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Use 2000w to produce 4000w....


Active member


we can all dream, cant see it doing that myself, 300-350lbs did i read that right, its fkin heavy.

Ultra Current

Im not going to be able to explain this well but one of my partners is kind of crazy and he uses free electricity. He cant get a lot of watts but he said there is energy in the air. He takes some sort of circuit board that has resisters and whatever else on it and wraps a very long wire over and over again like some sort of coil. Tben he takes the wire and puts it up a tree. It really works and i saw it but it gives you like a few watts. Its a cool idea though. Maybe someone here can explain it better than me.


Active member
There is an unlimited amount of energy all around us. One day we will learn how to tap into it efficiently and all these stupid wars over energy will go away.

Do I think this gizmo taps into the energy around us. NO. Do I think this gizmo just simply doubles the energy put into it? NO.

I am going to make a wild stab at what is really going on here. Remember that game that kids play where they whisper a message into each others ear until its gone all the way around the room? The message after passing so many people's ears gets completely distorted. This is probably what's going on here. Except replace kids with stoners. ;)


Active member
Believe in the possiblity? Yes.

Believe that this particular device works? Not really. :D

Lot of haters that should be laughing though. I blame it on too much indica in the gene pool. LOL

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:


there IS a company in canada that is called PRO ENERGY and will take any invention to perfect it.

the french or spanish spelling would be PRO ENERGIE = i ran it through the google translator

theres lots of things close to greenEKonum but again this could be french or spanish

im a canadian and i once had an american in georgia ask me if they sold PEPSI in canada and there were the 2 lovely ladies from florida that thought i would know every1 in vancouver, BC as its so small and isolated.

ignorance is BLISS
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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
you take an electric generator and plug it into the wall. the generator produces more independant energy; up to 8 times the input in this case and powers 4k in usable light. (energy)

put it this way; a wind turbine creates energy as does a water wheel; as most stealth outdoor growers know. so what is impossibe of creating more electrical energy using electricity?

Well because so far, the electronic technologies for creating electricity use more energy then what it can create.

As has been suggested already if something like this were true, it would be huge. I mean on the order of something like an alchemist actually succeeding in transforming lead into gold. The power companies out there would be revolutionized. No longer would they need fossil fuels, and the like to run their generators. All they would need is one of these babies and 2000W to get the ball rolling and then just build it up from there much in the way it has been suggested in earlier posts.

My guess is the things that has caused the OP to think "There's got to be something to it" such as the size and price tag were taken into consideration by the manufacturer to get just that kind of reaction.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
ive been looking the net for something that looks similar or describes the same effects

any opinions on this



That appears to just be line conditioning. I can't explain the how to's very well but basically it just keeps things in your home running more efficiently and the end result is that you use less electricity to do the same things then a house without line conditioning. It's been widely use on the idustrial level for quite some time but here lately with the cost of energy continually on the rise many companies are now marketing this technology for the home owner.

As I understand it the main thing is that these devices have capacitors that capture the lost energy that happens when the power in fluctuates and releases it when needed. So while the power on the input side is fluctuating the power on the output side is clean and steady keeping things running smoothly and efficiently.


Enormous Member




Sorcerer's Apprentice
If its real and works why isn't the hydro store guy running multiple ballasts on it right now?


maybe he is = under the store! dam you guys dont think stealth at all! still looking but cant read spanish well. could always do a patent search


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
maybe he is = under the store! dam you guys dont think stealth at all! still looking but cant read spanish well. could always do a patent search

I think Anti meant, as a way to prove it does what it claims, to help sell it. There wouldn't be much sense in being stealth with the things you're using to promote your products. Although that wouldn't prove anything unless it has a meter to show how much power it's consuming from the input side.

joe fresh

Active member
interesting vid


The Energy by Motion (EBM) machine by Gamma Managers of Budapest, Hungary, is an electromagnetic motor design that allegedly produces more electricity than is required to run the motor.
Errata A recent (Jan. 2008) report that the company allegedly has a working 10 MW (continuous, self-sustaining, usable) prototype that is ready to go commercial turns out to have been spurious. Oct. 13, 2006 update -- NOT SELF-RUNNING YET: The company's present prototypes measure a small degree over unity, according to the measurement instruments and methods used. However, the extent of output exceeding input is not enough in the present prototypes to then cycle back to keep the unit running, as a self-runner. Any language expressing the self-running capability is extrapolative to a larger size, not yet built or proven, which allegedly has the necessary combination to keep the unit running and provide extra energy for use. (Source: Prof. Szabo, by phone to Sterling D. Allan.) Still true as of September 1, 2010 as far as I know. --Sterling D. Allan

next week im def going to the store asking for a demo, the companys phone number and other info....hell if i can ill bring tools and take the cover off this thing

joe fresh

Active member
ya the more and more i look at different pics and descriptions the more im convinced that its a deep cycle battery powered generator and the guy didnt explain it properly

when i go back ill make sure to talk to the other guy who knows more about the products cuz the guy i did talk to looks like capt dan from forest gump, but no wheel chair but he does have a cain

...like i said ill talk to one of the other 2 guys who actually know what they are talking bout


ICMag Donor
I've been thinking about this for a bit, and although it sounds impossible I was thinking of something.

What if you had a generator that ran off 120 volts which in turn turned four seperate brushes and created 1000 watts each? The basic principle of a gas generator but being run with electricity. But I dare say if this were possible energy companies would have patented this years ago.....


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
I've been thinking about this for a bit, and although it sounds impossible I was thinking of something.

What if you had a generator that ran off 120 volts which in turn turned four seperate brushes and created 1000 watts each? The basic principle of a gas generator but being run with electricity.

The higher the generated power, the higher the load on the prime mover, whether it be a gasoline engine, electric motor, pelton wheel, windmill, or whatever. That is why a 6.5kw generator would have a 13 hp engine and a 3kw one would have a 5 hp (hp figures are for illustration only, not actual sizes). With any current technology there is a substantial fall-down in the conversion of one form of energy to another, so it is impossible to get even a 1:1 conversion, much less a 2:1.

joe fresh

Active member
I've been thinking about this for a bit, and although it sounds impossible I was thinking of something.

What if you had a generator that ran off 120 volts which in turn turned four seperate brushes and created 1000 watts each? The basic principle of a gas generator but being run with electricity. But I dare say if this were possible energy companies would have patented this years ago.....

ive also been thinking alot since i seen it, my thoughts of making free energy was a combination of the same magnet theory, but using pullies and gears to make the out put spin slower but move a much larger turbine to create electricity...i mean pullies were invented a long time ago to create levereage so a normal man who could lift 150lbs could now lift 1500 lbs with ease...i would think a similar theory with electric motors and pullies/gears could dothe same...but im just a stoner who knows not much of these things, but i keep an open mind


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
Joe, after giving this gadget a lot of thought, I think that you might have seen a 4kw inverter powered by deep cycle batteries and and re-charged with a 2kw battery charger. It would give you the 4kw output with a 2kw input, but re-charging the batteries would take a hell of a lot longer than you would be able to power the 4kw load off of the inverter side.

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