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Trippy taco test kitchen


Well-known member
Plan is to top everything at the 4th to 6th node. Take 2 clones each a week or so layer. Put rooted clones directly into flower in 1 gallon pots until done stretching is over then into a bigger pot.

I have trained some stretchy haze crosses by spiraling the main stem by tying it to sticks to control height. Hopefully that works with these.

I don't really care what mangling I need to do to cram them in. I am only sorting for quality of smoke and can figure out what the plant actually is shaped like after I select a few to grow again.

Soon as spring arrives I'm using outdoors as a temporary mom room. And probably using veg room to flower some 9 week put money in my pocket varieties.


Well-known member
It sucks that the market is so saturated here. I have a few dual ended and another photobio led that I would like to put in my garage. I need to save a few bucks so if I expand again I'm not kicking myself looking for buyers.

Every dispensary around has $50 zips of weed I would have been excited to smoke 30 years ago.


ICMag Donor
It sucks that the market is so saturated here. I have a few dual ended and another photobio led that I would like to put in my garage. I need to save a few bucks so if I expand again I'm not kicking myself looking for buyers.

Every dispensary around has $50 zips of weed I would have been excited to smoke 30 years ago.
It sounds brutal & must be tough for you… I consider myself fortunate right now persevered through a lot of shit , found my niches and now the New York dollar will prevail


Well-known member
It sounds brutal & must be tough for you… I consider myself fortunate right now persevered through a lot of shit , found my niches and now the New York dollar will prevail
It's a trip. Lots of things I didn't expect with legalization. I had no idea how many smokers would switch to just distillate because of no odor and convenience. Or how the vast majority of people want knock down lay you out stoned to the bone. And how few people want anything that gets your heart or mind racing. Does nor help where I am at there is an abundance of both poor people and weed.

I have been keeping my radar on for opportunities elsewhere. I would like to keep growing but I have no desire to race everyone to the bottom. I'm going out on a limb and going to grow enough modern varieties to keep the lights on. But start digging deep into what I want to smoke too. Make hybrids and begin looking for unique (trippy AF) keepers. I'm going to catalog my shoebox of seeds. Not sure if it's the recreational activities or what. But I blew my own mind noticing I have been occasionally chucking away for about 10 years and only dipping into my own work here and there. Mostly just keep buying seeds and chucking anything I love or seems promising. And I usual toss in little clone of every female I have ready at the moment. I guess maybe if everyone grows so much weed has no value I really can't complain. It's kinda awesome really. And I'm sure people would still pay for some awesome clones.

Or I just get real high and spend my days chasing butterflies through fields of wildflowers.


ICMag Donor
I’ll post these here ... ha ha avoiding controversy Nevils Haze x Tom Hill Haze


Well-known member


Well-known member
Got up today feeling alright. Watered things. Trimmed up a couple jars. And then that headache from too much coffee the last few days started. Definitely a love hate relationship with the Java. Love it all the time and hate it when I just drank a cup my caffeine addiction is in charge. Every now and then I need to stop or cut way back. I prefer to keep it where I only drink coffee because it is delicious not because I'm trying to prevent caffeine withdrawal. It's a hard fence to teeter on.

Bunch of transplanting to do this evening. I need to build a table that drains into a sink. I'm tired of working on the floor. And since the last time I grew here the wife added a hot tub to the floor plan. I used to have this big open area with a floor drain. Made it easy to set up an assembly line and clean up after myself. Now I have the same drain but barely enough room to move with more than a few plants.

Nuf with the bitchin.......

Here is some nevils x Oaxaca I grew a few years ago. And echo on a day with way better weather than it is today.


Treetroit City

Moderately Super
Seedlings moving along. 67 out of 68. Going to feed them a little bit next watering. And either put them under a bigger light or move them closer. These lux clone lights work great for cuttings. Seems they are a little weak for haze seeds. View attachment 18798060
I tried something new on my latest seed pop. Granted I did it by mistake but I saw no I’ll effects so I kept with it.
I accidentally watered my seedlings with EC 2.8 on their first watering, which is what I feed my led room.
Anyway they seemed to love it. I’ve always been a plain water for a week and then EC 0.5 for a couple weeks gradually increasing strength.
So far so good, no burn at all.


Well-known member
I tried something new on my latest seed pop. Granted I did it by mistake but I saw no I’ll effects so I kept with it.
I accidentally watered my seedlings with EC 2.8 on their first watering, which is what I feed my led room.
Anyway they seemed to love it. I’ve always been a plain water for a week and then EC 0.5 for a couple weeks gradually increasing strength.
So far so good, no burn at all.
View attachment 18799371
I should probably hurry up and do the same for my haze seedlings. Haven't used an ec meter in years so I'll probably guesstimate plus add a little extra.

Hopefully nothing bad happens