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Ultra Current's 2000 Watt Lem Chem in RDWC!


Ultra Current

Everything is going well except the extra plant that came from the seed with 2 plants isn't going to make it. Still got 10 / 10 for germination rates out of my pack! Here's a few pics of them:

And here's some cool looking pics that I took after the seedlings released their shells:

Flava Flave came to "The Old Guy" in 1987 from Rotterdam. "The Old Guy" had 7 seeds and grew them all out. It went by the name "The Sweet" and was some of the best weed in the Dam at the time. 3 pheno's are still around that we still have. The high is all potent sativa and has crazy flavor, hence the name.

looking very nice bro

cant wait to see them in full flower

Thanks ojd I can't wait either! Time goes by so slow for seed grows the suspense kills me.

Move over, I need room on the couch, this looks like it is going to be a great thread!!!!!
Can you pass me some of those jelly beans over there

you can set next to me and translate the big words
That's funny because I'm so bad at words. I think of myself as pretty simple when it comes to stuff like this. I hate going into threads where I can't even understand what's going on.


Free up the Herbs....Let the Sacrament grow!
ill be taggin along too...got 4 of my last lem chems ready to germ. First time around i had 2 females that were ultra stinky and frosty. Finished rather quik too if i recall. Good vibez


Can It All Be So Simple!
Yeah nice clean setup... I got to make the switch to hydro my next grow not sure what system i want to run yet was thinking ebb an flow or rdwc

Ultra Current

ill be taggin along too...got 4 of my last lem chems ready to germ. First time around i had 2 females that were ultra stinky and frosty. Finished rather quik too if i recall. Good vibez
Shit im glad to hear that you had success with them! Cant wait to see these buds.

Yeah nice clean setup... I got to make the switch to hydro my next grow not sure what system i want to run yet was thinking ebb an flow or rdwc
Having run ebb and flow for over 10 years the best thing i did is switch to rdwc. Crazy growth rates. When you see all my formulas and how easy im going to make it for you, i would be surprised if you didnt go this route. You can build a 2000 watt system for around 500 and ill show you how soon.

Ultra Current

The seedlings are doing very well and everything is going according to plan so far. I have them in 3.5" x 3.5" x 3.5" containers and there is also a heat mat set to 70 degrees F. It is very cold where we are and we havent had heat for 2 years now. The furnice broke and we dont shut down for these type of reasons. There is no way any outsiders are coming here so plumbers are out the question for security reasons. We leave in april so just one more cold winter to get through. I cant use electric heat because we are already pulling 10,000 watts here and i wouldnt feel comfortable with any more. Sometimes i sleep in the veg room and its real warm in there. Now back to the seedlings. My containers can be considered a bit large for starting seedlings because i refuse toadd any nutes. Foxfarm light warrior is very light and the seedlings can run out of food before im able to grow the roots big enough to transplant them. The way that i get around this so they dont starve and turn yellow is by adding a little layer of foxfarm ocean forest at the bottom. I also only fill the container with light warrior between half way and 3 quarters up and i leave room for when the seedlings are big enough to add more ocean forest on top. If i was to do that now, i would risk burning them because the soil is very hot (contains a lot of food). In about a week ill be able to add the ocean forest on top. I sent out an order today via FedEx for 10 packs of beans so my tester pack of the white jones should be able to get here sooner so i can start the other log soon. Now i have to change out some rez's and see why the pump in one of my EZ Cloners isnt working. Thats all for now.

Ultra Current

This is the time when i really start making observations and labeling plants according to leaf shapes when they are just getting their first leaves. It is easy to notice differences between plants. Lem Chem is a hybrid between Lemon Larry and Chem:moon: I can notice 2 different styles of leaves and we will see how this translates when we go into deep flowering to see if it was correct to make predictions from very early observations. Remember these seedlings only have the first one finger leaf visible and 4 of the seedlings have a skinny leaf which i hypothisize will be on the Lemon Larry side and the other 6 fatter leaf traits i hypothesize will be Chem:moon:

Plants that show the fat leaf trait are #'s: 2, 3, 5, 6, 7 & 9

Plants that show the thinner leaf trait are #'s: 1, 4, 8a & 10

Here are some pictures:

taggin along for this one :lurk:

Welcome to the show! Theres still a lot of time left.

Ultra Current

Today i topped off all of the containers with Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil. I also raised the proporgator trays so that they are closer to the light. Everythig is going well and they look great! Have a happy hoilday to all.

Ultra Current

All the seedlings are doing well! Not much to report on as of now. Ive just been giving them plain old tap water at 6.8 pH and 40 TDS (500 scale). Ill take pictures on day 21. The suspense is killing me, i just want to see these buds.


ICMag Donor
yeah it is a slow one starting from seeds but the wait will be worth it for sure


Ultra Current

Iam pulling up a seat also. Best of luck amigo.
Thanks for pulling up a seat! Hope you have a great New Years!

yeah it is a slow one starting from seeds but the wait will be worth it for sure


Oh yeah im sure! I still would like to fast forward 3 months though.

please provide us with more pix!!

love to see more!

Didnt think people like to look at seedlings. I took some pictures today and will post them in an hour or so.

Ultra Current

Today is Day 17 and there is not much news. I've just been giving them plain old tap water when they need it. I continue to hand weigh my pots like any good grower would do. I don't stick my finger in the dirt like some growers who don't know what they are doing. I hope everyone is having a good time and smoking some nice trees out there to celebrate the New Year. I'll just be at home working on various projects. Here are some pics that were taken today:


Ultra Current

Well everyone after this post all computers and phones are going bye bye. It is not my choice but this is life. My cars are leaving too. I will have no transportation and no access to internet. Ill continue to take pics and will finish the log when i can. Have a good life everyone.


ICMag Donor
yo bro

whats up

hit me up in email or pm

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Ultra Current

Alright it’s time to set the record straight. First of all anyone who doesn’t like my logs or has bullshit to say without knowing the situation can leave all my logs and go somewhere else. No one taught me any of this shit but somehow I am an expert on RDWC and pull around 4 pounds per 2 lights all the time. How can this be? It’s called hard work. No one on this site needs me to tell them what to do to be successfull. All they need to do is a little research and do a little growing to figure it out. Some of you want me to spoon feed you baby food all day cause you can’t feed yourself. You guys have no idea how many hoops I have to jump through just to keep this log going. Like I said before I don’t have a license and haven’t had one since 2006 and it is not from drinking and driving. I am a criminal in the eyes of the law and because of this I have to protect myself. It was easier when I had a girl because I could put houses, phones, cars, internet and whatever else in her name or her friends names. Whenever I needed a ride, she would give me one and it made things very simple. If she was sleeping, I would just take the car and risk getting arrested just to document my logs. Those days are over. I will never have internet in my grows for security reasons and for those who don’t understand that aren’t too bright. I do not live in a med state like most of you. I’ve been in this game for 20 years (since 1991) and made millions so don’t even try insulting me. The fact that I come to this site and say anything to help any of you is all that really matters. I don’t need to give any of you any of my logs or data and any of you should be extremely happy to any information that I give you. Now that my girl is not my girl, I do not have access to cars when I want to. I don’t have access to internet when I need to document something. It just took me 2 hours just to take cabs and public transportation just to have to write to all the ungrateful trolls here and when I’m done I have to waste another 2 hours getting back to the grows and then spend countless hours working at my grows. There is a lot of people in life that I have to take care of and if I fail, then they fail and I will never let that happen. My people come first and I hold their lives in my hands and this brings much stress to me every day. I have so much stress in my life that I lost my vision in one of my eyes over a year ago and never regained vision in that eye. I still don’t let this hold me back from my grows and responsibilities. Whatever I have to do to get the job done, I do what it take because this is the life that I chose many years ago. You guys have no idea of the things that I have to deal with. You have no idea how many lights and grow spots that I have, no idea how much risk that I really take in life. Now about electricity. I’m running 10KW just in this one location and no one cares. No one cares unless you live in Florida. Just pay your bills and you’ll be alright.

I’m too emotional and pissed right now but anyway I will finish my logs before my departure here. There are 2 people that I won’t name that I really want to help and this log will be so much help to them. I will only jump through hoops every Saturday to give you all my data and pictures until this log is done as well as my Lem Chem log, White Jones log and RDWC tutorial is completed. After that I will turn into a ghost. There are a few people here that know how to reach me and I will continue to stay in touch with them. My time is too limited so I will try my best not to talk about anything else except these logs. Happy growing to everyone.

Ultra Current

Its been a while but all the Lem Chems are doing well. They were all transplanted into bigger pots of Foxfarm Ocean Forest. I cant really notice any differences between them so they all look pretty similar to this point. I have no knoledge whatsoever of Lemon Larry so i dont know how she looks to get an idea of whats more dominant in this cross. When i see some buds ill know more about what these plants are. As far as growth goes, its similar to all the other beans that i popped at the same time. Theres a good chance that this log turns into a soil grow but it is up in the air. I expext to take clones from these plants in 2 weeks or so. Ill take some pics rhis weekend. Everything has been going well and they just get plain tap water. No hormones whatsoever.