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Vintage Colombian


Well-known member
I do press rosin occasionally however I use a hair straighter so it's very rudimentary. I don't get good yeilds with my sativa flower. Crippy on the other hand is very good yields but smoking it isn't that good. I like the sativa rosin as an evening treat and like I said I don't dab it so it's not too intense. More than rosin I prefer dry sift but sometimes I'll press some rosin for a chance of pace.
MHZ x SMG rosin is just like the flower in effect but much stronger of course. Nice clear motivational in the morning and relaxing in the PM. I can't keep rosin very long.

red rider

red rider

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ICMag Donor
I usually don't post pictures of my hashish because I don't have proper screens to do it correctly. But this some dirty sift made with my SMG plant. Not full melt but sticky and potent.

I also make bubble when bags are available, it's nice. If you ever wondered what Colombian dry sift is like, it's good.

It got nice and dark as I worked it with just the heat from my hand.

red rider


Well-known member
It was summer of 78. Friends and I were playing pool. Our guy shows up, with an lb of SMG. He said, "I have another lb, but it's pure red." He the gave us a nice chunk of it, we ended up with 5 nice joints. One buddy bought 2 ounces, then would only break it out for special occasions. He would save all the seeds. It lasted a few years, and towards the end, we sifted those seeds thru screens over and over. It was GOOD TO THE LAST DROP.

Ever since, I always wished it was still available. I am always googling SMG, and saw your posts years ago. Now heare I am again enjoying your posts.

I remember a Feb 1979 Times Magazine article about the Colombian Connection. There were pictures of cannabis crops that I swear looked Gold, but still on the plant. Huge fields of it. I could be wrong, but I am going to buy that magazine on ebay or somewhere just to see the pics again. The article is online, but not the pictures.

red rider

Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Excelente story man, thanks. I too remember that HT article "The Colombian connection". Those were the days for sure. But rest assured that even today amist all the hybrid's being grown in Colombia, the old school is still being grown.
01 03 20 B.jpg

It may be a stupid idea to most but I believe that the vintage Colombian is going to return bigger and better than ever before. The world will be a better place. God bless all who read my words.

red rider

red rider

Well-known member
ICMag Donor
It was a beautiful day today and calm evening.
The view is incredible as the clouds spill over the high mountains in the distance. Now is the time that the rider has the last cup of coffee with some nice sift.

This picture is actually taken from my neighbor who moved here from Seattle to start one of Colombias first canna friendly B&B. Is it a coincidence? Maybe or maybe a manifestation of thoughts.

red rider


Well-known member
Alright, that’s it! I’m looking for screens!

Alright, that’s it! I’m looking for screens!

I know that there’s great weed now days, I mean with the internet and IC Mag, most everyone is a top notch grower. It blows my mind to think that I’m talking to the guy that invented skunk and talking to famous growers and breeders. Absolutely amazing, I feel empowered!

With hash I can see both sides of this kind of. I was stationed in Germany during the early eighties and there was no bud. But the hash was world class and cheap. First year there I forgot all about bud all together, loving the exoticness of the hash. Second years still happy with hash but HT pictures had me missing the bud. Third year someone brought an OZ of “lumbo” (from NYC) back with them from leave and I reunited with the bud. I agree with the bud foreplay being important and Sam’s response leads me to say. The reason most growers/smokers don’t enjoy dry sift hash is because we don’t have enough bud to make hash. Yeah sure you can make hash from the trim so not to waste but that hash is much different than what comes from the best flowers under a skillful sifter. When you handle enough flowers to extract only the purest heads smoking the flowers is like eating a banana with the peel.


Pit stop on the way to Paipa




Now days it seems all but a few remember or even care about the older strains that were once so popular. The new strains are indeed fantastic with their pretty colors and huge abundant glands, smells and aromas. And the effects are cutting edge bringing our plant to a true medical status. I love it, I plan to grow and explore this new plant


But what I really have passion for is the plant I’m smoking now, Colombian primo, not just Colombian but the rare unique strains that have stood the test of time. The uniquely Colombian effect of not being a traditional “Sativa” effect but not an “Indica” either has a much forgotten merit. This unique cannabinoid can be passed on in its genes and is felt as a warm happy uplifting sensation. As if the warm Colombian sunshine is washing over your mind. This is real medicine and we need this in our lives to escape the cold bitterness of the world. Colombian cannabis is a tropical vacation for your head, has been and will be again.
I’m talking to the guy that invented skunk... love it

red rider

Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Things are happening, wheels are turning and words are being put to purpose. It just takes so much time that I have to constantly remind myself that we are moving forward. It's never as easy as I think it should be but I can't do everything at once. But I've got the genetics and now I have the farm in a climate I like (it's not perfect but good) so now I'll get to work.

red rider


Well-known member
Things are happening, wheels are turning and words are being put to purpose. It just takes so much time that I have to constantly remind myself that we are moving forward. It's never as easy as I think it should be but I can't do everything at once. But I've got the genetics and now I have the farm in a climate I like (it's not perfect but good) so now I'll get to work.

red rider
I wish I could play some part in bringing SMG back the masses... Ironic that my horoscope says this today....
"Look even farther ahead today. You need to be thinking really long term, possibly in terms of generations. Your big ideas are worth pursuing even if you might not see all of their effects. "

red rider

Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Well week one at the new finca and still finding the best location to work on my current project. The climate here is not like in town although it's only a few klicks away. A little colder a little winder but still good sun and relitivly low humidity.

red rider


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New member
I have some pure colombian black thats about to get played with, also was gifted some cuts Vietnamese Black Female and Male and Pure Chocolate Thai 2x pheno male and 1x female from @snowhigh, little bit of a tangent back to what i posted for the colombian black which will be worked with these strains. Will keep yall up to date!


Well-known member
Why not plant the world with cannabis?
2 good reasons (Tell me if I'm crazy)

1. A recent study by Hudson Carbon, a New York research center that is focused on carbon storage, suggests that 1 acre of cannabis plants can absorb over 7 tons of carbon dioxide from the air and store up to 3 of those tons.

2. My dad was born in 1926. He told me when he was a kid, flocks of Starlings would blacken the sky.
When I was a kid in the 70's, there would be flocks of Starlings. They did not blacken the sky, but a long line of them maybe 50 birds wide, would seemingly fly over/past where we would be sitting, for up to 20 minutes.
Today, when I see a flock, it usually takes a minute or 2 to pass, and there are only about 20 birds wide.
I may be crazy, but I often thought hemp was grown up until about 1936. Back then, the birds got so much hemp seed, it could have sustained those large populations.

But they tried to eradicate weed, the birds may have died off as a result.

Despite its success and large numbers, the European Starling is now in steep decline, like so many other species in North America. The current population is half the size it was 50 years ago – down from an estimated 166.2 million breeding birds in 1970 to 85.1 million.Feb 9, 2021


Well-known member
Well week one at the new finca and still finding the best location to work on my current project. The climate here is not like in town although it's only a few klicks away. A little colder a little winder but still good sun and relitivly low humidity.

red rider
Love the sunrise/Sunset shots...
Here's one from my place


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