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Veterinarians' Hospital


Active member
hey dog :joint: love ur buddy hanging there!....awsome room there things look set for another grand show :lurk:
great seedlings there looking healthy as can be not stretchy at all....... the s and b wound up with some really swelled flowers....
must be looking great to smoke...think mines goin down by the end of the week :wave:

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Veg Update last day off for a bit

Veg Update last day off for a bit

I hate showing off many pictures of vegging plants, but there are a few people that have the same strains going and I want a comparison for them.

I am really enjoying the freedom, that my new room is affording me, I needed to seal some cracks today, using xpanding foam, so I just moved my light 90 degrees and to the next set of hook, no problem at all. Which incidentally raised my ambient temps in the room 5 degrees C, as I have no drafts now.I still have a few things I need to do, such as, do the other side of the wall but that is in a storage area of my house, and I need to move everything outside to deal with that. That is a springtime adventure.

AT the same time I plan on doing some upgrades to an old shed I have out back.

A few of you may remember me having a couple plants outside in the past, I have a shed back there that is glass walled and has no roof, so I plan on building a stealth outdoors grow area this spring, just enough room for 4 to 6 plants to grow outside, but with no one every knowing. I will get pictures of that project after it is done.

The O.G.A is coming along nicely now, we have selected our seeds that we will try to breed and flower out, stay tuned for more news on that.

So how about some pics

Not too much I can do about humidity right now, I have been misting them, and have had the 6 inch dome on, but right now, they are getting too big for that, so I will continue to mist them​


I was a touch concerned with this plant, as you can see, it has one funky leaf, But it seems to be doing great now, they are so loving the close 400 mh over their heads, really staying small, but bushing up, I have roots poking through the drainholes on bottom now, I also took a few plants out of the pots to check roots, which are doing great, I should have them in 2 litre pots within a week or so.
ECSD x Straw D

Absolutely no issues with this plant, nice and strong, and has some thick leaves​

Once these are sexed, I will grab a few clones from each and then start the LST process. I am going to be duplicating Far Outs Method I dig that cats style, and that is saying something coming from a dog.

So that is it for updates this week, thanks to all for hanging out.

I proudly use

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Yo Yo Sammet

Yup new avatar, went on search for new ones today, have no idea whos dog that is


Registered Medical Patient
like the new avatar Dog...very nice!!!like the new room as well, looks like '08 will be a very productive year for you...Congrats bro...see ya later...

- Z


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Looking like beauties bro :yes:

Nice change up on the avatar. The Frozen drool really suits you :nanana:

Sounds like the new room is doing what it's meant to do. Great job :respect:

Long Live the OGA! :headbange


What's Up Doc :rasta:

I see your liken the new Dog House :D

What's the FarOut Method :redface: Thanks Dog it's all stuff i learned from members on icmag. so Thanks again goes out to this site.

The only thing i see different about my LST is the spool of wire i use.

I see alot of peeps using string but i like the wire, it gives me good control fairly easy. If you don't pull too hard and don't squeeze the branch, always allowing for some growth, it will not cut into the branch.

I suppose the fact that i cut back so much vegetation is the main difference between my plants and other peeps growin here.

It is considered very bad by most growers, even the best growers gettin the best results will tell you that every leaf is a solar panel and you are destroying this valuable energy source every leaf you cut. This is completely accurate, logical and proven.

It had also been mentioned and makes sense as well, that if a fan leaf doesn't get proper light exposure it won't produce much energy, like installing a solar panel in the shade, it won't do much good :nono:

If a bud doesn't get proper light exposure it won't produce a nice healthy bud at the same rate the budz that get proper light do either.

What i want is for all the budz to be the same quality and ready at the same time, so i not only cut away fan leaves i cut away any bud site that will crowd and compete for space with the others as well as the ones that are lower and shaded.

This would be considered mutilation by most growers, but when it's done properly, creates a healthy plant that will thrive and produce top yields of only the Highest Quality Budz.

After growing this way for a few runs i can honestly say i really like the way all the bud is finished at the same time and with the same High Quality :rasta:

It is also easier to combat the pests without having an overgrown plant/garden :rasta:

Are you ready to slice them girls up?

Go easy if ya do, where and when, even in relation to transplanting is very important.

FarOut :rasta:
Hey Dr D!
Wow you've gotta lot of things going on in the near future!
I'll be :lurk: here for shure :smoke:
I'm off to find those outdoor posts you mentioned, later
:wave: , Low
PS: really like the new avatar, it suits yu (being a dog and up in the frosty nord and all that:biglaugh:)

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Black Ra1n
Yo bro
Yeah she is doing good, fed them again this morning, They are seeming to like it, but I guess I will see by tomorrow how much, Should start to get interesting here really really soon

Z thanks Man
I spent a few hours yesterday combing the net for dog pictures I could use for my avatar, I have a few I will change them up periodically, and 08 better be a productive year, I have so many plans

you know me and my drool, OGA brother

Far out

I was hoping you would see the props I was giving you, simply put, and for what it is worth both myself and BR are super impressed with what you are doin, you have even come up in our private conversations, not too many growers get talked about when we are chatting,we are normally planning evil ways to take over the world!!
I like the way you are lsting, and yes it is not much different, but I like what you have done, I want about six of those bud monsters next growing in my new room. I am not afraid to cut up my plants, I really dont leave any lower growth at all, and have always had to think about the plants footprint, due to space restrictions, I dont have those restrictions anymore.

High Lowlander

hey dude, check my blubonic thread to see those pics, about july to september. Thanks for the props on my growing and my new avatar. Much appreciated, and you are welcome here anytime you want. Feel free to get to know my good buds that hang around with me

Thanks man, room is essentially done, just need to put up moldings and the such, no rush on that, I am not having any showing in my room for the next while anyways.

Thanks for looking in everyone


Registered Medical Patient
NICE....you got it goin on Dog....Im gonna have to check out FarOut's threads now!!!very good info, thanks to you both...:wave:..sorry, really stoned!!!!

- Z


Thanks for all the Kindness :D :rasta: :D

I Injoy what you have and BR have Growin on as well, and can't wait to see you fill out the Dog House (hope ya don't mind me callin your Grow Room the Dog House) :D

I always want to get some outdoors goin after lookin at BR's thread and then i think about my back... :rasta:

Peace :rasta:

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Hey Z
Well thanks for thinking of me while you were really stoned LOL

Thanks for popping in man

Call it what you want my man, just drop by now and then.


Thanks man, thanks for the kind words, come back anytime

Thinking about going to Walmart to get a humidifier

Will update on how that turns out


Active member
I haven't been here for too long...
You are rockin socks!!! And your hospital has a huge new wing!!!
Thinking of trying the hydro out eh? so far my ventures into ebb and flo have way exceeded expectations!

D Rock

Dr Dog yo man your room looks great so far. New strains to boot. You got it all in order. Im trying to decide on which strain to do next. I am probably going to try and germinate some seeds today. Hope they look as good as your little ones. Have you smoked the blubonic yet?

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Hey dudes

Far out
Thanks for stopping in

D rock

Yeah the new room is great, it is nice to have the room to walk around in between my plants and do stuff
I have yet to smoke any of this new blubonic, it is still curing, I will try it out in a week or so. Thanks for stopping in man


Hey bro, good to see ya back around IC, thanks for stopping in bro

Small update

Well I have gotten the humidifier, paid 25 bucks for it, I could have gotten something alot more extravagent, but I do not really need it, it is just something to help with the humidity in here until the plants start giving off their own.

Just a cheapy sunbeam

A couple group shots
Pollen chuck has the corners

This pic is messed up, I screwed up aspect somehow, they are not that stretchy
I will be back sometime this weekend with a more thorough update
Last edited:

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Hey bro, lil ones look great. They're all pretty uniform too. Nice to see that humidifier is working nicely. Take care man.
