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VerdantGreen's quarters - 250HPS organic mod.scrog


and why is DNA highlighted in red.Is this some sort of Mod-Beacon for censorship? Sounds like some communist shit to me..

maybe you did a search for DNA and the site highlights DNA in red so you can find your search terms more easily within the threads?

-dodo :joint:


dodo - glad it helped :)
sounds like your sativa might be about ready to flip. clones are easier than seed plants imo but its always a bit of guesswork and luck on the first run. keep good noteas and records so you will know better for the next run


hey VerdantGreen- yeah, i'd say so too given their history. finally got some pictures. I've had them under the MH for the last 5 days on 12/12. Just switched them to HPS tonight.

i'm figuring that it's going to be about 9-10 weeks for this strain to complete flower. i was also thinking that i would probably keep pulling the branches under the screen for 2 weeks before leaving them be to fatten out. i figure that'll give about another 2/3 weeks of stretch left to come above the net. do you think that sounds about right? like you've said it's better to error on the side of overgrow, so that's what i'll shoot for the first time around until i get a better feel.

Thanks for your time,
-dodo :joint:



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ICMag Donor
That Sharksbreath is a monster VG...A clone of her dropped in my lap from the 'CloneFairy' a few days ago so I will give her a try in a month or 2 myself,lookin forward to it Immensely now..nice job!!! JBo ;]


Active member
dam i wish i could get my hands on some of these strains you're running V. and you always seem to get your flush done just perfectly. inspirational !


Genetics Facilitator
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Blimey - yes i like them to grow beautifully and finish ugly ;)
the pen is to denote a female.

bengie187 - yes the mod scrogs are good for maxing yield but still being able to run different strains etc.

DankFaktory - probably best not to discuss other vendors here but im sure you can work it out. there are other places that dont sell their seeds anymore too.

dodo5678 - looks good, probably about the right time but you want to repot first - my advice would be use as big a pot as you can fit in. scrog plants may look small but they are the equivalent of a big plant with the amount of buds. one of my top tips for scroggers would be use big pots - as big as you can - this is what encourages the stretch to fill your screen too. you may like to tie the screen down to the floor of your cab in the middle or otherwise the plants will push it upwards (unless it's rigid metal)
oh i think i can see the pots are part of am auto watering thing in which case you want to keep them well fed - little but often

Londinium - thanks for checking in mate! - i will be interested in your opinions on the SB - i think its a good producer and pretty potent smoke. nice creamy parsnip type smell too. i tickled a bud up this time with the Black Forrest pollen too - it was all i had tbh :) - but the other crosses i made with the BF are turning out pretty decent. almost a coconut/pineapple/lemon smell to the PowerplantxBF

managed to clone one of the female Deep Chunks today - the only one that has sideshoots big enough yet


oldbootz - hi mate - yeah i just added water most of the time except for 2 or 3 feeds in mid-late flower. SB is quite a heavy feeder.


Genetics Facilitator
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thanks unc - i saw harvest's cut and it looked like a totally different plant from cut.

my problem is getting the cutting material from the seed plants in the first place. only one plant has grown a sideshoot big enough yet but hopefully ill get some in the first week or two of flower ;)



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yes i can see they're getting bigger now - should be ok to clone soon. i'll have to take the males that are showing back out in a couple of days and start to collect pollen from them ;) - need to work out some kind of pollen filter so i can keep them in the veg cab without dusting the whole flower c cab... too cold to put them in the greenhouse which is what i usually do.

the BF hybrids i am testing look nearly ready after 8-9 weeks which is encouraging. looks like the long flowering trait wasnt so strong. be a first to smoke some weed from my own hybrid.
Hey Verdant I really liked your thread. It has been a while since I have done scrog but for many years under a 150 she treated me well. I used hydro with pure Blend Pro. It was an apartment so I used 3mm fish pond liner to flood-proof the closet. Peace! MikeRo


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hi MRO, i think i feel about organic soil the same as you feel about hydro and PBP lol. what is most important is that you really believe in the way you grow and i doubt i will change in a hurry. also my cab is in the loft and thats not an incentive to have lots of waterworks up there ;)



Genetics Facilitator
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hi all. the DC are moving through and so far 2 girls and 2 boys. boys are out and awaiting pollen collection. one quarter has an NL which is 2-3 weeks in. the 4 Black forrest hybrids i made were chopped today and the quarter they were occupying has been filled by a UK cheese scrog - the cheese was a little over vegged so it may end up messy. the front hapf of the cab is filled with the DC plants.

here is the Power Plant x Black Forrest. smells very nice a kind of sweet lemon/coconut smell.

and the UK cheese x BF. looks pretty similar but smells different. look closely and you can see a little mite damage ;)

kind of marking time till i get going with the new LED unit which will arrive in a month. i'd like to have a whole new run ready by then. perhaps the cheese will be flowered under both but the other three quarters should get brand new plants at the get-go
got some cuts rooting as we speak

also put a few lemon Thai (from Dutchflowers originally, through Bodhi) seeds into soil.



as is all-too-common in my life, I succumbed to my
hi VG..had to tag after reading your starting some lemon thai from bodhi..i have some too..curious of the outcome..bodhi said these lean to the indie side..f3's i believe right..


Well-known member
damn you got good taste verdant, can't wait to see the lemon thai grow out this is one I have been wondering about for awhile. Unfortunately the only place I have been able to find that carries bodhi is the farm and I won't deal with logic anymore. Those BF crosses came out looking great. please let us know how they smoke when you get them cured.


Genetics Facilitator
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groady-ho - yep those are the ones! - i would have liked to grow the whole pack together but ive just done 5 for now. i wonder how variable they will be???

bloyd - yes i was just in the right place at the right time for these and i think they are long gone now. i agree about the farmers - very sketchy nowadays ;)

cant wait to smoke my first home made crosses! ill be sure to post a smoke report.



Active member
Hello VerdantGreen,

Could you offer some advice on how you collect and store your pollen. I am very interested in making crosses but it is very hard to do with the limited grow space that i have. I have a small 400 watt closet that i am going to create a setup very similar to yours. I also have a 200 watt veg cabinet that is large enough for 2 scrog screens and a few mother plants. I do also have a very limited ability to grow outdoors in Southern California during the summer. Sorry if this info was already posted i have not finished reading your entire thread yet.



Genetics Facilitator
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hi barth im fairly new to pollen too :)

i collect it by putting a paper wrap or other suitable receptacle under opened flowers and tapping them with a pencil or something. i then try to let the pollen dry a bit by putting under a light or somewhere where there is a little warmth. then i freeze it. its much easier if you can collect it and use it at the same time. in the warmer months i put the males in my greenhouse - you can really mistreat them lol.
another way is to cut the top or a 'bud' off the male and keep in water - it will live quite happily anbd shed pollen for collection - you can keep i on a windowledge and even trim the leaves to make the thing look less like weed!.

im going to try and get a container with silica gel in it to put the pollen for a few hours to dry. the dryer it is when you freeze it the longer it will last.

ip apply it with a small painbrush. a medium sized bud will give you 50-100 seeds

obviously the thing to watch out for if you have males and females in the same grow is pollenating your whole crop. im going to try and fit a pollen filter between my 63 cab and 250 cab so as i can flower males in the little cab. just bought one that fits into a car a/c system that i will try to modify

what fun ;)
