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Tonatiuhs' Oasis

Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
Lookin great dude, the tent is really coming alive. I hope your having fun over there, I sure enjoy looking at those pretty ass macros. O ya yo, I went n mailed my money order for the Bay, and I told the lady to overnite it and she said thats impossile. So whhatever heeh, cant say I didnt try. But, ya buds are lookin sick, those leafs are nice an crystally. Be easy dude :joint:


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
its not necessarily gonna get there overnight when you do it like that they gaurentee like 3 day delivery,as long as you did it and got a tracking # they will give you the extra freebies yo.i aways do it like that and im a seedbay whore yo :muahaha:
...thanks for the kind words on the tent bro...it should be doin the go off real soon.
...so yea man if you got a tracking # ur strait...and you should always make a order of four if you can, because the s/h will cover up to 4 orders anyways so might as well...as a matter of fact imma mozy on over to the bay now and see can i catch me somethin...peace
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Right the fuck on mang....Cut selection, wattage, health, dank nugs... A++++


go on .. pull my finger
ICMag Donor
hey Tonatiuh that tent will be overflowin soon mate ,,nice 1
i really need 1 of thoose tents ,expanding the buisness lol
u got 16 + strains goin :respect: great skillz

:lurk: have a gd weekend

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
yup impressive display you are putting on T

And I am even using my 4000 post to say so

Looks great man!


yo bro!
Its been a few pages since I posted but I been lurkin ya! :muahaha: How's the leg? Ya must be gettin around better by now.. :jump:
were you talkin about BHO or ISO to make oil with?
I would love to try makin BHO but I dont have the right stuff and I really dont wanna blow my house up anyway.. :laughing: but I been playin with tha ISO and getting good results..heres some Blueberry with some ISO bubblin on top..'ere man..:cough:

I like that bub you got with the oil tab on it. What is that?
I holla'd but you must be workin or sumptin..


Glad to hear you have gotten all your work caught up. And already on the next thing. A mom tent. Crazy ass. Soon you'll have like 4 tents lined up up against each other then you'll have your flowering room. Anyway ya. Just checking in


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
A.Fool-sup yo,right on maing.i appreciate the compliments my dawg.i try o keep it poppin ya know.peace

m@rg-thanks bro.yea i think the tent was a good buy...im happy.an expansion is a never ending thought in my mind.im always tryin to fit a few more LOL...i think you
should get one too,if you need the extra space right quick, this thing is pretty much the route to take fam.im already thinkin about another one for moms....i think it will be in the not so distant future fareal.i appreciate the props bro on the strains..i aint gonna lie, im still feeling most of them out as far as what they like and what not. you know the drill,half nutes till you see who wants/needs more and less.but they are still alive and healthy so i feel good about that hahaha.you have a good weekend too yo.peace-T-

dr.dog-my man! always good to see ya bro...i remember a while back ago you hit me up with the "you are officialy on my rep list" karma now look at us bullshittin everyday...yup good ole MJ and IC bringin like minded people together from all over the place....i appreciate the compliments bro,comin from skilled growers like urself them kind of words always inspire a mf to keep on keepin on.this reply is gettin chatty then a mf yo,im all vaped out :jump: LOL.thanks for usin the 4000th post on me yo hehehe...peace

C-dubb-yo F.A.M. wattup.i figured you was out here lurkin my man.
honestly bro the leg is real good,a lil tender still but im movin and groovin alot better now...gonna be poppin beans by this next comin weekend or sooner for sure.
im gonna put the next surgery off for a while so i dont be on these percs for no 2 months strait,thats how mf's get habbits they dont need yo...fuck a whole lot of that action ya know.the tabs i had was bho i think bro,my homeboy hooked me up when he sent me the kif box...good ass dude.

wattup pimpin goodlookin out if ur lurkin...imma pm ya...

that oil looks potent as hell brotha dubb.im too scared to try to make that shit bro or id try to make a glob myself...i think ill mess it up though.if i saw someone do it in person then i could do it.i dont think i'll try it till then though.
yea thats one of my favorite pieces right there.i have a few more i really like too though.i went and got that new one i was tellin ya about today too.
peace bro

realsupreme-thanks bro,i finaly got around to repotting the moms...now one day this week will have to be training day around here i
gotta make my mamas into bushes so i can get more cuts at a time faster.and keep them cycles goin.
peace yo.-T-

mello- :woohoo: thanks bro,im pretty stoked about how things are comin together too bro.its gettin there.thanks for ur positive vibes.peace

mr.bill-yuppers cought up and movin and groovin brotha...hahaaa you know me bro,i just keep my gears grindin and try to keep things rollin like yellow cabs ;)
you just gave me an idea bro...good thinkin,then i can use my veg room for flower too...hmmm you might be on to somethin there...:muahaha:
fareal though LOL...peace bro.

heres my new toy everyone,i was gonna grab a volcano but the one they had was made by Fuji not by volcano...maybe i grab one next week?...anyone know about these fuji things?
Nways heres my new toy...

yes it kicks major ass fam,i pulled a couple whips earlier and it knocked me out for like 3 hrs.i'll probably give my old one to a homeboy or somethin.i wont use it anymore now that i have this one.it came with a oil attachement too...what/how do i use that thing for?
peace fam.-T-

vBulletin Message you have givin out too much rep in 24 hours bla bla bla ...
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Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
i will take your old vape off your hands if you want to get rid of it brother lol

you are one of teh skilled growers that you speak of dude, I admire your grow, always a great show, but y wouldnt you have a great grow?

Cheers bro


Active member
ICMag Donor
Y are so phucking humble, Master? You know yur shit rocks.

About the oil....
I use everything for hash. Including stems. Although, I usually save stems and junk for a wash with ISO. I never phuck with butane, it is just too damn dangerous. And I have never been a big fan of the taste of iso or butane washed green.

Water hash is the way to go. I am hooked.
Right after trim, put the sticky goodies in a paper sack and into the freeze. I have found that you get a much nicer quality resin wash when the stuff is mean green and frozen. Sometimes a weed with a distinct taste will carry the taste on into the resin, especially if it wasn't dried out first.

A full on bubble bag setup would be the best, but I have never used bags.
With the amount of trim you could have, you may want to look into an online video about "gumby" hash. Those Hawaiians throw out some crazy resin!
I only make about 2-5 grams at a whack.
Used to use water and ice in a regular blender, but I have graduated to using just an electric mixer. You could use a hand egg beater and do just as fine.
That method puts out some fantastic resin, clean and pure...no chemical tastes...has the potential to swarf off the top of your skull.
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Smoking Gun

Active member
Nice toy T. I hope you are enjoying it. The oil attachment is good for hash or oil or any other concentrate, I am sure with all the trim you have you should have plenty of hash around to try the attachment.


nice vape..
DR.Dog..wanna share that thing when yer done with it? :laughing:

like I said, I'm 'fraid of makin butane w/o the right equipment, but ISO, done right, is very easy and burns clean. I didnt notice any off flavors in mine though..mexican mafia has a great link in the hash forum..I'll get the link..

I used that method and had very god success. I also just did the wash and let it naturally evaporate but that took a few days and stunk up tha joint..:bashhead: Don't get me wrong, I would love to be able to afford a set of bubble bags and make me some water hash but they be too much right now. :curse:


Daaaamn, Senor! You must be all healed up or damned close. Looks like you ain't missed a stride and THEN some. Who said it, I can't see the post, but they're right...I bet you'll have a tent city blowing up in your space by next spring :biglaugh:

That BD momma looks superb. Think Ima take my GK or new sour bubble and bush her out like you got yours so I can SOG the hell outta the new 1K light as soon as those PTK's and VH finish up. Your show is inspiring, man!!!

Congrats on the new toy, too! BLING!


Smoking Gun

Active member
hoosierdaddy said:
Ima show y'all how dad does it here in a few days.
Dad dun need no stinkin bags!

I would definitely like to see how you make hash w/out the bags. I have a bunch of trim and I am dying to make some good hash from it. Please share with us. If you already have your method posted here somewhere please point me in the right direction. Thanks.


Active member
ICMag Donor
I don't have any tutorial or anything. I will get some pics of the wash I will do tomorrow evening. I could splain it, but pics makes it much easier.
'Till then, take some of the sugar leaves you want to use, chop them up just a bit...not much, put them in the freezer for now. I like to get stems from fan leaves out before I freeze. Throw them to the Qwiso jar.
FWIW...one you master this thang, you will want to run some with some of your super kind bud. Freeze up a couple nugs just to see if it suits your fancy.
The beaut part is, those nugs can be snipped right off the plant and frozen, and in fact it is the best way.
LOL...although it kills a mans soul to throw a nice sized sack or a fresh snipped frosty bud into the ice water the first time.
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its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
dr.dog-bro you makin me blush :redface: .thankyou bro i just try to do the reading and experimenting it takes to keep on steady tryin to step my game up..i'll consider myself a noob even after ten years ...i have alot to learn bro,alot of you guys have much more grows under ur belts and more experience.i get alot of my knowledge from you guys :yes: .i still have alot to learn but luckily for me im a fast learner :biglaugh:
check ur p m's yo.peace.

hoosier-LOL ur crazy bro :crazy: :smoke: .being humble keeps ya grounded yo.i have a bubbleator machine yo,but unfortunatly my bag that holds the leaves is got more holes in it then swiss cheese.
i use to make bubble every weekend bro.id get like a half to a oz.everytime...i gotta order a new set of bags...yup i really do.i had so much bubble at one time it was absolutely sick LOL.lasted me like 2 months after the bag broke... :smoker:
lookin forward to seeing ur pics of ur next run,feel free to post them in here brotha.
peace bro.

S/G-bro,im enjoying it right now as a matter of fact.this mf has me bent :joint: i'll get to seein what its about here in a few.peace

C-dubb-fasho bro.i dont wanna be makin nothin that can potentialy blow up in my hands :hotbounce ...im strait..if i see it done i'll do it but till then i like the kif and bubble.its easy to make and no explosive steps :yoinks: ...although that oil really had me glued.i like the buzz of it its just that step that throws me off...if i knew someone id give them half the oil i get everytime theyd make me some ...if,if was a fifth we'd all be drunk... :muahaha:
yea the bags are a lil penny :2cents: but well worth the ching.i been procrastinating so long because i kinda aint felin sendin that big of a m/o in the mail.and i definetly aint usin no credit card yo...i'll get some bags here soon though.maybe i talk the headshop dude into orderin them for me LOL...peace F.A.M.

hoosier-we wanna see yo...do ur thand G :pimp3:

shitake-right on bro,i was tryin to still get the work in no matter what i felt like yo.some things were put on hold but all major work was done on schedule,id be kickin myself right now if i had been lazy like i wanted to be :asskick:
it was mr.bill who said it about havin all the tents...gave me some idears too while he was playin :wink:
thanks for the props on the bd mama bro.shes a giver thats for sure.i wonder how she gonna do when i flower her out,im thinkin about giving her a 1000 all to herself and seein what she'll do.i gotta get a new one goin soon anyways so i can get them all in a mama tent :wink:
im glad i could inspire you bro,i hope the growasis inspires as many as possible.it wasnt long ago i only had 1400 watts total and some sad skills and sad sad plants.i stumbled onto this site/community and took the ball and ran with it.ive been inspired ever since.i love this thing we do idk how you guys feel about growin but i feel like this what i was born to do.
i cant wait to see you fill that baby out under the new 1k,keep us posted bro.

c-dubb- :wave: :kos:

smokin-i wanna see that too bro.i know hoosier will give us a walk thru or a link to the walk thru,just gotta wait till my man does his run next...hurry up and run it hoos!!!!!!!! LOL

peace all you cool ass kats.im bout to bounce around to all ur spots and see whats new around here...peace-T-
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