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Vote YES or NO on Prop 19

Vote YES or NO on Prop 19

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Game Bred
Your thoughts that a SCOTUS challenge would work because of Prop 19, DESPITE the fact that SCOTUS has already spoken on CA215 stating in Raich v. Ashcroft (recaptioned Gonzales v. Raich [when John Ashcroft resigned and was replaced by Atty. Gen. Gonzales) that MMJ was ILLEGAL federally because the FEDS had the power to regulate INTERSTATE commerce.

SCOTUS determined that EVEN A PERSONAL garden by Ms. Raich was sufficient to eventually reach the stream of commerce and THEREFORE the FEDS could PROHIBIT IT.

did you read justice thomas's brief on the decision?

marijuana had nothing to do with it..
MEDICINE is the reason it is considered "interstate commerce" because medication is under the federal jurisdiction. because it was MEDICINE.

if you read i said 1st RECREATIONAL challenge...

as far as my tone...
i started off cordial enough..but being bombarded with incessany dragonfly bullshit....

how long do you go on being lied to before you say fuck you.

how do you continue to be pleasant when someone tells you why you should go to prison?
ive been more than polite...
not anymore..
"mean" mustard used the iggy button....

what is wrong with yours?

you are not going to change your mind..you think I should be in prison!!!!!
19 would keep me and thousands of others out...

your selectively applied moral stance against this prop is unsupportable
all of your arguments have been debunked by MULTIPLE POSTERS MULTIPLE TIMES yet you continue spouting LIES

BTW its the bill of rights you are arguing with not me ;)

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.


Active member
Interesting to listen to the radicaljusticeman's blog. He makes some very valid points. Monsanto has been trying to get their anti-farm bills passed for some time and it's interesting to note the ruling with the GM sugar beets. I have no interest in doing anything with a strain Monsanto has made. If the Prop 19 passes and one of the anti-farm bills pass there will be laws making the Monsanto strains the only legal ones to grow. I do not like the way Monsanto has money wrapped up in Prop 19. That should set off red flags everywhere!!


Dagnabit, you over did it man. Your post are just rage spasm's at this point. You are denying others of their freedom of choice.
Why should we care about your exaggerated rants anymore. 19 doesn't does not just free everyone at impact, its a small improvement in some area's. Your blowing it out of proportion like its the god send way to freedom.

A better bill would be worth it to a lot of people, and YOUR denying them their freedoms to strive for that better bill. Evan at the cost of their livelihoods that you openly express you give no shit about.


Active member
look at cigarettes and the multibillion dollar monopolies they have, far too much power, they literally "lace" their drugs with completely violent and toxic chemicals and sell and tax it, whats the govt say to all the poison pumped in? nothing more than, where is my check.

Ask yourself how legal tobacco and cigs are? you cant purchase seeds or plants anywhere locally because they try to force you to buy their alternative. My own belief is that they are going to phase out everyone trying to grow it for personal use by making it far to easy to get a cheap chemical laced alternative product than to grow it for yourself.

God knows what they will put in the stuff, if it ever becames tolerated... NOT LEGALIZED.. WIPE YOUR ASS AND SMELL THE SHIT ON THE BUMBOCLATT! THIS IS NOT FREEDOM FOR THE CANNABIS PLANT nor is it LEGAL MARIJUANA as the exact legislation says it is!..

lol what kinda bullshit is that to say... for lack of a better analagy and at the on chance of me having absolutely no relevence. The cannabis plant is kunta kinte and all prop 19 is doing. is whipping the shit out of it and calling it Toby.

Anyone recieve the voter prop information ballots with the Pros and cons in it?

I dont understand, under the cons it says. Education could face losing trillions of dollars in funding, how does this have anything to do with losing school funding? The other cons in there such as Jobs will be lost? how are jobs lost due to it passing, none of the true cons are represented to the sheeple who truly have no idea about the logistics of the prop.

60 elbows a day... FUCK ME RICK, you cant even walk! DOWN WITH JOKESTERDAM! buy a plane ticket and take a real vacation.


Active member
Interesting to listen to the radicaljusticeman's blog. He makes some very valid points. Monsanto has been trying to get their anti-farm bills passed for some time and it's interesting to note the ruling with the GM sugar beets. I have no interest in doing anything with a strain Monsanto has made. If the Prop 19 passes and one of the anti-farm bills pass there will be laws making the Monsanto strains the only legal ones to grow. I do not like the way Monsanto has money wrapped up in Prop 19. That should set off red flags everywhere!!

I see nothing in prop19 about that. Can you point to the section where it says only certain strains will be legal? Where does it say Monsanto is the only one allowed to sell strains?

Are you talking about some mythical law that will be passed if prop 19 is passed, but the principles involved would have no interest in passing the bill if it fails? Do you really believe that mj opponents would be satisfied if 19 fails and they'll leave 215 alone?


Game Bred
A better bill would be worth it to a lot of people, and YOUR denying them their freedoms to strive for that better bill. Evan at the cost of their livelihoods that you openly express you give no shit about.

can you please link me to the better bill on the ballot this november dear sir or madam (as the case may be) if it does not indispose you terribly?:thank you:


Freedom Fighter
can you please link me to the better bill on the ballot this november dear sir or madam (as the case may be) if it does not indispose you terribly?:thank you:

LMMFAO!! Dude...that is genuinely funny-- But only because of circumstances leading up to this nicety!! :laughing:
I had to mention it, cuz I couldn't give you Rep again--:tiphat:

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
read my other posts and say that again...

I understand you have been fighting with others on the boards about this for some time now so let me just say swords down man..I'm not with the "anti 19" crowd nor do I want cannabis/canna people to stay illegal but I am skeptical and have honest questions...I don't own a clinic or sell to a clinic for profit

so please clear them up for us...

1. Will Prop 19 make it easier to phase out medical marijuana?

I feel everyone should be allowed to use cannabis completely free like if it were rosemary or parsley..With 19 being passed, are we going to see a distancing from cannabis being what it is, a medicine??? or at least in the general view of the public?? to equate it with alcohol and tobacco doesn't look like a medicine anymore...

If this law allows medical users to keep their rights and allows people without medical use to still use it then that's awesome I just wanted to clear up the obvious grey area here...

We are all gonna keep doing what we are doing...a push towards legalization and integration into society has my vote...

please keep good vibes on the ICmag, this is one of the few forums that still bring that vibe so keep that torch lit :ying:

It seems like it will have a definite effect...I don't own a clinic or sell to a clinic for profit

Well I do run a dispensary and my lawyer as well as authors of 19 tell me that 19 won't effect 215 and furthermore it should take the aim off of us and make it easier to operate.


Interesting to listen to the radicaljusticeman's blog. He makes some very valid points. Monsanto has been trying to get their anti-farm bills passed for some time and it's interesting to note the ruling with the GM sugar beets. I have no interest in doing anything with a strain Monsanto has made. If the Prop 19 passes and one of the anti-farm bills pass there will be laws making the Monsanto strains the only legal ones to grow. I do not like the way Monsanto has money wrapped up in Prop 19. That should set off red flags everywhere!!

That guy is full of shit and has implicated one of us in his writings. Take what he says with a grain of salt. Bet he wont come on here and call that person out he has implicated.

This is more of that crap minus the reference to the member mentioned in the article. Told you it was coming, didnt I?


Active member
I see nothing in prop19 about that. Can you point to the section where it says only certain strains will be legal? Where does it say Monsanto is the only one allowed to sell strains?

Are you talking about some mythical law that will be passed if prop 19 is passed, but the principles involved would have no interest in passing the bill if it fails? Do you really believe that mj opponents would be satisfied if 19 fails and they'll leave 215 alone?

I guess Monsanto has gotten good hearted and just up and out of nowhere and for no reason decided to throw money towards getting prop 19 passed. There's absolutely nothing for them to gain from it. It's not like the looseness of prop 19 would allow for some regulations to be implemented like those on tobacco growing. And who would stand to benefit from that?...oh Monsanto that's right. Maybe one day you will be able to buy cancer in a pack, grown right from cannabis, and marketed by big business. Oh wait we all know that the Oak mega-warehouses are 100% organic :laughing:


Active member
Well I do run a dispensary and my lawyer as well as authors of 19 tell me that 19 won't effect 215 and furthermore it should take the aim off of us and make it easier to operate.

Lawyers I have spoken with did not concur with your lawyers views. Lawyers I have spoken with say that the bill leaves people open to arrest if they are a medical patient who medicated on a property where kids live. Also there are space and number limits that can be enforced by local LE. This means that if big canna-industry wants to call you in for being a patient making meds in a larger than 5'x5' area you can, at the discretion of LE, be arrested. 1 plant outdoors can get bigger than 5'x5'. This bill will make patients unable to make enough meds for themselves and will be forced to buy the commercial crap that big business will offer. I have said it before and I will say it again- This is not legalization. This is commercialization!!!


I guess Monsanto has gotten good hearted and just up and out of nowhere and for no reason decided to throw money towards getting prop 19 passed. There's absolutely nothing for them to gain from it. It's not like the looseness of prop 19 would allow for some regulations to be implemented like those on tobacco growing. And who would stand to benefit from that?...oh Monsanto that's right. Maybe one day you will be able to buy cancer in a pack, grown right from cannabis, and marketed by big business. Oh wait we all know that the Oak mega-warehouses are 100% organic :laughing:


Interesting to listen to the radicaljusticeman's blog. He makes some very valid points. Monsanto has been trying to get their anti-farm bills passed for some time and it's interesting to note the ruling with the GM sugar beets. I have no interest in doing anything with a strain Monsanto has made. If the Prop 19 passes and one of the anti-farm bills pass there will be laws making the Monsanto strains the only legal ones to grow. I do not like the way Monsanto has money wrapped up in Prop 19. That should set off red flags everywhere!!

Nice bit of scaremongering there Feb2006er. Monsanto huh??? Got any real evidence of this or is it simply a case of dubious conspiracy theory thrown intot the mix in the hope it sticks. Fact: People will grow their own or purchase strains from cottage industry growers rather than support the likes of Monsanto.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Lawyers I have spoken with did not concur with your lawyers views. Lawyers I have spoken with say that the bill leaves people open to arrest if they are a medical patient who medicated on a property where kids live. Also there are space and number limits that can be enforced by local LE. This means that if big canna-industry wants to call you in for being a patient making meds in a larger than 5'x5' area you can, at the discretion of LE, be arrested. 1 plant outdoors can get bigger than 5'x5'. This bill will make patients unable to make enough meds for themselves and will be forced to buy the commercial crap that big business will offer. I have said it before and I will say it again- This is not legalization. This is commercialization!!!

How is this any different than what we have now? At least with 19 we will have defense in court. It won't force patients to do anything as this proposition does not effect the medical marijuana system currently in place in California. My friend just pulled almost 24oz out of a 4x4 and this is only his 2nd run. Plenty enough for personal use. A 5x5 outdoor plant could yield pounds, coupled with a indoor grow in off season it would be very easy for the majority of smokers to be self sufficent should they choose nit to purchase from "big business". 19 is legalization, maybe not "your" version of it, but that's what many others will view it as... This proposition is a decent compromise for smokers and non smokers alike and it is certainly a step in the right direction.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I got 6lbs regularly from my 4.7x4.7x7. Remember we pull a harvest every 3 months. If you cant grow enough to suport your needs in a 5x5 you dont know how to grow. I could go down from 6 and still have plenty for myself. Quality over quantity. Those are the same bullshit stories you keep saying but none of it is factual. Take some time and read the bill.

Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
I got 6lbs regularly from my 4.7x4.7x7. Remember we pull a harvest every 3 months. If you cant grow enough to suport your needs in a 5x5 you dont know how to grow. I could go down from 6 and still have plenty for myself. Quality over quantity. Those are the same bullshit stories you keep saying but none of it is factual. Take some time and read the bill.

Uhhh.... o_O

So you're telling me you pulled 6lbs, 2724 grams, or dry bud from an area of 4.7'Wx4.7'Lx7'T. In other words off of the typical 1000w area you got 2.7grams per watt?

Hmmm...... I don't know how to politely say what I want to say... so I guess I wont say it.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
no I'm not read my post. over my 9 month grow cycle yes I did to me regularly is my annual yield. I do not know how to say politely you cant read either. As I stated my harvests are every 3 months so I get about 2lbs every 3 months. I can do better then that. I also use 2 1k in that size tent if I need to with air cooled hood. I only use both if it's really packed in there so. You should chill brother.
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vote no= not letting big business take over

something better will come along than prop 19

Yeah what would that be? Legalization invariably means big business will move in and try to gain market share. That's better than prisons being big business.

Vote No = a Vote for prohibition.


Freedom Fighter
Someone is lying here...for the sake of argument I will assume it is your Lawyer--

Lawyers I have spoken with did not concur with your lawyers views. Lawyers I have spoken with say that the bill leaves people open to arrest if they are a medical patient who medicated on a property where kids live.

No, 19 says,
smoking cannabis in any space while minors are present.
Simply means that you cannot smoke with kids in the room with you--

Also there are space and number limits that can be enforced by local LE. This means that if big canna-industry wants to call you in for being a patient making meds in a larger than 5'x5' area you can, at the discretion of LE, be arrested. 1 plant outdoors can get bigger than 5'x5'. This bill will make patients unable to make enough meds for themselves and will be forced to buy the commercial crap that big business will offer. I have said it before and I will say it again- This is not legalization. This is commercialization!!!

Yeah, we got that....5X5 sucks...now you can only grow enough for personal...if you want to sling, you'll still have to be an Outlaw-- But it does not effect Med Patients-- Please show me where it says it will cancel out 215??
BTW...do you really think that "Big Business" will be lurking about...looking in ppl's back yards?? Really??
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