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top of the heap to third world status in one generation


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WASHINGTON — Just over 24 hours after announcing his presidential bid, Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont has already raised $6 million from more than 225,000 donors, his campaign said Wednesday morning.


Fiscally Bernie probably isn't the best for us, love that he seems honest though. Politics and honesty are usually antonyms


Well-known member
$6 million in small dollar donations in 24hrs to Bernie. Can't wait til he obliterates Trump in 2020.

left wing populism > right wing populism


Active member
$6 million in small dollar donations in 24hrs to Bernie. Can't wait til he obliterates Trump in 2020.

left wing populism > right wing populism

Bernie is definitely doing better than any other Democratic candidate. The Democratic party will never allow him to be the nominee. They only eliminated the super delegates on the first round. Since their are so many candidates, it's very unlikely it will be a single vote situation. We saw in 2016, what the DNC does to independents who jump over to the Democratic party. Biden is your only hope of defeating Trump. The democratic party is solidly intersectional, an old white man won't win the nomination.


Bernie is definitely doing better than any other Democratic candidate. The Democratic party will never allow him to be the nominee. They only eliminated the super delegates on the first round. Since their are so many candidates, it's very unlikely it will be a single vote situation. We saw in 2016, what the DNC does to independents who jump over to the Democratic party. Biden is your only hope of defeating Trump. The democratic party is solidly intersectional, an old white man won't win the nomination.
With an Obama endorsement we just might,,


Well-known member
i've been blocked from about 10 pro-DNC/DNC-ran IG pages already lol

watch how hard both sides are gonna hit bernie for 2020. theyre gonna call him a commie, a socialist, a rapist, a sexist, a russian agent, a mysoginist, a racist. it's already starting.


Active member
i've been blocked from about 10 pro-DNC/DNC-ran IG pages already lol

watch how hard both sides are gonna hit bernie for 2020. theyre gonna call him a commie, a socialist, a rapist, a sexist, a russian agent, a mysoginist, a racist. it's already starting.

I am not a fan, but I don't think he's a rapist, sexist, Russian agent. Commie, Socialist yes, but not a sexual predator like Bubba Clinton.


Well-known member
just sayin, hes been called all of those things already and its only gonna get worse.

he might personally be a socialist but his policies are of the scandinavian welfare state which is still under the capitalist model. so it wouldn't really be correct to call him a socialist even though he himself says hes a dem soc. his furthest left proposal which could actually be called socialism (worker cooperatives) was taken out of his platform very early on.

aoc is probably to the left of bernie. andrew yang in some respects is to the left of bernie, wanting a UBI.


Well-known member
You guys think Beto O'Rourke has a chance among democrats?

another charismatic type that gets praised by the media and establishment is a big of enough red flag for me. i'd take him over trump but wouldn't actively support any democrat for president besides bernie sanders or tulsi gabbard.


Boreal Curing
another charismatic type that gets praised by the media and establishment is a big of enough red flag for me. i'd take him over trump but wouldn't actively support any democrat for president besides bernie sanders or tulsi gabbard.

Hum... Sanders / O'Rourke?


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Video: Illegal Alien Deported Three Times Killed After Shooting at Deputy; Illegal Was Reportedly Protected by CA Sanctuary Laws From Multiple ICE Detainer

Javier Hernandez-Morales, 43, a Mexican national thrice-deported from the U.S. who was shot to death by Napa County sheriff’s Deputy Riley Jarecki after he fired at the deputy during a traffic stop Sunday night, was protected from further deportations by California’s sanctuary laws which blocked the federal government from detaining him on four separate occasions in recent years when he was arrested there according to a statement issued Thursday by ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement).


Video: Illegal Alien Deported Three Times Killed After Shooting at Deputy; Illegal Was Reportedly Protected by CA Sanctuary Laws From Multiple ICE Detainers
by Kristinn Taylor February 21, 2019 67 Comments

Javier Hernandez-Morales, 43, a Mexican national thrice-deported from the U.S. who was shot to death by Napa County sheriff’s Deputy Riley Jarecki after he fired at the deputy during a traffic stop Sunday night, was protected from further deportations by California’s sanctuary laws which blocked the federal government from detaining him on four separate occasions in recent years when he was arrested there according to a statement issued Thursday by ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement).

The Napa County Sheriff’s Office released a video Wednesday of the shooting which shows Hernandez-Morales pulling a handgun on the deputy and firing at her as she spoke to him on the driver’s side. The deputy, who was not wounded, went to the other side of the car and returned fire, killing him. The screen image above is from before the shooting. The deputy first approached from the passenger side, then went to the driver’s side where she was fired on. The video was accompanied by this statement:

ICE released a statement Thursday (via KGO-TV):

Javier Hernandez-Morales was a Mexican national unlawfully present in the United States who had been previously removed three times prior to 2011.

After 2011, ICE issued detainers four separate times for Hernandez-Morales following his arrests for local crimes including driving under the influence, battery on a peace officer, selling liquor to a minor and probation violations. None of the four detainers lodged were honored by local jails.
ICE is grateful the deputy involved in this shooting was not harmed during this attack. It’s unfortunate that our law enforcement partners and the community are subjected to dangerous consequences because of inflexible state laws that protect criminal aliens.

This incident may have been prevented if ICE had been notified about any of the multiple times Hernandez-Morales was released from local custody over the last few years. This is an impactful, scary example of how public safety is affected by laws or policies limiting local law enforcement agencies’ ability to cooperate with ICE.

Background information (on the record):

Hernandez-Morales was removed twice in 2007 and once in 2010.

ICE issued three detainers to Napa County Jail; one each in 2014, 2015 and 2016 – none of which were honored.

ICE issued a detainer to Sonoma County Jail in 2016 which was not honored.

Warning: This post contains graphic video content and is not suitable for children. {or Jelly Fish} This Body Worn Camera footage depicts the Attempted Murder of Napa County Sheriff’s Deputy Riley Jarecki on February 17th, 2019. The decedent, Javier Hernandez Morales, fired the first shots. Deputy Jarecki returned fire. She was not physically injured. Hernandez Morales died at the scene.”




Active member
i'd take him over trump but wouldn't actively support any democrat for president besides bernie sanders or tulsi gabbard.


Bernie Sanders Explains Why Breadlines Are Good

Bernie Sanders was a big fan of the Soviet Union. At the height of the Cold War, when the USSR was poised to vaporize every major American city, he was Mayor of Burlington and had a Soviet flag on his office wall. After he married the woman who later destroyed Burlington College, they honeymooned in Russia, when it was in the grip of communist dictatorship and not the kind of place you would go without good reason.

Some complained that life in the Soviet Union entailed spending many hours waiting in line for bread. Back in the day, Bernie explained why this was no big deal:


“The rich get the food and the poor starve to death.” Sounds exactly like Venezuela under the regime that Sanders implicitly defends and shows every sign of wanting to emulate. What it does not sound like is America — unless people like Sanders are able to take over.