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getting divorced, can you trust the ex with the secret?


Rubbing my glands together
NO. Things have a way of turning bitter. Even if you cut her off it's liable to get her riled up and nothing in the world is worst than a pissed off ex with an agenda. In other words, ex's have a unique way of showing you who's the boss. Capish?
In my opinion, for what its worth, it all depends on the circumstances of the break up. If its just a case of falling out of love but still being friends thats one thing, but if its a knock down drag out nasty divorce thats a whole different story. Think about it she likes to distribute so what would upsetting that aspect of the relationship accomplish? But overall its your call.



I know its the first thing that you will want to do at times, but dont piss her off, dont give her any info except disinformation, act civil, its like the cold war and you're playing chess with the soviet union, she is no longer an asset, she could turn into a liability at any time.


Depends on why you're getting divorced. :D

Is there any reason why the ex would feel some kind of revenge is in order? If not, I wouldn't worry about it too much...


New member
Uhuh think I will discuss my experience. I grew up with an law enforcement background and married my husband. Oh before I go too far, now I am a smoker ever since the 80s and will die with THC in my system when I am a granny. Long story short...wife & hubby don't get along, hubby threatens wife about smoking for her "job". Wife says See ya, DOES NOT ask for a DIME not ONE thing. DIVORCE = CUT ALL TIES not unless kids are involved then hard to avoid it. We didn't have kids so it was a done deal. I guess it would matter what your situation is. IMO just cut your ties, even if your lawyer does know, I am sure he will be paid by YOU to advise you to cut your ties to her. Or move to a medical state. Even with my ex not rollin on me, what he would have done, would have costed me so it was easier to cut the cord. Think about it too....we all started out as noob growers, IF SHE really wanted to continue on with "distribution", shit SHE would be a resourceful one and tell you I N D E P E N D E N T woman can grow her own shit.

If your Hobby came before the girl, kick her to the curb.....is her selfishness worth your karma??

Best of luck to ya though


New member
me in jail equals no child support/alimony being paid right? thats where her big money shot is, not under a couple 430 watters. but pissed off bitches arent the most rational sorts.

Just read that there are kids involved... best advice...if you live in a medical state, don't sweat it. If not, quit or move... if you feel she can use it against you in the future. Kids will be hurt before the two of you.... so lose/lose situation.


My instant idea, would be to set her up with a small grow of her own!

You get thew credit of being helpful to her , during the divorce.
And later on , you could allways "get mites" or something , and see if SHE would support YOU...


pine boy

Give her the gear and move.I was married to my ex for 17 years and I dont want to ever deal with her again. If you deal with this person,I feel really sorry for your heart.


Active member
anyone else find humor in this guy? its so obvious how he was in a horrible relationship that has left him in utter depression with a strong hate for all women. :laughing:
If ya cant find humor in my posts then its a shame now isnt it,cuz I do!!Nothin worse than an armchair psych eval from a 24 yr old.I have never been in a horrible relationship in my life,they were all beautiful wonderful experiences that just ended badly leaving me with a sharpened sense of reality.I love all woman and cant wait to try it all again with another,its trust issues I deal with Sigmund.Now let me try.......

Anyone find humor in this guy?Laughing at another mans pain and misfortune,it is so obvious that he has never been in a real relationship in his life,and it has left him totally unprepared for it.He will flounder in relationships with woman until he finally realizes he was born gay and settles down with a nice man and eats sausage and eggs every day.Packin everything but a bowl:joint:

For another 75.00 I can go deeper in my personal reading,lemme know:sasmokin:


Active member
nd I will do the medical eval.

nd I will do the medical eval.

If ya cant find humor in my posts then its a shame now isnt it,cuz I do!!Nothin worse than an armchair psych eval from a 24 yr old.I have never been in a horrible relationship in my life,they were all beautiful wonderful experiences that just ended badly leaving me with a sharpened sense of reality.I love all woman and cant wait to try it all again with another,its trust issues I deal with Sigmund.Now let me try.......

Anyone find humor in this guy?Laughing at another mans pain and misfortune,it is so obvious that he has never been in a real relationship in his life,and it has left him totally unprepared for it.He will flounder in relationships with woman until he finally realizes he was born gay and settles down with a nice man and eats sausage and eggs every day.Packin everything but a bowl:joint:

For another 75.00 I can go deeper in my personal reading,lemme know:sasmokin:
actually I find ROJO hysterically funny and has a quick wit and is better than a daily dose of antidepressants for this granny's daily laughs from him. Rojo is just kidding in his banter and most of us get him. He actually strikes me as a caring and funny guy. I hope when he reports back up north he still posts here for our pleasue....ppl .....laughter is wonderful and some of youse guys need to lighten' up and laugh a little....it increases the endorphins in your brain....

Some here are a little sensitive when ppl are really trying to be just funny as Rojo does daily here. Come on guys admit it.....we need funny ppl and more laughs here. The world is f----d up enough and laughter IS the best medicine for the world ills. AND legal weed!

Come on ROJO if you are going to start charging for psych advice then Nurse Madre is gonna charge for her nursing advice also.
You do the Freud stuff and I will do the medical stuff.....

Next patient step right into Rojo's office please...

$75 bucks up front though as Rojo needs the cash.....te he

Well I promised my man to give him a little of my time today and do some adventure time together. You guys carry on the good cause and granny will be back in a few days. If I live through it that is. This guys has some seriously dangerous hobbys and I am trying to be COOL and not be a chickenshit that I really am....later gators!


I find the best place to score a guffaw is the indoor soil forum..just saying it makes me chuckle lol.Its all there from peeing on your plants to using boogers as cloning gel..Some questions make me laugh so hard I almost dookie myself


Active member
Thanks Sparky....I alway seek out the funny and you happen to be one of them who I get laughs from here.
Us old retired ladies babysittin' grandkids have entirely too much time in the house.
We do get out,,,but these kids tire granny out with her bad knee and bad heart and some of you guys give me the humor I miss when I was workin' in the hospital.

Docs and nurses usually have strange sense of humor....that is how we deal with all the death and disease we see daily and the stress of running codes...And some asshole patients and their families who are VERY demanding and want us to do MIRACLES!
. Laughter keeps us goin' as we certainly can't smoke weed to destress as we pee in little plastic cups a lot.

But happy I can smoke weed and laugh with funny stoners online....NOW!!!

Don't worry ROJO...as you have noticed some here don't get my brand of humor either and I really mean no harm just like you....BUT basically that is THEIR problem and not mine.... But we answer to ourselves and know our own good intentions...And I cherish the ones who I converse with and others with no sense of humor can just kiss granny's old ass! te he ....Get over yourselves ppl!

So ROJO and Sparky and some others here....keep up with making us laugh....because LAUGHTER is a GOOD THING....says Madre!\

So I will check that out now that I actually have plants....man when you first come here to learn..."SOME" growers treat you crappy cause' you ain't growing yet. nice ppl's they are and douchebags IMHO anyhoo!!!

Later guys as I am taking to the sky's with a diabetic blind old man and I must be outa my freakin' mind FO SHO! Because if he croaks UP THERE I DON'T KNOW HOW TO GET US BACK DOWN!!!!!!But his doc says he can't fly much longer as his health is seriously going south and US nurse seem to get hooked up with the sick guys and love them and try to heal them....The Florence Nightingale Syndrome!

But hell we are goin' to die in the next 20 years prolly and might as well go down in a two seater cub as anything....te he I must be freakin' NUTS! bUT Sparky if you hear of a 2 seater crash over Pasco Co....that would be granny Madre and her Santa look a like man......up up and awayyyyyyyy! hiyo SILVER!!!!


Active member
Depends on why you're getting divorced. :D

Is there any reason why the ex would feel some kind of revenge is in order? If not, I wouldn't worry about it too much...

the person named love has asked a good question about "why"?

my rabbi says marriage problems generally fall into two categories, sex and money, or some variation of the two. we are no exception to this, and are struggling with these matters for years. but neither of us has stepped outside of the vows, (i think), so no revenge should be neccessary.

she used to follow the dead and was a daily toker when i met her. she absolutely loves my plant, and i think she doesnt want to lose the connect. we got raided 3yrs ago (today!) and took a few years off. she was very excited to jump back in. i dont sell, but she works in a bbq rib joint and keeps the kitchen supplied. so there is a financial aspect for her as well.

if it doesnt work out between us i think SHe should consider a grow. that was some good insight whoever suggested that...


If I was you I would suggest she grow her own as well....don't know if I would go so far as to help her start out (conspiracy charge or possible set-up), but then you have the upper hand and none of the stress of her having your balls in a vise....:joint:



ICMag Donor
Cut your ties with her completely. If that means shutting down for a while....so be it. You don't want her knowing anything about you anymore. All she needs to do is tell one person and that's the ball game....And you lose.....


Well-known member
I like this one.

String her along until the divorce is final, tell her, yeah, we should just continue like before.

Once the divorce is over, tell her you're gettin out of the grow. Tear it all down, move to a new town.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
Hell NO!!!! She'll hang that shit over your head forever IF you're lucky....if you are the unlucky sort you'll end up in jail after she sends a nice tip to the police after the first time you piss her off....your choice...lol


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