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UFO sighting in stephenville texas! 30 witnesses


Active member

Really i think it was either a military craft (designed via reverse-engineered alien crafts which had crashed) or the mothership-type of alien spacecraft....

Let's see the videos from the F-16s!!!! yeah, right.....

:ying: kind regards from guineapig :ying:


Its COOL to DROOL!!!!!!
yea i got that saved somewhere on my HD its great! iwhs i could do tight animation or flash graphics like that...i wanna get a waycom and a better camera..start doing some shit on photoshop CS


New member
stinkfinger said:
Steers and Queers....And religous fanatics..I bet all the "UFO" witness's are from the same church(or cult). OMG I saw something I dont understand, must be f ucking aliens. LMFAO!!!!
I dont know about UFOs, but im from Tx and you can take that bullshit somewhere else.
Peace,Fuzzy :spank:


Its COOL to DROOL!!!!!!
with a log on ID "stink finger" why would you even lower yourself to his stinky level and even reduce your self to talk about such a retarded fucken dick bag sucker.

im trying to get more information on it... but man seems odd i hope it doesnt get shoved under the carpet like the chicago ohare airport sighting!


Grinding extra.
I watched all the videos the had on that local News11 link. I have to say. It is odd that when first questioned, the military base DENIED any aircraft being up. Then, they change thier story and say there were 10 F11's? WTF?
That's alot of aircraft. At least 10 (pilots) people knew that. Why such a rediculous mix up.?

And that reporter was hot.... I bet she's not from Texas. (not inferrering Texas is full of uglies, I KNOW otherwise)
But then come on Texas. That waitress in the local diner, you can take FULL responsibility for that...lol
I was in Texas for a bit. Dallas/Ft.Worth area. This guy told me a funny joke.
"Outter towners round here sometimes ask me why I got an innndent in my back pocket of big ole' circle. They ask me if that was a pack o Skoal or somethin'. I say no man that's where I keep my condom, didn't they tell you about things in Texas?"
I thought that was some funny sh*t. Cause it really was Skoal...lol


NYCD yeah i had the same thing happen to me all the time when i was younger, i would 'wake up' couldnt move, and someone or something would run in my room and envelop/hit/something to me, but i never could quite tell what it was, since by that point i usually scared myself half to death and actualy woke up.

i used to think it was my dad coming to kill me or something from across the hall, but i never quite figured out how he could move so fast hahaha.

i'd love to know more about this as well.


Its COOL to DROOL!!!!!!
yea its well known..there is a name for it...some people have this sleep disorder...where you wake up with a paranoid feeling that something is there..but you cant move or talk....sometimes you can even open your eyes momentarily...


nycdfan042 said:
yea its well known..there is a name for it...some people have this sleep disorder...where you wake up with a paranoid feeling that something is there..but you cant move or talk....sometimes you can even open your eyes momentarily...

When you sleep, your muscles are actually paralyzed so that you don't act out your dreams and hurt yourself. When people have this occur they are waking up before their body lifts this paralysis. This is also why some people say it felt like someone was sitting on their chest.


Its COOL to DROOL!!!!!!
^^ yea man shit sucks.. but theres nothing you can do..im just glad its a real condition and it wasnt aliens raping me anally...


Sleep paralysis or "night terrors" are a naturally occurring effect but can be easily confused with authentic experiences,have you had you valve examined?


Active member
Relapse said:
When you sleep, your muscles are actually paralyzed so that you don't act out your dreams and hurt yourself. When people have this occur they are waking up before their body lifts this paralysis. This is also why some people say it felt like someone was sitting on their chest.


Then I guess sleepwalkers are immune to this paralysis?

I have had some vivid dreams that made me kick my wife in my sleep......didn't notice any sort of paralysis.

I guess different people sleep differently.


Active member
To understand about ETs much better you should pick up the Law of One, The Ra Material... by L/L Research 1981-1984.... A series of 4 books...

google it, read the channelings, hundreds of sessions...


Sativa Soul

GMT said:
If this is the thread to post your wierd thoughts on the universe's boundries, then I believe we may merely be in one possible timeline of all possible timelines, none of which actually exist beyond the the reality of possability. The whole "multiverse" is merely a quantum bubble whereby one of the possible timelines (or "realities") will come into being once the final outcome is measured by an external observation. Which of these timelines comes into reality, will be decided upon by which of them reaches the outcome which will produce the observation which must be observed by the extrnal observer at the point of measurement. This means that in effect I am supporting the creationist point of view, but in a way that also supports the evolutionist point of view. God may not have been born yet, and will not create the universe until he observes the outcome of it. I therefore don't think that God has any bearing on the number of planets which may contain life. Those who claim to know that God only put life on this planet though are wrong on many statements whithin that one statement. Clearly, the probability is that there will be life on many planets out there. The odds are that many of them will produce intelligent life. Many of those will end up finding a way to travel to nearby planets. But I dont think that the UFOs seen by people on our planet at the present point of time have travelled from another planet, or even another reality. I believe them to be created right here on earth. The technology available, does not prevent us from making these remotely controlled craft, the fact that they are not commercially viable though for anything other than military applications, does mean that we are unlikely to be informed about them. Therefore they will remain U flying obects, rather than Recognised flying objects, in the same way helecopters and aeroplanes are everyday.

^^you guys could learn something from GMT


Its COOL to DROOL!!!!!!
^^ yea...fucken HOEZ lol

but yea..bump cuz what the fuck?? 10 jets?? 1 mile long HUGE star craft ? 30 + witnesses... more info please? lol i thinkt hey swept it under the rug pretty good tho... it WAAAAS ours....ok back to brittanny spears' cooch