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I really like H&G everything in my albums has been done with H&G aqua flakes + the rest of the line so take a peak.


does anyone know why H&G has two enzyme products...one for early in flower and one for late? are they actually different?
pretty sure the name was changed from zyme to zen- same product, different label, happens alot in this industry when importing stuff from other countries. they also changed the strength on the algean round that time and its stronger now. the veg feed schedule didn't have the zyme/zen , it started in bloom. i started using hygrozyme thru out veg and up till shooting powder starts in bloom..


New member
Hey all, I haven't posted here for quite some time but saw this thread and thought I'd throw in my two cents worth!

I've been using the House & Garden range of nutrients in my DWC system and am very impressed with their range of products! Although I've noticed some of their products have different names in different parts of the world, I gather they're the same thing.

My res is about 90L (23.77 gal) and I completely replace the solution once a week (sometimes only once a fortnight - 3 weeks in early veg when plants aren't feeding much). I use Aqua A&B (Although it's still called Hydro A&B where I live but some thing I gather) as well as Roots Excelurator, Multi Enzym in veg and their range of flowering stimulants in flower as recommended by their Nutrient Calculator (http://www.house-garden.com.au/feed_charts_mix_rates.php) and I think they're wonderful. The EC and pH are always stable and the plants love it!

A few of the additives are a little on the expensive side but due to low usage rates and fantastic results - I can live with that!

Here is a little bud porn for everyone :) Hopefully I'll start getting some good new pics next grow!

cravin morehead

Active member
i've been using h&g aqua flakes in my chilled dwc for over a year now. i follow the normal strength h&g schedule.every week i take a fresh rez of ro, add my a, mix and wait. then add my b, mix and wait. then ph to 5.8, then add whatever additives. i use nothing but h&g additives and gh ph up or down. never really needed use the down though. everyday i have to add quite a bit of ph up to get it back in range. this can't be good. i've tried to make my nute mixes higher in ph ( 6.5 ) in hopes of it falling over a few days time to 5.8 ish. but it falls in one day way below 5.8. this sucks!!! adding this much down can't be good for the plants. i've added calmag to the ro and i've not added calmag. but inevitably, at some point during flowering, i get plant health issues. doesn't matter what strain either, looks mostly like a lock out of cal or mag. check it out here:
post number 88.

i gonna try these h&g nutes one more time. i just harvested those in that link. i'm in the process of cleaning the entire set-up to start the next round. if it doesn't work out, i'm gonna have to change nute brands. i don't think h&g is crap, but maybe it just doesn't agree with my particular set-up. i've run many different brands over the years in this set-up, but never had issues like this, except when running FF. think i'll go with Dyna nutes next. ran them a few years back and had no issues and good harvests... don't fix what ain't broke, i guess.

anyone got some input on this??? i see alot of good plants using h&g in dwc, don't know why i can't do it.

btw- my temps are in good range, no pest issues, res is chilled to stay @ 68*f... IDK

EC pen champ i buy the cheepies <$50 cheap enough to throw away and buy a new one ony have to spend money on PH i reckons much respect for H&G for the schedule dont try and bullshit with huge EC levels dont need to ever go over 2.0 EC even with a hungry strain i start at 1 build by 0.1 or so a week upto 1.8
algean ezyem or what ever is over priced get any cold pressed! kelp extract foliar and feed everyday from sprout you cant nute burn with kelp juice i use 4x the level on label for my $10 for 2L cold pressed kelp jiuce from the hardware store the shit is awesome most underrated nute out there need to fill em up with that triacontenol (sp?) natural bio stimulant


Morehead I had very similar experience. I gave it a run for 3 cycles and 4 different strains . The first two runs was with a strain I had been grow for years with 3 part gh and a few additives. My first run yeild was 60% of my norm and the quality was subpar. I followed the charts to the T. I felt the nutes were running a little hot and I had constant cal deficiencies. Spoke with the reps and they said the base is very high in cal and I shouldn't be having these issues. The next run I ran everything at 70% and still had mediocre results. The last run I used h&g base but added my normal additives, magical, floralious+, roots excel, hygrozyme, pureflowers, and MOAB. Had some improvements but decided to stop f'ing around and go with what works. I really wanted this line to work for me but just couldn't beat 3 part gh.


Active member
H&G is the shit.! All i will ever use. Each strain takes their PPMs different. I start small and work up to 1.8 EC Every 70 days I'm always saying " WOW " at each table i harvest. Best thing Ive ever found.


cravin morehead

Active member
hey rosetta- huh???
i don't overfeed... thats about all i can make out from your post... PUNCTUATION

im no noob, just havin' H&G probs...

cravin morehead

Active member
hey yeah- sounds pretty much the same for me, was that dwc or some other technique??... issack- maybe h&g prefers f&d tables over dwc??

im going Dyna on this next grow... tired of putting in all the money and effort, for inferior buds...

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Wow search works.....(all these q on there web site and here....)

1. Yes , but not designed to re-circulate.
2. .....
3. depends how many week strain....

Come on, I know the hash is good ...........BUT, :tiphat:
Thanks W.P.

Yeah, I've been on there site and they say not to use the cocos in ebb and flow. Just wondering if anyone has tried it and what there results might have been.
Found it...
Coco A 3.9 - 0 - 3.2
Coco B 1.5 - 3.4 - 6.1