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Vote YES or NO on Prop 19

Vote YES or NO on Prop 19

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But fuck prop 19. And i seriously cant believe any informed person in this state would vote no on 23. But it looks like thats the case...fuck

Are you serious chump?

Any person with half a conscience voted no on 23. California's environmental standards need to be beefed up if anything. We're the only state helping push things forward in this assbackwards country. That bullshit proposition was bankrolled by texas oilmen who don't want to comply, simple as that. No way it would lead to substantial economic benefits for real people - just more $ for already rich.

Clean energy is the only growing industry in our state that is poised to create meaningful jobs for the masses in the coming decade. Oil is a thing of the past, and an agent for reactionary idiocy the world over.

Do you want to see the same shit that happened in the gulf happen right off the Santa Barbara coastline? I sure as hell don't.


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
I'm not saying you're unable to vote however you want, but I implore you to prove to me how voting against a bill that would cease the imprisonment of people for cannabis related matters in any way helps the cannabis movement.

get that thru your schwag smoking skull, ok?

as much as it sucks... the people that voted PERIOD should be commended for doing their civic duty regardless of how they voted, or why.

those that didnt vote - those are the folks you need to be interrogating smart ass... maybe you can talk some sense into them and get them to the polls next time. :thank you:

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
"I sincerely hope you become imprisoned for cannabis. Maybe then you'll actually see what the fuck is wrong with it being illegal."

Once again, way to not bold the latter half of that statement.

^that is not cool BettySmith. the more people in jail for weed the worse off we all are. get a clue. dont hate people just because there opinion is different. wishing prison is pretty damn hateful:ying:



get that thru your schwag smoking skull, ok?

as much as it sucks... the people that voted PERIOD should be commended for doing their civic duty regardless of how they voted, or why.

those that didnt vote - those are the folks you need to be interrogating smart ass... maybe you can talk some sense into them and get them to the polls next time. :thank you:

Did I ever say you voted no? Did I once say that? Please, find it and quote me. It's a statement directed to those who decided to vote no.

And schwag? Lawl. Funny stuff right there.


^that is not cool BettySmith. the more people in jail for weed the worse off we all are. get a clue. dont hate people just because there opinion is different. wishing prison is pretty damn hateful:ying:

Which is exactly why voting against the bill which would STOP PUTTING PEOPLE IN JAIL FOR WEED is wrong.

How is this not blatantly evident?


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
well your question sure seemed aimed at me, slick...

as you quoted me in your response
I'm not saying you're unable to vote however you want, but I implore you to prove to me how voting against a bill that would cease the imprisonment of people for cannabis related matters in any way helps the cannabis movement.

like i said, you are talking at the wrong folks...


Excuse me for heading off on a tangent, but I couldn't let that little nugget of stupidity fly.

As for 19, we should know in an hour or two. Cool your jets everybody. It's sad the opportunity to push things forward wasn't a unifier for the community, but let's not get at each others' throats, eh?


What a scummy thing to say. If this site had an ignore list feature, Bettysmith would be going straight on to mine. :moon:

I fully understand and relate to both sides of the issue. Everyone involved is simply looking out for their own interests. I'm pretty sure that's the purpose of having a democracy...

Say what you want, but if prop19 wasn't so flawed then it would be passing by a landslide and we all know that.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
Which is exactly why voting against the bill which would STOP PUTTING PEOPLE IN JAIL FOR WEED is wrong.

How is this not blatantly evident?

it is, i would have voted yes if i lived in cali, but i dont hate the other growers that voted no.


why is this all a pissing match?

and why is it we know who is president HOURS before polls close....yet we have no clue on where prop 19 stands?

jus sayin.....


Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
What a scummy thing to say. If this site had an ignore list feature, Bettysmith would be going straight on to mine. :moon:

:yeahthats unless she is a hot 25 year old single woman, then i 'll just pretend to listen and nod my head.


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
I fully understand and relate to both sides of the issue. Everyone involved is simply looking out for their own interests. I'm pretty sure that's the purpose of having a democracy...

no bro
betty wants things her way
its a betocracy not democracy.... either way its a fucking sham and we're all getting fucked with no lube

*and to my friends and comrades in other states not having the luxuries we have here in california i apologize for my shit talking about where folks live... i know its not cool to do (like make of fun of someone for how they look)... i get emotional and just start firing shots.... my bad*


well your question sure seemed aimed at me, slick...

as you quoted me in your response

like i said, you are talking at the wrong folks...

The wrong folks? From what I understand, there is a fair amount of people in this thread who voted no for various reasons, most of which as I seem to understand them stem from loss of profit.


New member
yep. the west coast does have it good. The best weed and the woman are so easy to manipulate. There are a few good one though, but those are the ones that lead to trouble




Tropical Outcast

I sincerely hope you become imprisoned for cannabis. Maybe then you'll actually see what the fuck is wrong with it being illegal.


Who are you making the statements you are making!?

I just went through all of your currently 86 posts and all you are worried about is stash eating dogs, posts about emotion and the size of Bic lighters.

Not one single post about growing, not one single post about helping people to grow.

So who are you again wishing prison on Prop 19 "No" voters?



Who are you making the statements you are making!?

I just went through all of your currently 86 posts and all you are worried about is stash eating dogs, posts about emotion and the size of Bic lighters.

Not one single post about growing, not one single post about helping people to grow.

So who are you again wishing prison on Prop 19 "No" voters?

False statement is false. I have a thread in the micro grow forums about a design for a PC grow case, with several posts in it which are mine. Unfortunately that opportunity fell though.

I have limited first hand experience growing cannabis, but I use this website to relay as much information as possible to friends of mine whom I have helped grow.

Aside from this, I was under the belief that this website was dictated towards those who appreciate cannabis, and not only grow it.

Those who would rather not be in jail for using the plant we all come here for.

That statement, as you could tell if you even read the OP it was in, was directed at Krunchbubble.
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