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U.K cheese brightside cut ?


Well-known member
but as I've said in this thread loads of times the history of these cuts is convoluted to fuck, and adding prefixes to cuts that already have a name and history or calling cuts name that aren't what they are just serves to adds to the confusion when it simple should be "this is real Cheese/Livers" or "this is not Cheese/Livers". Not this is such n such cut, this is the fucking windemere cut or king charles cut... They're either legit or they're not.
Well said mate..after all in reality there are 2 actual plants concerned here,no more,no less...cheese and livers,both names fixed to A plant by A grower,everything else are either s1's be it bag seed or breeder pack or they are just hybrids...end of argument,its pretty simple peeps....i came on here bringing the cut i acquired to be verified so that and i truely believe it will be,we can finally say that this particular plant,this ONE cutting is Cheese and put this whole saga to bed,now we just need to do the same with Livers lol...


~~ ॐ नमः शिवाय ~~
adding prefixes to cuts that already have a name and history or calling cuts name that aren't what they are just serves to adds to the confusion when it simple should be "this is real Cheese/Livers" or "this is not Cheese/Livers". Not this is such n such cut, this is the fucking windemere cut or king charles cut... They're either legit or they're not.

If someone is offered a cut that is ‘such an such’ cheese, or whatever, then they know it isn’t the original. To me it makes more sense to use a suffix so someone knows at least one point of contact for that plant. It helps trace cuts to point of origin.

You’re always going to get unscrupulous individuals relabelling a cut, especially if it’s popular, that’s another problem.

All the OG cuts have a suffix because it’s making a solution out of an almost impossible situation. Not many can agree an original, so there’s a suffix. Like with the OG story, there are cuts that some people have a preference towards more than others. There’s nuances to taste and effect that poke people in different ways. If it’s good, it’s good… to them at least.

Maybe adding a suffix isn’t the answer, it just seems like a waste to exclude decent cultivars because they have been travelling around with a name that mimics the original.

If the original is found and everyone agrees then great, but how are you now going to let the world know that it’s the one when there’s all these other imposters floating around with the same name? If it isn’t separated from the others then you end up with the same problem as now.

Maybe it’s just my idealistic logic that thinks a suffix is a good idea.
Fuck it, don’t jump on the above like it’s a big deal, just a different way of looking at the situation.


Psychoberry is a blueberry cross I believe,,,where is LLP ,,he brought that one to us I think
i had the psychoberry cut ive probably still got pics ...

i was sent her instead of the psychosis haze which is what i wanted .. the psycho berry was shit imho didnt grow nearly aswell as sheff or exo

exodus cheess isnt fruity ... sheff blues is more fruity but when i say berry its more of a strawberry / aniseed / forbidden fruit kinda taste ... its really complex because of the amount of exolosions that goes off but it deffo aint blueberry and exodus cheese is more floral / lavender

ive heard sheff blues reffered to as haribos ..


Active member
Maybe it’s just my idealistic logic that thinks a suffix is a good idea.
Fuck it, don’t jump on the above like it’s a big deal, just a different way of looking at the situation.

All love here mate on the quest of truth, I don't disagree with what you're saying and of course its a good way to distinguish between cuts, if not in the very least so we can know which ones to avoid as imitations, but there are contributors to this thread and others on the quest that can't even validify with certainty what they've got and from what I can see its mainly because of all the convolution.

sheff blues is more fruity but when i say berry its more of a strawberry / aniseed / forbidden fruit kinda taste ... its really complex because of the amount of exolosions that goes off but it deffo aint blueberry and exodus cheese is more floral / lavender

I'm sure its a great cut but case closed for me, its a ugorg reproduction.


Well-known member
Renaming things seems to be convention around me. It's got to the point where people just presume you are making it up, when your not. Some people passing boxes about, assign it the latest insta-name if it's top shelf, or last years buzz word if it's mids. Someone is trying to push a cutting on me, with a name I can't find. As the conversation has been revisited a few times, it's become clear the next man wants the name keeping, as it's gaining recognition now. Which is where I loose interest.
Typically the name change is the grower stopping others copying his inventory. Or, the dealer selling the customer the hype he desires. Coffee shops are not above this behaviour. Where the growers have all homed in on the best producer of that time, but the shops need more diversity. So they get the same thing from different sources. This is important. Most of the time I accept a cutting, they don't recognise the weed I then give back. That is the most common outcome. Where it takes them a while to accept the fact, and they still look unsteady.

For years now people have been trying to show me their cheese. You can plot the conversation out like a 'choose your own adventure' book. I don't even want to look. There is no point looking at their result. I have to grow them myself, to see which is which.
I think I have had the real one. It wasn't the best though. It's old stock now.
I have had 2 or 3 reproductions, more than once.
The blue cheese I had for a little while. It tasted particularly nice.
All had the same sort of brain drain effect on me, that I don't like.

I have entirely missed the blues. Each time it's just been cheese.
I have not seen the Jack at all. I have done the JH a few times though, and find it highly unlikely they could be connected. I like the many Jack flavours, but non belong in a cheese conversation.


Active member
I have entirely missed the blues. Each time it's just been cheese.
I have not seen the Jack at all. I have done the JH a few times though, and find it highly unlikely they could be connected. I like the many Jack flavours, but non belong in a cheese conversation.

Mostly what I've already said in this thread. The jack is highly unlikely to be a real Jack, like you any other Jack I have grown or smoked has been nothing like that cut, they're mostly fruity like lemons or mangos, not a rancid savoury plasticine sort of smell.

Theyre all dead ringers for one another, like you have noticed with Blues and Cheese ;)


Well-known member
Some things are worth saying twice :)

The cheese seems very domanant in crosses. As an SK#1 I wouldn't of been surprised if it was hard to reproduce. It seems you could cross it with just about anything though (jack's included) and still get cheese from a nearby county. Which is what happened as it went global.


ICMag Donor
The big confusion is because ive not put IN enough effort into it until now,,,

so many plants look near identical to the original and all the different plants can mimic each other until that last few weeks of flower where brightsides cut steps forward and keeps drilling your fillers until they don't work, then it hits the jars you know for sure,,,

If I was still growing cheese as a job,,which I stopped in 2010ish, I'd probably have settled this already,,,

until now and Bimbles cut, I've not actually looked at another cheese cut since I checked windows, (I personally think windows is enough),,,i haven't really put enough effort into it until now,,,previously Pip, Cheezgez and others have tried to verify and all had issues,,

When I'm at 100% il name it brightsides cheese and that will be the end of it , ,i don't give a fuk about the politics it's brightsides name on brightsides clone,,,end of job


Well-known member
I used to hate growing cheese and it’s been probably 4-5 years since I’ve grown any, because of the extra money it would cost me in extra odour control.
I’d need it in the room where the tent was, with the door closed. Outside that room upstairs and definitely downstairs by the front door and I’d still get the smell hanging around on the stairs.
I would use one of those long cushion type draught protectors at the bottom of the bedroom door to try and stop the smell getting through any gap at the bottom of the door but it would still find it’s way out.

The last few weeks coming up to harvest are the worst and harvesting itself is an absolute nightmare. I would duct tape sheets to the door upstairs and the front door to try to keep the smell in, sealing any gaps while I was in the bedroom chopping and I’ve had a friend come round to help tell me he could still smell it outside the front door, causing me panic, lol.
I’ve come home, before I used odour control by the front door and have been hit by the smell directly outside my front door. Cheese is dangerous to grow and a mare to transport, let alone smoke.

I think all the cheese types I’ve tried probably have the ability to get you busted if you’re not on top of things. Mine, blazeee’s, Suicide, maybe even bird man’s and even livers? Though I never grew enough of the latter to really tell and none of those are apparently Brightsides.
So if Bimbles cut turns out to be the one, I’m gonna dread growing it, but I will, I must. I need to see myself if it truly is worse than the other cheeses…..but I ain’t looking forward to it, lol.

Has anyone have experience with a product known as Odoor? A carbon filter door cover that Velcro’s to your existing door frame and has a zip opening so you can pass through.
Not sure if they are still available but I always thought what a great idea. I know they were expensive, around £200-£300. Worth it though if they actually do work? Though I’ve seen no reviews and couldn’t even find them last time I searched.
Maybe they are not as good as advertised or didn’t catch on because of the price??
If anyone knows for sure that they work, I’d definitely invest in one and would encourage others who grow cheese to do the same, if they are worth it? Or even still available??

Bubba Zanetti

Active member
Very similar ages, although I do hope we stop calling it Blues so we can differentiate it between the ugorg release and the real cut, Livers (or Kriss-Kross as its also known). The only other local similar cuts that can trace its lineage back further than 2008 (ugorg release) were Sheffield Super Skunk (smelled like a spilled grolsch beer, not seen since 2010) and Barnsley Jack (more like Cheese than Livers, but if you chopped it early it was a dead ringer for Livers. Not seen since 2015/6, but then, cheese is a dead ringer for livers if you chop it early ;) ). I've read about scottys "sheff blues" also and its either Barnsley Jack or a UGORG reproduction no ifs or buts (sorry scotty) and if it is a Barnsley Jack he is a lucky boy as imo it was better than Livers.

As for what Livers is, there are two storys. The first is its SK1 and Livers himself fetched it from Liverpool (i've even heard people say Manchester) and started knocking the cuts out, the other story is that Livers mate made the cross and its Shiva Skunk x B52, and thats where the "kriss kross" moniker came from as the group that got a cut didn't want to call it Livers an be associated with him or the guy who made the cross (heroin addict)

I've grown Barnsley Jack and it is identical to the Ugorg Blues. I culled it because its not Skunky enough.

Neither smells like Cheese, they are both tropical yellow and blue fruit terps.

Psycho is the only one that has the putrid rank cheese and puke smell before the aniseed pear drop/old ladies perfume kicks in on the backend.
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Active member
I've grown Barnsley Jack and it is identical to the Ugorg Blues. I culled it because its not Skunk.

Neither smells like Cheese, they are both tropical yellow and blue fruit terps.

I disagree and would say Its not identical to ugorg blues at all, its a dead ringer for livers if you chop it early but if you took it to 11 weeks it was a different beast. More like cheese than livers, but not the same as cheese, it has a strong savoury plasticine sort of thing going on.

I can say with certainty that neither Jack or Livers are what you would describe as fruity, or tropical, not at all.

Bubba Zanetti

Active member
Def had a plasticine smell but Plasticine is approximately 65% bulking agent (principally gypsum), 10% petroleum jelly, 5% lime, 10% lanolin and 10% stearic acid and thus smells fruity like childrens Play-Doh.

Oldtimer1s/Verges Blues is livers cubed.

You cannae say it is a dead ringer for livers and not blues that's dafter than the Abrahamic religions.

There is def truth in your post when you said the jack is identical to livers/blues, hence why you rang my bell...

Why we call it blues...




Shit smells bubblegummy fruity yum yum tree and is clearly part of the blue family...soon as I flowered the jack i told clonefairy it was the blues renamed...the terps were identical as you've already admitted. They are not just similar they are identical a "dead ringer" and most likely the same clones passed around and mislabelled/renamed.

I've grown it all.

Blues and Barnsley Jack are fruity.

Most peeps don't even know wtf REAL SKUNK even is.



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Active member
Blues and Barnsley Jack are fruity.

This is the only bit I really disagree with, but it must be a matter of perception as I wouldn't call them/it fruity at all. As for them being the same, I've all but said it in my past few posts, any differences can absolutely be attributed to either the genotype interacting with the environment, or even as simple as how long they've been flowered for, a week or two makes all the difference. But is it really that simple? I wouldn't like to say.

Bubba Zanetti

Active member
If BJ is a Jack Herer we know its fruity weed because that's where Princess/Cinderella came from.

Blues/livers is possibly BJ renamed. The fruits only a 1/3rd of the terps def other stuff going on with them.

I know Cindy turns blue then black outdoors as well...


Mostly what I've already said in this thread. The jack is highly unlikely to be a real Jack, like you any other Jack I have grown or smoked has been nothing like that cut, they're mostly fruity like lemons or mangos, not a rancid savoury plasticine sort of smell.

Theyre all dead ringers for one another, like you have noticed with Blues and Cheese ;)
sheff blues and exo cheese are different phenos

100% you could never get them mixed up the same with the blues livers etc they all have a nuique terp and taste profile thats specific to that plant


when do the cheeses stop streching in your guys experience?
exodus cheese takes 3 week she doubles in height and width...

keep her on nitrogen until week 3 then switch to bloom feed.. use pk 9/18 on week 7 or 8 flush on week 8 or 9 if you want proper dredlock foxtails 👍

ive heard she is amamzig at 11 weeks... ive literally just harvested exo today... deffo no fruity aromas if there is its very very subtle and is instantly lost in the other terpenes

Bubba Zanetti

Active member
BJ is the rarest, most hoarded and hardest to get unknown to most.

Blues is a commercial common staple up north..



Its an old Jack Herer (apparently) cut that used to float around the Yorkshire area popularised in Barnsley, it was just known as "Barnsley Jack" or "that stinky Jack from Barnsley". Legend has it the cut actually came from Skegness, but made its name in the aforementioned location. When Livers was introduced onto the scene, and Livers had a flap cos it had his named attached to it, it started being called "Jack" in some places and that started a huge confusion amongst the clone fairies as you could never be sure whether it was what they said it was.

There was even more confusion later down the line as somewhere around 2010 someone must've done a Jack x Ugorg Blues (male) and sent a cut far and wide as for a short time there was plenty of bud that *almost* smelled and looked a bit like the real deal Jack but it just wasn't the one as it had a very strong blues current through the smoke, simply it just wasn't the one.

10 weeks flower, gynormous yield, strong cerebal high (although poor tolerance truth be told), and a plastecene, diesel, and something else that was a bit rotten meaty, had great bag appeal, very dense and "frosty" and had stubby stacked calyxs on every flower - it was very recognisable.

I've smoked and grown quite a few different Jacks and Jack crosses but none of them are anything like that old Jack cut, it wasn't at all fruity.

So i probably just got the BJ x Blues, this would explain...
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