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Too damn hot


I cough up honey oil
106f today! Plants aren't diggin it. Givin them a little extra h20 throughout the day to try and keep their roots as cool as possible. Just part of the deal as this is nothing new. Guess I should be glad it's not 113f.


Well-known member
That is some serious temps,"41-42c" i have never experienced such temps in Ireland and doubt i ever will..."climate change or not"

Just back from Crete a few weeks ago the temps were similar over there at peak times 41-42c, for the period of time i spent there i must of lost a stone in sweat, i found it difficult getting stoned as my brain constantly felt microwaved. Anything i drunk just seeped out of my pours, its quite damp here as we speak with low temps as usual, so i do envy you.....


Well-known member
Am inclined to agree with you on temps. No ac here. Plants in the PPK are doing fine, lost a couple that I had in the hugo blocks.


Well-known member
If you can try watering earlier in the day as possible if you haven't already making sure they can pull a lot of moisture early will help keep the stomata open longer and transpiration going and help lessen some heat damage. Then obviously to keep the roots cool during the day help, maybe even a small amount during the evening (midnight or so) and not enough to drain through in the evening but that depends how root bound and how much they dry out if it is already wet then no point.


Autistic Diplomat in Training
Was gearing up to meet the challenges of growing in 124F temps in Southern Nevada. I ended up moving and am glad for it. Wow, it gets hot there. I wish all of you in hot areas the best. :)


Active member
Yeah, its going to be in the 100s again in Oregon this coming week. Also we are choking on smoke here coming down from Canada and up from California's raging wild fires. Record breaking heat here, after record breaking ice storms last winter. It could be worse though, we could be in Texas!

But there is no global warming! No no no! Trump said so! Never mind the raft of evidence from the scientific community that says otherwise, and the fact that GW predicts wild swings in weather as well as insane weather events like Harvey, not just overall higher average temperatures.

My plants here take 105F heat no problem though. They are acclimated to the heat this summer.

St. Phatty

Active member
106f today! Plants aren't diggin it. Givin them a little extra h20 throughout the day to try and keep their roots as cool as possible. Just part of the deal as this is nothing new. Guess I should be glad it's not 113f.

We were at a 100+ for about 2 weeks.

My plants are in dark-colored pots which doesn't help.

I give them about 3 gallons of compost tea in the morning, then 2 1/2 gallons around noon, then again every few hours.

I like watering them from buckets, so you can hear the water bubbling around the sides.

Besides getting water everywhere to help cool down the roots, I think it might also pull air (and oxygen) down into the root ball when you do it that way.

Anyway, the plants are loving it.

In heat like that, the person carrying the water buckets (delivering the THC) can end up needing some TLC. Feel like I'm living on the desert planet Tatooine. (Star Wars reference :woohoo:

Noonin NorCal

Active member
Its gonna be 100's all weekend in my parts. Im watering every other day. but recently i water the second day as well. so daily, just a top water/quick drink. then next day i saturate them good


Autistic Diplomat in Training
Always go white or terra cotta pots. The clay pots wick moisture and cool through evaporation. White pots cut down on the overall infra-red from the sun.

When the soil gets hot enough, you start getting a root BBQ going on in there. Ouch!


I cough up honey oil
I really need to up my trellising game! They're beginning to wanna flop and dealing with it in this heat suuuuuux! Every fkn year I tell myself...next year! Im too god damn lazy when it would be a breeze to do and I run myself ragged when it's collapsing around me.haha


The yard produces enough to make the losses negligible but I'm constantly trying to save a snapped branch or a split plant. I have a hard time seeing shit I knew was gonna happen without trying to save it but I won't lift a finger to keep it from happening in the first place. If that makes any sense.

Basically..... I'm an idiot!haha


Extra extra water resin they should be fine had a heart wave for a few days felt 100+ just watered twice that day and kept a eye on the soil one day i think i watered 3 times i would come out to find the top soil bone dry just keep them wet ...the soil cheers

You can do a drip feed all day and call it quits ...no more lerking lol...


Active member
Do you people experience some delay in flowering with the heat?
Same extreme heat in Europe and my plants are one to two weeks late in average
Do you people experience some delay in flowering with the heat?
Same extreme heat in Europe and my plants are one to two weeks late in average
No. I live in a fairly hot climate, and summer flowering (indoors) is always shorter than when it is cooler. the strain I grow takes 6 to 7 weeks max in summer and 7.5 to 8 weeks in winter.

If you are seeing a delay in adding weight to the flowers then it could be that the strain you are growing is not coping well with the heat, and thus not photosynthesizing at their optimum rate.

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Autistic Diplomat in Training
When temperatures rise, so does transpiration. As transpiration rises, water usage goes up and the total amount of nutrients being used goes up. Cannabis doesn't need the excess nutrients, just the excess water for staying cool.

As nutrient absorption becomes excessive, yield and ability to handle the heat go down...

Remember to thin out your mix, to match the rising transpiration of your plant. :) In other words, keep the nutrient usage the same as non-hot weeks/months, as you increase the number of gallons of water needed to combat the heat.

St. Phatty

Active member
Always go white or terra cotta pots. The clay pots wick moisture and cool through evaporation. White pots cut down on the overall infra-red from the sun.

When the soil gets hot enough, you start getting a root BBQ going on in there. Ouch!


I chose the black pots because they had wheels.

Now I get to cover the pots with aluminum foil.

It doesn't mean they're paranoid.