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Tynehead Tom's 0'degree C , grow and show

Tynehead Tom

Well-known member
took some pics of the C4 I've chopped but most were too fuzzy to post.
#2 looks like it's gonna be close to 2 oz but ya just never know. It's longest branches are hanging beside it LOL the longest "maybe" 5 to 6 inches. Totem pole pheno for sure.
The #1 smells like strong blueberry pie filling with a beautiful skunkiness that is getting stronger as it hangs. The odors on #2 are like chocolate and hash with a touch of maybe mango in the background. Very much resembles one of the keeper expressions of the original shiskaberry I used to grow years ago. I have the remnants from this one under 24 hour light. Am gonna unpot it, cut the root mass down and transplant to a 2 gallon with some fresh medium. Hopefully it revegges over summer.


Thank you for those excellent descriptions of the PLL. Now I cant wait for them to arrive to sample.

c4 looks tasty. good luck with the reveg

Tynehead Tom

Well-known member
The KPA (Kimo x P.afghani) is in the greenhouse and is a bush approaching 4 feet tall ;)
plus I also have 6 in 2 gallon pots in there as well.
and one in my mom room being saved for an indoor run once winter comes round.
I didn't run any in my flower rooms yet but should be a good haul from the greenhouse if they finish in my region.

Tynehead Tom

Well-known member
well, tonight when the light comes on at 9:30 marks the end of week 9 for my ice hut grow tent flowering show. So far I have harvested C4 #1 and #2 and now have both in jars starting the cure.
Since then I have cut down Purplelazerlite #3 and #4 and have them hanging. I'm going to put most of the Antenna purplelazerlite pics and info in the Antenna Seeds forum where I have a thread documenting those from seed to harvest. But wow! anyone who grows this stuff is gonna be real happy :D

tonight I am taking Shiskaberry 3 f2 and purplelazerlite #2 from the room to continue darkness for 48 hrs.
I'm going to assess C4 #3 , purplelazerlite #1 and Black Tuna , which I think I will give one more flush and another 5 to 7 days.
Looking back on the purple lazerlites, I tagged them in order of which showed female first. So #1 was first , #4 was 4rth out of 7 (females 5, 6 and 7 are in greenhouse)
oddly enough, in the tent, the first to flower is the last to ripen.
anyhow, will try and get some pics when the light comes on.
Not long now and the flowering tent comes down and the remaining plants , being males, are going into a 400w hps isolation chamber for flowering and pollen collection.

chris harris

All looks good. Good luck with the re-veg. It was always hit or miss for me, sometimes taking up to 2 months, sometimes lost them. Maybe out in the strong sunlight might give them more vigour.

Tynehead Tom

Well-known member
damn I'm wishin I cloned these C4's LOL I have the number 2 revegging hopefully but geebuzz , this #1 I cut down the other day, I just rolled a doob of some of the tiny buds that are dry enough and holy crap it tastes good. sweet hashy lemony goodness, very body buzzy and I kinda found myself daydreaming away while the buzz made the pain in my lower back disappear. very nice. Can't wait for the full cure.
have 20 more beans of C4 so hopefully I can find another pheno like that one.

anyhow, will take more pics over the coming days but here's some purplelazerlite and I'll have a bunch more shots tomorrow.
first one is purplelazerlite #4 which is trimmed and hanging and second is the last purplelazerlite in the tent for one more week. it's day 63 today. I posted these in my thread in antenna's forum but haven't updated them here yet so enjoy !!
#4 at 58 days


and #1 at 63 days , going 5 to 7 days more, just flushed tonite with 5 gallons water. (3rd flush)



will have some pics tomorrow of C4 #3 , Shiskaberry 3 f2 and purplelazerlite #2 tomorrow. They are in darkness till trimming.
Purplelazerlite #2 is my favorite plant in this run and I can not wait to get that cured up and snuggled up inside a rolling paper. mmmmmmm
stay tuned !!


Active member
True Story (maybe) LOLZ

While tending his secret bathroom plants somebody knocked on the door with TT saying:
"I'm busy taking a dump right now and can't come out of the bathroom".

The person knocking says: "That doesn't smell like shit I know and I hope your using tomato juice to get rid of that smell." :laughing:

chris harris

58 day sativa, awesome. Looks great, hope it all smokes as good as it looks. Won't be any laying around on the couch after smoking that shit, it's usually " get er done" kind of weed. Multi tasking weed.
Would love to hear what you think smoke wise of the Shisk, and C4, as in strength, hang time, etc. I'm looking for something stocky, bulky, and quick, for a SOG vertical set up. Ran something similar to shisk years ago, tasted great, but not much duration, and built up tolerance quick. Couldn't beat how it bulked up totem pole style. Love the look of that Shisk F1 and C4.

Tynehead Tom

Well-known member
I would say that one of the phenos of C4 is right up there with some of the more potent weed I've smoked in quite some time. It surprised me as it's not the one I picked to reveg. It smelled like blueberries and skunkyness at harvest and now that it's cured up mostly, it smells like sweet diesel fuel when you cut it up. I was real surprised to find that smell in there and it's getting stronger as it cures more.

Shiskaberry F1 , I got so fuggen lucky with that one seed LOL The other seed was male and is identical to the female in leaves and structure just smells stronger and perhaps earthier?
anyhow, Ustad's shiskaberry 3 f2 , I gotta say, those beans are certainly worth grabbing if you are looking for shiskaberry. I have that female shiskaberry 3 f2 from the seed pop I grabbed back from my buddy and it's hanging right now curing on the branch. It has the exact smell of my keeper mom and it's really sticky and frosty. It grew foxtaily buds tho so not sure if it didn't like koolbloom, maybe didn't like the temps or it's just the way it is. Either way it's making me smile.

I'm expecting purplelazerlite to be excellent smoke and as soon as I've got it properly cured I'm gonna take a bunch of pics and do a thorough smoke report ;)

I been crazy busy the past few days but will have a final update on everything to wrap up this grow show properly

thanx for following along everyone

gonna take a month off from indoor flowering and concentrate on my veg room and greenhouse and fishin LOL
BUT..... here's what's currently on deck and vegging for the next episode

Headbanger x Ancient OG seedlings
Long Valley Royal kush F10 I think , seedlings
Fire Alien Kush f2 seedlings
Gorilla Bubble BX2 seedlings
Gluebreath S1
also have clones rooting of 3 phenos of purplelazerlite and clones from my 5 seedling of OJSDKB f2
gonna be a killer run this one ;)


Pleasantly dissociated
its always the one we chose not to reveg or save, the puff test is way different than the picture test, nice oldscholol strains


Active member
Beautiful grow Tom. What's your soil mix and feedings? Hm when I look at your Shiskaberry
F1 I can't help wondering how it would look with Gerrit's Exile.

Tynehead Tom

Well-known member
glad you guys enjoyed the show ;)
I don't mean to suddenly abandon the thread after all the steady updates. I've just been trimming and making the ice hut grow set up disappear and the room back to normal. Mother inlaw is coming in 5 days and the grow room is her room for a week LOL
you would never know I just grew a pound n a half or so of weed in 4 months in that room :D
So I have been trimming and curing and jarring and sampling and will have an extensive report on the Ustad shiskaberry f2 , 3 phenos of Chimera C4, 4 phenos of Antenna Purplelazerlite and also cut down my black tuna mini scrog.... which if you scroll back thru the pics, was the "oops" clone from way back.

anyhow , here's how I do it and some things might be different from the start of the grow because I tweaked it a little (PH 6.8 instead of 6.3 originally)
inside the tent--> 940 watt hortilux super ace (might be called a ultra ace?) HPS conversion bulb (metal halide ballast, old school, non digital)
first run was 12/12 flowering this run was cycled from 11/13 down to 10.5/13.5 after week3.
passive intake, 3 x 4" abs tubes on the floor. small 6inch desk fan at inside end of one passive intake as an assist. 450 cfm centrifugal fan , ducted inline and mounted outside the tent. outside air for cooling and added a small room humidifier for lights on though I barely used it this second run as relative humidity has been higher here naturally with all the rain storms.
the 14" fan below the light is an oscillating fan with the stand removed and locked so it doesn't move. sitting in a basket to allow maximum air flow from the floor up past the light and towards the 4 foot parabol reflector mounted in the ceiling of the tent/ice hut. The exhaust duct from the 450cfm fan attaches at the center hole opening of the parabol sucking the air from the light and from the roof area of the tent. The parabol really helped as a light trap/ reflector as well as an object to direct the continuous flow of air up and back down around the plants. There was no need for any other directional fans to keep air movement. Long story short, I got real lucky this hashed together plan even worked at all hahaha!
here's the pic showing the circle of pots around the bulb in the 6x6 x7ft high space. Fits 9 x 3 gallon pots with plants about 24 to 28" being ideal

I used Sunshine mix #4 and for every say 15 gallons of soil, I added 1 cup of fine dolomite lime (Dolopril)
that's it for the soil mix
Pot size I think they are 3 gallon.
Nutes - General Hydroponics Flora series Micro and Bloom only
Booster- General Hydroponics Koolbloom powder

I watered on a feed, feed, then flush to 20-30% run off
the schedule would look like this, assuming a 9 week flowering
week 1 to first feeding of week 4 (8 weekers to first feeding of week 3)
-Feed 1/2 gallon -> micro 8ml / bloom 16ml per gallon (4liter) PH set to 6.8
-3 to 4 days later Feed 1/2 gallon -> same 8ml/16ml
-next feeding 3 to 4 days later will be the flush
-flush with 2 gallons mixed with 2ml micro/ 4ml bloom PH 6.8
then it should take 5 or 6 days maybe for that to dry out enough to start the feed rotation again.
deficiencies should be checked for and corrected at the flush so if you have issues, flush as needed versus only to 20 -30% runoff.

okay, starting with the second feeding of week 4 : (or 2nd feeding of week 3 for shiskaberry and C4 being 8 week varieties)
-> micro 8ml/ bloom 16ml and one carefully measured 1/4 teaspoon of powered koolbloom per gallon.

add the koolbloom to every 2nd feeding
so the schedule would look like this
feed 8/16
feed 8/16 with koolbloom
flush with 2/4
up to the date you choose to start your final flushes (with no nutes) for harvest. I generally flush for all of the last 2 weeks.
a 3 gallon pot would get a flush of 5 gallons, cold water, PH 6.3 , 3 times over the last 2 weeks. when trichomes begin to show amber, plants get minimum 48hrs darkness then the branches are cut off and hung to cure.

and that's it. ;)
will be doing a big final update, 2 plants are still hanging and me and a buddy have been just getting blasted taste testing from the various jars.


Tynehead Tom

Well-known member
58 day sativa, awesome. Looks great, hope it all smokes as good as it looks. Won't be any laying around on the couch after smoking that shit, it's usually " get er done" kind of weed. Multi tasking weed.
Would love to hear what you think smoke wise of the Shisk, and C4, as in strength, hang time, etc. I'm looking for something stocky, bulky, and quick, for a SOG vertical set up. Ran something similar to shisk years ago, tasted great, but not much duration, and built up tolerance quick. Couldn't beat how it bulked up totem pole style. Love the look of that Shisk F1 and C4.

Chris, yer bang on about the get er done high of the sativas LOL
It's been a hugely productive week for me around the house.
purplelazerlite 1 is still hanging but is a beast and huge yielder for the short veg time (5 weeks from seed).
I can say that pheno #4 is a get er done high with a real nice clear head. Awesome daytime smoke but still need to pace yerself or it's a trip into LaLa land and you kinda become just a head without a body LOL

Purplelazerlite #2 smells strong of "after 8" chocolate mint. It's uncanny how much it smells like those dark chocolate cover mint cream wafers. And it smokes so smooth and sweet with a hint of mentholatum(?) a chocolate and I dunno sandal wood? It's pure headstash and is not for getting er done unless you wanna get injured LOL this is lawn chair, round a campfire, with some killer tunes, makin yer buddies say WOW man where the fug did you get this shit?! LOL

Purplelazerlite #3 kinda like #4 but it has a strong nerve/muscle/joint pain relieving affect. It's a subtle flavor and subtle high that you don't really feel so much until you stand up and move. I noticed it right away because I got up fast and it didn't hurt. For me, that was a big thing and very noticeable affect from the weed.

C4 #1 , probably the tastiest and most narcotic from the harvest. Also the smallest yield. It smells strongly of a few things, blueberry and lemon along with a pungent sweet diesel and the taste is truly sublime and improving as it continues to jar cure. It's the jar you put away and save for yourself.

C4#2 Strong narcotic bedtime smoke. Flavor is hard to describe, leans far to the shiskaberry afghan side. It's a strong smoke with a earthy hashy flavour and only a hint of sweetness. The scissor hash from this plant was exceptionally old school hashy flavor.

C4#3 much like C4 #1 but not as strong in high. Still curing tho so haven't sampled it much yet.

Ustad Shiskaberry 3 f2 --- all I can say is I am extremely impressed with the female I have here. It is strong old school shiksaberry in every way. I open the jar and it literally brings a flood of memories of my old days with a basement stuffed with 17 varieties in 5 rooms with shiskaberry at it's focus. I can't describe the smell, never could, it's just shiskaberry. In saying that tho, I should also say, it smells nothing like berries. it's a deep fresh greeny earthy hashy I dunno what the hell way to describe it kinda smell LOL Also still curing so can't say much on a smoke report as I am saving those jars till it's properly cured so as to not spoil my little reunion with the past hahaha

k that's it for now :D

Tynehead Tom

Well-known member
okay, I have most everything cured up and weighed out except for purplelazerlite #1 , which was the biggest plant. Be a couple days before it's ready for a weigh in.
but here goes and just for full disclosure, I've added 3 grams to each weight to account for sampling doobies not in the weigh in.

Black Tuna mini scrog - 54 grams
C4 #1 = 36 grams
C4 #2 = 51 grams
C4 #3 = 44 grams
Shiskaberry 3 f2 = 32 grams
Purplelazerlite #2 = 78 grams
Purplelazerlite #3 = 49 grams
Purplelazerlite #4 = 62 grams
total so far = 406 grams / 14.5 ounces

and will update the list when Purplelazerlite #1 is ready for weighing. my guess is going to be in the 84 gram (3 ounce) plus range , putting the harvest at just over a pound.
it ain't no gram per watt but it's certainly gonna satisfy this man's stash for a few months :D

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