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Ugh... my new neighbors are terrible.


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Here's the thing - they're probably not trying to piss you off. It may be unintentional, or they may just not care.

Grab a 12 pack, and head on over. Tell them you're their neighbor, and you thought you should get to know each other. Once you've got a conversation struck up, ask about that awesome stereo system. When they start to talk about it (they will, they're proud of it), casually mention how you heard it late one night, and how very loud it was. 'Yeah, I heard your music the other night and thought 'Whoa, that's crazy loud for this late', but then I figured that's not going to happen on a regular basis. You don't party like that often, do you?'

Then get them talking about the cannon muffler truck, and work your way down the list.

People just aren't willing to actually talk to someone these days. If you've got a problem with your neighbor, go over and handle it just like you would have with the old neighbors.

If that doesn't work, then move on to other options, but try talking to them about it in a friendly manner first. Honey and vinegar, y'know? :)


Yeah, that's the approach I took with the last few groups like I said. These are people with rap sheets and I don't even want to associate with or encourage them at all. I realize I could be more hospitable but they're scum.


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Neo 420 - I acted similarly to what you're suggesting for the first few crops of neighbors. But this current group is by far the worst. I don't even want to introduce myself to them, and haven't. Mostly because they're racist; I just don't want to have anything to do with them. Sorry we seem to have run across another here. Besides, I'm sick of going over and introducing myself to each new crop of people. Then I'm obligated to go over and ask them politely to please keep it down at 2 am when I'm trying to sleep. It's just nothing I'm going to be bothered with, nor should I be.

Posted at the same time :D

You shouldn't be bothered with what, being a neighbor?

Then just move, and don't ask for advice about a situation you've already made up your mind about.


yeah ill vent a lttile about neighbors

my landlord is a private investagator who is super cool ( he puffs tough), he also gets the lowdown about all my nieghbors and what they do and pretty much all the info the cops have acces to he has. So he keeps me up and up on whos cool and who not cool.

works out good for me, especially since this is a small town in the mountains.

funny b/c today he came by and told me to be carefull cuz some ex cons just moved in down the street and the cops have already been there a few times for domestic and drug stuff ( not hating on ex cons which i am one, so im not hating, but these guys are like tweaker ex cons out just out). I guess the cops were over there a few nights ago for domestic and tweak shit.

I just keep my eyes and ears open and mind my own shit.

Goop luck to the OP, i used to listen to rap but now i despise 99% of it.....bad for society and most definalty bad for the Black mans progress in this country/ society.


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
I'm not a particularly hard person to get along with. For the most part, I keep to myself. Without getting into too much detail, I live in a nice, quiet part of town. Or at least, I used to. The house has been in the family for ages, and the block had a bunch of nice older people living here.

Over time, the older people gradually moved away, and now the house next door is owned by a slumlord. He's let this beautiful home next door fall into disrepair, and so the only people he can rent it to are miscreants. I don't have anything against rap or any other music, so long as I can't hear it. In my view, your freedom ends when it infringes on someone else's. They regularly are blasting music, or revving their engine on various and sundry vehicles. Noisy parties and everything. They're also racist as hell and just generally not savory characters.

My living situation here has gone from living next door to the nicest neighbors to having a revolving door of the clampetts and their relatives. Earlier today the cops had to drop by their house for something or other. I wouldn't wish ill will on most anyone, but these people suck.

edit- it's kind of like that South Park where the boys are sitting around enjoying their peaceful serenity, and then all these loud obnoxious Harley riders drive by. Nothing against Harley riders of course.

this is my whole neighborhood, times 30 :joint: it fucking sucks....



Active member
Goop luck to the OP, i used to listen to rap but now i despise 99% of it.....bad for society and most definalty bad for the Black mans progress in this country/ society.

sorta feel the same way, i love the beats but alot of rap i listen to has about zero sense. i try to stick to underground shit now i got friends who rap but not about stupid low class shit. just beats...ryhmes..and teh city thats all i neeeed!


Active member
Sadly it's really nothing that grand. It's more along the lines of the boat, the ATV, the raised truck with muddin' tires and so on. One of them has an SUV with spinners and 20" rims to give you an idea. An ice cream truck would be a huge improvement...

what nationality are your neighbors? you said their racist so i figured they were rednecks? but rednecks dont drive trucks with 20" spinners. where are you at?

my neighbors suck, i try to keep things quiet and not disturb them but they are always complaining about petty shit like where we park our cars and they never smile when i see them.


Garden Nymph
Neo, I loved living where I grew up in So Cal because there were many different ethnicities living together. I didn't really meet any racist people in my neighborhood. The place where my parents live now is also the same, still in So Cal, but in those new developments. Again, different ethnicities living together. When one house had a housewarming party, they invited everyone else to come, even though we didn't know each other yet!!


Pull my finger
I had similar neighbors before. I just got used to chilling in the back yard and ignoring them. Granted I never had to deal with the music thing but from my experience most of the loud music was from visitors cars. Why I recommended Molly Hatchett. I love hip-hop, rock, all of it. But most in my old neighborhood do not feel the same. Its RnB or rap. So when we started jamming classic rock early in the morning when they were trying to sleep it took no time for somebody from the house in question to come over and "politely" ask us to turn it down. The reply was scratch my back I scratch yours. "tell your friends to have a little respect and turn the music off when they come over and I dont care what you got going on over there" A mutual understanding blossomed from that point. They figured out we dont take shit from anybody and also dont care about shit but the noise.

It all worked out in the end and we avoided akward situations. But everybodie situation is different.


sorta feel the same way, i love the beats but alot of rap i listen to has about zero sense. i try to stick to underground shit now i got friends who rap but not about stupid low class shit. just beats...ryhmes..and teh city thats all i neeeed!

hey prop yeah i grew up in the bay, so rap was my mainstay. But once i became conscious i heard the lyrics as real words and it just became weird. Like how could you really be proud of hurting people and stuff like taking hard rugs and robbing innocent people. I really wasted a lot of my life in that whole mentality and its sad really when i go to the city or go back to the O and see that there arent real progress being made but there's always that gangster, hard ass mentality.

I do like conscious rap and lets see some old school is ok...tribe called quest is pretty tight.

Many years ago I found Reggae, or should I say it found me, and my life has never been better, Jah blessings continually to you all!


what nationality are your neighbors? you said their racist so i figured they were rednecks? but rednecks dont drive trucks with 20" spinners. where are you at?

my neighbors suck, i try to keep things quiet and not disturb them but they are always complaining about petty shit like where we park our cars and they never smile when i see them.

See here's where it gets really confusing. I gave up thinking about this because my head started to hurt. One of the guys drives a lifted truck with a confederate flag on it. There's another dude with the 20" spinners who listens to rap. They're all white except one black fellow (not sure if he still lives there).

They seem really confused culturally. I'm not going to get much into where I'm at but it's not the South.


Active member
I can relate to this thread. A year ago I had some neighbors next door who were MS-13 gang members selling crystal meth all times of the day (think of mcdonalds 24/7) well they knew I wasnt down with hard drugs and they would try and intimidate me and jump with me with 30+ year old guys ( i was 22 years old) finally one day I walked outside and they tried to beat me up in front of all my senior-citizen neighbors. I was the only one to stand up for my neighborhood and now they are gone. All the old ppl on my street give me thanks all the time cuz at the time everyone was scared to do something. For the original poster. Keep your head up it will get better if ur determined


Active member
hey prop yeah i grew up in the bay, so rap was my mainstay. But once i became conscious i heard the lyrics as real words and it just became weird. Like how could you really be proud of hurting people and stuff like taking hard rugs and robbing innocent people. I really wasted a lot of my life in that whole mentality and its sad really when i go to the city or go back to the O and see that there arent real progress being made but there's always that gangster, hard ass mentality.

I do like conscious rap and lets see some old school is ok...tribe called quest is pretty tight.

Many years ago I found Reggae, or should I say it found me, and my life has never been better, Jah blessings continually to you all!

yea man i hear you, now when i bump old bay rap its mostly for the beats. but the "pop that **** in the head with the .45" shit is getting kinda old. especially since i lost two friends to shootings over dumb shit. if yuou wanna hear some good local bay rap that is free of that gangster BS check out my friends GAS MASK COLONY. they san fran natives, their style is similar to PUTS or dilated peoples, only rapping abuot life, partying, the struggles, etc. i fucking love GMC shit those are my folks grew up with them they are all cool folks..
check them out


Active member
See here's where it gets really confusing. I gave up thinking about this because my head started to hurt. One of the guys drives a lifted truck with a confederate flag on it. There's another dude with the 20" spinners who listens to rap. They're all white except one black fellow (not sure if he still lives there).

They seem really confused culturally. I'm not going to get much into where I'm at but it's not the South.

thats crazy, they are definately some confused and crazy people i would try to avoid at all costs. the only good thing is that they create all the heat and when the cops come around they are looking for them and not you..

Neo 420

Active member
Wow. You got a real good situation going on there! That really bites. Lets hope they cant afford the rent so they get evicted and you can get some manageable people in there.
I am raised in the east bay (CA) and when I was young I was with the "ruff" crowd. As I got older and learned how to be a decent person, when ever I ran across rift raft, I have always been able to deal with em if you know what I mean.
My buddy is on his way over to my pad and we are going to smoke a blunt for you. (My medication takes care of everything.)


Active member
easy answer

easy answer

All you need is a front man rent the damn house yerself and stick 6 kw in there .
end of nieghbours


If they are trashing the place give the property owner a call, let him know they are a nuisance. Let him deal with his own problem, or wait it out and the cops will eventually shut them down from other neighbor complaints.