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Tonatiuhs' Oasis


wow dude, theres more than enough for x mas presents to! keep on rocking my world please!

Tonatiuh said:
leel-wattup big pimpin.thanks for the kind words yo.
i seen you been busy on the box brotha!..almost all thats left to do is fill it ;)
i got a fe pics of some things too yo.

hippie hill-LOL you crazy mf ...ok now,you just officialy brought urself into the cappers club... i'll get you back....hehehe.
the scent of my cut of the FFA smells like kush tastes.with a hint of somethin else i cant put my fingr on yet.when i can give a better description for yo i will bro.it is a hard fragrence to describe plus i suck at describin tastes and shit anyways.
but i'll try to give a better one,if yove smoked kush of anykind you know that distint taste?thats the smell of her for the most part.i hope she tastes like she smells though i know that fasheezy!after i transplant i dont think i notice any shock stage that really effects them in any way.i have when i dropped one once.im sure they might stunt a lil for a sec but nothin noticable yo.peace -T-

Karma-bro when you get to the Dam (if ur not there already) you will find a piece that makes mine look like doo-doo.i swear bro when i was there i wanted to get me a few pieces but i dk how customs would act about bringin them back.
i did buy a piece and used it while i was there though for hash i was smokin.i gave it to one of the dudes i always saw smokin at the greenhouse when i would be in there.
he was a local kat i talked to him a few times when id be there puffin.i didnt know nobody else so i just gave it to him because [/B]i knew i couldnt bring a dirty pipe back LOL.
so yea im sure yyoull be flossin a new piece on us when you get back.have a goos/safe trip brother.peace.

whiskeytango-thanks yo...you could blaze out of it all week yo you just gotta get use to it for a few hrs first LOL.peace

dr.dog-sup brotha ty my man.fasheezy sometimes ya gotta get out there and see what the city folk got to offer hehehehe.
i bet you find some nice pieces if you look yo,considering its kinda laxxed about the mj where you are aint it?
thats exactly what i thought when i saw it

shitake-right on yo,i got some fresh bamboo fliks comin right up.right,right,they are good to go(the mamas) the only one that showed any thing at all was the strawberry cough.i have a few more in the wings if worse came to worse but i think she'l be ok.
pop on thru any time bro you know T always has room for the homies.peace.

ok so the thread movin kinda slow,i must not be postin enough pics lately ;)
so here we go with a few....

this is about almost half the pull,all was not ready to roll yet,by tomorrow or so it'll be ready.ur lookin at 2 lbs of blueberry in the big bag,1/4 lb of black domina in the small rite aid bag, and 1/4 lb. of bubble berry in the ither miejer bag...lets just say i think the pull will be my goal and then some because thre is more then this still damp. :woohoo:

ok heres some shots of the FFA gettin better everyday.i have no idea how long shes 'pose to go for sure,i see the pistils are startin to turn a lil orange though...i'll keep an eye on the trichs for sure.shes packin on some real frost too!

be right back...


Active member
Fuckin sick haul, bro, especially if it's only like half!!! Congrats.

You must have gotten a good cut of the white, because of the 3 cuts I was given back in June, only 1 survived, and it was slow as hell to root! So congrats on that too!

About to finally throw some shit into flower myself, so I don't have to feel so damn jealous when I see your pics :D

I take it the leg's not fuckin with you so much, as you ain't said shit about it in a minute. Sure hope so for you!

All the best,


Tonatiuh said:
oh yea and to answer ur question C-dubb idk exactly how old the White in that pic is,shes like 2 months i think,BUT in her defense shes givin up like ten clones just a couple days before those pics were taken.
this White here though i know came out of the cloner on the 12'th right with the other strains in the pic and she is keepin up with the step for step.i have two in flower in the room that been there for like 2 weeks,i'll get a pic of them for you soon bro.
heres the white 8 days out the cloner.

peace fam -T-
That one cut is only 8 days old? shit man thats the size of my 2 month old, which I discovered pre-flowers on this morning... :bashhead: Ima go snap a pic right now and edit this in a few..I wish I put a date on the damn thing.
thatguy, we musta gotten our cuts from the same person, but indirectly..what I cant figure out though is that I gave janedope 2 cuts of this and although it's not doing bad at all, it's not doing anything phenomenal either... :fsu: :nono:

edit: duh me..props on the haul bro! :joint: that FFA looks mighty familiar..she's a real quick trimmer too..

edit #2: 2 month old white in veg throwing pre flowers

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There is only one king, god picks em, hand pluckes
ICMag Donor
Damn Tona!!! Everytime I look in here shit looks even more sick!!!! Good on ya homie! Once construction is done on my big room, I MIGHT be able to compete....lol
Good vibes man


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
sublime-right on brotha...

Esbe-thankyou bro,yes my friend it will be a bomb Christmas around here!
i'll try to keep on rockin ya my man.as always thankyou for the kind words,and its always good to see you around here champ.peace-T-

TG-yea bro im super happy with this pull,i think i'll treat myself to a new set of bubblebags and my ebb and flow bucket system for such a job! hehehe...
i guess ur right about the whites bro,idk as far as i know they are from the same source bro...and you guys are the 1st ive heard say anything negative about growth or quality...idk but im gonna do em up and see what they di for a playa like me.
all mine have nice aggressive growth and dont slow down till i take cuts or somethin.
naa bro the leg is gettin back to normal,a lil tender at night after rippin and runnin ann day but i havnt took any of the pain medicine in like 3 days so its gotta be way better.thanks for askin brotha.peace -T-

C-dubb-yo,yo what it do bruh.thats crazy bro about ur Whites.yea bro,i checked on the calander i took that out of the cloner on the 12th,it was in there for 10 days and was rooted down into the water.yea bro idk what it could be i know we probably both got them from F.A.M. ... thats crazy that lil thing is 2 months old bro,are you watering too much?i dont think you would ur better grower then that bro,i just had to ask because it looks like it dont want to grow like it dont need to because its got all it needs right ther close...maybe its the soil stayin too moist?i just throwin some suggestions/thoughts out there bro,i know you know ur environment/medium and wouldnt be slippin like that this long(2 months)......it just trips me out that ur having problems with it like that.try to take a cut and when it roots throw it in a different mix,and see what it does maybe you need to try over :confused:
good luck with her.thanks for the kind words bro....easy to trim eh?how big did she get,buds wise?cool can you find out hom long to take her for me yo?see if you can get in touch with FAM and find out for me cool?

whiskeytango-thanks for droppin thru bro.im glad you like the show so far,hopefully its gonna get even more lovely around here in the next couple months.;)
congrads on getin under construction btw yo.if you need any advice or anything bro let me know and i'l try to chime in where i can.peace-T-

en-lighten-to where yo? LOL ...
and them are some beautiful pics too yo.thanks for sharin them with us bro.peace -T-

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~tent update~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

ok fam here we go this is the tent at day 14.im gonna try to keep it in succession as much as i can...like i'll put the previous weeks pic then the new one so we can see the progression from pic to pic.
i'll update the tent every week or two unless somethin special happens then you know how i do i'll flood the spot with pics right quick LOL...
on with the show.
here goes the tent on day 1,all i could find was a lihts off pic..but you can definetly see the growth has started to blow up.
day 1

day 14(today)

this was before i rearanged them and put the shorter ones in the middle..

after rearanging

the temp goes up a litle and the humidity drops when i have it open and am working in there.it stays right around 78-80 lights on or off.and the humidity is usualy around 40-45% i have the humidifier set right around there,the next setting up is makin it about 55-60% and i think thats a lil too high for my liking so i deal with the 40-45 and im happy,they seem happy too so idk i guess we'll see.

some flower shots,it was hard to get a good one because of the fan...

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Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
Lookin nice my man. Im really like this tent, its a neat ass way to pop shit off. Shit is lookin good an they are blowin up. Take it easy man, Ill be chillin wit that big ass bag of blueberry. haha :joint:


There is only one king, god picks em, hand pluckes
ICMag Donor
Thanks Tona.respect brother. I have been closet and small room growing for years, but this room Im stting up now, (not the boom boom room, thats my 2x10flower and 2x7veg room) Im gonna try a garage. And you bet Ima have some questions for ya, so thanks for the offer!
Mahalo, good vibes

edit:damn, I said all that shit already, lol....I just got my king size raw papers in and the raw tips, rolled a 2g cone of GDP and bubba....Im zooted homie:headbange
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T-Yo LOL rite back @ ya, Thx Broh. To a sea of green in the middle of a concrete jungle. My Weed-R will point me in the rite direction.

My first Vape just came in the mail to day, Wooooa.

Lets all​

cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
the smell on the bpp is what makes her awesome.
the high rocks too, but the smell.
like someone spilled a fruit salad on the floor.
i have a feeling you gonna like her.
plus im really pumped to see what kinda goo you can have dripping off her!
as a matter of fact, i think yer buds have too much frost.
you should spare me some :p

plus, she is a mega fat bitch. :jump:

here's my last BPP harvest. 83 daze
1 plant....nasty

Tonatiuh said:
hippie hill-LOL you crazy mf ...ok now,you just officialy brought urself into the cappers club... i'll get you back....hehehe.
the scent of my cut of the FFA smells like kush tastes.with a hint of somethin else i cant put my fingr on yet.when i can give a better description for yo i will bro.it is a hard fragrence to describe plus i suck at describin tastes and shit anyways.
but i'll try to give a better one,if yove smoked kush of anykind you know that distint taste?thats the smell of her for the most part.i hope she tastes like she smells though i know that fasheezy!after i transplant i dont think i notice any shock stage that really effects them in any way.i have when i dropped one once.im sure they might stunt a lil for a sec but nothin noticable yo.peace -T-

ok heres some shots of the FFA gettin better everyday.i have no idea how long shes 'pose to go for sure,i see the pistils are startin to turn a lil orange though...i'll keep an eye on the trichs for sure.shes packin on some real frost too!

cc says the FFA gos 60-70 days at 70 days its tastier so he harvest right in the middle at 65 his ffa is the only one i know of he whent threw a lota beans to find this one and i know he has past a few clones around to a few people my clones have gone threw hell i meen truly hell they should be dead but there sumthin about my green thumb thats kept them alive now they just gotta survive threw the move in a week or so oooo yeah the MSS mom is the same mom that the org. sour deisle came from and Rez' OGKA hermied and seeded the MSS mom cc also wrote a high time artical about ffa im not 100% sure what mounth its in but its in the last 3-4 mounths when i transplanted my ffa's into the soil i hada put the clone bottle back over top of one cuz it was shockin so hard i wasnt sure if it was gunna live iv never really transplanted befor so after i do it a few times ill get the trick to it and do alot better well i hope theres sum info to help u and as allwaz your garden looks B-E-A-UTIFUL good night man

FFA 4 weeks > Finish
FFA round 2
Pics of the femmed MSSxOGKA
Organic FFA burn test
FFA Smoke Report


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
sublime-sup yo,yea man the tent is real good money spent brotha.keeps teverything right on track real easy like.took like 10 minutes to put up,not counting lights and stuff.yea bro i was suprised myself when i looked at the pics from day 1 till today,you really dont notice how fast they are growin when ya look at them everyday.tripped me out yo.the 600 is kickin ass fasheezy...enjoy the blueberry :joint:

whiskeytango-fasho bro...nice bro,a garage will be a nice sized space yo.no problem just holla at me if you need any help and i'll look out where i can.how many wayys are you tryin to run in there?you might have to wire it up huh?
nice man i been tryin to get this punk ass headshop to order me some raws and they keep spinnin me on the shit yo.i even told them i'll buty the whole case,i told them i'd pay in advance and they still spun me...,fuckers. :cuss:
my homeboy gave me a 8th today of some stuff he was told was Grand Daddy Kush he said he paid 650 for a oz. wtf? LOL..needless to say im on the hunt for some of this GDK LOLOLOLOL...this shit is pretty damn killer though...
id never pay no type of crazy price for no bud though yo...id rather pay for the beans or try to obtain the cut and do what i do...
i never buy no weed ,ever... i know ur head is right,right now. smokin that broiler maker you smoked bro...relax and be safe.peace -T-

en-lighten-hahaaa right on brotha,just be cool and relax when ya get there i''l be watchin the OHIO STATE vs. bumb ass michigan game kickin it like a true playa does!!!
good score on the vape yo! i also got a new vape today,i bought a volcano today and yo i been lifted all day droppin strait kief in it smokin like a freight train!!!
i got a sweet deal on it too bro..enjoy ur vape session.;)
peace -T-

CF-yo yo yoyoyoyo,wattup playa! just chillazin overhere yo.
ur right that smell is fuckin off the hook bro.such a sweet fruity smell makes you wanna just take a fuckin bite of the bud yo hehehe...i cant wait to get at her,i think around new years i might be able to get a taste 48 more days or so will be 80 days.
super nice pull you have there sick yo!
idk if mine will pull that much the 1st time ran,but i see whats possible so believe me yo imma make it happen;)
i only have like 3 main stalks on each plant,looks like you had atleast 9 or so on ur 1 plant. :respect: the training skills big dawg.
yea i think i can get her drippy for you bruh hehe,shes frostin up real nice already,in like 3 weeks she should really be startin to show her ass!by time harvest comes she should be real beautiful...she like to drink alot,does she like alot of nutes or medium or what?i been givin her like 1/2 dose then a full then a half when i feed because im not tryin to burn her or nothin...let me know...
yea i think imma love her too bro,if she tastes like she smells oooooweeeeee!!!
i believe you on the buzz too i dont think she would have made it to my hands if she wasnt somethin to be held close for a good long time ...peace B.R.O....-T-

hippie hill-thanks for the mass load of info brotha,goodlookinout.that sounds right about perfect to mei was thinkin id let the whole tent go like 80 days,shut the light off and dry right in the tent,its filtered so fuck it right?right.
seems all the strains in there are 65-70 day starains except i cant find finishing times on the massachusetts super skunk...the g13 x burmese x northern kush...or the s99 x sour bubble...hopefully they are gonna be done by then too,if not they can go into the big room to finish up...80 dys should be good though...i hope. hehehe
thanks for that info fareal yo.
you'll get ur transplants down to a science bro,practice makes perfect :joint:
peace -T-
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Registered Medical Patient
Hey T, my bro...sorry to be so absent, but after reading the last 6 pgs...WOW!!!All looks amazing...its nice to see someone else rockin the growbags...I love em personally!!!Yea dude, ur shit is rockin in here...keep it up pimp, and Ill holla at ya in a few days on the PM of last!!!LOL..Peace bro, stay medicated!!hahahahahaha



Registered Pothead
Hey tona get at me if you are still looking for them raws. They are some good papers for sure. I am still super old school though rolling with them orange zags. You can take the boy out the hood but you cant take the hood out the homeboy.


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
Zeus-wattup playa.no need for apoligies yo we all get busy maing...
thanks yo...6 pages eh,this baby startin to roll with some momentum i guess huh?;)
thanks yo,yea i like the growbags better then i thought i would honestly.only thing is when you water you gotta be sure ur right over it with the wand or it makes the very top of the bag fold in and water gets on the liner of the tent...al in all though they are workin out great bro...i'll be using them until i can find some square pots i like.
fasheezy,get at me.peace -T-

chubbdiggity-wattup yo,goodlookinout maing on the raws but i have some in route.
i feel ya about the old school oranges.i always have a few packs around no matter what too hehe...peace yo-T-

hippie hill-dude thanks for all them slick ass links.i was just checkin them all out,i recommend whoever dont use them to check them out.theres all kinds of info to be found in them.i got lost browsin them for like a hr. :joint:
yea man i cant wait till all them aromas start to fill up the tent :woohoo:
gonna be extra fly in there in like 8 more weeks;)
peace brotha.

crzygirl-thanks yo,nice to have ya drop on thru.ur welcome here anytime.peace


ok yo i have some pics of the ffa and bpp they are gettin some new action daily now.
the bpp is in a hard area of the room to get real good pics of but i tried my best.
the ffa is gettin so much darkness to it it looks incredible,the smell is so wonderfully kushy/spicy/skunky and i cant wait to taste her.shes swellin up pretty good already still with like 3 weeks to go.imma let her roll 70-75 days.and the color is turning like this dark,almost black avocado green,F.U.C.K.I.N. beautiful i think.
anyways here we go...


sorry this one is sideways but it loses so much of the actual size of the bud when i rotate it the correct way so ya just gotta crank yo neck :D

the buds look like the are gonna go all the way to the main stalk on every branch,i wish i would have ttopped her and cropped her some more...next time...
the smell is off the charts...i wish you guys could smell this plant,ya wanna take a bite it smells so good i swear!its like fresh fruit just BAM in ur face as soon as you brush it or move it around it will take over the whole area ur standing in.i think a whole room of this wouldnt even bring no attention at all without a filter it just smells sooooo good like you wouldnt believe.it aint that the smell isnt strong,thats not why you wouldnt need the filter its because it smells like fruit for real...any ways enough blabberin with my stoned ass...

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