sad some people are so desperate for "legalization" that they cant see the forest for the trees. this bill is not legalization. it is "control" of the worst variety.

:looks to ozarks and sings the james taylor song: aint it good to know ...you got a friend..

i saw a movie last night claiming to finally validate the urban legend about Faul mccartney..

do you believe that one..
grassy knoll
moon landing
9/11 was done by vikings?


Big Herb,

I am very real if you are doubting my existence as a singular and original person on this forum. You are not forced to rebuke anything and it was my intent to bring a fresh idea to the conversation.

1. I disagree, I think the world is perfect.
2-5. I don't really know what to say to these. It is like we live in different realities. I read the bill and the big thing that kinda hit me in the face was that local governments will be able to make up rules for commercial growing/distribution. Who makes the rules now? WE DO. I mean everyone, including the end toker who has more influence then anyone. Did you really use the Post Office as an example of well run government? It is a fucking monopoly by law. No one else is allowed to deliver non-urgent packages. Really bad example of a well oiled gov operation, but maybe you have another. Let me help you out: 9/11/2001... ahahaha....
6-7. They already can.
8. How much that license is going to cost? How many are they going to give out?
9. I don't think anyone is getting released over prop 19. That would be a great way to campaign for it though if it was going to set anyone free.
10+. You list lots of stuff that might be just great. I am just weighing those pros against some of the cons I mentioned in my previous post. I worry some of the cons may have a greater impact on the end user then the pros.

Thanks BigHerb for your list.
I do notice that many are "hung up" on the wording regarding local govt. controlling "commercial" growing. If you can have a 5x5 area, couple lights and a perpetual harvest every 2-4 weeks, you should get at least 2-4 pounds every harvest when dialed in I would think. Also the wording is "5x5" so could you not go "higher" using shelves, double up on lighting, etc? How @#$%ing commercial are you that you cannot allow others some small freedom?

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Legal recreational use sounds like I should be able to smoke in public.

It sounds like I should be able to pass a joint to my 19 year old son.

I can drink in public.

I can buy my 19 year old son a beer.

I'm not against legalization.

I'm against losing the battle we've fought while we're being told we won.


Legal recreational use sounds like I should be able to smoke in public.

It sounds like I should be able to pass a joint to my 19 year old son.

I can drink in public.

I can buy my 19 year old son a beer.

I'm not against legalization.

I'm against losing the battle we've fought while we're being told we won.

Im not sure why yet but you MUST be wrong, Dagnabit or Big H3rB Tr0LL can probably tell us.

wow no answer to the question...

what underlying intent do you see?

Back at ya bud... you must have missed my other post.


Throbbing Member

Then don't buy their products. You the consumer are in charge. Don't give them your hard earned $$$$. Support your local companies and co-ops or those who share your same ethos.

Stop wailing on how "Evil" they are, they are companies made of people like you and me. Their goal is to maximize profits for their shareholders. How they do that is the heart of the matter.

You the consumer are in charge!!!! Take control.


Game Bred
Legal recreational use sounds like I should be able to smoke in public.

It sounds like I should be able to pass a joint to my 19 year old son.

I can drink in public.

I can buy my 19 year old son a beer.

I'm not against legalization.

I'm against losing the battle we've fought while we're being told we won.

i should be able to go into a storefront and buy LSD
i should be able to grow psilocybin cubensis
i should be able to grow peyote
i should be able to grow without a doctors note...

but we live in the real world and YOU are allowing the pursuit of perfection to be the impediment to progress.

foxy please restate your question ill be happy to answer it..(i dont need to play "you answer my question first")
until then mine remains:
board of directors...criminal enterprise..manufacture...RICO???
im sure i dont have to type it all again? (never got the macro)

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Legal recreational use sounds like I should be able to smoke in public.

It sounds like I should be able to pass a joint to my 19 year old son.

I can drink in public.

I can buy my 19 year old son a beer.

I'm not against legalization.

I'm against losing the battle we've fought while we're being told we won.


you CANT buy your son a beer, not in CA anyway.

you CANT drink in public (you can drink in private businesses, but you cant walk down the street with a tall can)

you CANT smoke ciggarettes in most public places (parks, near businesses, schools, beaches, etc. etc. hell even most bars and restaurants have banned smoking....)

were winning the battle with passing 19, on our way to winning the war, while your already holding up the white flag of defeat
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mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites

you CANT buy your son a beer, not in CA anyway.

you CANT drink in public (you can drink in private businesses, but you cant walk down the street with a tall can)

you CANT smoke ciggarettes in most public places (parks, near businesses, schools, beaches, etc. etc. hell even most bars and restaurants have banned smoking....)

were winning the battle with passing 19, on our way to winning the war, while your already holding up the white flag of defeat

uhhhh.... yes I can buy my son a beer LEGALLY. I can drink in public LEGALLY. I can smoke cigarettes pretty much anywhere I want. In a school, probably not... but in many bars they don't respect the smoking ban law... BECAUSE THEY SHOULDN'T.

It is our duty to disobey unjust laws.

You must have missed the part in my previous post where I told you that I could do all these things.

I'm so sorry that California isn't as allowing of such things... it's a little odd to me that you expect good legislation from such a state.

Did anybody get to vote for the megagrowhouses, or was that a city council decision??

We're only as free as we feel.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
uhhhh.... yes I can buy my son a beer LEGALLY. I can drink in public LEGALLY. I can smoke cigarettes pretty much anywhere I want. In a school, probably not... but in many bars they don't respect the smoking ban law... BECAUSE THEY SHOULDN'T.

It is our duty to disobey unjust laws.

You must have missed the part in my previous post where I told you that I could do all these things.

I'm so sorry that California isn't as allowing of such things... it's a little odd to me that you expect good legislation from such a state.

Did anybody get to vote for the megagrowhouses, or was that a city council decision??

We're only as free as we feel.

so your not even from california and your telling us these things??? wow..... get teh fuck outta here!!!!!

why dont you tell people fucking 15 year olds is legal,,, because it is legal in YOUR state?

why dont you tell people prostitutes is legal,, because it is in YOUR state.

IM TELLING YOU WHATS LEGAL IN CA. and buying for minors is certainly NOT LEGAL,, regardless of what you think... besides vegas and new orelans i know of NO other place that lets you consume alcohol on the street.... and in CA theres almost no places you can smoke ciggarettes in public.....definatly not in restaurants, bars, baseball games, football games, beaches, parks, etc.etc....

im really fucking amazed how much you campaign AGAINST legalization in a state you dont even live in....

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I was simply stating fact.

Am I not welcome?

I was under the impression that this was a community.

What if I'm from another state?

You're not really making me fall all over myself to get to yours.

Take a toke.



Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
omission of fact that makes a huge difference if your talking about laws that are not in ca. This is a Bill for Ca. you guys are talking apples and oranges here it's pretty laughable at this point.
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