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Postman's Grow Show #4 (feat. H3ad Seeds Trainwreck Bx1)

Mister Postman

The Plant Pervert
Hey MP, do you mean spin your plants in place, or spin them around the fixed bulbs? If you meant in place, there are things called "Lazy Susans" i believe that allow you to rotate plants from a fixed spot. I have recently incorporated a couple of these to help spin my larger plants without lifting them too much in the tent that I have (for it is pretty taxing bending over to pick up and rotate 5 gal buckets with plants that were just watered etc..) I'll take some pics if you want me to....

I am running something similar for my set-up, but I have CMH's on each side of a HPS in the middle. I think your plants will enjoy the duel spectrum, I know mine do! The thing I have found interesting is that even though the HPS puts out more lumens, plants that are equa-distant from both lights will orient toward the CMH's....

Anyway, looking good as always, keep it up!

I had wanted to spin the plants in place, so all sides of the plants would be recieving light as it rotated. Lazy susams would work, but I was lookin for a motorized way of doing it so all sides get exactly the same amount of light throughout the lights on period.

I actually posted this idea a couple years back on grasscity forum, and just recently while reading through maximum yield I found a unit that did exactly as I had wanted to try back then. The site isn't exactly woking but they do show the typical high times mag advertisement with a couple hot whores hanging all over a unit that does what I intended though on a much smaller scale then I envisioned www.spinnerhydro.com

That's interesting that plants lean towards the cmh light in your setup.. Pretty much goes to show what they prefer.

I also missed a post of yours with questions a few days ago... With coco I keep the ph between 5.8-6. I'm currently running Rez's and H3ads modified lucus formula for coco which is really a minimulistic approach to feeding the plants in coco. The get what they need, and nothing more, which I found makes for a nice flushed out plants by the end if you follow the regimen exactly. You can find the regimen in a sticky in the reservour seeds vendor section.


Plz forget you know me...Sugaree
High post! "egh...ugh...hey Bevis..uh..he said minimlisctic"...lol! Is that even a word...lol? :nanana:
Just fuckin with ya bro...lol!

Man I would have to think that a quarter turn per day and a constant spinning would be just about equal in overall outcome. I mean, to what you and I could notice by just looking at it...
I too have thought off this, but sorta gave in to the multi light source, rather than some elaborate spinning device. Im thinking if the spin is automated then watering aint...lol...and vice-versa...lol.
Again, I give my props to light movers on rails, as they achieve (basically) what you propose. But idk for sure, cause Im more of a scrog-guy...lol!
Peace and im sure this was no help at all...lol, bugout:crazy:

Mister Postman

The Plant Pervert
I'm 2 points shy of genius bro. When a word doesn't quite fit, Merriam & Webster gave me the fucking right to invent a new:wink:

Example: The hermit pot farmer down the road lives a minimalistic existence:moon:

Hahaha what's funny is I didn't even notice or think about it LOL.. It just fucking came out like that:joint: I'll blame it on the hash for now, but I'll be calling Mr. Webster in the morning...

Tbug I missed the questions you asked the other day about the feeding regimen... I'm still using the modified lucus 6/9 gh flora formula. Only thing I added this grow was plant success soluble beneficial bac-fungi after transplants, and liquid karma every other feeding at about half the rec dosage.

Mister Postman

The Plant Pervert
Updated pics... Been a few days 12/12 now.. So far these Trainwrecks are some of the prettiest plants I've grown in a while.. I'm loving thier short stature and wide spread out growth. I'm really looking forward to checking out what kinda buddage I get from them all:joint: I pinched the stem of one of the plants between my fingers, and the liquid left on my finger smelt like straight up concentrated no water added pinesol.... I Also may have to rethink my plans and setup though, and run the four of these ladies in the tent by themselves.. Compareing to these pics from just yesterday they are opening up and stretching out a hell of a lot faster then the other varieties in the grow. They have bud sites on either side of the outstretched branches from top to bottom...

Trainwreck bx1 female#1

Trainwreck bx1 female#2

Trainwreck bx1 female#3

Trainwreck bx1 female #4

Here are the 2 Chemdog D bx1 hybrid females I left out of the last update. So very they are extrmely vigorous and seem to be very much like what I found in chemd bx1's as far as stem scent-vigor-structure. They are some of the largest in the tent even though started a good 2 weeks after the others

ChemX Female#1

ChemX female#2

Here are my Wonder Diesel X Chemdog D bx1 hedges.. Nice short stocky thick growth on these ladies.. All the secondary bud sites are sitting right up there with the main cola.

WD x ChemD bx1 Female#1

wd x chemd bx1 female#2 (my favorite of the 2)

Last but not least is the lone White Widow...
Hey PM, do you notice a difference using the plant success? I got the subculture series from GH, it's a 2 part that has beneficial bacteria in one (subculture-B) and one has the beneficial fungi in it (subculture-M) and just started using it with this run, and being 30-40$ each I better notice a difference!! Those plant success tablets are really cheap so I would love to know if they work! Thanks, keep it green (as always MP)

Mister Postman

The Plant Pervert
Hey PM, do you notice a difference using the plant success? I got the subculture series from GH, it's a 2 part that has beneficial bacteria in one (subculture-B) and one has the beneficial fungi in it (subculture-M) and just started using it with this run, and being 30-40$ each I better notice a difference!! Those plant success tablets are really cheap so I would love to know if they work! Thanks, keep it green (as always MP)

I'm not sure yet Smokesalot.. I've only been using it for a short period of time with coco-hydro, and never been without it yet. When I was growing organically in soiless mediums beneficial bac-fungi made all the difference. Without a doubt it benefited the plants, root systems, and soil life.

This is my first time trying this specific product with coco, and hydroponic nutrients.. Like the gh subculture the plant success soluble (not the granular & tabs) is marketed for hydroponic use.. The hydro versions use higher concentrations, and a much wider variety of bacteria, mycorrhiza, and tricoderma to help establish, and survive the harsher environment. I believe the PS tabs to contain only 8or9 species of mycorrhizae where as the PS soluble contains 20 different types of mycorrhizae, 19 species of bacteria, and 2 types of tricoderma. It cost me $15 for 4oz, and .5oz treats 6gal. A bit more money then the granular or tabs but probably cheaper then gh subculture.. Gh is a solid company though IMO. You really don't see them pushing to many snake oils..

So far I gotta say my roots look GREAT!! A few of my moms were rootbound with what appeared to be the start of root rot setting in from sitting in run off for to long. After an application, and a lil fresh medium in the containers the roots are again white and healthy, and the plant is thriving once again. I also believe it may of been key in battling back from the dampening off I experienced early on in this grow.. Dampening off is caused by a fungus, and the addition of beneficial fungi could of certainly worked towards killing off those which were harming my fragile seedlings at that time.. I can see it helping mostly with germination, rooting clones, and establishing strong early root systems in soiless mediums such as coco. Once you start pouring on the high salt hydroponic nutes is where I'm not so sure..

Of course being an organic head, any kinda fertilizer salts was the devil... I obviously keep an open mind though :rasta:


Those plants are looking good man. That Train wreck plant #2 looks so bushy and healthy. I actually just started a TW grow, so I'll be watching your progress.

Keep it up!

Mister Postman

The Plant Pervert
Growits I agree, #2 is a real beauty. She looks to be the perfect MJ plant IMO. As of right now anyway.... I've heard this strain really likes to loosen up later in flower, and flop her big luscious buds around. Right now she's manageable, but before long I believe I'll be having to tie her ass up to a stake... For now though with that perfectly straight sturdy frame, nice full green leaves, and everything symmetrical she's certainly promising. I have my eye on her, and I hope I find her personality to match that sexy frame of hers

When it comes down to it though, they are all very consistent so far. They all have very similar leaf shape, and growth structures... Some a lil bushier and larger, and more willing to branch out, but then again some are 2 weeks older then others as well. So far so good though.. I'm pleased.

It's sickens me that I'm such a fucking plant perv...:1help:

tbug Without a doubt these plants would kick ass in a scrog set-up. I'm getting branches on branches, and bud sites on top of bud sites LOL.. The thai sativa is much more noticeable to me now that I'm a few days into flower that's for sure I'm pretty sure with something like these you could fill a screen fairly quickly, flip em and stand back LOL.. You can see the node growth low down on the plants on plants 1 and 4 in the pics above mostly, but in the last two days all the plants took off branching out like that from every node.

I ended up pulling a few more clones, and gifting 2 plants out to a friend to be flowered. 1 of the wd/chem, and 1 of the chemX's. I think I was at the point where I would of yielded similarly either way. Either I was gonna pack em all in tight and loose a lot of yield to the under growth, or make someone's summer, and get better penetration from the lights to fill out what I kept. I figured it was win-win since I'll get some to smoke, and I'll have my clones to run if they're any good.


That was way good of you to share your genetics with others, good karma to you.

I just did the same thing. I got a little overzealous and started out too many at once. I ended up giving away a nice flowering Durban Poison and Chiesel to make room in the flowering tent for the J Horror, Blue Mystic and Thaitanic.

Mister Postman

The Plant Pervert
No doubt O-G I made my friends summer... He'd been growing for almost 2 years off a few PPP buds I gave him with some seeds still left in it. Goes to show you how shitty the commercial genetics are around here LOL.. Two years off the same damn bag seeds.... It was good though ppp/wonderdiesel :smile: but I'd say it was time for something new..

Mister Postman

The Plant Pervert
Pine-sol.... lemon, pinesol lemon, lemon pinesol... whatever.... All i know is these Trainwrecks fucking stink something lovely:smile: Right up my alley so far... I love my lemony pinesol strains... Almost similar in respects to the wonder diesel but without the diesel funk... it's a much more pronounced true to life pinesol scent when I rub the stems:woohoo:


Hi Post,
I just sit down and read this thread all the way through. Hell of a nice turn around from the problems you had at the begining. Those TW's look really great. One of these days I will get my hands on some along with the chem. I keep checking SB charity auction looking for some nice crosses. I am also patiently waiting for Rez's new gear to come out.

I too had a bad time germing this time around. I just put my Bubblelicios and Super Skunk into soil tonight. Going to keep the temp down a bit this time around.

Mister Postman

The Plant Pervert
Hi Post,
I just sit down and read this thread all the way through. Hell of a nice turn around from the problems you had at the begining. Those TW's look really great. One of these days I will get my hands on some along with the chem. I keep checking SB charity auction looking for some nice crosses. I am also patiently waiting for Rez's new gear to come out.

I too had a bad time germing this time around. I just put my Bubblelicios and Super Skunk into soil tonight. Going to keep the temp down a bit this time around.

Hell yeah, I thought this grow was pretty much tanked on page 3... Luckily, and I mean luckily I didnt cast my seeds all at once. I was able to learn from some mistakes early on, and turn it around with whatever I had left. In the end I'm not so bad off with 4 females to choose a keeper from, 3 males to cross to the keeper. It hasn't been mentioned much, but I do have an 8 trainwreck that is now perfectly healthy and in the process of being sexed-flowered... Since I gifted those two plants out I was able to use my smaller tent to flower out that 8th tw along with a couple c99/blueberry, and wonder diesel in crosses I had started:smile:

While I have no connections for clones really, I do alright for myself accquiring seeds-hybrids of them, incrossing, and selecting from there. I'm so looking forward to Rez's releases too..... Rez has befriended me since coming to icmag, and he's pretty much taken it upon himself to see to it that my cousin and I smoke good. I'm on a few of his beta lists for the chem ibl, sfv ogkush release, and have a very good chance at accquiring some of those blueberry-chem seeds as well. I may not get the exact clones, but I rarely want for much after doing a cross or two of my own, and selecting my keepers. While I'd love to get my hands on all these elite clones, I truely enjoy growing from seed and putting together a selection of keepers similar to the elites but unique to whats out there circulating.

Recently I snagged a pack of mountain high Haze from the 420 actions, as well as grapevines OG bubblegum x sourbubble. Along with those I got some sweet freebies IMO.. a 5 pack of ssh f2, and a 10 pack of Amnesia Haze x Black Kush... I'm heading into uncharted waters with the hazes, but I'm certainly looking forward to the highs.

Good luck with the upcomming grow o-g.. I hope ur able to overcome the rough start and get some lovely ladies for ur efforts:rasta: I'll be keeping an eye out for your grows bro...

Mister Postman

The Plant Pervert
Trainwrecks are coming along nicely.. Their really starting to Stretch out under the lights, and filling the tent up with a nice canopy.

Trainwreck bx1 Female #1

Trainwreck bx1 Female #2

Trainwreck bx1 Female #3

Trainwreck bx1 Female #4


Plz forget you know me...Sugaree
High plant perv! I love the side shot of #1 and #4 looks like a nice bush shape as well! They all look great though!
Peace, bugout


Active member
Nice show MP. I'm keeping an eye on this one as I'm curious to see how your Trainwreaks turn out, and how they compare to the S1s I have going right now. The flowering time seems long compared to the real deal, but I suppose that's to be expected due to the BX to the Thai. They do look very vigorous!

Mister Postman

The Plant Pervert
Hehehe. At least I have the balls to admit it Tbug. For some reason I get the feeling I'm not the only one around here:wink: Where ya think the term "plant porn" comes from:joint:

I'm digging numbers 1, and 4 also.. I'm thinking they show a little bit more of their Thai lineage then the others. Though they all are fairly consistent so far.. I can see some short stalked trichs on the leaves, so hopefully that's a sign of good things to come.. I'm looking forward to some flowers soon.

What up NeonGreen.. Yeah, I believe H3ad marked the seed packet with estimated 58-68 day flower time. I heard of the arcata cut being harvested by some at around 50-55 days. I'm sure he took in the possibility of some having a lil more thai-sativa characteristics.

I got this pack as testers so I'm pretty sure at the time I got em not to many had been grown yet.. I spoke with H3ad briefly about these seeds, and he said instead of doing as most would do and breed to a stable afghani type for the initial out cross, he felt that breeding to the thai since trainwreck has a good bit of thai in it's makeup already was a better choice for possibly capturing and preserving some of the features/characteristics the arcata tw high is known for... Sounds good to me:smile: and I'll take a lil longer flower times if the buds pack the heady punch I'm looking for... I love these early released bx lines.. I do believe H3ad has plans for more work and bx'ing with this line, but picking through these less refined releases, and crossing them is what I personally really really enjoy to do..

So far I'm 12-13 days into flower.. The tallest plant is around 42in.. I didn't measure them before setting to flower, but I'd say they stretched about 12-14in since... Over the last 2 days though growth has changed a bit, they shot up a good 5in, and lots more leaves are being produced from the growth tips at once. With that more calyx's are forming as well.. Hopefully now the stretching will cease, and these ladies can start setting some flowers. So far they've been a pleasure to grow though.. Certainly a different growth structure then what I'm used to seeing.. Once they set flowers I'll go ahead and trim out/clone some of the under growth, maybe stake a few early,and then it's off to the races:woohoo:

Thanks for stopping in and checking out the grow.. Good luck with your growing of the s1's, and I'll be sure to check it out when I come across it.. I did a search for trainwreck on here already, so it's possible I visited it already without even knowing:rasta:
hey mr postman...
When is the best time to foliar feed, before light come on at the end of the cycle?
ive never tried it.
by the way nice to run into you after a couple years man...

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