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News - China threatens nuclear war, expanding arsenal in case of ‘intense showdown’ with US
By Mark Moore June 2, 2021 | 1:53pm


Hu Xijin, editor-in-chief of the Global Times, wrote that "the number of China's nuclear warheads must reach the quantity that makes US elites shiver." Gilles Sabrie/Bloomberg via Getty Images

​The media mouthpiece for the Chinese Communist government touted the country’s “urgent” goal to expand its arsenal of long-range nuclear missiles in anticipation of an “intense showdown” with the US.

“As the US strategic containment of China has increasingly intensified, I would like to remind again that we have plenty of urgent tasks, but among the most important ones is to rapidly increase the number of commissioned nuclear warheads, and the DF-41s, the strategic missiles that are capable to strike long-range and have high-survivability, in the Chinese arsenal,” wrote Hu Xijian, the editor of the Global Times.

“The number of China’s nuclear warheads must reach the quantity that makes US elites shiver should they entertain the idea of engaging in a military confrontation with China,” he said in the opinion piece.

“On this basis, we can calmly and actively manage divergences with Washington to avoid a minor incident sparking a war. US hostility toward China is burning. We must use our strength, and consequences that Washington cannot afford to bear if it takes risky moves, to keep them sober,” Hu wrote, adding that Beijing must be ready for the “intense showdown.”​​

The threat from the editor of the Global Times comes as President Biden​ ordered the US intelligence community to take another look at whether the coronavirus leaked from a Chinese lab.

​The agencies have a 90-day deadline to come back with a report on their findings.

Biden, while making the announcement, blamed China’s lack of transparency for hindering earlier investigations into the origins of the coronavirus — a pandemic that has killed ​3.5 million around the world and caused massive economic pain.

“Back in early 2020, when COVID-19 emerged, I called for the CDC to get access to China to learn about the virus so we could fight it more effectively. The failure to get our inspectors on the ground in those early months will always hamper any investigation into the origin of COVID-19,” he said.


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Well-known member
After reading about Calcium deficiency and excess signs, I think I have both.


Well-known member
I do not intentionally watch network tv for reasons I've stated elsewhere. I also have a great disdain for
commercials which keeps the boob tube off most of the time. When I do pop it on, I watch PBS.
A few nights ago, they were doing old reruns so I began channel surfing. I do this occasionally just to
remind myself of the mindless bs and manipulations seen on the network media scene.

So... flipping along and I hear the tune of a Frank Zappa song... hu? I back up and it's a commercial on
something something Dental. I came in at the end of it but the music was in the back ground still.
I farking swear it was the chorus to FZ's "Pygmy Twylyght".
I am rarely wrong about such things. The commercial music was on a loop (?) so the few notes were repeated.
I have turned the tube on again at around 9-10 pm and flipped through the stations and have yet to find it again.
IDK which channel nor which Dental Co. was advertising. I was more concerned about the music they used haha.
Now... I gotta know if some dirty bastard sold the rights to Franks music! He'd roll the fuck over if so!

Green Squall

Well-known member
We had a Statie helicopter flying in what seemed like a grid patter, most likely looking for weed yesterday, even though its legal here. I'm well under the limit, but its still unnerving.

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
We had a Statie helicopter flying in what seemed like a grid patter, most likely looking for weed yesterday, even though its legal here. I'm well under the limit, but its still unnerving.

That's whack man. Had a helicopter hovering in my apartment parking lot a few years ago, after my 4-5 little piece of crap plants. When the helicopter went out of sight for a minute I ran into the balcony and grabbed most of the plants and brought them in then hid inside. They left and nothing ever happened

Green Squall

Well-known member
That's whack man. Had a helicopter hovering in my apartment parking lot a few years ago, after my 4-5 little piece of crap plants. When the helicopter went out of sight for a minute I ran into the balcony and grabbed most of the plants and brought them in then hid inside. They left and nothing ever happened

Its completely possible they were doing something else, but I noticed something on the nose which was probably a camera. If anything, they were probably looking for large, illegal plots.

moose eater

Well-known member
Free weed? Just received some from some folks who came to get the aspen we're gifting to those who desire it, for firewood.

We've been selectively clearing some of the property below the house, in preparation for a dwelling, and my younger son has been running ads on social media re. folks being able to come and get the wood; it helps us clear away the swag (we're leaving the spruce alone, but for thinning, and we don't burn much wood here), and the no-shows have been horrendous.

No one is permitted to come to the property when we're not present, in order to minimize any theft of spruce trees, and many folks seem to think that setting a time for wood-getting doesn't require cancellation calls; like the folks who place ads on craigslist but never take them down. Irresponsibility abounds.

But no one involved in this process has attempted to gift us anything, until yesterday. A fellow with a small truck, carrying minimal loads at a time, told my younger son he was going to bring us a decent package of farm fresh chicken and duck eggs in exchange for our letting folks take the wood. Again, my perspective is they're helping to clear wood we don't burn and wouldn't sell, so it's a draw. But this fellow insisted on gifting the chicken and duck eggs. (*I can't eat them at the moment, due to a vegan cancer diet, but my family can).

As if that wasn't enough, he sent word that today he would bring me a bag of weed, as further gift of appreciation for the wood. (*The guy's driving all of 90 miles round-trip to get b-grade firewood, in my opinion). And, voila!! Today he gifted me three 1/8's, all of which are strains of noteworthy review, no swag, covered in fine trichomes, and one with predominant presence of beautiful, profound red pistols sucked back up into their respective bracts.

Out-fucking-standing!!! Made up for all the folks who never show up, despite saying they'll be here at a specific time, and never call to cancel or reschedule. We're a fickle species, us humans, and we cover the continuum of representation of honorability, from low-lifes, to angels, to saints, and back again. I guess I better dig into the freezer and find something notable to gift back to him in appreciation for his generosity, decency and humanity.

Then I need to re-sharpen my wife's Stihl .021chainsaw, and clean the carbon screen in the exhaust, as it's choking on its own exhaust. Just sharpened my pro-saw, and can hear my younger boy down the hill, continuing onward with the mission at hand. Then I need to mix up 60-90 gallons of custom fertilizer for the veggies and spuds, and apply that.

Not the worst day, even if I woke up depressed to no end re. my 2 older children. Father's day now brings on literal nightmares and deep sadness, so this series of events was QUITE cool. And my wife made keto blueberry muffins for me, as well.

"Somewhere over the rainbow...."

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