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Vending to clubs, what is it like for you?

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What prices do people get for bubble hash? Pressed? Unpressed? Anyone have experience vending concentrates to clubs?


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
Great question opt1c

Along that same thought process,

What about testing for edibles as well, no offense to anyone who grows their own, makes some brownies and sells them BUT how sanitary is the baking process itself?

Also, how would you know they used good merch versus leftovers or rotten buds. For some reason I don't know if I would sell edibles (if I owned a dispensary that is) that someone that I didn't know made.

Herb you can tell if it is good, been tampered with and so on, edibles could have damn near anything in them especially if made in someones dirty ass kitchen.

Bubble would be easy to tell if it is good, bad or whatever for sure. I guess I am wondering how would you ever trust some guy who comes in with a case of rice krispy treats stating that they are gdp krispies or whatever..

Then what is there is something in them and a patient has a reaction whether intentional or not.

Maybe I would be more cautious with edibles and drinkables unless they were made in house.


Active member
i sell edibles all day... having a inspected kitchen in a commercial location helps with the sanitary thing; if you do enough volume and they're the same every time the club orders em they tend not to mind. i list all ingredients on the labels and give everything a one month expiration date just to be safe although my products all last longer than a month. on that note i don't use eggs or cook anything at a temp where the shelf life would be limited to a couple days, like lemon bars or some crap like that. everything is packaged and sealed in tamper resistant packages.

as far as knowing what goes into the butter you can only tell via the high; i used to drop off free samples for the employees at clubs to try out and get a feel for but word of mouth has made that unnecessary

like all products if you have the fire they'll come a knockin

i'm extra careful with my edibles because i want them to be for the patients that are too sick to smoke... been doing it for over a year and i haven't had any complaints and i still haven't heard anyone dying from cannabis, edibles or otherwise.

recipes are top secret of course

having a consistent reliable product is key for edibles, it's not easy to do that so it's not really a fly by night had some extra thought i'd make some brownies type thing but you're all welcome to try :) baking with broken butter is an art unto itself
Here's an idea for an edible: Banana Bread with peanut butter and chocolate chips. I've made it before, and it's tasty.



Not sure on prices in CO but I can ask a buddy and get back to ya!

Opt1c, One person I talked to said the club he works for tries to buy hash for 15 a gram or less

Sounds like a top notch op opt1c!

Edibles are a lot of fun. I made some butter from my vape-trash. then used the butter in some toffee, spread milk chocolate on top, peanuts, omnomnom. Around here we use a cup of vape trash to end up as 10 servings once it is made into the butter and strained. Works out pretty good for most people as a serving.


Try it! I find things to usually taste a lot less like plants when made with already vaped material. All that happened to it was hot air blew over it, it's not like I picked it off the bottom of my boot.

Hey Opt1c how much edibles do dispensaries ask you to bring at a time?


Active member
depends... if they don't want a large amount, over a g worth of product, they come to me... if they get more i go to them... u don't want to know what orders look like the week before 4/20; almost becomes actual work... i offer a variety of different products, not to get into specifics, but some are more popular than others so i usually am asked for more of one type than another but aside from that if the product isn't popular i don't continue making it; waste of time and butter

15 a gram for bubble... don't they turn around and sell it for like 50 a gram or something? no wonder i've just been keeping all my bubble for myself


Ah well that helps give me an idea, thanks.

Yeah I didn't part with mine either after he told me that. I wanted 22. But really, had no guage as to what it might go for. I was just comfortable with that number. My stuff wasn't fmcd or anything, but it bubbled for the first couple hits and was easily maleable and shapeable.


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
But would this vaped trash be the stuff you are trying to unload on the clubs?

If so then it gives me more reason NOT to buy from dispensaries unless it is bud I can see, smell and know hasn't had "hot air blow over it" lol.

For personal sure, but this brings up a valid issue for my point a page or two ago. You never know where the concentrates and edibles came from, whether they are potent or not it could be vaped trash, moldy buds, some cat hir and god knows what else. The end product however might be clean enough for a person to not be able to tell.

Not trashing you personally but just like dealers on the street adding "sugar" to the buds for bag appeal, odds are there are other methods to get the same amount of money for half the quantity.

Try it! I find things to usually taste a lot less like plants when made with already vaped material. All that happened to it was hot air blew over it, it's not like I picked it off the bottom of my boot.

Hey Opt1c how much edibles do dispensaries ask you to bring at a time?


Oh no not at all, I woulnd't try and offer it to a club. I know some would find a reason not to like it. To me, personally, it's exactly the same. It's clean. How about instead of vape trash we call it, "Roasted Cannabis." hehe


I have ridden the mighty sandworm.
try using vaped bud for edibles, if you do it right you can make some really bomb goodies.


It's okay, I just recommend giving it a try! If some want to miss out on the deliciousness, that's fine by me. :D I've called it vape poo too, I settled on "re-fry" for some reason though.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts on things, everyone.


Thanks bro!

I tried to wrap up the offshoot discussion with, "Thanks for sharing your thoughts on things, everyone." I'll thank you to leave it to me, rocky.


Why is it some say 3000 TOPS for dank and some say they are getting upwards of 5000? Is it location completely? Negotiation skills? Inability to know how dank is dank?
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