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Three leaves????


pure dynamite
first of all those are the lobes of the leaves.
and it may be because of genetics, or maybe the plant is too young? oh, and from what I know most plants have 7 lobes on a leaf, but there isn't a clear rule, some genetics show over 10 lobes, especially when the plant is older.

any more info/pics?

oh, and welcome to the forum! :wave:
Right now I'm experimenting with hempy buckets and some bag seed I got off a friend of mine until I get the hang of the watering and nutrient feedings. They're under cfls rights. Now and will be switching to a new 250w mh/hps kit. I'm only about 4 weeks into the process, theyre still only about 8 inches tall


my strength is a number, and my soul lies in every
ICMag Donor
it takes more energy to support the nutritional needs of larger leaves so a young plant or those under low light will grow leaves with the minimum number of blades needed, just to survive until conditions improve. clones are known to do this until they have grown larger roots systems at which time they'll grow out of it... unless its just a genetic three finger.



Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
most of my girls are 9 I have 1 plant that has 11. Both are getting the same treatment. I think genetics play a role here.. I have never seen a plant that has only 3 leaves. Got any pics .. All plants will hav a mix of 3,5,7,9,11
it happens when the plant starts to flower then goes back to veg,ive had this happen many times when vegging indoor and flowering outdoor


my strength is a number, and my soul lies in every
ICMag Donor
it happens when the plant starts to flower then goes back to veg,ive had this happen many times when vegging indoor and flowering outdoor

yeah thats actually the most common reason for it... can't believe i left that out.



Active member
I do remember that after taking cuttings from the mothers, Space Queen and Trinity were the 2 strains, most common to pop up 3 leaves after cloning. I wish I had better records, but an usually high percentage for both. The Space Queen would show even after 4-6 weeks of veg. Both have some Sativa genes on the heavy side. But both are squat little bitches too.

Stress seems to be a common factor, clone healing, re-veg, etc.
ok now that my plant has started to significantly grow, I'm starting to see 3, 5 and 7 leaves throughout the whole plant. Once I started the nutes, and put my lights on the timer I've seen a ridiculous amount of growth. My next question is, how do I know how long to veg for ??? I know for a fact that the seeds I have are a Sour strain, bcuz thats what they came out of, but what is a good roundabout time for vegging ? I have about 4ft worth of height for grow space, so what should i do ?? Not really that experienced to know about 'topping' the plants as u guys say lol. This is pretty much a Hempy Bucket trial run to see how well they work, and I must say that I am hooked on this method. just need to know about veg time, and if there is any trimming that needs to be done. Thanks in advance guys


It depends what what you mean by 4 feet? If it's 4 feet from top of your pot till under the light you can flip them when they are around 1.5 feet tall. If they are already that tall cut back the main stem and now your plants are topped and ready to flip.

Any pic?
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Most pics are on my tablet, and I haven't figured out how to upload from it yet. And I have the luxury of being able to raise and lower my lights
Here's a few pics. not that great of quality, but the best I can do lol. Now where exactly am I supposed to be trimming or topping, or if I'm even supposed to do that much ??? This is about a month worth of veg time. GH FNG, lights are 16/8, CFL's


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Here's a few pics. not that great of quality, but the best I can do lol. Now where exactly am I supposed to be trimming or topping, or if I'm even supposed to do that much ??? This is about a month worth of veg time. GH FNG, lights are 16/8, CFL's

welcome to the hobby bro and don't forget to enjoy yourself as you learn, if you get too manic, or you get depressed after a setback you'll only make this harder than it has to be.

frankly i think you'll find that your biggest problem is gonna be how fast your plants fill your space, ...with only 4 feet of vertical space you'll have to learn to redirect the plants growth, or to totally control it, i'd strongly suggest you investigate LST and SCROG growing, hell, do a search for 'FreezerBoy' and check out his SCROG grows to see a top-notch SCROG.

and don't sweat the small shit, the most common mistake new growers make is they love their plants to death, watching constantly and thinking there is something wrong at every turn and so treating non-existant problems and thereby creating other problems, ...remember that this is a weed and so way hardier than you might imagine.

...and don't ever forget that setbacks are a given, we all have them and you will too, no big whoop, ...so if the horse throws you off, get the fuck back on and keep doing it until you learn to ride, ...there is NO bud better than the one you grow for yourself.



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When you observe cannabis growing fewer lobes on each leaf it is a direct result of hormonal confusion. In other words, it's a classic 're-veg' scenario. It is due to change in photoperiod.

joe guy

Yep yep my second run of super sour dez I ran in to light leak my girls were flowering wonderfuly it was awsome to watch them get so big uner the 250 but then they started loosing leaf count from 7 to 5 so on untill 1 blade leafs and strach that reached my 7 foot shead twice I had to literaly cut he bitch in half but she just said fuck you and grew right back to the top till I patched and sealed the shead completely... so keep ur eye out for that for sure it sucked


I have a clone like this. Original plant from seed was like that as well. Maybe I grew it in to much shade outside? Been vegging it indoors for weeks 18hrs, still no change.


Active member
I do remember that after taking cuttings from the mothers, Space Queen and Trinity were the 2 strains, most common to pop up 3 leaves after cloning. I wish I had better records, but an usually high percentage for both. The Space Queen would show even after 4-6 weeks of veg. Both have some Sativa genes on the heavy side. But both are squat little bitches too.

Stress seems to be a common factor, clone healing, re-veg, etc.

Do you have any space queen pics I can drool over m8? Honestly, a space queen pic in a certain magazine is what got me into fucking around 'growing' years ago