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Top House Republican complaining that Obama administration is not fighting drug war h

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You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to dagnabit again.
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Neo 420 again.

Thanks fellas :tiphat:

whiterasta I share your thought that it's just like the end of the Carter administration except that even Carter was receptive to decriminalization, even going so far as to endorse the policy during his Presidency. However, there are a few major differences right now which are game changers:

1) The ONDCP exists, and the Drug Czar is required by law to block all attempts to reclassify or legalize any Schedule I substance even if it means lying to our faces; so while his position exists, we will get no support for legalization/decriminalization from the Executive Branch, and little to no support from the Legislative Branch.

2) Medical Cannabis is legal in 14 states and the District of Columbia. Even if the Republicans take over Congress, they can't change state laws/ Constitutions. People will continue to grow and exchange medical cannabis, and public awareness of cannabis' efficacy will continue to increase.

3) We still have Obama in office and Eric Holder in the Justice Department. Both have shown empathy and even support for medical cannabis, if not passive. The DEA raids which David762 alludes to, as far as I know, had local collaboration. So if there has been a raid in your area, maybe you should talk to the local Sheriff's office about it and demand they uphold state law. The DEA is also currently headed up by a Bush hold-over. I will cede that Obama is a fucking idiot for keeping ANYONE from Hitler Jr's administration around.

4) We know a lot more about cannabis. We didn't even know the cannabinoid system in our bodies existed, and that THC fits like a key in a lock. A lot of research has gone into cannabis since the 70s, much more is positive for us than negative. It is now public knowledge that THC can cure cancer. This alone should be a huge argument for, at least, medical cannabis to be legalized Federally. But we will continue to face obstruction so long as the ONDCP exists, the DEA is headed by cops with no scientific or medical background, and the NIDA maintains its strangehold monopoly on the supply of cannabis for Federal research purposes.

The DEA's own Judge Francis Young recommended 20 years ago that cannabis be demoted from Schedule I and said that it is the most "therapeutically safe drug on the planet". The DEA ignored the Judge, and here we are today. This sort of obstructionism must stop, and it will take leadership in the White House and in Congress to reclassify cannabis at the Federal Level. This will only occur under Democratic control, unless as I said the Republican President is Ron Paul, Gary Johnson, or a Libertarian like me :)


Active member
yeah...that fucking lamar...let's transcend political parties and their contentiousness.

Think about all the peeps that will grow and use when it becomes legal in cali. The leo will never be able to put a dent in it. Some will be popped no doubt, in the end we will prevail.
Agreed, the real change starts at a federal level. I sort of disagree on the
This will only occur under Democratic control,
. Theoretically all you need a republican who hasn't been reefer madness brainwashed and believes theres something to gain from it. I don't like democrats, we don't need to be babysat and I don't like republicans, we don't need to be enslaved to the corporate world. Lastly I'm not so sure about Gary Johnson but last time I checked Ron Paul was a Libertarian aswell. I might be a Libertarian aswell but I haven't been exposed to them as much especially not in action. So I stay independant.


The DEA's own Judge Francis Young recommended 20 years ago that cannabis be demoted from Schedule I and said that it is the most "therapeutically safe drug on the planet". The DEA ignored the Judge, and here we are today. This sort of obstructionism must stop, and it will take leadership in the White House and in Congress to reclassify cannabis at the Federal Level. This will only occur under Democratic control, unless as I said the Republican President is Ron Paul, Gary Johnson, or a Libertarian like me :)

Neo 420

Active member
Agreed, the real change starts at a federal level. I sort of disagree on the . Theoretically all you need a republican who hasn't been reefer madness brainwashed and believes theres something to gain from it. I don't like democrats, we don't need to be babysat and I don't like republicans, we don't need to be enslaved to the corporate world. Lastly I'm not so sure about Gary Johnson but last time I checked Ron Paul was a Libertarian aswell. I might be a Libertarian aswell but I haven't been exposed to them as much especially not in action. So I stay independant.


I some what agree but what repub would that be.? They are pretty much lock and step on this issue....And so are there counterparts the tea party.
I sincerely wish I could tell you, I have no clue if one such person exists. The problem is if one such candidate exists he'll get hammered out like a nail by the majority of the corrupt existing politicians. Thus I'm almost sure that if one or a few exist that they're not going to just step forward with their entire careers at stake for something they themselves may not be that involved. Chron was mostly right about the odds of it happening however I just wanted to make it known that it can and that life has a way of being cleverly suprising. I'll keep looking even tho I'm not partial to either party and I encourage everyone else to aswell. It's all wishful thinking I know but then again so was the origins of better cannabis legislation.


I some what agree but what repub would that be.? They are pretty much lock and step on this issue....And so are there counterparts the tea party.


Anyone seen the documentary, 'The American Drug War, the Last White Hope'?. the drug war is failing, and like war, the financial collapse, etc. dems and republicans just seem to want to keep going down the same path. it's an almost religious fervor towards capitalism at any cost, protected by a police state. why is jailing folks for weed ok to them, when extending unemployment to starving families is an abomination? because those are the orders from their corporate masters.


weed fiend
I think it's more than corporate money on this one. No matter how much mmj and cannabis in general is ok with more and more non-smokers, half the country (US) still polls against weed. Politicians will continue to exploit cannabis as evil with this kind of division.


Agreed, the real change starts at a federal level. I sort of disagree on the . Theoretically all you need a republican who hasn't been reefer madness brainwashed and believes theres something to gain from it. I don't like democrats, we don't need to be babysat and I don't like republicans, we don't need to be enslaved to the corporate world. Lastly I'm not so sure about Gary Johnson but last time I checked Ron Paul was a Libertarian aswell. I might be a Libertarian aswell but I haven't been exposed to them as much especially not in action. So I stay independant.


Ron Paul and Gary Johnson are both registered Republicans, with Ron Paul being a Republican from Texas in the House of Representatives and Gary Johnson being a former Republican Governor of New Mexico. Gary Johnson plans on making a Presidential bid in 2012. Ron Paul is, so far, undecided whether he will run again. Both of them are highly out-spoken against the Drug War as a whole, and would put cannabis legalization very high on the "to-do" list.

I think it's more than corporate money on this one. No matter how much mmj and cannabis in general is ok with more and more non-smokers, half the country (US) still polls against weed. Politicians will continue to exploit cannabis as evil with this kind of division.

But decriminalization is a policy supported by a majority of Americans, yet politicians aren't exactly jumping up and down to support such a policy. There is a Federal Decriminalization bill which has been brought up the last couple legislative sessions by Ron Paul and Barney Frank, yet nothing happens to it. Same with a Federal Medical Cannabis bill, which also has majority support of the American people. Again, no action taken on it. Links to the legislation are in my sig, "Protect The People" for the Decrim "Protect The Patients" for the medical cannabis bill. If they both poll around 70% support, I do not understand why it cannot be brought up for a vote and easily slide through pain-free. Fuck the Feds.
Obama and Holder promised that Federal LEOs would not get involved in enforcing Federal laws in MMJ states -- words versus deeds. In reality, DEA raids in MMJ states have continued since that time. Even where arrests are not made, equipment and product are seized, asset forfeiture is in play, and confidential doctor/patient records are seized without court order, in direct violation of Federal HIPPA laws -- WTF is that about

So, a case could be made that there has either been no improvement under Obama, with a minor +/- bit of wiggle room on either side of the issue, depending upon what you value. Personally, I value freedom and liberty without living in a fascist police state.[/q

well i dont like anthing about obama, but in his defense i must say that he did NOT say he would not let the DEA get involved in MMJ states, what he said was he would not let them harrass and arrest people who were in full compliance with state laws. meaning he wouldnt step on the states rights. However, this does not in any way mean the DEA wont arrest people in MMJ states, it simply means they arent going to arrest you if you are in full compliance with state law, so if you are growing more than your state allows or are operationg outside the state guidelines and using MMJ laws to conduct your business illegally, the DEA is going to FUCK your world up. plain and simple, so if you dont want to get messed with and are living in a medical state, then comply 100% to the state law in which you live.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
I dont understand how they can make any claims against mj when tobacco and alcohol is legal and combined kill nearly 1 million americans every year. How many people have died from marijuana?

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
the Dems haven't done shit that they promised

Yeah, they haven't done anything except save 1 million jobs and keep the economy from crumbling.

Oh and they stopped the majority of mmj raids.

Ill take all that over the republicans driving the country into the ground and making sure them and their buddies make as much money off the taxpayers as possible.

I dont associate myself with any party. I just endorse people who want to make america better for all, instead of just making it better for themselfs.

Ben Tokin

Yeah, they haven't done anything except save 1 million jobs and keep the economy from crumbling.

Oh and they stopped the majority of mmj raids.

Ill take all that over the republicans driving the country into the ground and making sure them and their buddies make as much money off the taxpayers as possible.

I dont associate myself with any party. I just endorse people who want to make america better for all, instead of just making it better for themselfs.

It's this kind of post that provides humor and insight. :wave:

Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
I dont understand how they can make any claims against mj when tobacco and alcohol is legal and combined kill nearly 1 million americans every year. How many people have died from marijuana?

that what they use to scare people into not wanting cannabis legal, they make the presumption that cannabis kills people too. They don't have any facts to back it up though, it is just spewed rhetoric.


Top Republicans/ politicians have a plan for the poor. ( I mean convicted Drug dealers/addicts....)

Its called prison.

Exerpt from great article.. Read the full article here


As the social scientist Glenn C. Loury points out, with 5 percent of the world’s population, the United States imprisons 25 percent of all humans behind bars. This effectively created a vibrant shadow economy: American spending on the criminal justice system went from $33 billion in 1980 to $216 billion in 2010 — an increase of 660 percent. Criminal justice is the third largest employer in the country.

But while prisons boomed, something else was happening — a trade-off. As sociologist Loic Wacquant says, the government was simultaneously slashing funds for public housing. In the 1990s, as federal corrections budgets increased by $19 billion, money for housing was cut by $17 billion, “effectively making the construction of prisons the nation’s main housing program for the poor.’’ State budgets took their cues from Washington in a new but unspoken national consensus: poverty itself was criminalised. Although “law and order’’ was taken to be a Republican mantra, this phenomenon was fully bipartisan, as Wacquant shows, with the most ferocious growth in the incarceration of poor people occurring in the Clinton years. “Welfare as we know it’’ was replaced by punishment. States went prison-crazy.


This is the only thing the War on People that Think sometimes called "the war on drugs "is about. It just so happens that people who choose Cannabis over other drugs are inclined to think about why.

We are all going to have to come out and get involved. Its almost too late.

Watched O'Riley last night blow off a guest that said prop19 failed because many thought it was flawed... of course he cut her off and inserted his sound bite "Americans reject that way of life". John Stossel was on paying 10large because he lost a bet and mentioned how Blacks get arrested more... O'Riley again just blew him off and said hey anyone in the wrong place can get arrested... then repeated his sound bite " American rejects that life style... even in California".

O'Riley says FORCED long term rehab will eliminate the Drug markets...

so his solution... lock'em up (private institutions no doubt) and reprogram them.(us)

Scary talk for sure. Guck the Fovernment!
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