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Silverback...looking very nice.I'm not sure my nerves could stand the air patrol you're up against..YIKES...I've got some Peak TT going this yr too.I grew Next Generations last yr and Peaks are supposed to be much better..peace


Hey Brad. Aint it the truth that what we plan to do and what actually ends up happening are always different.

Hi Buddle. Ive heard TT from peak's was good and ive grown a number of their products and have never been disappointed. Somebody likes the hell out of their TT as you can hardly ever get it and it sells out quick. I have 3 females out of the 5 seeds I planted, Im anxious to see the 2 I planted much earlier, as they should be good sized. They were 36" tall the last time I saw them which was 3 weeks ago and Ive seen significant growth in other plants in that time period. Im hoping that monday, I can get to them.
Post up a pic or 2 here of yours if you have them. Im planning on dusting a Maple Leaf Indica female with one of the males of TT.

Ps. I hear you on the air cover, but really, we all have our trials. I wouldn't trade my flyovers to those that have to water all summer like Backcountry and Fast Pine. I can hide easier than I could carry all of that water.,
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Active member
lookin good bro.regarding Peaks TT....have u inquired as to which male(s)was used in the creation?as u obviously know,TT is a clone.alot of so called TT out there that simply is not.not saying TT crosses arnt good,it just peeves me that peeps sell something with a certain name and it isnt,u know?4 example,call it Timebomb(legends) or whatever and state the cross.any way rant over.....nice garden have fun out there!
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Hi bigbag. I understand your concerns about TT. I don't have a clue as to the father theyve used in the cross. Really, when I first purchased the strain, i didn't know that its mother was a famous clone. I really just went by the breeders description which i gues is still up on their site. The large size, early finish, durable disposition and the comments of several growers that is was potent was all i went by. I hope all the good qualities of the mother come shinning thrpugh. I think generally, mother genes are dominant. In this case, lets hope so.


Active member
ahha!thought so.this is often the case with said TT seeds on the market.i asked reef about his male used and he told me straight away he used a Petrolia Headstash.i wish all breeders came clean.
sorry to say....TT clone tends to be quite reccesive in hybrids.its very hard to find a pheno as good as the clone.in fact i dont think anyone has done it yet,lol.the clone has been dubbed "twister',because the branches twist and grow like a vine(and the smoke get u very twisted).the clone is over 30 yrs old now and still commands a top slot for choices of outdoor grown in BC.not to mention yields up in the lbs/per plant catagorie.TT was tested using GC and MS,to contain over 15% THC,back in the mid 90's.at the time that was stronger than Skunk#1!even though TT is a hard cross,she is a great base for outdoor seedlines.vigorous and hardy,usually mold resistant and most times very potent offspring results.there are some lurking sativa phenos from TT hybrids that look very Mexican in nature.they are very late and leafy....not good for BC.so if u get that pheno it prolly wont finish on time naturally


Thanks for the info bigbag. I'm going tommorow morning to the larger ones to see how they are doing. The plants were really quite vigorous as compared to the others that were planted near it. I have 3 females out of 5 seeds and early in life, they all 3 appeared to be similar phenos.
Peaks info says it "came to us from outdoor commercial growers on the island, with some variations in height and branching" . They claim it finishes mid to late sept. I guess they mean texada island and we'll see about the other claims soon.


Mourning the loss of my dog......
silverback said:
I hear you on the watering BC. When I have to water its a 2 or 3 day job. I would give anything to grow plants together, but my grow style has been an evolution from being under SERIOUS air pressure.

How much do you water, and how often? Do you think it would be easier to plant say 3 plants in a plot and not water them, rather than plant one and labor to water it? It looks pretty green around your plots, there must be water available in the soil.


Hey BC.

Theoretically, I don't have to water at all. We generally average 3/4 of an inch of rain per week usually in the form of a thunderstorm. We can go a couple of weeks without rain, but the average is sufficient for cannabis. My watering revolves around fertilizing mainly and especially during the vegative stages of growth. A lack of growth up until august is translated directly into lower yield.
The proposition of growing a few plants together is truly a non starter. Believe it or not, even with my grow method and youve seen it, i have lost quite a few plants to overflights. In 04, when i still planted 2 together, or within 50' of one another, I had lost 17 plants by the first of Sept. and dedcided that only 1 could be grown per site. In 2006, i lost 8 of my 40 under the new plan. My grow area lies within 10 air miles of a major eradication headquarters and NG base. Because they have found my plants ,the plantsof some idiot trying to grow 20 in his back yard and the crop of mexican farm laborers that had 2 sites of over an acre each, this area has been designated as a high density/ high probability of success area. Each yr, they still get the new growers, reinforcing their designation of the area. Growing any other way is impossible. Last yr and this, i have 2 sites over 20 miles away, but they are difficult to tend. Its tough.
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Mourning the loss of my dog......
I'm sure you understand your situation way better than I could being on the oposite side of the country, but it seems like 3-4 smaller unwatered plants around 3-4 foot tall would be harder to see than one 6 foot watered plant.


Active member
yeah ive heard peaks story on the TT.they are honest guys,i think they simply dont know exactly what they have.sounds like they got TT hybrid seeds from a local then made f2's etc.TT x Afghani mortgage buster(aka A-frame) was a popular one around that point in time.ive been told TT and blueberry are related in that they contain Afghanis,Mexicans and Thai genetics.
the Northern Berry is a very sweet indoor producer.very juicy looking,large buds smell and taste so good...but the stone is only around a 6 or 7/10.loves hydro systems,bursting with out of control growth!
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silverback said:
I hear you on the watering BC. When I have to water its a 2 or 3 day job. I would give anything to grow plants together, but my grow style has been an evolution from being under SERIOUS air pressure. Every day, for an hour or more, choppers are over my grow area and I mean 100' off of the ground. Everyday. Then on the weekends, the sheriffs dept gets out their new toy and fly's around the county. According to the paper, the sherrif tries to concentrate in areas around the county, where those previously charged or convicted of Cannabis offenses reside, using court records/drivers license info. Its so difficult to grow here.

I wanted to show this second pheno of Mandala 1. Mandala says this strain can be grown from 35-50, but look at this girl at 38 degrees when its 91 degrees

She aint liking the heat at all. Its growing ok, its 40" and will finish over 5' like Mandala says, just everyday when its hot and the sun comes out, she hangs her head bad

Im not sure whats going to happen with these plants at flower. Anybody got any experience with the problem of temps being to high for a strain.? I know its the sun and temps because if i visit in the morning, she's sticking up like a honeymoon dick.

wierd i got the sheriffs flying there toy planes around where i live to
Hi silverback,

we have a very similar grow technique. if I can, i don't bring water to my plants

what about DP WW and GH himalaya gold???
are they drought resistent??
how is their high? sativa or indica or both

I see in Outdoor Strainguide you have tried many strain...

can i ask a valuation of their drought resistence???

thx very much and scuse me for my bad english


Hey Guerrilla Grow. Dont worry about the english, its my native language and I butcher it as well.

GG, i grow primarily indicas so my info is limited to those, but generally, Ive found that some afghani's demonstrate the greates degree of drought resistance. I suspect it is genetic as parts of afghanistan has a semi arid climate. Wheras many strains, when deprived of water will begin to wilt and continue to wilt until death if water is not made available, some afghani strains wilt and then seem to enter a stasis for several weeks until moisture is returned. Ive also found some of them to do well in less than perfect soil. The sensi Kush seemed to have good drought tolerance. Maple leaf indica is the most drought tolerant strain of cannabis i know of.
Ive found that some larger plants with a deeper, more extensive root system perform a bit better during dry spells as their roots tend to extend down into the subsoil. During dry periods, it is generally the top soil that dries out the quickest and therefore, strains whose roots are primarily in that layer of soil are a bit more susceptable to dry weather.

I have grown the DP WW several times, but not under conditions that have allowed me to assess its drought tolerance. It is a very good strain and potent, but has a large headbud that needs to be treated with Greencure to prevent mould. Indica stone
The HG is showing some good dry soil tolerance so far. It hasn't been real dry this year so the true test has yet to be passed, but it is a large plant and seems to fair well. Its very vigorous and thats a good sign. Indica stone.

hope this helps.
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Active member
Big Bag..good info on the Texada Timewarp.I agree with you on the name calling..Call it what it is period.I think its pretty well known to be a cut though.Congrats to you for having the geniune cut!!

i have find the answer:

Strain/Breeder: Maple leaf Indica, Sensi seeds
Harvest time: sept. 30
Latitude of grow:38
Location: app
Average yield:6-8oz per plant
Mold?: never
Potentcy:a good solid 8

Yes.... i think it will be good... but i think there isn't a female version, is it ok??

wich is your most drought resistent feminized strain??? what abought
sensi star???


I just started using femmed seeds last year so i dont feel like I have grown enough strains to make a good assessment on those. None of the fems ive grown so far performed well in dry spells. DP hollands hope needs a good water supply and wilts quickly, Ice from FMS wasnt much better.
Im doing a test grow this year of cream caramel from sweet seeds that is showing good resistance, but that advantage may be offset later with bud size as it appears to be a branch breaker. We'll see i suppose. Everything else about the strain seems positive, good growth and vigor.

I will add that MLI has very good M/F ratio's. when germed outdoors under the sun, i usually get a 60%-70% female ratio. Indoors around 50%

Let me also add that I have 2 holy grails, MLI and Sensi star. SS isnt bad for resistance but will stop growing quickly when moisture disappears, but she is so potent that its worth watering.
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ehehehh yes, i red very good things about the ss.

mmm.....the 70% of F seems interesting.

In my experience the most drought resistence is Maroc by female seeds.
It is a maroccan landrace.

It growed very well last summer. All the others plants were already died (cause of few rain) but it was very "happy".

At the beginning of the summer i usually go to plant the seeds in the good ground and i go back at the end of August to harverst them. The female seeds are cool.:rasta:
You can find a lot of Posts about Maroc in this forum. You should have a look....


I liked the Ice i grew from FMS, and i wish I could have purchased them again this year but no stock. I should try the Maroc, youre right. What kind of yield did you get from Maroc?
I have used standard seeds forever, but the femms are so easy. I like them.

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