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Tonatiuhs' Oasis


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
sorry you feeling blue mate !
hope it passes soon!
did check ya gallery for some dry shots but i guess you smoked it before taking pics


Active member
work is officially gonna suck balls without new pics of the dankage. the ffa and all the other funkadelics, u better come back full force g. keep it f.u.c.k.l.y dun


Registered Medical Patient
wow T, im gone for a bit and ur shuttin down the oasis!!! hope all goes well with the move and im also sorry to hear ur gonna lose all ur genetics!!! if I can donate anything to the cause let me know....Peace brotha, and just holla if u need anything...K++++++ all the way to you and ur family!!!! Peace

- Z


New member
Holly shit just read this whole thing straight. It's damn amazing way to go !!! Ill be looking for your growasissssssssss to re=apear some day !!


The Tri Guy
Hey Ton, hope all goes well for you, and that you're back running another show soon, take care


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
yo yo wattup all you cool ass friends and bad ass growin mf's :joint:
so many good vibes and responses.

seismic-wattup man,thanks for the good words homie,i aint gone yo just on a break...i am always lurkin though :smoke:
i will start a thread as soon as things work out better in my favor.

peat-yea brother you know it,it might be a slow start at first ti get it all rollin but im sure i can get it back rollin in no time....especialy with all the good vibes and support from all my homies here at the IC,

h^20-thanks man.

weld-thank you bro,much appreciated.

kal-for sure brother,im still lurkin ur thread brother i see ur girls turnin into big ass monsters in there...another monstrous season for you eh star...
believe me holmz i wont b down long...just have a few things to sort out then i can think about a comeback...peace-T-

sacko-yo yo wattup my friend.thanks for the good vibes,me and mine are all safe bro...thanks though.

B/R-yo yo wattuppers....catch up soon for sure,im always in ur thread still bro.peace-T-
a few dry bud shots...dont be snappin on my lazy trim job i know it aint the neatest but i was like F.U.C.K.I.T. this week :joint:







Glad to hear your not going anywhere bro, hopefully you will find a chill setup soon. Arm bud looks nice:joint: Take care man, and good vibes:joint:


love it pimp! the "T" formation of buds is killer. lol perfect.

looks like i might be moving away - no more grow as will be in a non-med state. we'll see. maybe get something stealth going, but will be so small i probably won't bother posting. at any rate keep the green dream alive mang, i'll lurk through and say hello once in a while. still looking forward to sharing that spliff once upon a time. :smoke:


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
yo yo yo wattup my friends,things are goin ok over here trying to make this move as seamless as possible...
soon there will be a new thread goin and we will get it goin bigger and better along the way.
as of now not too much goin on,just keepin these mamas alive and playin the waiting game on some other shit i had goin on.
been busy as hell trying to get everything to roll over smoothe but its kinda hectic.im smokin good :joint: and just waiting for a couple loose ends to tie up and then we will be set...
i will most likely fire the tent up right away while im building the new areas....yes i said areasim thinkin 2 4k rooms flowering and a seperate veg,mama,and clone area...will be 5 rooms total and the tent will start my breeding learning grounds...Ffacheezy :wink:
so thats 1 veg room...with 1k...2 flower rooms 3-4k each a mama room with t5's and a clone room with the e-z cloner and some flouros for the cups...should be pretty sweet when all is said and done...might be a long process on the build cause i want these rooms to be flawless...im gonna try a few new things and see if i can get the yield to stay the same with less plants....slightly longer veg and more space between pots should do it.

it was brought to my attention that with all the bs i had going on a strait slipped on the Core's PCR smoke report....im very sorry Core didnt mean to neglect the report and pics brother i had madness goin on at the time....and for the record i love this weed,it gets ya really in a good mood and lifts ur spirits big time.i was a lil off my square for a minute yo and that smoke really kept me level headed and in a sociable mood...i am not a depressed person,i dont battle depression...i think we all hit them slumps in life though where we get a little blue,this is great smoke for them days on a average person...and i would bet my very bottom dollar thast this weed would be great for people with severe depression or other illnesses like that.

ok so here we go the PCR grew like a champ,i had 2 really different smelling phenos...they were both really good smoke...i kept the grape tasting/smelling pheno she is in my mama tent now brother so i will deffinetly have many pics and reports to come for you...
the first thing i noticed was the smell on my keeper this was at around week 4,i knew se was the one to watch for me because i had nothing grapey in the harem,i was so pleased when the taste was there like a mf too...the buzz is one that will keep getting stronger even after you have put her out a while ago...makes ya wanna joke around and have some laughs...sadly i was leaning on her real hard for a couple weeks so ive run thru my stash alot faster then i probably would have...i thought i took some dry shots but honestly i may not have this time i wasnt snappin many pics...there will be plenty more coming though for sure
.....and i just have to say this,the PCR stayed and my godberry all got the axe,the godberry is decent smoke but it really didnt impress me like i had hoped and anticipated that it would.pollen chuck definetly impresses,cant wait to see what she does under the big lights.:woohoo:

...will definetly be doing alot of seed runs coming up as soon as things are in order here in a few weeks...then we gonna have some fun yo.i have sooooooo many seeds to get to and some that im really lookin forward to....plus the breeding is gonna jump off.im lookin forward to this next year...
Karma I will get at this last batch as soon as im settled in and have everything in order,there is a few threads going already though from the F.A.M. that has them up and growin...you know i will be right on top of it a.s.a.p. my brotha.

leel-wattup pimpin,glad you liked the pics maing...yo man thats messed up ur leavin a med state fr a non med state i guess it must be a helluva an opportunity to make ya wanna do it,i hope everything goes smoothly for you brother....you can call me anytime and you better drop thru here or wherever the next thread is and check me out my friend....i know you will have something stealth goin yo,its in ur blood;)
you can drop them shots in my spot anytime yo.

C-dubb-dude,he is too precious....i think uncle -T- gonna have to step the jersey game up and get that young man a Yankees hook up :muahaha: j/k brotha...but if it shows in the mail he better get to wear it hahaaaaaaa...
im glad you guys bumped the thread yo i was startin to wonder if y'all had forgot about good ole -T- :joint:
i will be back posting regularly soon,i been lurkin postin here and there but i have no updates right now....soon F.A.M. soon...i know ur girls in the can must be getting some smell to them by now eh?if not it wont be long before they are doin the damn pepe le pu thing yo...better let the dog shit all over the yard for a while and mask that smell....not carbon filtered but caca filtered :muahaha:
cant wait to see that cab doin the damn thing too brother....did ya get the clone woes figured out?

until the new thread starts you guys can just show off all the shit ur smokin in here and i will throw up a few pics too...i would like to see what you guys are chiefin on and bs till the new thread begins,this is a bomb ass crew that comes in the growasis :friends: so go ahead and show ur best nugz and we can still get all high and bs in here :muahaha:


There is only one king, god picks em, hand pluckes
ICMag Donor
Bob Dole likes your style!...lol. Cant wait to see what you do with the new get up homie! I changed to 2 4k flower rooms as well...better for perpetual if I just do two rooms instead of one big one, filling half each month....
Cant wait to see what you come up with! Ffacheesy....heh. BRING IT!

good vibes


Registered Medical Patient
good to have u back bra...hope the move goes well and the new setup sounds kickass...keep ur spirits high and ill be seein ya bro...peace

- Z


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
fasheezy tango thats exactly what im thinkin i can do here yo....two rooms and it will be easier to get at them and everything...i have the spot all mapped out i just need to be able to get at it....soon....when im done there will be some action goin on fasheezy.
im thinkin fillin half every two weeks,i like to chop atleast 2 times a month.i aint anywhere close to startin over yet,its still a ways off...mentaly its rollin already though...peace-T-

Zeus-wattup yo ya snuck in there when i was postin yo...yea maing i guess im back somewhat,im aways lurkin but not much goin on right now so ya know....yea man the new diggs shold be off the ringer but i think it may take some time before i have both flower rooms built and rollin at capacity...im almost hopin that the one flower room will whup some ass and i can go slow on th 2nd one...i hate rushin shit yo.
thanks for the good vibes.