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UFO sighting in stephenville texas! 30 witnesses


Its COOL to DROOL!!!!!!
ok we al know they exist..and this is the second ufo sighting where policemen, and reputable business owners and regular people saw this thing. They describe it as the same shape and the describe the lights in the same way...30 people spread out over an entire county?? they cant be lying....initial reports suggested(last night) that fighter jets were trailing it...but i dont seet hat in any of the news reports now thati look(thats odd). What the hell was that??

Lest we forget the sighting at ohare airport?? where pilots, cremen and even ground crew saaw a disc shaped object zip off intot he clouds???

and what about the sighting in indiana?? where 6 different police officers in SIX different counties tracked a similar objectl ike the one in texas.... well heres the link


Active member
I believe I might have seen a weird bright object in the sky one night I went outside but as I went to tell my family it had already left.Ive seen the phoenix lights documentary on tv and this type of stuff interests me alot.

Phoenix lights,1000's of witnesses


Other threads about ufos




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OG Redwood

New member
interesting. i still think it's probably government aircraft....i find it interesting that the vast majority of these sightings are in the south west, where there is alot of air force bases and testing areas.

Of course there are other species of life in the universe...millions of them...but i find it highly unlikely that they evolved in a similar way as we did...and then traveled for millions of light years to our planet just to fly around mysteriously at night


Its COOL to DROOL!!!!!!
OG red wood...i sure hope so...but its strange lots of sightings lately, to say there arent any other intelligent beings and that we are the only ones who evolved into intelligent life is just pomopous and ignorant sorry....the galaxy is endles..possibility is endless....you must think pretty highly of yourself...not me...i think were monkeys...ANIMALS....and i think aliens come here to study uslike a scientist would examine a new species int he wild....we are the ZOO to them...we are a research project....they are probably so much more intelligent than we are that they are trying to figure out why we got so stupid and how we go to this fucked up point in history.....no offense but what you said is just ridiculous!....usually mass sightings happen during a major catastrophe or i guess in our case world war lol....the phoenixl ights...scary shit!!! how about the sightings over mixo city in new mexico during that huge festival...hundreds of thousands of people saw SQADRONS of dosens of crafts inthe sky...dozens of home videos! the lARGEST mass sighting ever!! they are out there....wether its ours or not....where did this technology come from??? did we make it? or was it sold to us??? if so at what price????

if it is ours, is the technology magnets?? what makes these craft float in the sky, change direction and incredible g forces....the pilots would have to be in a gravity force field otherwise theyd be crushed!...these crafts were HUGE, had strange light formations and hovered slowly yet when they took off, moved faster than people could keep up! man i hope we see UFOS conact in our lifetime...i would think they would mean us no harm...but even if they did i welcome it..survival of the fittest..and we certainly wouldnt be the fittest!!!! bring on the intergalactic dooom!!!!!!

where the fuck is bog when you need em??
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What I like to believe is that up until the near future Earth is under a cosmic isolation so that we can evolve as a society both in our technology and our individuality. What I've come to understand is that within the next few years this cosmic isolation will end and human society will then be "absorbed," so to speak, into the universe.

I also believe that all these sightings are occurring so that it won't be such a shock to our civilization when the truth does come out and second that it is a sort of 'event' to disclose the universe to a planet, I mean if I were an ET and had the chance to zoom in and out of a planets atmosphere or even get the chance to answer questions for a random Joe about the universe I would take it, wouldn't you?


Grinding extra.
I think OG Redwood is right. 100%. I think that they are and have been testing remote aircraft. I was reading into this a bit. Basically, the main advantage to unmaned aircraft (other than the obvious loss of life) is that there is no danger "G Lock" which is when all of the blood rushes to the lower body, causing the pilot to pass out. Not good.
With a remotley controlled aircraft, they could pull ANY AMOUNT of G's, meaning INSANE and NEVER BEFORE SEEN MANEUVERS. Which I think is an explanation as to why people report that these objects move in ways that they've never seen, and that pilots swear are immpossible by any KNOWN aircraft.
We can all agree the US government developes and extensivly tests weapons and such WAY BEFORE they acknowledge them right?????

As far as being alone in the galaxy, I think it is ignorant to think we are. As far as ever making contact, I doubt it will ever happen. Unless another race of beings discovers something we can't phathom, how would travel ten million light years?!?!
They would've had to start a LONG time ago. Granted they've harnessed and mastered light-speed travel. But I DO think they are out there. Earth's most powerful telescope can view what would be a pinhole on the state of Alaska, as compared to the whole universe. Which is forever expanding outward, until it slows down expanding, and eventually implodes in itself. Luckily, I won't be here.
There are UFO's. Unidetified Flying Objects (a gov. term) was introduced to quell government questioning about such things.
Smoke one a stare at the night sky (not urbanites) you'll figure it out for yourself.


Its COOL to DROOL!!!!!!
ARTofMAKINGfire said:
I think OG Redwood is right. 100%. I think that they are and have been testing remote aircraft. I was reading into this a bit. Basically, the main advantage to unmaned aircraft (other than the obvious loss of life) is that there is no danger "G Lock" which is when all of the blood rushes to the lower body, causing the pilot to pass out. Not good.
With a remotley controlled aircraft, they could pull ANY AMOUNT of G's, meaning INSANE and NEVER BEFORE SEEN MANEUVERS. Which I think is an explanation as to why people report that these objects move in ways that they've never seen, and that pilots swear are immpossible by any KNOWN aircraft.
We can all agree the US government developes and extensivly tests weapons and such WAY BEFORE they acknowledge them right?????

As far as being alone in the galaxy, I think it is ignorant to think we are. As far as ever making contact, I doubt it will ever happen. Unless another race of beings discovers something we can't phathom, how would travel ten million light years?!?!
They would've had to start a LONG time ago. Granted they've harnessed and mastered light-speed travel. But I DO think they are out there. Earth's most powerful telescope can view what would be a pinhole on the state of Alaska, as compared to the whole universe. Which is forever expanding outward, until it slows down expanding, and eventually implodes in itself. Luckily, I won't be here.
There are UFO's. Unidetified Flying Objects (a gov. term) was introduced to quell government questioning about such things.
Smoke one a stare at the night sky (not urbanites) you'll figure it out for yourself.
yea one mile long??? moving silently?? with a rave like light show?? dont think so! lol you guys can spin it anyway youlike...dont be scared..we ARE being visited from another planet...i know you guys want to feel like you know the answers to the worlds mysteries but i doubt it...there have been cave drawings from BC times of chariots of fire...i dont think cave ment were testing unmanned drones back then....
Steers and Queers....And religous fanatics..I bet all the "UFO" witness's are from the same church(or cult). OMG I saw something I dont understand, must be f ucking aliens. LMFAO!!!!


I highly believe in aliens and ufos and think it is really interesting! But whenever I think about it, it confuses the hell out of me! But anyway i believe in aliens and ufos and just imagine if they are making these aircrafts that means there is other planets out there producing these materials to build these spacecrafts. That basically shows there is no god which there isnt!!! Theres planets out there where people "aliens" are living like us and are producing shit. And past there planets there could be fucking dinosaurs or people like us or cave men on different planets. Space TRIPS ME OUT!!! Heres a question... What is beyond space??? Does it end, if it did what is behind it??? SOOO fucking weird it boggles my mind!!! WHAT IS BEYOND SPACE???????? Someone chime on in this?? My theory-- i dont even have one it boggles my mind so hard it comes back to point 1... space. WTF is space? :rasta: nycdfan i would like to here your comment on this!

Rollin Face

i as well agree with u dutch, i cant even begin to wrap my head on all the wonders of space....what IS it? is it flat or round? if its flat then there must be a point A and B to exist..and if its round then there must be something on the other side of it....WHAT the hell is it?!?!? and religion is only a thought process that humans have to postpone the fear of death and the ultimate realization that there isnt anything after this...religious people are just afraid, thus beleive that something happens after u die.


one time i saw a ufo and it was flying around in the sky in all directions going soooo fast and then just instantly stopping and then as son asi turend my head, the ufo followed and went really fast in whatever directino i was turning my head. then i realized it was just a tiny piece of a cheet-oh stuck to my eyelashes


The Tri Guy
If this is the thread to post your wierd thoughts on the universe's boundries, then I believe we may merely be in one possible timeline of all possible timelines, none of which actually exist beyond the the reality of possability. The whole "multiverse" is merely a quantum bubble whereby one of the possible timelines (or "realities") will come into being once the final outcome is measured by an external observation. Which of these timelines comes into reality, will be decided upon by which of them reaches the outcome which will produce the observation which must be observed by the extrnal observer at the point of measurement. This means that in effect I am supporting the creationist point of view, but in a way that also supports the evolutionist point of view. God may not have been born yet, and will not create the universe until he observes the outcome of it. I therefore don't think that God has any bearing on the number of planets which may contain life. Those who claim to know that God only put life on this planet though are wrong on many statements whithin that one statement. Clearly, the probability is that there will be life on many planets out there. The odds are that many of them will produce intelligent life. Many of those will end up finding a way to travel to nearby planets. But I dont think that the UFOs seen by people on our planet at the present point of time have travelled from another planet, or even another reality. I believe them to be created right here on earth. The technology available, does not prevent us from making these remotely controlled craft, the fact that they are not commercially viable though for anything other than military applications, does mean that we are unlikely to be informed about them. Therefore they will remain U flying obects, rather than Recognised flying objects, in the same way helecopters and aeroplanes are everyday.


To think Aliens would not travel for 5000 years to visit this plant presumes they live a human life span of 76.5 years or so. 1o,ooo,ooo,ooo,ooo,ooo,ooo years may be every other creature in the universes life span. You also assume that Einstein's theory of E=Mc2 is correct. Its possible its not. I would however put my money on US Government projects.
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