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UFO sighting in stephenville texas! 30 witnesses


all praises are due to the Most High
treehuggers said:
If you would see santa flyin around.... you'd say its a UFO?

if you identified that it was Santa, would the flying object still be unidentified? :chin: :nono:

GMT, hello man, how's herb treating you?
I don't know if i am going to get all scientific about it, i am just trying to list the possibilities.
optical illusions are hard to admit as a possibility when it was video-taped or seen by more than just one person.
if we can induce ourselves to see space-ships enough to really believe it, who is to say everything else is not just make belief? if the mind can pull those tricks on us, perhaps you never lost your virginity when you thought you did or never graduated high school, just imagined it and self-induced it because you desired it so much :rasta:
much peace
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all praises are due to the Most High
a mathematical joke? like 1 + 1 equals 3? dad + mom = mom, dad and baby :yoinks: ???

more like a rethorical joke...


Thats enough to make even to most skeptical person very suspicious.Now some genius needs to ask how common it is for 10 fighter jets to conduct exercises over residential areas.l


Mother Nature's Son
I live in central Texas, and about a week ago I was driving a co-worker home when I saw an extremely bright orange, pill shaped object in the sky. It made a staircase (or zig-zag) pattern in the sky right before it curved sharply upward and vanished. I could not tell how far away it was, but it was damn bright, and I could see the shape of the object. Of course the asshat I was giving a ride to did not see a damn thing.
I have seen a great many fireworks and have never quite seen them make this pattern, especially so high in the sky. I have also never seen them make such sharp right angles (six right angles in the zig-zag and one before the curve upward). It was damn bright too, damn bright.
Just chalking it up to one of the many things in the sky I have seen and cannot explain.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
'How to Serve Man' probably the finest episode of the Twilight Zone,
if you haven't seen this one you owe it to yourself to find and watch it.......


Its COOL to DROOL!!!!!!
crazy shit targus...my dad would always tell me of a story of when i was a baby at my aunts home, there was what he termed as an "obvious" ufo experience. he mentioned globes of lights buzzing around which is what caught his eye....slow and gracefull they bounced around, changing colors and the globes were of different diameter. he then sayst hey formed into one large globe like voltron and Zipped off in a blink of an eye. Now my dad also said inthose days he took alotta acid n all sorts of shit...i mean this was the mid 60's and it was in spain @ the time...ive never seen anything strange in the sky myself, but i do admit i do on occasioin look up at the sky from time to time jsut in case lol


Its COOL to DROOL!!!!!!
werd so let me get this str8 our governemnt expects us to beleive that 10 fighter jets were mistaken for a ufo seen by 30 some odd people??? jets make noise dont they?? wouldnt they fly at a hgher altitude, and the lights...fighter jets have very distinct lights....i dont think the pilots are having a glow stick rave party....uh altho you never know...


Grinding extra.
I just can't wrap my mind around the fact that WE are that oblivious. But then I read that and see how CLOSE minded I am. I DON'T KNOW.

How the FU*K could THEY (or whatever) have gotten here? Travelled for millions of years? Or teleported? I'm not saying it's immpossible anymore. 27 bongloads of Sour Diesel and the Discovery channel already planted the seed. But NO ONE here can say they KNOW. No one KNOWS. Maybe it's blackholes... ???

Why are there so many more of these sightings in the Southwest?


Its COOL to DROOL!!!!!!
^^ lol oh but you have to buy a fnard technology tin foil hard hat to be in the club tho dood..sorry...just watching cnn or discovery channel doesnt cut it! you gott have a plan for when those alien seeds of alien ganja are droppped son, youre gonna shit yer sean john suit..u KNOW "they" smoke erb!!
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Its COOL to DROOL!!!!!!
one tried to get fly..i almost had to MUSH em'! damn aliens...how you get this thing to hyper drive....im outta here soon as i fix da flux capaciter...


Its COOL to DROOL!!!!!!
ONE DAY NO FIGHTER JETS WERE INVOLVED! now theres 10!! lol is that one jet for everyday they sat ntheir asses tyring to figure out a good enough cover up story for extra terretrial or possibly terrestrial craft flying over texas?? HMmmmm

if the jets were chasing IT, and it was over texas....and it WASNT ours..then Whos was it ART? can you do math?? i suck at math..all i know is it adds up to one fucked up situation dog...


Grinding extra.
How do you know what they do? And are you one of those poeple that have trouble putting sh*t behind them? Do I have to apologize to you like I do my wife? Or is I've done just UNFORGIVEABLE. LOL. Let me know. I enjoy Bs'ing about stuff like this, but if I'm not WANTED by the GREAT "you", then whatever. Tell me to leave.


Its COOL to DROOL!!!!!!
^^ im just messing with ya homie...take ajoke much?

now there are the wack jobs, the freaks and occasional attention whores. mostly from california claiming they were abducted and anally probed. That is probably bull shit, cuz i suffer from *i dont know the actual medical name* but i basically become conscious in the middle of sleep without the ability to move any of my limbs or speak... im not sure i fyou could call me awake but im deffinitely concious. And the whole time your in a panic state becaus eyou dont know if you are having a nightmare of some sort or what(its a truly not enjoyable like a dream would be so its deffinitely not fun). When this happened when i was younger i think i let my imagination get to me cuz i rmemeber when i was like 6 or 7 having this happen and i thought it was aliens from seeing and hearing sci stories...of course now i look at it and laugh but at those moments i was a terrified lil 7 yr old kid.
Since then ive had these same " nightmare paralisis' or whatever you want to call it, but its very very rare i cant recall the last time but it was pretty freaky. Now i know what it is its actually a documented medical case if someone knows the name of the condition post it up!