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400w E&F Scrog- Super Lemon Haze



Hello IC! It's been some time since I posted here but i'm in the middle of my second personal grow and just couldn't help it! Here we grow!!!

This is my second go around in this box I built... and I've made the change from DWC to E&F because I'm SICK of dealing with temps! It's so damn nice not worrying one bit about res temps! I think the rest is pretty self explanatory but feel free to ask any questions. I'm trying the lucas formula this time around (dropped the grow) and I'm really excited about the GHS Super Lemon Haze!

Stay safe


So... my last grow in this box was WW and it didn't grow like this. I'm worried that this SLH is going to stretch like crazy and now I'm thinking it may be time to flip already. What do you guys think? Anyone scrogged a SLH know what kind of screen filling I should expect?


It looks to be half full. I'd let it ride for a while longer, a week or so. To soon and you'll have a carpet Scrog, while most feel a wheat type Scrog is better with more vertical above the screen.


Thanks for stopping by!

Work2much: Thanks for stopping in! Gonna go a few more days.

Bipotato: Thanks man... I've decided to let it fill out a few more days and then go ahead and flip! I didn't fill the screen out in my last grow so that is a bigger priority for me this time. Last Grow: Now the big unknown variable for me is how much this strain is gonna stretch... I know it's gonna be a fun fight regardless!

Stay safe


Active member
Looking good dude. Glad i saw this thread. I just finished up some Super lemon Haze. It is drying now. I do a mod scrog tho. It didnt stretch nearly as much as i thought it would.

This lame sickly looking plant

Turned into this. Come to think of it i wouldnt believe it if i didnt see it for myself. :laughing:



Hey Barth thanks for dropping in! I can't believe how good your plants look in flower compared to how they look when you flipped! Nice job dude.

I took a hard look at my plant and pictures of others and I decided to lower the screen. I lowered it about an inch and a half. I took some shots of her without the screen first.