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USA strikes Syria again


Well-known member
G `day T

You haven`t been up in Laurel Canyon lately ?

Maybe the troop withdrawal is to do with the army running a few trillion over budget ?

The Pentagon's Missing Trillions: What You Need to Know

1 Trillion is equal to 1 ,000 ,000 Million

Thanks for sharin

EB .

they've been running huge losses for decades, not counting what has been stolen or wasted. incredible waste of taxpayers money propping up industry in political strongholds...


Well-known member
G `day T

You haven`t been up in Laurel Canyon lately ?

Maybe the troop withdrawal is to do this the army running a few trillion over budget ?

The Pentagon's Missing Trillions: What You Need to Know

Thanks for sharin

EB .

Laurel Canyon aint the only Laurel Canyon across the States

As for the missing trillions, notice this happens in cycles in our history.
And it coincides with expansions in particular entities.

I oft wonder, if Congress were to just blanket-approve all Defense expenditures with no questions asked if there would be less tom fuckery with the money.

“I know that you know that I know that you know tyat I know that you wanna fuck me in the ass.”

You ever look at where the weapons are made that these terrorists/disrupters are armed with?
Thats always the first thing I look at in a conflict: where were those weapons made. When you get keen enough, you can tell which factory, or if they were just made by hand woth old parts.
If your state fell and was invaded and you and your town gathered to resist and fight, would you all have matching, brand new rifles or would it be a hodge podge of whatever’s around?
Brand new or similar weapons points to an orchestrated conflict.
Look at Brasil, they are resisting and they only have home-made shop-tool squibs. Thats what a home-grown resistance looks like. If they had brand new AK’s, it’d be easy to see that there are strings being pulled, meaning puppeteers.


a lot of conflicting information about the withdrawal, same with the agreement about Manbij, still no SSA troops in the actual city of Manbij, although they are amassing in the north and western outskirts waiting for the deal to be finalized.

Dec. 31, 2018: US Forces Withdraw From One Of Their Bases


according to the latest msm reports Trump has agreed to slow down the departure after all. he just doesn't have the balls to stand up to the full power of the media and the deep state together, if those two can even considered to be separate entities anymore.


:tiphat: :)



Well-known member
ICMag Donor
a lot of conflicting information about the withdrawal, same with the agreement about Manbij, still no SSA troops in the actual city of Manbij, although they are amassing in the north and western outskirts waiting for the deal to be finalized.

Dec. 31, 2018: US Forces Withdraw From One Of Their Bases


according to the latest msm reports Trump has agreed to slow down the departure after all. he just doesn't have the balls to stand up to the full power of the media and the deep state together, if those two can even considered to be separate entities anymore.

Withdrawal to be slowed down lol is the latest news over here ��
Normal service resumed,,,s2:tiphat:
Rummsfeld’s SCI is Eagle White.

And y’alls need to understand that “Removing US troops” does not mean that the US is no longer there.
I was still in high-school when I understood the semantic games they play in press releases.

Unknown Unknowns - you have no idea the things you dont know yet they are the eay they are.
If you were given red-spectrum contacts at birth, how would you know that you are not seeing the full spectrum of light unless your contacts were to be removed at some point?
News media and culture are those red-spectrum contacts. They train you to observe, and question, things in a very specific and narrow way.

The truth, or the hints at the truth, are out there, but you have to know how to look at them correctly to know what they are saying.
“The rest is just as important as the note itself”

None of us mean anything to the powers that be and they have no reason to inform us of the true nature of things.

OK, so in this next post you came across much better than the previous one. I guess in your previous post you were referring to armedoldhippy and other similar loudmouthed morons who clearly are quite drunk on the media Kool-Aid. Some of us others have also managed to escape from the Matrix, but God damned if some folks can be asked to listen to anything we have to say.


Christmas celebrations in Damascus 🎅🎄


Vanessa Beeley & Eva Bartlett in Syria: on Positive Developments (& Subsequent Media Silence)


Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
CIA Hippie Mind Control: Inside Laurel Canyon with Dave McGowan

The hippie movement of the 1960s, which began in Laurel Canyon, Los Angeles and peculiar military and political ties to prominent figures in the scene like Jim Morrison and Frank Zappa are looked at with Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon author Dave McGowan. We also discuss movement pioneer Vito Paulekas, Charles Manson and the Manson Family murders, and the theory that the CIA manufactured the hippie counterculture to undermine the anti war movement, in this uncensored Antidote interview, hosted by Michael Parker.


Well-known member
One would gave a difficult time finding any place in the country with a more interesting colorful and
unusual background than the city of angels.
If one has an interest in the unusual, the area is a trove.


really interesting article by Senator Black, he has been to Syria and actually spoken with Syrian civilians, he toured the area and saw through the information war being waged on the Syrian government. he will go down in the history books as one of the few voices against imperialism and warmongering. thats a man with guts, he will speak up even if he is the only voice for justice, while the mob bays for the blood of who ever the media tells them is the newest "BAD GUY", who must go, because lies lies and more lies as it turns out, but sure, lets all fall for it again, you know Assad eats human organs, oh wait, nope that was a moderate rebel financed by the US who was eating his prisoners organs after slaughtering them, then posting the whole thing to social media. anyway, Senator Black deserves respect, he didnt just accept the narrative being peddled, he went to Syria and talked to the other side too. when you do that, it's much easier to see who is bull shitting you. he's well worth reading. it's so sad, if ony the US would get the hell out of Syria, things could finally move forward in a positive way. the guy from Secular talk, thinks Trump is privatizing the wars to blackwater and co and only taking the soldiers out so mercs can take over and probably send the bill to Saudi etc. i knew it was probably too good to be true when Trump sounded all reasonable and logical about leaving Syria. hope we are wrong, time will tell.

Has Trump Been Outmaneuvered on Syria Troop Withdrawal?


Has Trump Been Outmaneuvered on Syria Troop Withdrawal?

Trump’s possible backtracking on withdrawal from Syria means he may have been once again outmaneuvered by the Deep State, says Virginia State Senator Dick Black.

By Senator Dick Black

Following the outcry after President Donald Trump’s announcement that he was pulling U.S. troops from Syria, it appears that Trump may be succumbing to political pressure. U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) visited the White House on Dec. 30 and afterward told reporters: “We talked about Syria. He told me some things I didn’t know that made me feel a lot better about where we’re headed in Syria,” Graham said. Trump’s withdrawal plans are “slowing down in a smart way,” Graham said, according to NBC News.

The Washington Post added: ” ‘Graham described Trump’s decision as ‘a pause situation’ rather than a withdrawal, telling reporters, “I think the president’s taking this really seriously.” Graham said: “He promised to destroy ISIS. He’s going to keep that promise. We’re not there yet. But as I said today, we’re inside the 10-yard line, and the president understands the need to finish the job.”

The mainstream media refuses to acknowledge that the hardest fighting against ISIS and al Qaeda has been done by Syria and its allies. Indeed, we label Iran’s fight against Syrian terrorists as “malign activity,” ignoring the fact that al Qaeda in Syria [al Nusra] is the progeny of the al Qaeda force that highjacked jets and flew them into the Twin Towers and Pentagon, killing 3,000 Americans on 9-11.

Pulitzer Prize-winning author, Seymour Hersh, wrote that a Defense Intelligence Agency review of Syrian policy in 2013 revealed that clandestine CIA Program Timber Sycamore, had degenerated into a program that armed all terrorists indiscriminately, specifically including ISIS and al Qaeda. I seriously doubt that this was merely a program failure. There is strong evidence that the U.S. planned to overthrow Syria in 2001; the U.S. Embassy in Damascus issued a detailed strategy to destabilize Syria in 2006–long before the so-called “Arab Spring;” and that our focus has consistently been on toppling the duly elected, constitutional and UN-recognized government of Syria.

It’s sickening to hear these clowns repeatedly claim that “Assad murdered 500,000 of his people,” as though the U.S.-backed terrorists have played no role in the killings. I’ve viewed hundreds of beheadings and crucifixions online but none committed by Syria troops–all were proudly posted by the hellish filth that we’ve recruited, armed and trained for the past eight years. Major war crimes, like beheading 250 Syrian soldiers after running them across the desert in their underpants, were scarcely mentioned by the MSM.

During a five-hour drive across liberated Syria this September, I spoke with many people, from desert shepherds, to nuns and Muslim religious. There were palpable expressions of joy that the Syrian armed forces had liberated them from the terrorists. That was coupled with broad-based, unequivocal support for President Bashar al Assad and the Syrian Armed Forces.

This disastrous war would never have occurred without American planning and execution. And it would have ended years and hundreds of thousands of casualties ago had we closed our training and logistics bases in Jordan, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar. The Syrian War had little to do with the “Arab Spring” and much to do with clandestine actions of CIA, MI-6, Mossad, Turkish MIT, French DGSE, Saudi GID and others, working with the savage Syrian Muslim Brotherhood. We trained and recruited far more terrorists than we killed, and we will encounter those survivors again, at other times and places.

It is instructive that, despite President Donald Trump’s strong directive on a rapid Syrian pull-out, apparently not one soldier or Marine has departed Syria. And the argument that they’re tied up with fighting ISIS doesn’t hold water. On Syria’s southern border, across from Jordan, lies the U.S. base at al Tanf. ISIS is nowhere around. Al Tanf’s sole purpose is to hold and defend the sovereign territory of Syria (using a 55 km no-fly zone). It denies Syria the right to restore order and provide aid to starving Syrians trapped in the American zone.

Al Tanf is the canary in the Syrian coal mine. If Trump’s pullout has any credibility, the 800 or so troops and equipment assigned there could be withdrawn across the Jordanian border within 24 hours. Their failure to do so suggests duplicity by our foreign policy shadow government. The Pentagon seems unresponsive to the Commander-in-Chief, and he has surrounded himself with advisors whose allegiance does not lie with him–or with the American people.

Republican Senator Richard H. Black represents the 13th district of Virginia, encompassing parts of both Loudoun and Prince Williams Counties in northern Virginia.

edited to add:

heres the secular talk clip i was mentioning....

Trump May Be Privatizing - Not Ending - Wars

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