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Veterinarians' Hospital

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Back with Pics

Back with Pics

Vengaza, thanks for dropping by, you read my whole thread? that is impressive dude

Hey dudes, thanks for stopping in

On my way to bed, thought I would do a quick update, lock up when you are done

So, I got out the camera tonight and got into the grow room to roll a nice joint and snap some pics, here is the result

Pollen Chuck



So a varied crop here so far, I am finding the tow plants in the white pots are growing more slowly than the others, correlation to pot size maybe.....?

anyways, all is going good, they have gotten over their transplant shock, and are on their way, starting to need food again, as the pots are drying quickly and it has been two days.

So that is it for this episode, come back next week, when you will hear Nurse Janice say.......................
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Med grower
ICMag Donor
:yes: Nice and green bro, like the LST too. Have you got an anchor on the the lsted ones? its hard to see in the photos. I find it helps to get some wicked shapes in them :wave:


Registered Medical Patient
Lookin good Dog...Im gonna try my hand @ lst next round as well...been a while, but I think I remember!!!LOL

Nice lookin babies, keep i tup...

- Z


Lookin Good Doc :rasta:

I see what you mean about the corrilation of plant size to pot size and i can't argue with what i see, but their is more to the bigger pot = bigger plant/bigger yield debate.

Again Doc i am not tryin to bust your balls or come across like you don't know what you are doin and i have all the answers.

I know i threw a radical suggestion at you :redface: but my intentions are Pure and i truly belive the theory is worth some thought for future grows :D

When you introduce too much new soil to a plant, the roots will always go straight out to the edge and then start to gather at the edges it doesn't happen much differently or slower if you have 2.5 inches of new soil or 6 or even 10 inches, what does change is how the medium between the old soil and the edge of the pot is utilized. The pot with less space will utilize this medium quickly and develope a strong dense root structure, that will produce strong, vigorus, dense plants. A bigger pot will work too and you can get good results as you and many others like myself do or have done. I did things just like you before and like you i had good results. I think my results now are a little better and have as much to do with the way i manage the root system, as my trainin & prunin.

FarOut :rasta:

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Hey bro, nice LST'n on em. Are you planning on doing them all or are you just trying it out on a few? Won't be long, you'll have some preflower. Take care man.

HI Dr D!
U'r ladies are sure looking good!!!
Got my :bigeye: on that ECSDxStrawD she's looking likes she's gonna get BIG!!!
(but i'm just a newb, soooo what do i know..:kissass:)
What's with the curled leaves though?? you know what causes that? 'cause it has happened to some of my plants too, in the past that is..since i'm always looking to learn more: enlighten me! if you don't mind :D
And if got another q for ya, read in y'r blubonic thread that you 'deepfeed' the plants..what is deep feading and what's the benefits??
Thanks in advance..:bow:


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Dr Dog again.

sorry man...i think i need to give more rep out...seems i only give it when i see good work and or nice plants....dang bro ..Next time man, next time !!!!

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Hey everyone, I dont think I can answer everyone so I will do a bulk response

First, thanks for dropping by, muchly appreciated.

I plan on just leaving the three lst as lst, but will wait to get sex on the others, before I decide what to do.

The bend in the leaves is natural, just them unfolding themselves.

But I should have a update later this week

Stay tuned for that
I nearly have all next week off, so expect some updates then too
and core, not to worry about the rep dude. I know ya love me lolo

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Quick Update

Quick Update

Hey dudes

On my way to work this am, but I had some pics from the 11th I thought I would put up


Pollen Chuck



Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Looking great bro, no preflower yet? I was hoping they would show for ya. The ECSDxStrawD look awesome... take care man.


D Rock

Dog those are looking great. I got something new im working on too. Look foward to another great show by DrDog.