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The Voice of Reason

the link between autism and vaccines was a lie...
Andrew Wakefield, the doctor whose research sparked international concern over whether or not childhood vaccines cause autism, was found guilty by a British panel of acting unethically in his research on autism.
Wakefield was the lead author a small-scale 1998 case report involving 12 children that suggested a link between vaccines and the onset of childhood autism. The study was immediately seized upon by anti-vaccination advocates, including Jenny McCarthy, the actress and model. Since then, McCarthy has spearheaded a global anti-vaccine movement, accusing drug companies of ignoring children’s safety.

Unfortunately, that study has since been revealed as flawed (if not outright faked); the paper was retracted, and ten of Wakefield’s co-authors have repudiated the work. According to an ABC News story

“The United Kingdom's General Medical Council (GMC) concluded Jan. 28 that Wakefield participated in ‘dishonesty and misleading conduct’ while he conducted the 1998 research. Most of the findings against Wakefield are breaches of standard ethical codes meant to keep bias out of scientific journals.”
Among the charges, Wakefield was found to have taken blood samples without consent from children at a birthday for his child as part of his research. Ironically, the inquiry also found that Wakefield had failed to disclose that he had a financial interest in a patent for a new measles/mumps/rubella (MMR) vaccine he had in development.

Dr. Wakefield’s research has been questioned for years, and the ethics violations are only the latest nail in the coffin for the claim that vaccines cause autism; several large-scale studies have found no evidence of any link. Still, the anti-vaccination movement will march on despite the fact that the only scientific research that supports their position was conducted by a discredited, unethical researcher.

So far, Wakefield’s ethical lapses have only cost him his reputation; he may also end up losing his license to practice medicine. But the real cost is in the millions of dollars of research money wasted trying to confirm his claim. All those wasted years, all those wasted dollars could have been spent on genuine, productive leads generated by ethical researchers. The true cost of Wakefield’s dishonesty may never be known.


lets clarify, the link between certain vaccines and autism was a lie.

plus autism is just one problem of many that can be caused by vaccines,


oh right so millions starving to death in africa is just the way it is?

depleated urainium was used in vietnam, iraq, afghanistan, most probably in pakistan soon and too in yemmen, thats just the way things are?

aspartame being put in sugarfree drinks eventhough its one of the most radioactive compounds on earth, is just there because it makes things taste good without sugar?

fluoride in tap water, just for our teeth?

its not just the way things are grat3, its designed to be.


Andinismo Hierbatero
you know, I grew up with a friend who was also my neighbor, he was deaf, but was not born deaf, and according to his parents, he became deaf after certain vaccinations, I do not recall what was it for though, wish I did... vaccinations' safety have been debated since a whole lot earlier than the 90s though, so that article is pretty suspect.

Sheriff Bart

Deputy Spade
even so one study and 12 people doesnt mean shit in the long run with 6.something billion people on the planet

more studies need to be done of course
theres and increase in autism comin from somewhere though, i dont think that can really be denied, genetic? environmental? will we ever really know?


even so one study and 12 people doesnt mean shit in the long run with 6.something billion people on the planet

more studies need to be done of course
theres and increase in autism comin from somewhere though, i dont think that can really be denied, genetic? environmental? will we ever really know?

Sleeping at odd hours can be a factor.. People with low melatonin levels (which the pineal gland in our brain produces in total darkness aka nighttime and sleep) are more at risk for autism


Andinismo Hierbatero
Sleeping at odd hours can be a factor.. People with low melatonin levels (which the pineal gland in our brain produces in total darkness aka nighttime and sleep) are more at risk for autism

you got to be kidding, right?

it is not like grown up get autism after a vaccination... we are talking 'lil kids here...


I didnt say anything about vaccinations. I simply mentioned that low melatonin levels can be a factor with people who have autism


Active member
Sleeping at odd hours can be a factor.. People with low melatonin levels (which the pineal gland in our brain produces in total darkness aka nighttime and sleep) are more at risk for autism
I hope you mean in babies and small children. Otherwise all of us who have abused the white powders would have autism instead of bad teeth.


the inquiry also found that Wakefield had failed to disclose that he had a financial interest in a patent for a new measles/mumps/rubella (MMR) vaccine he had in development

yeah maybe he just forgot to mention it. We had our baby vaccinated at the height of this scare when the playgrounds were awash with hysterical middle class mum's who, after reading a couple of paragraphs in the Daily Mail, were prepared to put their, and the rest of our kids, at risk of potentially fatal diseases. Now rates of measles and mumps are rising in UKPLC-fact

good post GHead


That doctor is guilty of more than just "dishonesty and misleading conduct"...

Well-meaning but misguided people who have believed his bullshit have helped to spread this insanity, which has resulted in the deaths of some people. Stupid conspiracy-theory nutcases who'll believe anything without rigorous proof (and sometimes the less proof the better, it seems) have latched on to this crap with a fervor that is truly terrifying.


Its all about waying up the risk v benifit,nothing is risk free, i took 2 ibuprofine once and nearly bleed to death (over the counter meds) I personaly am glad i was born in the era of vacination does anyone remember polio?


Andinismo Hierbatero
yeah, I remember polio, specially its vaccines... which thanks to them we have a 'lil something called AIDS.


Word brother. Finally the truth is out...

And just months ago people were having a shit storm about the H1N1 vaccine...

even though it was admitted it was a dangerous vaccine and there are people in the EU being charged with causing a swine flu hype so they could sell the said vaccine....

word brother, truths out there huh?

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