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‘Too Big to Fail’: Russia-gate One Year After VIPS Showed a Leak, Not a Hack


ICMag Donor
There are other countries doing a better job at it.

Your point about insurance companies is huge. In the US they are like the mafia. You have to loose so they win. There goes a big chunk of the medical dollar to increasingly greedy insurance companies. Pharmaceutical companies are beating the crap out of us charging the highest prices in the world. The third evil that is literally killing us is lawyers getting a big piece of the medical dollar. Countries with national health care don't have such problems.

i never said i was against universal health care systems, on the contrary. just has to be non profit and run well with regulators watching out for any scamming and price hikes that are not justified by simple maths.

my point was that it seems to be looked at as a left wing thing in the US. not that it's a bad thing. free markets are great, but not for common resources, or things like water, air, electricity and yes health care insurance. let the medical professionals work for money, but not the insurance companies, they need to be non profit and run with open books.

we saw in the eu what happens when you privatize water, they run everything down, no maintenance is done, prices are raised and standards go down.

St. Phatty

Active member
free markets are great, but not for common resources, or things like water, air, electricity and yes health care insurance. let the medical professionals work for money, but not the insurance companies, they need to be non profit and run with open books.

American doctors, insurance companies, and hospitals are not subject to the laws of the land.

That is part of the big problem - failure to enforce anti-trust laws.

Also, American "health" (more like death) institutions don't pay, when THEY cause a health problem. (Etiology / source = Iatrogenic, caused by the rendering of health care)

Enforce anti-trust laws, and hold health care institutions responsible for ALL iatrogenic conditions they cause.

Sounds minor but those 2 changes would be like a 50 foot tidal wave sweeping the country.

The US does not have free markets in health care. Doctors and institutions can harm patients (cause iatrogenic conditions) with Zero liability, i.e. with complete impunity.

As long as the US health care industry is the way it is, the best thing you can do is AVOID IT.

The dentist who gave me an infection with antibiotic resistant bacteria on July 18, is still practicing 6 months later.

There is no health care regulation in the US.


Active member
American doctors, insurance companies, and hospitals are not subject to the laws of the land.

That is part of the big problem - failure to enforce anti-trust laws.

Also, American "health" (more like death) institutions don't pay, when THEY cause a health problem. (Etiology / source = Iatrogenic, caused by the rendering of health care)

Enforce anti-trust laws, and hold health care institutions responsible for ALL iatrogenic conditions they cause.

Sounds minor but those 2 changes would be like a 50 foot tidal wave sweeping the country.

The US does not have free markets in health care. Doctors and institutions can harm patients (cause iatrogenic conditions) with Zero liability, i.e. with complete impunity.

As long as the US health care industry is the way it is, the best thing you can do is AVOID IT.

The dentist who gave me an infection with antibiotic resistant bacteria on July 18, is still practicing 6 months later.

There is no health care regulation in the US.

Do you feel our government regulates itself?

You want Donald Trump in charge of your health care ?

If you give our government control of your life and death, does that seriously make you feel more secure?


Well-known member
Do you feel our government regulates itself?

You want Donald Trump in charge of your health care ?

If you give our government control of your life and death, does that seriously make you feel more secure?

To whom do you feel the country belongs?
Would not want him in charge of anything that involved responsibility.
I encountered problems with for profit health care, and
locally rigged court systems when I attempted to seek redress.
I would feel vastly more comfortable with single payer.


ICMag Donor
In countries with national health care they get volume pricing on pharmaceuticals.

Probably the reason our prices are 2x to 3x higher.


Well-known member
In countries with national health care they get volume pricing on pharmaceuticals.

Probably the reason our prices are 2x to 3x higher.
Always attributed it to regulatory capture combined with shear corporate
avarice, which never seems to slow down.
Admire the way big pharma just flat lies like hell over R&D,
when in fact most is funded by uncle sam,
who feeds them them ready to produce work.
The old boys network is a dream for those at the top.
No finer example than the Sackler family with oxycontin.
Rudy, is their guy, mr integrity himself.


ICMag Donor
The Sackler family with oxycontin, untouchable even after lying about the strength and addictive qualities, they got doctors to push. They're like the legal, respectable version of El Chapo. How many junkies started with an injury and script for oxy?

The way Rudy behaves, they may have him as a customer too.


Active member
medicare and medicaid are more efficient than the private market. so yes.

If you can find a dr who takes Medicare. Many dr. Aren't taking Medicare at all. Shortages always occur when government gets involved. Historically speaking.

Do you think it will continue to be more efficient when you add 250 million people to a system that couldn't support the 70 million it was serving?

I know you see it from a compassionate perspective. I don't fault you for that. It's just short sighted IMO. To much trust must be placed in the hands of people, I wouldn't want in my home let alone in my medical care.


Active member
In countries with national health care they get volume pricing on pharmaceuticals.

Probably the reason our prices are 2x to 3x higher.

Our government funds billions in pharmaceutical products and studies. Through the university systems. Pharmaceutical companies get free drugs to market for massive profits. Americans don't get to negotiate the prices. We effectively subsidize the drug industry for the rest of the world. No wonder the single payers do better, we get raped so we can prop them up.

Fuck opiates and the scum that prescribe and manufacture the poison.


ICMag Donor
That's true Packer.

Add to the pain, there are people like Martin Shkreli running around. That little fucker makes my blood boil.

Our government funds billions in pharmaceutical products and studies. Through the university systems. Pharmaceutical companies get free drugs to market for massive profits. Americans don't get to negotiate the prices. We effectively subsidize the drug industry for the rest of the world. No wonder the single payers do better, we get raped so we can prop them up.

Fickle opiates and the scum that prescribe and manufacture the poison.


Well-known member
When it comes to lobby heft, big pharma has traditionally been the big dog on capital hill.


Well-known member
Having experienced being put on opiates against my will I am no
fan of them, but do recognize they are needed in the practice of medicine.
One of the things they don't like to teach, is that we control and dictate the world's
supply of medical opiates. We have used that to extort the hell of other counties in
the most obscene and immoral of ways. At the same we also control the vast majority of
world's illicit supply, something we 'learned' from the French intel services long ago.

Al McCoy's 'Politics of Heroin in Southeast Asia' makes interesting reading .


Well-known member
What it very much boils down to is that if you are a member of the old boy's network, you can simply do no wrong. They live by an altogether different set of rules than we do.


Wrong again.


It not just medecines they overpay for either.


When I say “they” overpay, it’s with OUR money.
They aren’t even counting the cost of bullshit like NHS provided gender reassignment, breast enlargement etc, all done on Tax payer money.
The biggest waste is fat type2 diabetic bastards who eat themselves into ill health and we have to keep them going with medicines so they can continue to claim disability and generally burden society as much as possible.

Smokers by contrast contribute twice as much in tobacco duty as they cost the NHS.
In countries with national health care they get volume pricing on pharmaceuticals.

Probably the reason our prices are 2x to 3x higher.

From someone who has known tax funded healthcare all their life, be careful what you wish for. It sounds reasonable in principle but is just a framework for corruption and abuse of power.


ICMag Donor
Wrong again.


When Americans go to Canada and Mexico for meds, you think they are being subsidized by these countries?

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