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VerdantGreen's quarters - 205w LED Organic Mod. ScrOG


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
quick cabinet shot with the lights off

the quarters, front left NL, front right Powerplant
back left Lemon Thai (mostly obscured because the buds are further from the light due to a little light bleaching.
back right Blueberry.

you can also see the trays with water that ive been using to catch the fungal gnats - a litte bit of fruit juice and water and they're in there like a rat up a drainpipe :D



Man that is a nice EVEN variety you got there VG. I love lurking your pics. I think I will have 2 variety's to run. But 4. Nice selection of cuts.



I thought that's what you were saying! I am considering using tropf blumat irrigation in a bed I've just built. Ever used any auto watering when you've been away?

Managed to get the coir in the end (260l fr £18 on ebay)


i did just read that you use the windowsill watering kit things... like a wick yea?? going to try this tropf blumat as i will need to be away several times this summer!


Active member
yea i heard some really good stories about wicking with a thick rope that has been unraveled. also to put a pot in another pot so that there is a gap between the two pots at the bottom for a reservoir. havent tried this but have always been interested.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
i did just read that you use the windowsill watering kit things... like a wick yea?? going to try this tropf blumat as i will need to be away several times this summer!

ive done a week away with the windosill watering thing under my mother plants - just capillary matting over a small res. in the flowering cab i just left the plants sitting in the tray with some water in it. you also need to plant ahead so you havent got any tiny seedlings or cuttings that need daily attention

treefrog - the screens are just over a foot square - about 12x13"

bootz - just standing pots on capillary matting works well as long as the pot has plenty of holes on the flat underside



i have left palnts in standing water before and by the time i returned there has been rot in all the outer roots. I think i'm gonna try these tropf blumat things sunnydog talks about. They look a bit expensive but if they work as well as they sound like they do it will be a worthwhile investment.

I have nevr really heard of/used this matting stuff. Don't you fin the water goes a little stagnent in them?


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
Von and Wizewizo - thanks for stopping by! - missed you before :)

BaS - the capillary matting is just a quilt that wicks the moisture up and the soil/roots can suck it up from the holes in the bottom of the pot - not seen the water go stagnant in there but not used them for long periods either. ive heard good things about the blumat system. as long as the soil stays fairly evenly moist then thats fine. you dont want most of the soil dry and just the bit under the dripper wet.

treefrog - i get you! - the mesh is about 1.5 x 3" the long side allows more manipulation of the plants, easier to move the growing tips around. but i guess it has slightly less control than a smaller mesh. i also use a bit of extra wire to hold the colas in place sometimes and help even up the canopy.



Hey VG, What is your opinion on chicken wire used for the screen material in a scrog?

BTW....love the sig. :)



Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
hey von, MB, yes a lot of people seem to use chicken wire to good effect, but personally it would be too 'sharp' for me and the holes too small. some of the things i do with the tips are pretty scary, even for me :D, pulling them through a gap almost bent double or pulling a whole branch underneath and then back up through a different hole - chicken wire would take all the leaves off.

just took a tape measure to my mesh and it's bigger than i thought - 2 x 4 " - its some kind of pvc coated plant training/fencing materal from the garden centre. its also quite rigid - which is good because the plants can push the screen up in places if it is not rigid.



Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
hi all :tiphat:, here is an update

Lemon thai at 8 weeks - probably only a week or so to go on this one.

the biggest cola, i find seed plants resist scrogging a little more than clones - its harder to divert the auxins from the dominant growing tips so the canopy is never quite as even.
you can also see a little light bleaching on a couple of the adjacent bids, the white label is marking the bud that i dusted with DC pollen :dance013:

another nug - i took a little bud to have a snifter of later. it smells lemon cleanerish and it also smells like its going to be very potent - only one way to find out :)

the Blueberry is looking ok, definitely growing in a slightly different way under the LED's - the buds may end up more dense but it has 3 weeks to go still so we will see.


Power Plant at 40 days - this is cooking nicely :jump:


and the NL at 5 weeks, again coming along just fine



p.s. - been training this Deep Chunk for a scrog attempt



Free up the Herbs....Let the Sacrament grow!
Thanks for the update VG....they are all lookin good. Would u say that they are pretty close or better to what your 250 would be doin at this point?? I'm liking that LT.....Have fun scrogging that DC lol. Its hard to get them to really branch out...

Btw did u catch Lost???? How has your theory played out now that its closer to the end ;)


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
hey irie!

yes i cant say i see anything lacking so for with the LED's, in fact the PP and NL may even be doing better at this stage - hard to say. the next few weeks will be interesting as some harvesting gets done.

yeah im liking LOST - my greatest theory triumph was 3 or 4 years ago predincting that there would be 'godlike' powers manipulating the Losties rather than science providing all the answers - so i loved the scene at the end of the last season where Jacob and Man in Black had their conversation and we started to see the bigger picture. ;)



Wow, you lost me there guys !! LOL(pun intend)
Verdant, I´m dazzled ! Wow man, looks like heaven !!!
Keep up the great work, I´ll be lurkin´, soaking up knowledge !!! :bow:
hey irie!

yes i cant say i see anything lacking so for with the LED's, in fact the PP and NL may even be doing better at this stage - hard to say. the next few weeks will be interesting as some harvesting gets done.

yeah im liking LOST - my greatest theory triumph was 3 or 4 years ago predincting that there would be 'godlike' powers manipulating the Losties rather than science providing all the answers - so i loved the scene at the end of the last season where Jacob and Man in Black had their conversation and we started to see the bigger picture. ;)


would you say that certain strains don't perform as well with the limited spectrum? and that others do? or do you think this is more to do with just factors? i guess i'm specifically referring to the blueberry, which doesn't look quite as monumental as you usually have it. All of it does look splendid though. Especially that lemon thai :tiphat: