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top of the heap to third world status in one generation


Active member
Oh...and spare us on how righteous he is. He is a piece of commie poop.
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Active member
watch how hard both sides are gonna hit bernie for 2020. theyre gonna call him a commie, a socialist, a rapist, a sexist, a russian agent, a mysoginist, a racist. it's already starting.

I don't think he is a rapist nor a sexist or even a russian agent. But what do I{we} know ? None of that. But he sure as hell is a socialist/commie...to the bone.


Well-known member
Just take it has been the capitalists favorite tactic since time has began.
Kids in the third grade quickly understand that if they are handed a globe
and a list of US military installations. Unless their parents watch fox.

Right wing crime has been the most rapidly increasing form of violence for the past several years.
We have more "unpapered" Canadians here than we do Mexicans.
Our president already has a wall that he piles up higher every day.
We each know what it is made of.

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore


G `day V

Yep , because US citizens never commit crimes .
If you had a wall all the bad people would be busy digging tunnels or constructing ladders . :moon:


Thanks for sharin

EB .

Fixed up

New member
G `day V

Yep , because US citizens never commit crimes .
If you had a wall all the bad people would be busy digging tunnels or constructing ladders . :moon:

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Thanks for sharin

EB .
To me it’s not about the people they can come here if they like legally like the rest of us.

To me the wall is more about human trafficking and heroin. Unfortunately there is a big demand for underage girls in the US and every year there are 10,000 of them who easily get smuggled across to be imprisonmed as a sex slave, just disgusting.

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
To me it’s not about the people they can come here if they like legally like the rest of us.

To me the wall is more about human trafficking and heroin. Unfortunately there is a big demand for underage girls in the US and every year there are 10,000 of them who easily get smuggled across to be imprisonmed as a sex slave, just disgusting.

G `day FU

Is that a supply or demand problem ?

Reminds me of that Chavez anecdote about coca leaf . We have had coca for thousands of years .With no problems .
When it is processed into cocaine and shipped to the USA it becomes a problem . So it is a USA problem . Not a Sth American problem .

Majority of drugs smuggled come through ports of entry . Not border crossings .


Thanks for sharin

EB .

Fixed up

New member
G `day FU

Is that a supply or demand problem ?

Reminds me of that Chavez anecdote about coca leaf . We have had coca for thousands of years .With no problems .
When it is processed into cocaine and shipped to the USA it becomes a problem . So it is a USA problem . Not a Sth American problem .

Majority of drugs smuggled come through ports of entry . Not border crossings .

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Thanks for sharin

EB .
With any problem it’s both supply and demand. The US gets only 10% of its heroin from ports of entry.


Active member
With any problem it’s both supply and demand. The US gets only 10% of its heroin from ports of entry.

I would be interested to see a source for that 10% figure, sounds low.

Tunnels, trucks, containers and planes would be the obvious choices .

Coast guard admits it can only attempt to intercept 30% of ships that they have developed good intelligence on due to manpower issues.

So, 70% of actionable interdictions are not happening , why don’t we hear promises from this administration to fix that. Tangible numbers just go ignored.


Wall is nothing more than 50% of a campaign promise, won’t do shit for drug or any other smuggling as far as supply and demand. A lot like Space Force in its effectiveness financially.

I’d like to see a source on that 10,000 smuggled immigrants, pretty high and round number.

St. Phatty

Active member
One of the things people don't realize about refined opium products is how labor intensive it is.

It takes about 1 acre of poppies to provide enough opiates for a medical or heavy rec. consumer of same.

For the Afghani people who live with that task, it's a low-paying job.

One Afghani person might spend 2 weeks cutting & scraping that acre of poppies.

In the old days, I would venture a guess that Papaver S. was grown in the continental 48.

In terms of med. production, apparently the 'straw' (everything but the flowers) also yields opiates that can be processed for medical use. Looks like Poland is or was one of the leaders for that kind of medical production.


Well-known member
To me it’s not about the people they can come here if they like legally like the rest of us.

To me the wall is more about human trafficking and heroin. Unfortunately there is a big demand for underage girls in the US and every year there are 10,000 of them who easily get smuggled across to be imprisoned as a sex slave, just disgusting.
When I hear someone say "it's not about the people," a fox logo comes to mind.
Funding sex education, and health care programs for women and infants delivers the best value for dollar spent.
Funding for military and weapons projects deliver the worst value per dollar.
Pretending to give a damn about women and children while cutting programs they desperately need is the new normal.


Well-known member
Back when there were conservatives as opposed to lovers of all things corporate ...


Active member
Back when there were conservatives as opposed to lovers of all things corporate ...

Come on dude. Wall street give just as much money to the DNC, as the GOP. Pretty sure a lot of Democrats(politicians) voted to bailout the banks, they also voted for quite a few of Bush and Obama's wars. I expect this shit from the partisan hacks, but I don't think you are that small minded. I hope I am not wrong , my friend.

What you are referring to is a RINO. Not a conservative.

Bobby Boucher

Active member

Your posts are way too predictable.

"If you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day, you're the asshole."

A moment of critical thought might help you here. If everybody who disagrees with you is a "small minded hack", maybe .. you're not s'bright yourself.



Active member

Your posts are way too predictable.

"If you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day, you're the asshole."

A moment of critical thought might help you here. If everybody who disagrees with you is a "small minded hack", maybe .. you're not s'bright yourself.


Yup, lumping voters in with, the corrupt politicians is predictable. I can distinguish the people from the politicians who screw us all. Neither party has our best intrest at heart. You can continue to think critically, that the politicians you vote for gove a fuck about you. Lol. Believing one party is pure evil, but the other one is full of amazing people, not quite critical thought. :laughing:

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