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Vote YES or NO on Prop 19

Vote YES or NO on Prop 19

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mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
As much as I'd like to see it, I doubt the public gets to decide on what's impaired.

It's going to be up to those who benefit everytime they get a confirmed ticket.


Bong Smoking News Hound
Wait how is this going to stop federal raids?

It will stop federal raids, when we get it to a scheduled 2 drug. Which will take time. But we are 13 years into it already.. Are we going to stop now??????

No. Pay our dues, us California people are on the front lines, We go to court, to WIN. More we WIN, the more they know they have lost.

End of story. Small steps... small steps....

Prop 19 exempts medical marijuana from being Taxed. The raids are based on Tax Evasion.. This is how it will end Raids!!!! As that is the only thing they have over Clubs... They are not going after growers they are going after Clubs. Not patients. Clubs..

Big Business making hand over fist. 1 million dollars plus a year, make the feds go crazy!!!!

Because thats money they want! They are now using Tax Evasion as there cause for raids..

Exempt from being taxed, They have now lost there court cases....

Proof is in the text of the bill.. Vote yes on prop 19, to end federal attacks on law abiding citizens, for freedom. Do not let Fear run your life!


Active member
new tourism campaign 11-3-10​


I laughed at this. Thank you


Active member
As much as I'd like to see it, I doubt the public gets to decide on what's impaired.

It's going to be up to those who benefit everytime they get a confirmed ticket.

True words there my brother. Its so sad that this is true, but true it is. Hopefully in our lifetime we will see a change to this. One step at a time.


the evidence is the guy who i original quoted from, a political-science professor at San Jose State, he has nothing to do with prop 19, its just how the history of voting goes.......

it wont, he's hoping.......

im not coming around! im saying "damn", you guys are not close.....
Kind of gloating over the "score"? Wait until game over first KB!


Bong Smoking News Hound
Remember that Herborizer is a medical ONLY patient.

Some patients still think high is bad.

The influence on driving cannabis has isn't harmful as it is helpful.

This is within reasonable influence however... if you ate four edibles...

i agree with you 100 percent. No way in hell am i even driving after 1 edible! I've had some strong medicine before!

field sobriety test is how they check anyone who's impaired on any drug or alcohol dont believe the hype. peace

exactly!!! Field sobriety test are not mandatory either. You can deny to take one, But you do have to submit to a Breathalyser, or Blood Alcohol level test any time asked to by an officer.

They cant prove you been smoking marijuana! Impossible. Now, the person who doesn't smoke much, or never does. Most likely will be too impaired to drive... So for us who do smoke every day, just because it makes us better, more cautious drivers, doesn't mean, it makes others people worse drivers. So regarding impairment, i agree with this section, as driving should be taken serious, peoples LIVES are at stake here! And not everyone can handle there Weed!

Ask any lawyer in California. Deny any Field Sobriety test, as they are pretty much all have major loop holes, and depend solely on the officers discretion. And i dont trust any one person to make that decision if i am impaired or not.

Say your ABC's Backwards, Walk a straight line, follow my pen with your eyes, count to 60 and say when, Tilt your head back, Hold up one leg, You getting what im saying here? I have horrible balance as is, as i have a PAIN DISORDER! LOL

DUI by marijuana is almost impossible, if you are truly not too High to drive. IF you are fine, you are fine. Difference is, You dont get overly confident with marijuana, you are more cautious and aware. This you know, if you are too high to drive. And most likely wont. Versus a drinker, who thinks he can race his mustang after a visit to the local Bar. Then kill a couple as they pass a car on the highway. They normally walk away without a scratch. Its amazing...

Once again. Sobriety field test are optional, not mandatory, although the way they ask you, make it sound mandatory...

This is in California, im not too sure about other states. Can any one clarify this for other states?

thats funny, because all of the "yes" voters were saying how they will be able to drive and burn after prop 19 passes because there is no way to test for under the influence, and that cops can now do anything about it.....this was dozens of pages ago, maybe another thread on prop 19, SFC talked about this at legnth....

now that you saw this quote, all of a sudden its all bad because a no on 19 person said it, the irony.....

You are a funny Guy. I didn't speak of driving and marijuana the way you are implying it. Nice play on words though. Now you are creating rumors and you bet your but im gonna call you out on it. Where did i glorify how we can Burn and Drive. I Made Very valid points about transporting more than an ounce, and how Probable cause will be no longer in effect, because marijuana is legal. And how there is no test regarding marijuana and driving, and how In my opinion, will never have one. And i am not going through that argument again with you.

Now read my first part of this post, and that explains my point of view on the subject matter to the fullest.

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Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
You are a funny Guy. I didn't speak of driving and marijuana the way you are implying it. Nice play on words though. Now you are creating rumors and you bet your but im gonna call you out on it. Where did i glorify how we can Burn and Drive. I Made Very valid points about transporting more than an ounce, and how Probable cause will be no longer in effect, because marijuana is legal. And how there is no test regarding marijuana and driving, and how In my opinion, will never have one. And i am not going through that argument again with you.


i actually took the time to find your quote's on what you said to prove a point. when i found where they were supposed to be, the thread was heavily modded by jjscorpio. remember that one? when you overstepped your boundary as a moderator and he had to take over.....


Bong Smoking News Hound
i actually took the time to find your quote's on what you said to prove a point. when i found where they were supposed to be, the thread was heavily modded by jjscorpio. remember that one? when you overstepped your boundary as a moderator and he had to take over.....

once again, not the case. But nice try... of trying to make me look like a bad person, because im a mod. And i participate in threads? OMG!!!!! LOL. You are once again, lying, and ruining your credibility. Sad you resort to these tactics, once again.... It was modded because it went off topic. Like you are doing. AGAIN. LOL



Active member

Pot Reformers Suggest That Citizens Are Unwilling to Tell Pollsters Their True Voter Preferences on Prop 19.

Political momentum and international attention is building around California's Proposition 19. On Election Day, Nov. 2, voters could very well make the Golden State the first in the country to legalize recreational possession of pot.

The pot battle, which gives progressives, liberals and libertarians something strongly affirmative to vote for, is in stark contrast to most of the media coverage this election year. The corporate media continues to be obsessed with the Tea Party's attacks on government and everything Obama, and its special project of sexualizing "grizzly mama" candidates.

While many polls have consistently shown that a majority of voters are favorably inclined toward Prop 19, some recent polls have shown some erosion in support. But in an unusual development, pot reformers are strongly suggesting a phenomenon they call the "reverse Bradley effect" -- voters, perhaps because of lingering judgment around drug use, are unwilling to express their true voter preferences to live pollsters, but will in fact vote for legal pot when they get in the voting booth.

Backing this theory up, the Yes on 19 campaign released an internal poll on Friday showing that likely voters support the initiative to control and tax marijuana by a margin of 56-41 when presented with an automated questionnaire.

"As the polling shows, there still seems to be somewhat of a social stigma attached to marijuana and the politics surrounding it," said Dan Newman, a political strategist working with the Yes on 19 campaign. "We're confident that when Californians find themselves in the privacy of voting booths on Nov. 2, they will vote to end decades of failed and harmful marijuana policies. Very few people think the current policy is working."

New York Times analyst Nate Silver has also speculated about the potential reverse Bradley effect, indicating that voters may be uncomfortable telling strangers how they would vote on controversial policies.

The Bradley effect is named for Tom Bradley, an African American who ran for governor of California in 1982. The polls leading up to the election gave Bradley a clear lead, but he narrowly lost on election night, to the Republican candidate George Deukmejian, much to everyone's surprise. The same thing happened to African American gubernatorial candidate Doug Wilder in Virginia in 1989. The Bradley effect, of course, is directly related to race; presumably people tell pollsters they are voting for the black candidate, but in the privacy of the voting booth they vote for the white guy. Some feared this might happen when Barack Obama ran against John McCain, but there is little evidence that it did.

As the site Wisegeek explains, "One of the primary explanations for the Bradley Effect is racial. Pollsters have suggested that voters may not want to admit to planning to vote against a black candidate, because they fear being perceived as racist, especially when the pollster is black. Polling organizations have also suggested that the Bradley Effect could be caused by undecided voters, many of whom lean in a conservative direction on election night."

Whether the phenomenon of polling and voter booth discrepancy will work to Prop 19's advantage is any one's guess. But the large numbers of pot users in California and the negative impact of anti-drug policies, including huge racial discrepancies in arrests, may make this a reason to mobilize the minority communities in California. A new report was released from the Drug Policy Alliance and the California Conference of the NAACP on October 22, on the targeting of African Americans for low-level marijuana possession in California. The report reveals that an astonishing 850,000 arrests for possession of small amounts of marijuana have been made in California over the past 20 years. The people arrested were disproportionately African Americans and Latinos, mostly young men, and that from 2006 through 2008, "police in 25 of California's major cities have arrested blacks for low-level marijuana possession at four, five, six, seven and even twelve times the rate of whites."

New York Times columnist Charles Blow explains these shocking statistics are the product of a "callous political calculus."

"It's an easy and relatively cheap way for them to buy a tough-on-crime badge while simultaneously pleasing police unions," Blow writes. "The fact that they are ruining the lives of hundreds of thousands of black and Hispanic men and, by extension, the communities they belong to barely seems to register."

The Yes on 19 campaign has just launched its first ad encouraging voters to say yes to legalization. Former San Jose Chief of Police Joe McNamara explains how the war on marijuana has completely failed. By taxing and controlling cannabis, he says, we'll generate billions of dollars for our local communities, cut down on violent crime, and put violent cartels out of business. Watch the ad here: http://yeson19.com/ad


There is a on the site swab test for your mouth, if i recall correct. So curb side testing is a fact. CHP has already ordered the new Cannabis testing kits.. I read that a couple months ago.. so asking people to count or do the alphabet is no longer a issue for the law.

I just heard a no on 19 ad on the local hippie station I think the no side are getting desperate dont you think ? :D on a side note I always drive slower when I'm stoned somtimes I have to make myself go faster than 55 mph :rasta:


Throbbing Member

DUI by marijuana is almost impossible, if you are truly not too High to drive. IF you are fine, you are fine. Difference is, You dont get overly confident with marijuana, you are more cautious and aware. This you know, if you are too high to drive. And most likely wont. Versus a drinker, who thinks he can race his mustang after a visit to the local Bar. Then kill a couple as they pass a car on the highway. They normally walk away without a scratch. Its amazing......

I call bullshit on that. You are impaired plain and simple and should NOT be driving a car while high.

If you do not trust the opinion of the office to be truthfull in evaluating a field sobriety test, then have them video record it there or at the station.

If you smoke don't drive PERIOD!!!!


Active member
There is a on the site swab test for your mouth, if i recall correct. So curb side testing is a fact. CHP has already ordered the new Cannabis testing kits.. I read that a couple months ago.. so asking people to count or do the alphabet is no longer a issue for the law.

I remember seeing this about 2 weeks ago and you just reminded me:
Saliva Test for Drug Drivers now a step closer

Universal Sensors show potential for a 5 minute test to detect trace levels of multiple illegal drugs
PRLog (Press Release)Sep 16, 2010 – Earlier this year, the North Review of Drink and Drug Driving Law highlighted the value of a spit test to catch drug drivers. Testing for drugs in saliva is very challenging, but findings announced today by Universal Sensors Ltd (Cambridge, UK) show that its Vantix biosensor technology can detect trace quantities of both cocaine and cannabis in saliva within minutes.

In 2008, drug use was identified as a contributing factor in 3% of deaths on British roads. But the number of accidents that are attributed to drug driving is likely to be a gross underestimate, partly because of the difficulty in detecting drug use. A test based on a non-invasive sample such as saliva would reduce the time and resources required to identify drug drivers.

Dr. Peter Swarbrick, who together with Dr. Olga Leonardova led the research for the new test at Universal Sensors, says: “A major hurdle in the development of a test is that saliva is a very difficult sample to analyse. It contains proteins, fats, sugars and mucus (as well as interfering residues from tobacco, coffee, tea and prescribed medicines), all of which can reduce the sensitivity and specificity of a test.”

“We were really pleased with the sensitivity achieved by our technology, which can detect as little a 1 ng/ml of Benzoylecgonine (a metabolite of cocaine) and 5 ng/ml of tetrahydrocannabinol (the main psychoactive substance in cannabis). Both of these were achieved without having to clean or pre-treat the saliva sample. This is well within the target sensitivities recommended in the recent report by DRUID, an EU-funded consortium studying ‘Driving under the Influence of Drugs, Alcohol and Medicines’.”

The misuse of drugs can cause inattention, poor coordination, slowed reaction time, and an inability to keep in lanes. Sir Peter North CBE QC recently published his Review of the Drink and Drug Driving Law, which highlighted the gravity of the problem, and made a number of recommendations. This included the development of a ‘drugalyser’ device, which would allow police officers to quickly screen drivers suspected of being impaired through the use of drugs, without the need to take a blood sample.

The current procedure is that when police pull over a driver they suspect to be unfit to drive they perform a Field Impairment Test (FIT), which looks at pupil dilation, balance and coordination. This is an extremely useful tool to identify drivers who are unfit to drive, but in order to confirm any impairment is related to drug use, a blood test must be performed.

The blood tests are laboratory based and require a medical professional trained in forensics to take a sample. The ease of breathalysing relative to the difficulty of taking a blood sample is a major factor in causing drug driving offences to go undetected. Drugs and alcohol are often consumed simultaneously, but once the police have detected alcohol they are unlikely to go to the effort of drug testing. A test which can be performed on untreated saliva by a member of the police force would save police time and resources, and increase the proportion of drug driver convictions, making the roads safer for all.

The DRUID consortium reported that none of the commercially available tests for multiple drugs in one saliva sample showed sufficient sensitivity, specificity and accuracy for all of the separate components. Universal Sensors have demonstrated the effectiveness of their technology in tests for the priority targets cocaine and cannabis, and they are confident that it will be equally robust in tests for other drugs.

Dr Swarbrick continues, “Using our multi-sensor Vantix chips, we are now in a position to develop a multi-drug detector which is fast and easy enough to be used by non-medical staff without specialist training. It will provide a simple confirmation of the presence or absence of the drug. Blood tests then only need to be performed on individuals whose saliva test is positive.”

The Vantix biosensor has the potential to provide police with a straightforward, unambiguous test result, which would help identify drug drivers and secure convictions. Such a sensitive technology would make a zero tolerance approach to drug drivers possible for the first time.

- ENDS -




it's not gonna make the public schools any better, thats for damn sure...

please, vote no. don't try to fix something thats not broken. California right now is like ganja paradise.


Active member


it's not gonna make the public schools any better, thats for damn sure...

please, vote no. don't try to fix something thats not broken. California right now is like ganja paradise.
How nice for you, because the rest of the world is ganja hell right now, but hey, fuck the rest of the people huh?
Long as things are good for you, who cares about anyone else?

Way to think extremely small and selfish.




It has always been Lee's dream to divert profits from hard-working growers and dealers to greedy politicians and cops


Active member
all the half assed growers are shitting bricks knowing they will either have to make their gardens more efficient or throw in the towel. i feel no pain whatsover for those losers. they weren't in it for the right reason anyway.


Active member
It will stop federal raids, when we get it to a scheduled 2 drug. Which will take time. But we are 13 years into it already.. Are we going to stop now??????

No. Pay our dues, us California people are on the front lines, We go to court, to WIN. More we WIN, the more they know they have lost.

End of story. Small steps... small steps....

Prop 19 exempts medical marijuana from being Taxed. The raids are based on Tax Evasion.. This is how it will end Raids!!!! As that is the only thing they have over Clubs... They are not going after growers they are going after Clubs. Not patients. Clubs..

Big Business making hand over fist. 1 million dollars plus a year, make the feds go crazy!!!!

Because thats money they want! They are now using Tax Evasion as there cause for raids..

Exempt from being taxed, They have now lost there court cases....

Proof is in the text of the bill.. Vote yes on prop 19, to end federal attacks on law abiding citizens, for freedom. Do not let Fear run your life!

just like Alcohol Prohibition and how they got Al Capone.

pay your taxes folks.
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