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Tonatiuhs' Oasis


Registered Pothead
:woohoo: its a good day in the growasis my fam...i found my long lost daughter after like 2 years she is here with me now and she aint goin nowhere !!!!!!!!!! her mother finaly calls me after all this time and im like i'll be there in 2 minutes...shes down stairs playin Wii with her brothers and sisters.i think im goin for custody this time.i will try log back in later ...it might be a couple days though....im a happy man right now,my family is complete.peace-T-
:woohoo::woohoo::woohoo::woohoo::woohoo:That is Freaking awesome dude. I dont know how you dealt with not being with her for so long man cause i would be so lost without my lil baby girl. I shit on your ex though for keeping her away from you. Glad the mental torture is finally over for you fam. If custody dont work out i know a guy that, you know. Good vibes always going your way hometeam.


Congrats nothing is more important then blood.......your charchter truly shows,,,,much respect

Big D

Oh hell yeah!

Oh hell yeah!

Dude that's awesome!!! Kiss her and hug her and squeeze her, just love the shit out of her! I'm happy for you... it is a beautiful day!

Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
T I am very happy you hear you got you daughter back with you now.. As people said, go spend time with her we will be here... Much love to you and your family brotha.:joint:


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
wattup fam,sneakin on right quick while eveyones still sleep...was a good noght last night.played with all the kids then later in the night friends and fam came over to see my daughter,everyone missed her sooooo much.kids stayed up till like 4:30 playin and laughin...it was good to hear them all in the same room.thanks for all the support fam,you guys are real strong with the vibes,its like i can feel the positiveness when i read the posts....thank you.

hoosier-wattup brother....for sure bro,ty for chimin in with the + vibes yo.peace

osecret-yea buddy :woohoo: yea man i know you guys are always here for me..i appreciate it to man.gonna go kick it here in a few grab some breakfast somewhere and take them to the zoo or some shit....bowlin maybe idk whatever they wanna do.

tango-fasheezy yo,i been lookin for her thru people finder and all kinds of other places....my lady be searchin myspace and facebook lookin for my baby mama...we were tryin but could not find her.the call was like a blesing and a test of my temper/character ...all i wanted to do was cuss this chik out for doin what she did to me and my lil girl,,,but i knew if i did i wouldnt see her,and may not get the call again...so shes all im soryy yatta yatta yatta,and im like ...arrrggghhhh i wanna punch this bitch(i dont hit women but i could have right then and there yo).... so i plays it real cool like,"hey we all make mistakes,im glad you called and i can be here for her again,the past is in the past"....bro you have no idea how hard that was for me....but it made me realize i have some serious control on my emotions yo,cause i wanted to play it out another way sooooo bad... i mean this chik shoulda had a earful comin yo....imma let my lawyer do the talkin though if it gets shady lookin to me.i aint the type of mf to take a person to court for nothing yo,i stay away from all forms and fashion of popo judges all that shit....but i think this is different bro,i think if theres a reason to go to court this would be it.
i mean just think,you have ur daughter,i know you know the feeling you have towards her....then imagine bondin with her for a couple years and how that love grows....then imagine ur baby mama movin outta state overnight,and you have no clue where...
yea man like that...

strain-fasho bro,im on cloud 9...peace.

chubb-LOL wattup man....we wont be needin ur guy on this :muahaha: crazy mf....gots mad love for you yo....just for the record,this chik is not my ex,we just hooked up a few times when i was split from my chik for a minute a long time ago...thats half her problem yo,she thought i was gonna be with her,lol ... so she got all spiteful and vindictive and shit....one of them chiks that use the baby for a tool against me...thats over now though,my daughter is grown enough to tell her mama whats what,thats why she made her mom call me she was like ..."ur daughter wont stop askin me to call you"
like as if thats a bad thing...i think she will want to live with me all on her own...
imma peace out before i type a chapter yo...im all high and happy ventin and shit :muahaha:
peace out yo.-T-

moses224-you got it man,blood is thicker then mud. and thanx for the kind words bro.peace-T-

drdog- :friends: i know you are my brother :friends:

bigD-yo wattup man,hell yea bro,daddy's catchin up on them hugz!!!!!!!!!!!!!
it is a beautiful day :respect:

sublime-thanks for chimin in lil brotha,i appreciate it yo...much love back atchya homie...so 2 days till you get to get ur 4/20 jar out bro!!!!!!

ok fam im gonna get outty,if i can i will get back at you tonight or sometime thru the day...idk how im gonna get to the rooms to work,my lil girl wont let me outta her sight.
oh well the shits pretty relentless,i think everything should be moist...so i think a day or 2 of neglect i can fix right fast if i need to.peace-T-


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Glad for you T...You sound like a caring father bro, yer daughter is lucky to have you back in her life...Hopefully her mother will now realize how important it is for you to see her and for her to see you...Gooood Vibes to you and yours...

Old Soul

Active member
Wow, that made me so happy reading the great news. I am sure words can't express how you must be feeling. I can't imagine how I would feel if someone took one of my daughter's from me bro! Have a great day with the kids, we'll see ya when ya get back.


you are right

you need to do this the right way so that she will be with you for the future.

I only say this because my cousin has been thru the same type of problem with her son....

take care



There is only one king, god picks em, hand pluckes
ICMag Donor
T....I am SOOOO F.U.C.K.I.N.G happy for you bruddah! Its a good time for baby girls right now man...Congrats, your one now!
MANY good vibes to you and yours...

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Great news T :yes: Family can bring great enjoyment, my experience after my daughter was born. Now I can't imagine life without her.

Very happy for ya bro - lotsa joy in your future....


I know your'e a very happy man now T. Strong family, strong friends, strong grow..what else do ya need?


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
wattup,wattuuuuuuuuppppp!!!!!!!!!! hey fam thanks for chimin in everyone...well things are gonna be strait i think,my lil girl will be here living in the city as soon as school lets out for summer,she will probably be with me for the summe :woohoo: as long as her mama dont bs,i know my daughter will press her hard to make sure dhe lets her because she didnt even want to leave.i have all the info i need to find her if i need to,my daughter knows all her info...she also figured out i wanted it so i wouldnt lose her again,im tellin you yo 7 yrs old and sharp as a tac....just like her old man :wink:...well just thought id let you know whattup with all that.i feel in my gut that i have her back now,her mama couldnt stop apologizing about how she played her hand,i aint tryin to hear her lame ass excuses but....whatever i have my lil girl back now....

melting pot-wattup bro,yea man my kids mean more to me then anything in the world bro.i hope she realizes that shit too yo,idk why chiks are so vindictive that they would deny a caring dad who wants to be ther for there child,and then you have the dead beat dadas that dont want shit to do with ther kids and the mama be just beggin for the dad to be involved and they wont,,,i swear bro woman are a trip sometimes....but cotdamn the are beautiful :muahaha:

old soul-thanks for the good words bro,man i feelin real good bro.im gonna be up smokin budz all night chillin .... its all good right now.

jip-wattup bro,yea man i had to keep a level head.i seen some crazy chit go down with friends and thier baby mams,i aint gonna be in that type of situation.i rather play it cool and smart.i have a lawyer that is a beast,if he doesnt handle this type of case i know he will hook me up with the right lawyer to get the job done.
thanks for the good vibes brother.peace-T-

lapi-fasheezy yo,that shit made my year,peace-T-

tango-thanx yo,fasheezy a good time indeed.bro my kids wore me the hell out this weekend.we was out and about like a mf.they had fun catchin up and it was like they didnt skip a beat yo...they missed their sister.was a good time.peace bro.

hella-wattup yo.

henny-thanks maing.

MJG-for sure bro...i dont care how many kids i have,i dont have any to spare :muahaha: i need all mine in my life holmz!!!
thanks for the kind words.

C-dubb-fasheezy bro....only other thing i could ask for is some lil magical elves to water my garden and take care of it while i sleep and party...then i culd just harvest hehehehe...
peace brother.-T-

sirsmoke-bruh,you shoulda seen me when i got the call,i was out the door before i knew where i was goin.no time to waste typ chit,thanks for chimin in man,i appreciate the good vibes.peace-T-


first a couple in the tent...man im tellin ya the XXL cant get here fast enough.im gonna have to transplant again i think...they are goin dry every 2-3 days in these 2 gallon pots.they got so lush i dont think the 2 gals can do it up right...







s99 x sour bubble


brb with a lil more...


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor








a couple bubba leaves



pre 98 bubba










i hope you enjoy the pics.
peace my friends.-T-


Active member
ICMag Donor
If I ever get our store opened up, I want to hire you for the ad pics.
Me 'n Gaitwood Galbraith are starting a line of shops. We are gonna call the place KFC.
Some buds told me that this name was taken already....wtf?
I mean, hey...I have had the idea for Kentucky Fried Cuts for years and years, and someone up and takes the name. Sheeesh...

(that bubba is really something special, essay. top props)

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