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Vintage Colombian


Sam you are not taking into account some key facts that make smoking pleasurable.

1. The leaf adds something to the flavor and smoke that myself and many old school smokers love. The leaves have their own flavor to add. It just isn't the resin heads.

I first smoked Cannabis in 1965, I am old school.
As for the flavor in leaves, how many smokers do you know that prefer the taste of Cannabis leaves with no resin? Why not? The smells and taste come mainly from the terpenes, found in the resin.

2. Resin heads are not the only thing that get people high. Many buds that don't have that great of resin heads get you very stoned. 1975 Columbian Gold was not a bag appeal resin monster. The power was intrinsic. It was in the leaves and leaflet stems. Tender side shoots of vegging plants can get you nice and stoned. It has been written about and not just by me.

I don't know what to say, what is it in the leaves with no resin that gets you high? What compound exactly? You get high from the THC found in the resin with the terpenes.

3. Sometimes when people get tolerant of a particular strain they can get high again just by switching up the method by which they smoke it. If you were bonging all the time you can smoke a pipe or roll a joint and you will get high as you did before. Ways to smoke resin are limited.

4. You can't roll a resin joint. That fact alone limits the usefulness of resin to me.

Are you joking? Yes you can....

5. Just like in love making foreplay is a great enhancer. The foreplay with smoking weed is the looking at the buds, the breaking up of the buds, the filling of the bowl or the rolling of the joint. Dabbing just does not have the foreplay factor.

Try sifting some dry bud, to get the resin, as foreplay if you need it.

6. If I have a bud of Chem D and I break it up the smell is much more interesting than hash made of Chem D resin. It has a much more complex flavor profile than resin.

Dry sift or water hash? Dry sift is the same I have GC analysis of buds and resin made from the same buds, they are basically the same. Water hash or BHO will definitely cause smell changes with the loss of terpenes.

7. Different locations add to the experience. Buds travel well. You can roll a joint sitting next to a waterfall or have a joint already rolled for what ever location you are going to. Resin is a pain in the ass to travel with and share with people.

Wow, according to you. I managed to share by dry sift with thousands of people worldwide, easier to transport also.

8. Resin IMHO is more harsh on the lungs. I might not have a scientific reason but I know most of my friends complain all day the next day after smoking bubble hash, iso hash and butane oil. The next day after smoking many joints the night before you wake up and cough up a bunch of crap and then feel fine to start smoking later that day.

For 20 years I was a daily smoker of herb, every morning I would wake and spit up black phlem from all the herb I smoked. Then I moved to Amsterdam and started making my own dry sift all my lung problems were gone. I try and only smoke dry sift.
Why smoke all the rope?

I hate it when my buds run out and I have to rely on bubble hash. The stone does not get as good, it doesn't last as long and I ruin my lungs trying to get as high as I want.

Once at a festival I was the old dude hanging out with the young stoners and they marveled at how many dabs I could smoke. I wasn't that high. When they all quit I went and rolled a big fat joint and got where I wanted to be.

Maybe you need to stick to herb to smoke, as you seem to have your mind made up anyway. Me, I can't stand smoking herbal Cannabis, 20% what I want, and 80% rope, plant fibers.
But I do not like BHO or even most water hash.
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red rider

Well-known member
ICMag Donor


Hello from Colombia! When I teach English here I try to stay away from talking about two subjects, food and sex. The reason I avoid these two common subjects is because simply talking about them makes the student want them. I’ve had classes end up in restaurants or cooking in a student’s kitchen or worse from mentioning these two subjects. The same thing is happening here with hashish, all this talk about fine dry sift (and fantasies of Sam’s ultimate sift) and its obvious advantage makes me think. Why doesn’t Colombia export hash instead of weed? I’m sure this has been answered many times before but I think the Colombian grown plant would make outstanding and unique resin. I will investigate this sifting idea further in the future.


High Altitude Golden Colombian Sinsemilla 2015

Well I’ve have been with the new “gold” sample for a few days and had more time to “get to know” her and I have a bit of a tolerance to it now. Last night I smoked one good hit of the “Crippy” and wow big difference, not only in taste but the effect was much heavier. The Crippy made me feel intensely euphoric but not happy or positive. It was a full body effect that had longer duration and stronger munches but no sunny happy glow to it. After eating I slept like a baby, waking up refreshed and ready for the day.


Sticky fragrant clumps of golden sunshine

A few hours ago I smoked three big bong hits of the gold (I love the taste and smell) and it really got to me. I was energized and talkative, going over details with my wife who thought I had drank a little too much coffee at breakfast. The good effect lasted much longer and finished without a tiring finish. I hope I can stay out of this all day (but I am weak).


Boyacá high altitude lake February



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Well-known member
gorgeous pictures, RR. lots of us older smokers really miss the days of yore when excellent Columbian was around. I have several friends that openly lament that it is not available here now. some "kid" (that is someone under 50, LOL!) will always say "but the pot is BETTER now!" stronger on average, yes. better? that depends. I have buddies that like to sit & smoke a BIG joint & still be able to function afterward. lots of the weed on the market is both A-too expensive to do that with and B-too strong to do that with. and NONE of it has the wonderful flavor of the Columbian that we so fondly remember...:huggg:

red rider

Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Alright, that’s it! I’m looking for screens!

Alright, that’s it! I’m looking for screens!

I know that there’s great weed now days, I mean with the internet and IC Mag, most everyone is a top notch grower. It blows my mind to think that I’m talking to the guy that invented skunk and talking to famous growers and breeders. Absolutely amazing, I feel empowered!

With hash I can see both sides of this kind of. I was stationed in Germany during the early eighties and there was no bud. But the hash was world class and cheap. First year there I forgot all about bud all together, loving the exoticness of the hash. Second years still happy with hash but HT pictures had me missing the bud. Third year someone brought an OZ of “lumbo” (from NYC) back with them from leave and I reunited with the bud. I agree with the bud foreplay being important and Sam’s response leads me to say. The reason most growers/smokers don’t enjoy dry sift hash is because we don’t have enough bud to make hash. Yeah sure you can make hash from the trim so not to waste but that hash is much different than what comes from the best flowers under a skillful sifter. When you handle enough flowers to extract only the purest heads smoking the flowers is like eating a banana with the peel.


Pit stop on the way to Paipa




Now days it seems all but a few remember or even care about the older strains that were once so popular. The new strains are indeed fantastic with their pretty colors and huge abundant glands, smells and aromas. And the effects are cutting edge bringing our plant to a true medical status. I love it, I plan to grow and explore this new plant


But what I really have passion for is the plant I’m smoking now, Colombian primo, not just Colombian but the rare unique strains that have stood the test of time. The uniquely Colombian effect of not being a traditional “Sativa” effect but not an “Indica” either has a much forgotten merit. This unique cannabinoid can be passed on in its genes and is felt as a warm happy uplifting sensation. As if the warm Colombian sunshine is washing over your mind. This is real medicine and we need this in our lives to escape the cold bitterness of the world. Colombian cannabis is a tropical vacation for your head, has been and will be again.


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Sam please show me a joint that has nothing but resin in it.
I will try and find a few photos I have taken in the past of 100% hash joints, if you do a google search you can find many 100% pure hash joints.
I can't use hash that is super melty and bubbly it puts the joint out and clogs the draw. But it is pretty easy to do, have done it for decades.


Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
Love a good hash joint... hell even finger hash works, maybe it's all the skin/hair? :D

Everyone's got their style. I prefer flowers, but good sift is a close second. BHO and water hash land somewhere near the end of the line.


Andinismo Hierbatero
Wow red! Amazing new finds you got there!
It is a pleasure to see all the pictures from sister Colombia, I have been away from the forums about 6 weeks and the new pics have indeed helped to further deepen my great nostalgia hehehe... Specially after spending a few weeks in the north of Israel in the boarder with Lebanon... man, I need to buy lottery and win and buy a finca in Medellin hehehe...

Paz y Salud!


Professor Organic Psychology
Itarzan and Sam, it is hard to believe that you guys are as diametrically opposed in your views as you are stating. It is more like you are both grasping extreme examples to make a point and the point is what? Your idea of smoking is better than the other? Maybe Sam or Itarzan should open the debate in a thread dedicated to that concept. Hell, even put a poll on it to see how others that are less vocal about it feel. I think Sam probably smokes more bud than he is admitting and Itarzan is not going to turn up his nose at some primo hash. Either agree to disagree or make a thread. I would like the idea of a thread myself, but as I feel most feel, we are not exclusive in our smokes.

I know one thing about Sam, he should be called Sam the Stubborn because he enjoys a good fight lol. We talk decades and I have been witnessing this for decades. I doubt I would stake an argument with him, even knowing that I am 100% correct. Life is too short to always be on the edge of confrontation over things that just don't matter.

More great photos Rojo, keep them coming. I like to visit this thread every day.

red rider

Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Bella Vista

Bella Vista


This is the peaceful hamlet of Bella Vista just west of Bogota.

These photos were taken on a Sunday afternoon right after a brief shower.


There was a little farmers market just finishing up for the day.

Close to Bella Vista is a small zoo right in the middle of a jungle. The altitude is still relatively high (like 6000ft) but it’s hot during the day and along with the heat comes jungle insects.


Although not too bad it's just a little hot and humid for me in this region. Good zoo though considering it's in a remote jungle area.


I'm not a fan of this climate but cannabis might be. But with the steamy humidity it would have to be a super mold jungle funk resistant strain.

red rider


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Itarzan and Sam, it is hard to believe that you guys are as diametrically opposed in your views as you are stating. It is more like you are both grasping extreme examples to make a point and the point it what? Your idea of smoking is better than the other? Maybe Sam or Itarzan should open the debate in a thread dedicated to that concept. Hell, even put a poll on it to see how others that are less vocal about it feel. I think Sam probably smokes more bud than he is admitting

Maybe an ounce or two in the last 10-20 years, to me Cannabis is a raw material to make dry sift hash. I have smoked much more water hash then that 1-2 oz, if it was great! I don't know if I like to fight as much as stick to what I believe is right, I have seen or made pure hash joints so many times....

and Itarzan is not going to turn up his nose at some primo hash. Either agree to disagree or make a thread. I would like the idea of a thread myself, but as I feel most feel, we are not exclusive in our smokes.

I know one thing about Sam, he should be called Sam the Stubborn because he enjoys a good fight lol. We talk decades and I have been witnessing this for decades. I doubt I would stake an argument with him, even knowing that I am 100% correct. Life is too short to always be on the edge of confrontation over things that just don't matter.

More great photos Rojo, keep them coming. I like to visit this thread every day.

red rider

Well-known member
ICMag Donor



Crippy 2015

This little plant was started from seed the last week of November. The seed came from an unusually skunky dense batch of Crippy that happened to be slightly seeded. It is obvious this is a WLD strain of outside origin, however unlike “imported” WLD seed I’ve grown here this plant is not showing sex yet. Might just be this plant but I’m thinking maybe this Crippy has acclimated to the 12/12 natural light cycle of the tropics.


Here’s a Nirvana Afghan at less than two months.


Punto Rojo at three and a half months.


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Well-known member
This unique cannabinoid can be passed on in its genes and is felt as a warm happy uplifting sensation. As if the warm Colombian sunshine is washing over your mind. This is real medicine and we need this in our lives to escape the cold bitterness of the world. Colombian cannabis is a tropical vacation for your head, has been and will be again.

Very nicely described Red. This type of trait is also my breeding goal. Would you say that both Colombian Gold and Punto Rojo have this trait?

B.T.W., I have visited Costa Rica for a couple of different nice long vacations, and I love it there. The pictures of towns you have posted look similar to the nicer towns in Costa Rica. They remind me of wonderful vacations I have had and need to have again someday.




Professor Organic Psychology
Sam, in some ways I may be like you, in that I generally prefer to smoke hash over pot. I prefer to smoke less. I am not on the bandwagon to say that is all I smoke though. Good pot is fun to smoke, and in Seattle the bar for good is high and raising.



Chimera's 1972 Highland Guerrero x Blueberry sativa, 4 month cure, flower, popcorn buds, and that wonderful white powder left on the glass. Larger buds were placed back in glass jars, prior to the pic. No fine sifting involved, at some point I coarse sift, the buds shown. You could roll a joint, as you like. I vaporize on lowish temperatures, as that in theory sifts out the imperfections.

The high from vaporizing the equivalent of a small joint of this white powder, from a sativa dominate strain, is as clean and soaring ~ as I've had it. I vaporize a joint quantity over a long period, maybe all-day. Its a purer, less complex effect, than blazing big bong hits of buds - all day. Vaporizing (smoking) dry sift / shake, from the best buds, is the preferred method at my house.

The first tastes of vapor from this white powder is the easiest way, for me, to experience the tastes / terpenes released during smoking. Helpful information for pheno hunters.

PS> warm happy uplifting sensation <lol> I"ll have what he's having.............
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red rider

Well-known member
ICMag Donor
The good vibe of Colombia

The good vibe of Colombia

Very nicely described Red. This type of trait is also my breeding goal. Would you say that both Colombian Gold and Punto Rojo have this trait?

Actually ThaiBliss I’ve encountered this “brightening, uplifting” mood enhancing characteristic in other strains as well. Like certain Mexicans, Jamaicans and most noticeably in Hawaiian from the 70s and 80s. Most Colombians affect me with a feeling of happy relief from whatever my current emotional status may be. For me the sensation is much more pronounced in Colombian grown at higher altitudes regardless of the name/color. The lighter colored high altitude grown domestic NLD strains produce a bubbly happy anticipation of the near future, that to me is like feeling the sun touching the skin in a warm and comforting way. This sensation is absolutely spectacular in the morning before going on a short excursion into the countryside or a morning alone with the wife. The darker Colombians (I don’t consider Punto Rojo to be a dark) can have this “brightening” quality as well but to me it’s not as humorous and bubbly. Not all Colombians have this unique “push me pull me” effect of being high and stoned at the same time feeling either (I call this accelerated calmness). The good Blacks & Reds are normally found with this characteristic and can be extremely euphoric sometime with a price to be paid in the half-life of the effect. To answer your question yes this wonderful trait can be found in certain Gold & Punto Rojo unquestionably.

red rider

Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Holiday in the tropical sun

Holiday in the tropical sun

B.T.W., I have visited Costa Rica for a couple of different nice long vacations, and I love it there. The pictures of towns you have posted look similar to the nicer towns in Costa Rica. They remind me of wonderful vacations I have had and need to have again someday.



Just go a little further south and you will reach paradise or close to it. I've never been to Coasta Rica but I understand it to be beautiful. Hey if you ever want to take a holiday in Colombia we have one rolled for you and a hammock with your name on it. Let's get happy in the Colombian sun!


red rider

Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Crippy VS Gold 2015

Crippy VS Gold 2015

Comparing the “Gold” that I have from claimed pure domestic seed with the current batch of “Crippy” I’ve come to this conclusion. The Gold is not potent enough, it’s maybe half as strong but has other desirable qualities that make it a worthy contender.


Golden Colombian domestic sinsemilla 2015

The Crippy is strong with a hard first hit and deep long lasting euphoria, the taste is skunky hash (black). The effect is overwhelming felt in mind and body and I like it. The duration of the positive side of the effect is more than acceptable, followed by a clean satisfying finish. By all my standards the Crippy is quality cannabis and good medicine but it’s a different type of cannabis that separates the Gold.


Sample Crippy 2013

The Gold looks and smells good in a different way, like the difference between fine black hash and fine red/blond hash. The smell and taste of the burnt gold flowers is so crisp and familiar, inviting you to taste more. Also the effect comes on slower and builds to a more exhilarating peak. The taste and high ceiling make smoking more of the Gold easy but my tolerance builds quickly and the “brightness” effect of the Gold fades by afternoon. The Crippy however only takes one or two hits to satisfy 3 or 4 hours and seems to have less tolerance.

So in the morning once or twice the Gold is perfect the rest of the day/evening Crippy.




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Well-known member
Comparing the “Gold” that I have from claimed pure domestic seed with the current batch of “Crippy” I’ve come to this conclusion.
The Gold is not potent enough, it’s maybe half as strong but has other desirable qualities that make it a worthy contender.

. . .
By all my standards the Crippy is quality cannabis and good medicine but it’s a different type of cannabis that separates the Gold.
. . .
Also the effect comes on slower and builds to a more exhilarating peak. The taste and high ceiling make smoking more of the Gold easy but my tolerance builds quickly and the “brightness” effect of the Gold fades by afternoon. The Crippy however only takes one or two hits to satisfy 3 or 4 hours and seems to have less tolerance.

Hi Red,
This is a valuable observation about the difference in raw potency between the gold and crippie.
In a way, you are performing a test that many of us have dreamed of doing if we had a time machine. Compare the best of the old with the best of today.

Looking at the pics, it is clear that the crippie is MUCH fresher and more gently handled than the pressed gold.
This factor alone could account for the difference in potency, and the potential of the genetics is really not fairly weighed.

Looking forward to seeing the old gold genetics run with modern techniques on home turf. I'm willing to bet that your product will make the crippie look boring :tiphat:



Professor Organic Psychology
I wonder if the crippy you smoke today is the same as it was in the early 90s. I have heard it is now made up of Dutch genetics, but have no idea.

I believe the people that enjoy smoking the older sativas have a memory of when they were young and the taste of the smoke bringing back those memories. The mind is a very strong tool. To the younger people the older strains are just not up to their standards and since they have no memories of the strain are not impressed. Being a market society the popular strains are available and the not so popular just fall the wayside. That is my opinion of course and worth every penny you paid for it.