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  • live happily ever after.

    Votes: 2 3.4%
  • divorced and broke starting from scratch.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • together for the kids sake, but miserable.

    Votes: 4 6.8%
  • joins john daly on the hooters tour.

    Votes: 2 3.4%
  • drug addict stuck inside watching cartoons eating cerial.

    Votes: 5 8.5%
  • shamed and over doses.

    Votes: 2 3.4%
  • divorced, wins masters, back on top of the world as americas number 1 bachelor.

    Votes: 44 74.6%

  • Total voters
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weed fiend
Apparently Tiger bribed the National Inquirer several years ago. Pics were taken of TW and another woman inside a rocking car, lol. When the photos were presented to a TW publicist, the publicist was too panicked to realize the pics were too fuzzy to tell it was TW and what the two were even doing in the car.

TW agreed to do a cover and article for Mens Fitness mag, a sister publication of NE.

Tiger is world class on the course but a complete chump for the paparazzi.


weed fiend
I find the haters in this thread hilarious. It's so easy for you people to pass judgment on others, like calling him a loser, a jerk,

Pejorative name calling isn't passing judgment. The guy has a wife, a couple of kids and is one of the most recognized faces on the planet. It's like a train wreck where the engineer's drunk. Every day, a new chapter is written to the book. Professional athletes have been bagging ho's for decades w/o it being front page news every day of the week.

he's reclusive a loner likes to hide out...
He'll have plenty of time to hide out now that he's lost his family.

If I was a billionaire I wouldn't like to be around all you haters either, all you do is speculate but none of you knows what goes on in there marriage behind closed doors.
maybe the marriage was already going down hill, maybe she stopped having sex with him, maybe he got tired of begging his own wife for sex.who really knows.
One word: divorce.

It looks like she is now hiring a famous divorce lawyer in california where she will probably try to serve him at to collect half of HIS money.
Two words: prenuptial agreement.
How has he lost his family? He still will have rights with his children, millions of people go through this and still live happily, not saying it's the perfect situation but it's pretty common with the divorce rates nowadays.
If she can get the divorce in california and not florida im not sure if that prenup will hold any weight. Its also fair to say that many people have had prenups and the settlements didn't turn out like they thought they were going to.
Im not really even that big of a fan of tiger's personality but to call him a loser etc.. seems to be a little harsh.
I enjoy watching him play golf because he is the best golfer ever to play the game and if he continues his streak could quite possibly be the best golfer to ever live.

Blue Dot

maybe the marriage was already going down hill, maybe she stopped having sex with him, maybe he got tired of begging his own wife for sex.who really knows.
It looks like she is now hiring a famous divorce lawyer in california where she will probably try to serve him at to collect half of HIS money.

Wow, that didn't come off as bitter against women at all. lol
Im not bitter against women im just trying to give a different perspective.
I might not agree with women who think they are entitled to 500million dollars or the 12 or 13 women who have came out and said they slept with tiger for there 5 minutes of fame and money.
I also know that long terms relationships take both sides mentally and physically for them too work.
like I said im just giving different perspectives since there was so many haters in this thread....just my:2cents:
hopefully this story soon fizzles out:deadhorse


weed fiend
How has he lost his family?

Word is his soon to be ex and the kids are moving to Switzerland.

He still will have rights with his children, millions of people go through this and still live happily, not saying it's the perfect situation but it's pretty common with the divorce rates nowadays.

Slicing and dicing the minutia?

If she can get the divorce in california and not florida im not sure if that prenup will hold any weight.

Ya think? That would make all prenups pretty much a waste of time and money, eh?

Its also fair to say that many people have had prenups and the settlements didn't turn out like they thought they were going to.

With a written contract, I wouldn't consider it safe to say.

Im not really even that big of a fan of tiger's personality but to call him a loser etc.. seems to be a little harsh.
I enjoy watching him play golf because he is the best golfer ever to play the game and if he continues his streak could quite possibly be the best golfer to ever live.

What's that mistress count up to today?


cantstoplooking making very solid points..... bitter against women?? LOL u chump.
blue dot do u got a woman? where'd she pick you up, rent-a-sucka???


this has got to be the fukin stoopidest topic i have EVER read!! lotsa haters, sum closet racists, cockblockers, and self-righteous pricks. whats so funny any of u were in that kinda position in life, judging by your reactions....would be a thousands times worse! i neva thought i see such bullshit on this site!! check dis "all men are created equal"......this means the good and the bad you judgemental fools. for the peeps that like to judge......you need a life. for them keeping it real.........keep on, keep on, you have live some life to know the real. jus for argument sake sum o yall need to look up when polygamy was made illegal. wasnt in your "bible times", for yall that think "your" morals are the ones the "rest of us" should live by. when i last checked (words of Marley) "every man has the right to decide his OWN destiny, and in this judgement there is NO PARTIALITY"..................live up and leave others alone

peace n luv


I would really appreciate it if (in this thread) people would stop using his old nickname "Tiger" and start using his eventual nickname "Cheetah"

Thank You


donut engineer
OMG who gives a fuck. Our country is falling apart and you're talking about some dude who plays golf and may or may not have cheated on his wife and got his ass kicked. Who cares?

The dude in this forum who fought off that motel tweeker with the fork is more interesting then his story.


weed fiend
OMG who gives a fuck. Our country is falling apart and you're talking about some dude who plays golf and may or may not have cheated on his wife and got his ass kicked.

May or may not? He already admitted it. :biglaugh:

Who cares?
Everybody that took the time to post at least 2 sentences. Everybody that tries to tell others how they should react to the situation.

Welcome to the party.

The dude in this forum who fought off that motel tweeker with the fork is more interesting then his story.
And you're still here.:hotbounce Hot damn, we're lucky.


Pleasantly dissociated
any dude who goes around the planet acting like hes gods gift to everything , marketing himself as a ROLE MODEL and makes so much money for so many people for doing absolutely nothing except being a sqeeky clean upstanding person who turns out to be a lier and a cheat and a theif(stole the panties, im sure he did) needs to fall back down to the bottom and work his way back, all yall tiger lovers i mean cheetah lovers need to go buy up all the TW gear and get it while its still around, this fool brought all this on himself , its happened to me too back in high school,went from sleepin with 4 hotties to no hotties in 1 day, world colapsed, whole school thought i was a turd, so i did what all guys do, i started dating a freshman hottie who was ignant to the cheetah talk. any way this thread might go on for a few years, i hope elin takes everyfuckin dime he has , ive lost everything twice to women,why shouldnt he?
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