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Tonatiuhs' Oasis


Active member
That FFA is gorgeous, man. I need to get me a cut of that shit. Smoked some a couple of months ago, and was very fond of it.

How damn long do you spend working in there each day? I can only imagine.

So you gonna stop by my damn thread or have you been too stoned these past couple days to remember?

Gonna take a few cuts off my super skunk today, so they (and a bunch of other shit )will hopefully get thrown into flower by the 10th of Dec, because I want to throw a bunch of other shit in on the 1st. Need to get something started budding!!!

All the best,


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
just a few more fareal....

just a few more fareal....

.....and ya ever have a plant ya just love takin pictures of?
well i have,but never quite like these beauties,reason for that is they just are in veg and everytime i look at them i cant believe how F'n beautiful they are in this early vegatative state.i was thinkin it was just a wierd thing that happened once,but every single one that i have cloned or grown so far has done this so i gotta say it must be a trait.so here she is the so beautifully photogenic undeniable lady,s99 x sour bubble frosty as a december morning.around 20 days out of the cloner...i think i could double check the calander to be sure.but i see shes been topped so im guessin at 2-3-weeks...
look how she sticks out amongst her peers with all them lady parts,such long legs hehehe

i hope you feelin the update fam.dont mean to flood the spot woth pics,i just enjoy sharing :D peace -T-


have you finished one of those yet brother? meaning that frosty little clone you just showed? if you haven't I would wager good results

nice pics as per usual

i actually think I will be working those beans around the same time as you.



go on .. pull my finger
ICMag Donor
hey mate,gd weekend ? lovin the pics in the growasis
the ffa is looking kiler, she will come to the uk soon..
had to have a few days off ,so just catching up, ur thread is a great read :yes:
its killed me not being able to touch ,smell,feel and smoke my ladies ....damn visitors lol

they gone now .......:respect:



There is only one king, god picks em, hand pluckes
ICMag Donor
Tona, amazing show man. You give a lot of us something to strive for, lol. My collection is getting quite nice, but man......to have a day in your mom room...lol

Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
Damn dude always bustin out pics. Cant you just let me have one day I dont gotta get all envious over youu. ahhaha be easy my man:joint:


Yo bro-
shits startin to look mighty colorful over there..and that sour bubble looks very promising for being so young..really sorry it took so long to get back to you but I spoke with the fam, and just like everyone is sayin, right around the 65-70 day mark proper..70 being the best for the obvious reasons. Size wise, in a 4" rockwool cube, they were gettin 3-5' tall and poppin at least a coupla zips per..He also said when they got it in the tables, they can get it to finish faster than the ECSD. I'll pm you some pics. ..yeah, that lil white is messed up fo sho..I'm not over/under watering, but it has been around lower temps for most of it's life. right around 70 F which shouldnt really affect it that much..no matter though as I have a new cut of it comin in along with some other treats.. :jump:
Tonatiuh said:
C-dubb-yo,yo what it do bruh.thats crazy bro about ur Whites.yea bro,i checked on the calander i took that out of the cloner on the 12th,it was in there for 10 days and was rooted down into the water.yea bro idk what it could be i know we probably both got them from F.A.M. ... thats crazy that lil thing is 2 months old bro,are you watering too much?i dont think you would ur better grower then that bro,i just had to ask because it looks like it dont want to grow like it dont need to because its got all it needs right ther close...maybe its the soil stayin too moist?i just throwin some suggestions/thoughts out there bro,i know you know ur environment/medium and wouldnt be slippin like that this long(2 months)......it just trips me out that ur having problems with it like that.try to take a cut and when it roots throw it in a different mix,and see what it does maybe you need to try over :confused:
good luck with her.thanks for the kind words bro....easy to trim eh?how big did she get,buds wise?cool can you find out hom long to take her for me yo?see if you can get in touch with FAM and find out for me cool?



crazy as always my friend. How'd the freak finish out. I don't think I caught how it did. Did you get an individual weight from it. By the way I got a a note on that bag of bubble berry from a couple pages back. ;)


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
mmmmmh i see i mist a serious part......going on pics now lol....shhheeesh man..i feel pail next to your pix....killer job ...and awsome colors to boot...you should tattoo....something on ya forhead...somethng like ...I'm a Natural are YOU?

hehehehe i can see it front of me....mmmmh a T shirt with that logo also would not be bad....


Active member
Just came by and had to find me a spot to get good view of that parade of pics of buds and plants.

Tonatiuh said:
....and ya ever have a plant ya just love takin pictures of?
Yeah, I have a C99 that is just so graceful. Beautiful long leaves. Best looking plants in veg anyway.

Keep up the good work. :rasta:


Hey T :wave: Been a hot minute...travellin' and lurkin' and slackin'.

That FFA has a real unique bud structure going on. I like her!

Catch ya before turkey day. Hope you and yours are well!



its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
wow fellaz thanks for all the responses.you guys kick ass yo :headbang:
i been busy runnin around all day gettin the rest of the odds i needed to start the seed frenzy.now that the tent is rockin it will be a great thing to just grab a pack and see what i can find...but more on this in a few...i finaly went and grabbed a x-box live script. so i thought id be on tonight,i gotta get a router or some kinda splitter for my ethernet to my modem or somethin yo.i grabbed that dc comics vs mortal combat, gears 2, world at war and a few for my little son for his 360(you know i cant have him breakin daddys shit LOL) and a year live....so you putos play live imma be to holla at ya tomorrow fuckers :muahaha:

jip-wassup my man good to see ya brotha.naa i havnt finished one yet,but there is two in the tent.;) i got that from F.A.M. brotha....holla at me ;)
i went and got all the rest of the stuff i neeeded to get the beans poppin tonight and my high ass forgot to grab a few gallons of distilled water for them,so now i gotta wait till tomorrow to start them :cuss:
lets have some fun and see what kind of jewel we find bro.;)

m@rg-sup maing,thanks for the compliments yo.i heard she was on the way over there bro,i think i read it in CC's thread bro.ur gonna love growin her out.i cant wait to taste them these are the 1st two i flowered...there will be many more!)
i know what ya mean man i hate when i have company and its time to work,seems like thats when they stay the longest LOL...
peace bro.

whiskeytango-wattup man,thanks.i hope my thread is as inspirational to peeps just like im inspired by others,thats what its about bro...helpin growin chillin and enjoyin life.
...i can see it now if you was in the mom room for an hr. ... i come in and cuts are flyin everywhere all my mamas raped and a bubble over ur head sayin "wasnt me" LOLOLOLOLOL..peace bro.

sublime-hehehe"Damn dude always bustin out pics. Cant you just let me have one day I dont gotta get all envious over you" ... you gonna hate me today :muahaha:
dont be envious bro,you will get there.it took me years to get these in my grow.im a lucky man and this has been a really good year as far as my selection goes.
you'll be aight yo ur already startin ur lineup with the beans.keep at it.peace-T-

c-dubb-wattup man! god to see ya bro.yuppers 70 days is right around the corner bro the 10th i believe.them low temps might have somethin to do with it...im in the process of hookin up heat in the rooms basement gets cold at lights off lately.
im not tryin to wait till its too late to fix shit ya know...gotta stay on it yo.;)
peace maing...gimme a ring.-T-

mr.bill-my brotha!how you been my friend?
the freak finished up good man.i didnt get a weight on the whole plant inividualy,but that crazy top was 38 grams dry,but i had an even bigger top that was 41 grams!!! not a freak though just a bad ass!)
you know the dealio "blueberry fields foreva" LOL..peace bro i'll try to see are you in chizat later peace.-T-

Core-you should tattoo....something on ya forhead...somethng like ...I'm a Natural are YOU?
bro that made me smile ear to ear.thats a compliment to the second power yo. :respect: the T shirt sounds bad ass fareal though...
i got some kinda package today;)
tomorrow is day one seed frenzy!
peace brotha.-T-

hazy-take a seat anywhere ya like bro,in the growasis i try to make al seats a front row ;)
....."Yeah, I have a C99 that is just so graceful. Beautiful long leaves. Best looking plants in veg anyway.".....
drop a pic here brotha id love to see her.
thanks for the kind words bro.peace.

shitake-wattup maing,good ya made it home safe from ur travels yo.yea the FFA calyxes are swellin up like a mf,so full of resin its crazy.i was told by crazycomposer to let her dry slowly so them big calyxes dont dry to fast...imma let her take her time drying so i have the best experience from her possible.
right on bro...mmm mmm turkey day! imma gain like ten lbs.
and some punkin pie too! awww shit!
+vibes to ur fam as well bro.peace.

ok so ya gotta love ur F.A.M. mine is way cool yo!my brotha shot me a care pack and its off th chain!
yes the final component is here we will begin the seedpoppin tomorrow.it would have been tonight but i forgot the distilled water.i put the beans strait to dirt no paper towel.just fresh potting soil for seedlings(pro-mix) and some drpos of water a few times a day,lights right over top.i have 100% success with this method so far.
i havnt popped a bunch but i have done it.i mostly work from clone but i can pop a bean when i want too;)

so heres my care pack.

these are the beans to make the final cut for the 1st bean run in the tent.
i'll be usin the room to sex them and veg them....if i need to i'll throw them in flower in there....i just know i need them in my life;)
it will be
Karma Genetics Happy Brother x chemdog -x 10
Cores Dominatrix -x 5 (unless Core wants to see somethin else?)
a good friends cross Life Saver x Mothers Finest -x 10
and Federations Mikado -x 6(i gifted a few out to a homeboy---s'pose to be a 45 day banger!)
poppin tomorrow...

oh the buds?ya wanna see the buds?...oh o.k no problem fam...

and this is the selection i'll be sifting thru for 09....

also have some goodies on the way.im in search of the old school classic skunk smell/taste expand in ur lungs make ya choke and headrocker high.so im gettin all the skunk crosses that sound interesting to me.if i dont find one imma attempt to make my own.so yea i guess i will be ordering atleast 20 or so skunk crosses here in the next couple months as well.
i'll need ur help guys if it comes down to makin a cross....sounds fun anyways to make me one and name it if its some fire... :confused: never know...
peace -T-


There is only one king, god picks em, hand pluckes
ICMag Donor
Yeah man, I would have a hard time controlling myself in your mom room, lol....That Mikaido...you will LOVE...got a buddy growin it, smoked some and got 2 packs of federation Mikaido on the way myself. Kind indeed.....
I think you are fuckin psychic man.....lol The wife and I were talkin strains the other day, and we are in search of the skunk too, lol. We call it "high school high"...That skunk from back in the day that made your entire house reek, from one lil quarter....lol GREAT high....miss it man, dont see good skunks much anymore...unless you were lucky enough to get MSS...lol Sensei Seeds Bio-skunk was the shit in the 90s, but I cant seem to find it anywhere anymore....
Anyway....lead on brother, got some fun shit goin on...
Truly an Oasis

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Looks like you got your hands full dude, I am still waiting on my delivery from over the pond, but I suspect it will be here soon!!

Great bud shots, dont let me keep you from growing out the PC, Mine will be done by the time you get your going brother, about 4 to 5 weeks left for me.


Active member
Looks like some nice ass variety for 09, man!!! Gonna have you some fun selecting moms, huh?

Did you miss my last post? I must have posted it as you were typing yours!

So you're thinking of making your own beans, huh? I was given this link recently when I started asking around about making my own beans. It allows you to flower males in your normal flowering room.http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=46076

Good luck finding that skunk you're looking for!!!

All the best,


Damn Tona quite the selection u have there bro.....very nice man...Xbox Live shit speaking of that I need to get the gold service my trial shit expired.....lol.....Gears of War 2 is tha fooking bomb diggity....Next on my list is Left 4 Dead...... :muahaha:


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
If you're making your own beans...don't forget that we'd like to have some F.A.M.I.L.Y. branded ones.....I know Money's working on one....I wouldn't mind churning off a couple.....you could be like the Paul Newman of nuggetry bro!!!

Tona's own!


Active member
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Tonatiuh again.

Man every time I come in here I just stare at my screen with my mouth open and shake my head in disbelief in ALLL the shit you got going on. Great fucking job man.

And your '09 lineup...shit, that would keep me busy for a couple years at least probably.

Nice going man.

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