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Veterinarians' Hospital

Bumpity bump bump

Bumpity bump bump

You should be proud of those pics,
I particularly like this one:

Mmmm, sugary goodness :joint:
:wave: , Low

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me

Hey bro, thanks for stopping in, but I have moved up to kibble diet only now, table scraps are no good for me, thanks for the kind words and for dropping in

High Low

Thanks for finding your way back, and thanks for the props and the bump, I am proud of that pic


Active member
excellent stuff things going well :jump: ....I'm about to start a long flush ( gonna try a 16 day flush) and am using sugar for my first time to increase yield
.... im using plain sugar it works... is it worth buying the syrup....ill grab some maple syrup as well if so this weekend to use and do i use untill the last day of watering ???
:bashhead: and sorry to keep jabbing away but whats the grade of ur syrup if i may ask :bashhead:

thx for any reply ...... ur stuff is world class.... I may not post mutch but i'm allways watchin :wave:


i like this one:

Kibbles only diet doc?! aww! but how bout a new chew toy???.. a nice ball on a rope or something?? i feel i owe you something for these awesome shots.

THATS how bud is meant to look. respect.
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Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me

Thanks man...........I am not sure about the maple syrup as of yet, as this is my first attempt at using it. But I cannot see it being much different than molasses, I am using Canada Grade A Syrup of course.. This all started as joke between myself, Black Ra1n, and TML 16, we both all living close and being Canadian, we thought it would be funny to add a Canadian Flavour to our grow, what is more Canadian than Maple syrup.

Hey NZjay

yeah that is a great picture, those plants are coming down today actually, as I start construction on my new 5 x 7 grow area, got big plans, and all the supplies, just need the motivation.


Thanks for coming by dude, thank you for your kind words, I am here to please the eyes when I can, I love looking at pics of buds, and if I can contribute, I will, stop back anytime, harvest pics upcoming soon.


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
heya Dog.... i've heard and read that it can't be bad for ya grow....the darker the sugar and the more unriffined it is.....the better it is to use ....i forgot why ...and can't find the article...it woz posted in organic soil section though...maybe some reader can shed some more light on this....thats why most people are using molasses..it is the darkest and most unreffined sugar there is.....it is 100 % Natural
Nway this grow looked good my friend :bow:

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
New Room construction

New Room construction

Due to a large grant from the government I have decided to add a wing to teh hospital

I will just keep adding pics of the room as construction goes

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Seedling update

Seedling update


Pollen Chuck

Pollen Chuck




I will be back later to explain everything

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Nice bro, wish I was closer to give you a hand and all hahaha. Can't wait to see you rock that room....



Snow Grower ~OGA~
Nice to see the Conservative surplus and my good tax money finally go to good use :yes:

Best of luck with the rest of the construction :ying:


Still Getting Sky-High
Nice to see your selection of seedlings bro :rasta: gonna get chillin in here hehe... I see your expanding your growroom there, cool! nice work Doc :wave:

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
more room progress tomorrow

more room progress tomorrow

I have been a busy muppet, these last few hours, I chopped down my flowers.

Here are the last shots of the Blubonic and the Superskunk.



Goodbye Girls
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Grower of fine herbs...
Hey Doggy:wave: woah man that SS and blubonic are looking awesome bro. Looks like that is gonna be some tasty smoke without a doubt.

Also your construction project is very interesting to me. Did you section off a part of an existing basement or somthing like that? I think this is what I want to do at my next house. I was thinking like sectioning off a 5x10 or 4x8 section of a basement. How do you plan on venting it? are you going for like super stealth? Sorry Im really high right now and those pics got me excited:rant: Great job all around buddy, cant wait for more info on the new construction!



Med grower
ICMag Donor
Woohoo, it sure is busy in this here thread. Excellent work mate, I'm certainly curious about your new room, it sounds great. Enjoy your trimming :wave:

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Br NK and Sammet

Hey bros, thanks for checking me out

The new room is almost done, I just have one 2 ft section to throw some drywall on and then start attatching everything to the ceilings and such, got some ducting coming home with the GF right nwo, so I should have my exhaust up soon, Then I will be mounting the 400 mh up to control the seedlings.

I actually have a spare door, that I got when I removed a door, from my last renos. almost a perfect fit, just have to box it in and I am ready to go. I have some pics but you cannot really see what is goin on in them, so I will wait till I got all the electrical done and stuff. My son will be over this weekend, so I wont get much done till sunday night, when he goes home, so look for an update like monday morn.

So take care bros

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me

Thanks for popping in and thanks for your kind words about my buds. Man I am so happy with the haul so far, I am going to guess 4 ounces dried, there was a lot of dense bud.

But I have a small update. My room is essentially built, I have my 400 w MH over my seedlings now. I have company this weekend, I wont be able to complete construction yet.

So everything is essentially done. I want to cut out a area of this room with panda film, and create a vegging grow tent type thing, while I have plants flowering. I have about 43 sq feet to grow in, with about 7 feet clearance.

So sunday when my guest leaves, I will hang the door, and tape and puddy the walls and any cracks. I am not going to worry about sanding it at this time. it is more for light proofing, as I plan on lining walls with some sort of reflective surface sometime in the future. I will paint the walls white though.

So lets get some pics started.

Where my seedlings are, I cannot get a great picture of the room yet, but I have about 8 feet wide. I have the mh a little high as these are just seedlings, any lower I would need to hit them with a fan, they are not strong enough yet

ECSD x STrwD Getting some weird growth on these girls, but I have seen that before.

Freeze, this plant is wanting to grow every which way but up, crazy plant, I have one propped up with a stake

So, I should have a nice pic of my room Sunday night, if not Monday, I really excited to see what I can do with a lot of room.

Thanks for stopping in


The Doggy has a new room! Oh boy!

1 question though. how do you ever hold back the urge to bury your dog bones in all this soil?!?!?

you, my friend, Rock!

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Dr Dog again.

i get told this too damn often!