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Veterinarians' Hospital

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me

That tote underneath teh plants is full of bones, Yup new room, new lights, new set up, going to be a great spring. I think it will be great. Hopefully I can get some girls from the little ones, and away I grow. Thanks for all your support bro

Have you seen J roc around? I seen him about a month ago then poof, vanished again

Real Supreme

Thanks man, make sure you drop back in about 3 weeks or so, to hear how I made out with a smoke report.

Well dudes
Will have the door up tomorrow so should have an update after that


Take care


i dunno what a deal with J-roc is... i see him start a thread saying something about having probs with seedlings..
then...like you said... vanished! *shrug*

no idea man!


Active member
Hey Dr. Dog, been a while since I checked out your thread. I see that you have a new room. Looking very nice ! Meanwhile I'm stuck with my tiny cabinet, and people are building additional rooms, lol !

:joint: :wave:


Registered Medical Patient
:wave: Lookin great Dog..love the new room, cant wait to see what u can pull off next round!!!! :jump: Congrats on the harvest, those nuggs look dank as hell...The SS should be some killer smoke..My Skunk girl is turnin out to be a winner, so....anyhow, great work my friend..Ill be back later for harvest shots!!Peace

- Z :joint:


See you got yourself Motivated :rasta:

Nice lookin setup, cant wait to see her fill out :rasta:

I need to smoke every time i see those bud shots :rasta:

Peace :rasta:
Hi Dr D!
Good to see that the hospital is expanding! :D

I can't help myself though..you've got me addicted, to Superskunk & Blubonic shots!! :laughing:
Smoke reports in a month or so right?
:wave: , Low

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me

Hey dude, thanks for stopping by and the chuckle first thing this morning. My room has actually been in the plans for months, even before I did renovations on one of the living rooms. Just a motivation factor with me. I live in a 3 bedroom house with my gf, and we sleep in same bed, so I have lots of room, my gf's only stipulation is that it not looks ghetto, and fit in with the rest of the house.
But thanks for looking in, not much going to be going on here for a while, as I am stuck with veg mode for the next month or so.

Hey Bro, thanks for looking in man, I am pretty happy with the results of both the maple syrup and the buds, they do look dank, and is it ever making my house stinky!! but a good kind of stinky

Far out

well seeing what you just posted, I think I will need to smoke whenever I just pop in on your thread now. I did get myself motivated, just have to keep it up tonight when I get back, to put the door up, and I should be set.

High Lowlander

Hey dude thanks for stopping in, they are some nice looking pics, I cannot wait to see them dried, I have a jar full of trim from them, and is it ever crystally. Looking forward to making some hash from that in a few days

Thanks fr stoppin in everyone

D Rock

NZjay said:
i get told this too damn often!
Me too!

Dog I like the new addition so far cant wait to see the whole completed room. I really should try to get some seedlings going. That bud looks awesome dog.
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New member
I am going to camp here awhile and watch what happens with the new construction! :jump:

Thanks again for the inspiration... I am on day 22 from seed of my first grow in the shed. I hope I have some girls in the batch. We'll see...

Are you going to put up some framing and then cover with panda? ...or build a proper wall and then panda? I ask bc i need to build a veg area once I start flowering.

Does the GF help with the horticultural projects?

See ya soon Doc... :wave: :wave:


very nice growing, if i could i would be growing that blubonic, them buds look tight & frosty uuummmmm.
new room, after seeing the ss & blubonic i will stay tuned..

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
D rock

Hey man, thanks for popping in, I got tied up last night and got nothing done on my room, but I will be at it today, as soon as i get a few litres of coffee in me.

I so love taking pictures of buds, that this is a tough time for me, as little seedlings are not the most photogenic, but they are growing! Come one sex gamble......all females


Hey man, good question, I am probably going to do a rough framing on the veg area and make the most of it panda on the permanent. I was thinking of modelling it after a home box and add a door with velcro after. I will have that going within a couple weeks, as I dont need seperate areas right now. BUt make sure you check out my update later, I will have room pics

Thanks for hanging out man, thanks for your kind words, come back anytime

I should be back later today with soem room shots as I get teh door up and other stuff done.


Med grower
ICMag Donor
So are you going to segregate your room into flower/veg rooms? with the mh in one and hps in the other?

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Hey Sam

Yeah during a dual cycle grow, but if I have just plans on flowers, I can open the both sections up and really grow some out, with all my lights on at the same time
which would be like 1200 watts. I have some vacation plans this summer, so I really can do it this current crop. but I have big plans for a fall grow. Been thinking of getting into hydro or aero, I like the 3 inch pvc pipe type stadium grows, I would like to try that

Like this
will probably start with something like this

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Room update

Room update

Kind of pissed off as I did not get to get my door up last night, but it is done now. It is easy as hell to hang a door, I do not know why I thought it would be difficult, even did it on my own.

But here is what I have so far, I still have to light seal it, fill in cracks and such with expanding foam, put up moldings, and a basic painting and the such, but none of that stuff is imperative right now

A shot of the room pre door

This is my new waiting room.

Unused area of room right now, Excuse the veg box, it has been through a lot, surprised it is still standing, but that whole area over there, the width of the box I am planning on using all of that area of room for veg, will be about 3 ft by 7 feet with 7 feet clearance. That area will be panda'd

Middle part of ceiling, I have another set of hooks up there now, but this gives you an idea of teh area I have to work with now

My control board and storage area, ballasts can be put on shelves, which is right under the ventilation.

Ventilation system

The hospital

Pollen chuck

Well that is it for now dudes

Sorry I cannot get a whole room shot, but that is what camera is letting me do, I cannot zoom out farther than the field of view, but I hope that gives you an idea of what you appointment will be like at teh hospital

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Hey bro, could you fit a bed in there for me? I'll stand guard, just slide some food in and some herb and I'll be fine. Looks pro man!!!



Med grower
ICMag Donor
!! Very professional DD - it must give you enormous satisfaction when gardening in there and I bet your girls will love it too. Good job mate. (line that sucker with mylar and you've got yourself a disco right there my friend :biglaugh:) Edit - just got the panda thing, forget the mylar comment :smoke:
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thats one busy Puppy!
more room + a grower like you = scary awesome!

impressive work, Dr.!

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Hey BR

Always a place for ya to crash around here, once I get the couches in the waiting area, feel free to sleep

Hey Brother, Yeah, that is the plan to get something reflective on the walls, the local hydro place sells panda film by the foot, so i will most likely try to run in soon and grab 50 or 60 feet of teh stuff, should be enough for my evil plans

NZjay and High Lowlander thanks dudes, it shold be a great room, I have lots of room to do what I want now

I jarred up both the Blubonic and Superskunk last night
The blubonic, really smells of berries, and what could be a hint of maple, and she dried up at 28 grams
The superskunk came in at about 36 grams
I am happy with both of those, I have just under 70 odd grams of dried suprskunk now. That will be my smoke for the next while by the looks of it, good thing it is strong as hell

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