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Tonatiuhs' Oasis


wow, what a piece!

and shure you got the great bud to put in it!
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FiveLeggedGoat said:

Thats a crazy ass bowl T, it reminds me of the door knob at my grandmother's house. lol

Keep it coming bro...

BWAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: fallin outta my chair...my nana has the same ones!! :bashhead: :jump: :laughing: :laughing:

edit:duh..meant to comment on the bong too.. :joint:
that is a sweet piece and you must have the lungs of King Kong to be hittin that champ all the time.. :joint:
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nice bong. i wants to get me one of them shiny diamond bowls for my illadelph....

dude you are joking your thumb is so green just don't let their feet get wet for too long like if you overwater for six or seven days in a row you will see tremendous yellowing bottom up and you will be susceptible to all other issues with nute uptake molds etc. but you are straight plus if you lose one of your moms just take clones again super quick from whatever you got flowering.

i am on harvest pattern like you right now, but i am pulling down a plant and drying it then smoking no good cure time yet but I will catch up soon



its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
5lg-LOL it does look like that huh!!!it looks like a diamond up close yo.its pretty bad ass i think hehe.
im gonna bust it out with the FFA :D

sirsmoke-fasho brotha.you know i will :joint:

en-lighten-LOL why you say that yo?
actualy i use to be shitty as hell at typin but im gettin a lil better bro.i just get all high off this illa and get to poppin corn with all my homeboys that drop thru.
ya know.peace my kat

B/R- ty brotha.i know that piece is gonna rock the hell outta me the 1st time i hittem up! :D
and the tent is even getin nice and full lookin already.everything is on cruise in there at the moment.thattent is way easier to manage then the real grow bro.just take a peek every day and get some work in every few days.the calander for the tent looks blank compared to the one for the rooms LOL.
peace bro...-T-

Esbe-always good to see you brotha.fasho i got some bomb budz to pack that baby with,but im gonna love stuffin it with ur gear as soon as i get my grubby little hands on some LOLOLOLOLOL!!!
thanks for stoppin in man.i know this is a busy time for you.peace and stay safe my friend.-T-

C-dubb-LOL you crazy F.U.C.K.E.R. you always make me laugh out loud for real.i be sittin here all by myself at the computer nobody else up in the crib laughing out loud.
thanks bro,and thanks for the laugh too.peace my friend.

supreme-fasheezy :D

jip-sup F.A.M. thanks man,i have an illadelph too bro,i love that bong.
if you cant find one of them bowls around you holla at me i'll grab one up for you from out this way.it wasnt but a few lil coins bro,holla at ur brotha i got you faded F.A.M.;)
right on bro,thanks for the compliment,i just got a lil noid cause im usualy pretty careful about what im doin in there.then i do some bonehead shit like that :bashhead:
they all look good though...yea when it 1st hit me what i did i checked and i have clones of just about everything either runnin in cups or the cloner already ...whew...
yea im just gettin to where i have the luxury of lettin it get a good cure...its never enough to last LOL.peace my man imma get my as in gear this week,you should be likin what you see. :joint: peace-T-

i forgot to take some pics today but i'll get some up soon as i can tomorrow fam.im tired i been trimmin again all day today an dont have the will to snap some pics hehehe.
so thats it for now everyone be safe.....and take er easy ok maing.
peace -T-
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gorgeous piece brotha :yes:

girls looking good as always. i've been busy on the box, almost ready. :D

laters pizzle
lol ok heres the mental image im get lol pimp limp stetson hat blue pants and sum old school kicks and a fatty lol i just hada give u sh!t bro ur grows lookin nice as allwaz man

can u describe the scent of ffa? most everyone says its so hard to describe but it smells so good

do your plants go threw a transplant shock stage for a couple days?

Karma Genetics

I need a bong like that. Going to look for a nice one next week in the dam. You are a great dedicated grower keep up the organized job you do.


There is only one king, god picks em, hand pluckes
ICMag Donor
BAD ASS bong there tona!!! Hope your feeling better!

Damn Karma, I couldnt hit that thing all week at the cup, wouldnt be able to breathe......lol

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Tonatiuh said:

Damn bro, your piece is nuts man, I have never even seen anything like that around here. I guess a trip to the big city may be in order soon, gotta get me one of those


Dooood! I always trip out on your bamboo forest with all the mad growth around them! Good to hear the mommas didn't get wet feets. Not so bad if they're big girls but if you just raped 'em or they're just small plants you'd be susceptible to those probs like already stated by the good Doc.

That new piece is bad to the bone with the doorknob bowl on her! I can relate to the doorknobs at gramma's house :D

Anyways, just poppin' in instead of being off at a business meeting I don't even need to be at...said fuckit I'll go check out the old music shop and catch up on IC!




its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
leel-wattup big pimpin.thanks for the kind words yo.
i seen you been busy on the box brotha!..almost all thats left to do is fill it ;)
i got a fe pics of some things too yo.

hippie hill-LOL you crazy mf ...ok now,you just officialy brought urself into the cappers club... i'll get you back....hehehe.
the scent of my cut of the FFA smells like kush tastes.with a hint of somethin else i cant put my fingr on yet.when i can give a better description for yo i will bro.it is a hard fragrence to describe plus i suck at describin tastes and shit anyways.
but i'll try to give a better one,if yove smoked kush of anykind you know that distint taste?thats the smell of her for the most part.i hope she tastes like she smells though i know that fasheezy!after i transplant i dont think i notice any shock stage that really effects them in any way.i have when i dropped one once.im sure they might stunt a lil for a sec but nothin noticable yo.peace -T-

Karma-bro when you get to the Dam (if ur not there already) you will find a piece that makes mine look like doo-doo.i swear bro when i was there i wanted to get me a few pieces but i dk how customs would act about bringin them back.
i did buy a piece and used it while i was there though for hash i was smokin.i gave it to one of the dudes i always saw smokin at the greenhouse when i would be in there.
he was a local kat i talked to him a few times when id be there puffin.i didnt know nobody else so i just gave it to him because [/B]i knew i couldnt bring a dirty pipe back LOL.
so yea im sure yyoull be flossin a new piece on us when you get back.have a goos/safe trip brother.peace.

whiskeytango-thanks yo...you could blaze out of it all week yo you just gotta get use to it for a few hrs first LOL.peace

dr.dog-sup brotha ty my man.fasheezy sometimes ya gotta get out there and see what the city folk got to offer hehehehe.
i bet you find some nice pieces if you look yo,considering its kinda laxxed about the mj where you are aint it?
thats exactly what i thought when i saw it
gotta get me one of those

shitake-right on yo,i got some fresh bamboo fliks comin right up.right,right,they are good to go(the mamas) the only one that showed any thing at all was the strawberry cough.i have a few more in the wings if worse came to worse but i think she'l be ok.
pop on thru any time bro you know T always has room for the homies.peace.

ok so the thread movin kinda slow,i must not be postin enough pics lately ;)
so here we go with a few....

this is about almost half the pull,all was not ready to roll yet,by tomorrow or so it'll be ready.ur lookin at 2 lbs of blueberry in the big bag,1/4 lb of black domina in the small rite aid bag, and 1/4 lb. of bubble berry in the ither miejer bag...lets just say i think the pull will be my goal and then some because thre is more then this still damp. :woohoo:

ok heres some shots of the FFA gettin better everyday.i have no idea how long shes 'pose to go for sure,i see the pistils are startin to turn a lil orange though...i'll keep an eye on the trichs for sure.shes packin on some real frost too!

be right back...


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
a lil more porn...

a lil more porn...

here goes some BPP action.i swear this chik has absolutely the bombest sweetest smell.smells like grapefruit mixed with pineapple.soooo fruity.
she has about 45-50 days to go and i can see shes packin on some weight by then for sure....i cant even begin to describe how the smell just bursts out when you move her or brush up against her...i really cant wait to smoke on some of this lady.
the way im figurin it i might be able to have some in time for new years.fingers so fuckin crossed;) im glad i have some in the tent as well and a mamma and clones....LOL...
anyways ...my two BPP's in the room...

heres a sensi star,all the closups came out like sheet but if you look close at the second pic you can see how frosty she is all thru the bud...oh yea thats one bud;)

thes come down in like 11 days..

a couple room shots...

oh yea and to answer ur question C-dubb idk exactly how old the White in that pic is,shes like 2 months i think,BUT in her defense shes givin up like ten clones just a couple days before those pics were taken.
this White here though i know came out of the cloner on the 12'th right with the other strains in the pic and she is keepin up with the step for step.i have two in flower in the room that been there for like 2 weeks,i'll get a pic of them for you soon bro.
heres the white 8 days out the cloner.

peace fam -T-


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
ty big timer.i alwways appreciate the kind words bro.thats what gets me goin some days yo...i was suprised that all them damn near 30 pics uploaded in like 5 minutes!!!! uploads are workin fast tonight bro....im sittin here smokin like its goin outta style hehehe.bout to jump on the 360 and play some Pure,that game is of the damn chain! had me up till like 7 am yesterday/today LOL.thanks for stoppin thru,dont be a stranger brotha. peace-T-


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
K-F-ING + Bro!!!! Each spread is more off the hook than the last. I never get tired of starin' at your pics...

Is that the Big Pink Pole you've got fleshing out in there that smells like grapefruit and pineapple? It's dankalicious lookin....


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
leel-right on pimp :joint:

access-thanks maing i try to keep it interesting around here...
yea thats the BPP smellin so fruitalicious like grapefruits and pineapples.it smell so fruity bro, it reminds me of that old school fruity stripes gum,remember how sweet and strong the smell on that gum was?yea like that...this is a gem so far,i just wanna fast forward to day 80 and chop her down LOL...thanks for the props bro.peace-T-

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