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This Years Grow


Looking good there, SB. I know that country, I'll be growing nearby(though not too close, lol). I'm going to be using your forced flowering method so I'm thinking, being at lat. 38, of starting flowering right now and setting them out June 20th. Sound right?

GL with your grow!!
Hey Silverback, the best of luck to you this season! I am glad to see you suceeded in growing that batch of seeds straight in the bush! Keep safe.


Hi Daemon. June 20 is pushing it. July 1 would be much better. You will probably be allright, but I bet there is a delay in flowering or it will just be real slow. Maybe you will be able to tell us how it works out when set out on the 20th. Are you getting the rain? Im not about to complain after last year but I was late getting planted.

About that forced flowering thread. You know, im getting ready. This weekend I will photograph my clone donors. There are 3 and they are about 30" tall. Next week, theyll provide lots of offspring. Keep an eye out for 60/60, Im going to start it soon and report it here on IC. You can pitch in your efforts.

Thanks for the best wishes buggsuperstar. Im tryin.


For those who have deer problems, this is a device I use that has been very successful for me. My deer only eat the plant for the first 60 days of life and after that I don't have to worry, although starving deer will eat bark from trees and clothes off the line. Most deer however will only eat it out of convienience. Im also as likely to have mine steped on and broken off. This device prevents that as well. It isnt effective against rodents. its cheap and effective. Here are the raw materials.

Here it is installed

Its one 4' piece of rebar,1$
1 small tomato cage modified $1.12

Ive clipped one of the uprights near the top and bent it in so that if the deer tries to stick his nose down in it, he hits the point.

The real beauty of this is that the plant grows straight up through the cage and you don't have to worry about getting back before your plant out grows the cage. When left on the plant, it prevents the plant from being broken over by the wind.
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Hey SB, :wave: any updates yet? havent heard from you in a while. hope all is safe



Active member
Definitely tagging this one. I just started my first couple of outdoor guerrilla plots this past week and am sure I'll learn a ton from your thread, SB. I'm also very psyched to use the force-flowering information you've shared.

We're in the midst of a nasty drought where I live, so my eyes are fairly poppin' over that creek! :eek: After hauling bags of soil mix and a gas-powered earth auger up and down hills, I'm not exactly enthusiastic about doing the same every week with many gallons of water (though hey, at least my pants are a little looser now :biglaugh:). The two sites I've planted thus far do have water...hard to find hereabouts but necessary.

Best of luck man! I'll be watching. :lurk:


Hey all. Im finally making some headway. Growing is second nature but this gorilla photography and uploading is over my head. Any photo tips will be much appreciated. Im usually out at daybreak of dusk and it seems neither is conducive to photography. Anyone know what mode? I need help

HEAD HIGH BY JULY? These girls put that saying to shame. This one is at 7' on june 19. She has 4 sisters that range from 5+ to this one. This one will finish out at 12- 14' and yield 2 -2.5lbs if its current growth track continues. Ive just started feeding them heavily and will for the next 3 weeks. I wouldnt dare top them or they would be 12 feet wide as well. Its Himalayan Gold fems and im impressed with its vigor, pest resistance and wind resistance so far.


Im having to do these in seperate posts as i get kicked off everytime i try to put them in one post. As I said, photography and computers are a challenge to me. These girls arent though.

This is Dr. Atomic BBXNL. Im impressed with its growth. Her and her sisters,( i have 4) have shown good vigor and pest resistance. She's currently at about 5' and I project at current growth rates she will finish out at about 7-8 ft. NL is a good yielder and i beleive I'll end up with a lb per plant at this rate.

This is a Mandala 1 fem. Shes about 5' currently and growth rate inicates she may reach 8' before the end. I think its going to be a big yielder if branching and growth is any indicator.

Im just starting to feed heavily so growth should shoot up quickly. Illl be back with more. I still have Sensi star, Maple leaf, GGx Congolese, Manitoba Madness, and Aurora indica to post.



Active member
Looking great silverback. Can't wait to see these at the end of the season. I suck at taking great photos as well.

silverback said:
HEAD HIGH BY JULY? These girls put that saying to shame. This one is at 7' on june 19. She has 4 sisters that range from 5+ to this one. This one will finish out at 12- 14'
And here i was all exited about my 4' plants. :muahaha: I think i'm going to spend the rest of the season finding better spots and improving my current ones.


This is DP's White widow. This is the 3rd time ive grown this strain and each time ive bought standard seeds and I have yet to get a male. It is the most crystal covered strain of any i have ever grown and i want a male to dust my maple leaf indica with, but things don't look good so far. I have 4 and they all apear to be female. It will finish at 5' and yield about 6oz if things go as usuall. Its a very good strain.

These are Cream carame., Sadhu and BBXNL that i am chopping up for clones. Ill get some better pics later. They look scraggly because i have cut most of the leaf and vegetive growth off in prep for cuttings. The cream caramel, (White Rhino XMaple leaf) and the Sadhu have some of the most dense growth ive ever seen on a plant. Ill get better pics soon.



Look how dense this Sadhu female is. It has vegetave growth coming out of vegetive growth. The Cream Caramel is the same way.

This one is about 30" tall and I think they may finish out about 5' but they appear to be branch breakers.


hey SB your girls look very happy in their new homes. i really like your cream caramel cross. should be a heavy hitter!!!!!

this is kinda off the subject but, have you heard of a strain called Ky Kush??
i was lurking around another ganja site and ran across this. no info on the genetic make-up of it but it looked like a very nice plant.

anyway, awesome start to what hopefully will be an awesome harvest :jump: :joint:

good luck and stay safe




What lovely ladies. And super camo. Terrific to have the room to spread them out that way. I see how easy it would be to leave the "dreaded path" in that greenery.

How do you keep track of what and where? A strain planting chart/guide? I keep a colored dot sheet for each site. The key to the colors is commited to memory. A BRAIN AGE game of my own.

This is one of my AI. Just over a foot last week when this was taken.

Some others aren't doing as well. Don't think they like wet feet. After 6" rain in 3 weeks, it is lucky anything survived. Hope at least 1 male survives. Would like to cross it with the Northern Light X Shiva. They seem more tolerant of the saturated soil.

NLXS about 4' tall last week.

Looking foward to your AI pics. I'll be too embarrassed to post any more of mine, I'm sure.

Good luck to everyone this season.

Don't corner anything meaner than you.


Well-known member
silverback said:
Look how dense this Sadhu female is. It has vegetave growth coming out of vegetive growth. The Cream Caramel is the same way.

This one is about 30" tall and I think they may finish out about 5' but they appear to be branch breakers.

That thing is crazy looks like its flowering almost. Talk about dense veg man can't wait to see what they look like later on SB.

Real nice thread cant wait for the flower porn.


Hi all, thanks for stopping in.

Clydefrog, the Cream Caramel is a cross from Sweetseeds, (femmed) They all look identical. Easy to clone. I have heard of
Ky Kush and know someone that grew it last year, but thats all I know.

Hi HK, good to see you. Yes, it is indica but unfortunately mandala says its seldom narcotic if picked timely. That means it will need a good long cure to fix that problem, (he he).

Hi Lazlo, my AI's look almost identical to yours. I have 2 that are maybe a a little taller but nothing significant. I went to see them this morning but forgot my camera. I have 2 that have been attacked by bugs and I had to spray sevin on them before they die. Yours look good. Post us up here occasionally with a pic or 2 and we'll compare experiences.
Yes, the paths are trouble. if you notice, im not walking all the way up to the plant. Im slinging ferts.
As far as remembering locations, well, I grow 40 plants each year and in a few spot I have a couple of plants but really, Ive been using the same holes for quite a few years now and I just know where they are. Ive been eyeing NLXshiva for years now. I like NL hybrids.

Im about to post a thread on site selection that ive been working on for a while. Take a look when i post it up.

Aint it hamstring? The Cream Caramel is the same way. I cant imagine what they will look like in bloom but ill have to squirt the greencure on them i know. The CC is supposed to finish mid sept so that will help.



Hey BBrad2, Im going to get some pics of Congo and MM up soon. That GGxcongo has some thin thin leaves.

In the mean time;

Here's a sensi star I suceeded in getting a pic of this morning. Big leaves




very nice indicas... ss is on my wish list for a long time. btw how is the weather over there silverback?

all the best...