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This Years Grow



Hey supersonic. I have to thank you for the tip about Himalayan Gold. She's big and vigorous. Over 7' now.

I have 4 of these babies. Thanx man.

I wanted to add these pics of the best Afghani thats available today, at least from my perspective. Ive grown 150 or more of these girls over the years and I cant say enough good. I'll try:

Mould Proof
Deer proof, (I have never had one eaten period)
Disease and pest proof.
Drought resistant
Weather proof- ive had her handle 5 light freezes in a row and stand strong through hurricane force winds.
Soil tolerant. She'll thrive in rocky shallow soil
Happy, relaxing high
Reasonalby priced
Versatile: Picked early, shes happy, relaxing but not sleepy. Overripened and overcured, she's a narcotic head thumper that rivals the finest black Afghani hashish, yet still happy, just with your eyes close.

She's hidden fairly well.

Ill post a few more later.
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yeah that's a really big girl and there's still plenty of grow time. that should be very high yield at the end. all your plants are looking good silverback!

In the outdoor strainguide you spoke of a Brenda's skunk X NL that had an auto pheno. Done on July 19. You also said that you were working a male of that pheno as well. My question, was the auto pheno as potent as the non auto? Was it a common occurence in a pack or ?? Im working on a fem auto project and want to try and find one that produces well, is potent, and that I can reasonably get my hands on the beans. I guess that sort of sounds like everone wish list. Keep the info flowing, you do good work and keep it real. Y


Hey Jungle Jim.
Yes, the auto pheno was as potent as the other and a very good yeilder as it took the northern lights stature, and NL is a good yielder.

Common occurance, hmmm... im really guessing because the occurance of phenos can be so random with any strain, but my beleif would be that you would get a 4/6 ratio, and that ratio could be flopped from pack to pack. 4 auto's and 6 non in one and 4 non autos and 6 autos in the next. Follow? I think you would probably get 4 autos in any pack.

I didn't fair well with my breeding because i really am a grower with little experience with breeding and its really never been my focus. I was an am a newbie in that regaurd and didn't store my pollen properly and it became sterile.
With regaurd to BSXNL, i really mishandled the strain because i had never grown an auto and I didn't understand its real potential. By mishandled, i mean i took no care in its planting or growth, no soil prep, no ferts, after i saw it's performance i said " why didn't i take some care with this plant" I now realize its potential and wish I had some this year because i am doing some breeding

My general impression JJ is that it would make an excellent candidate for an auto male to breed with. The auto can reach 5' christmas tree shape and like all NL yields well. It had good very good vigor, no health or bug problems and really good minty taste. I grew her outdoors and it wasn't an easy life. I will say that I like the NL strain in general so I may have a bias, but nearly all NL strains yield well and finish early on their own. Ive had several companies finish by the 3rd week of Sept. This year Im growing aurora from nirvana which is AfghaniXNL and Dr. Atomics BBXNL. The Dr.'s stuff is listed to finish mid to late sept. Obviously East Island thought NL was a good choice.

My only complaint if you can call it that, was that the high from it was a bit more exciting than i like, as someone who likes heavy indica's. Brenda's skunk has an up high.

Hope this helps, keep me posted JJ


Registered Med User
Wut up silverback, checkin you out man everythang lookin good, Ima be lurkin round here man.... :lurk:


Wonderful Job my friend. They look unbelievably happy. Care to share soil recipes or any other liquid additives you have chosen to indulge in this year?

I must add, I'm extremely enticed by the look of that Himalayan Gold, this is GHSco. H. Gold I would presume right? if you're pretty familiar with the strain, is there a large number of phenotypical differences from seed, or is it pretty stable? My friend has been considering this strain as a yielder, for awhile now. So, I would love to hear a nice solid and reliable review.

By the way, I hate to be a negative nancy and be super critical of your grow, but i think you may want to trim back some of the natural vegetation around the plant , so that the light penetrates some of the lower growth on the plant. This seems to have initiated somewhat of lollipop effect on your plants, causing them and their branches to stretch past the dense vegetation for light. Plus perhaps top it too, to make alittle more use of the unfocused and improperly distributed hormones and promote some growth toward the lower recesses of the plant. But I'm sure with the recent events surrounding your plants, i don't think I'd feel very encouraged to be staying in the bush and any such work either... :badday:

Either way! Enjoy this year's bounty, and stay safe SB.
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Glad to have you GET MO. Lurk on.

Those pics are several weeks old Murphy, im about to take a new round

thanks Cannathusiast. Soil. well, I dig a 24"x16" hole in the late summer/ fall, dump, mix in 1 40lb bag of cheap (1.29)manure/compost or just compost, pour on 1 cup of pellitiezed lime and walk away. If the soil has a little too much clay or seems to pack, Ill add a heaping cup of sand. In the spring, 30 days before planting, I check the ph and apply anymore lime that's necessary. If none is necessary, i turn the soil over. 2 weeks prior to planting, I turn the hole again, add 1/2 cup of urea,(46-0-0) and a half cup of balanced pellitized fert, 10-10-10 is fine. After a couple of rains, and at planting time, i turn the soil and plant. Thats basically my routine in a nutshell.

This is my first grow of HG. I bought 5 femmed seeds and have 4 plants. I have seen no different phenos so far, but Ill let you know. I grew the strain because i know a grower whose judgement about potency i trust told me that it was a good solid 8. After that, I went to GHS website, watched the grow video and was sold. To this point, all info has held true. She's a giant and tougher than nails.

No worries about the suggestions, Im a member here to hear other ideas and suggestions, so anytime. First, i have such heavy air surviellance that stealth is the no. 1 priority. No harvest will be seen without maximum disguise. I work hard at that and I can only grow 1 plant per location, so thats why you see so much veg mixed in.

I am about to begin the final activity to conceal the plants. I will start to tie the plant over a little at a time, and i will remove all of the branches on the side of the plant that will be on the underneath side, leaving only the branches that will be on top. That activity will force those lower branches on the top side to grow considerably. I have to remove the underside branches as they would just mould in the deep shade and create probs. Ill take some pics after the concealment treatments. later/sb


Well, ive been out trying to operate this camera again. God this photo shit is tough.

There's been general growth in all plants so I thought id post some pictures of them.
The first is Himalayan Gold just because this strain is so impressive. Get your fancy smancy strains out of the way boys cause these bitches want by! No nute sensitivity, weak stems or slow growth here. This is a strain meant to grow outdoors.

Here's an 8 footer thats movin out:

Her branchin pattern:

One of her tneder young sisters:

I bet i end up with over 8 lbs from these 4 plants. AND I PAID 40$ FOR THE STRAIN!!!! There's just nothing like gettin a good deal.

Next up is Nirvana's Aurora Indica. You can sure see the afghani in this girl and the Northern lights as well . Most NL strains Ive grown, and thats several because i like it, have finished out between 6-8'. This plant is just over 6' on July 7th and I think she'll reach the high end of that. The yield with this strain is pretty good.

The height and structure says NL, but these leaves say "im a sweet afghani"

Ill post some more shortly, this is hard work!


Thanks esbe

I wanted to post these pics of Maple leaf. It was just getting light out so i wish they were better:

She has some great big leaves:

Here's some pics of GHS Lemon skunk. The plants are doing well and range from this biggest one,

To the smallest one,

I traded a fellow grower 2 packs of Deep Chunk for 10 of these female seeds and I have 8 plants that currently range from 4'-6+. The plants are doing well but not really the kind of vigor I like to see for an outdoor plant. The video claims they can yield over a lb. Well see come harves time.

Mandala 1:

It seems to have a nice indica stature and no problems. This ones about 40" and I have 4 of them. They have a sativa high.

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Thanks Backcountry. I grow one plant per spot because I know they cant see one plant in these thickets from their chopper, and the rippers can only find one. Its the only way ive found to gaurantee my had work pays off. Ive been using these same spots in some cases for over 12 yrs. It makes prep in the spring easy.
Its also why i enjoy growing big plants, they can be fun. If youre only growing one, you may a well make it a dandy.


Beautifull grow Silverback. I like your style of growing. Next year I'll go follow you and apart from my main plots make few spots for really huge plants. That is what little tigers love the best hiehiehie...
Do you use GPS to find your plants or you know the places good enough to find them easy?
Stay safe


I don't use GPS grunwald

I originally made a little map, but after a while, i just know where they are. Its not as hard as you might think. Really, with only 1 or 2 plants per location, all's you have to do is remember the location and then once you get there, finding the plants is easy.

Now is the time to find those spots, when the vegetation is grown up and you can tell where to plant and the plant be hidden well. Its also a good time to establish a path to them that others won't follow. I consider the access to my plants as critical as the spot. Even in the most remote of spots, people and animals will follow paths and if they lead right up to your plant - goodbye plant.


ps. grunwald. Now is also the time to dig your hole and start its preparation. Get a little rapidtest ph meter, check the ph, mix in compost and be ready for that 10 footer next year. It can be difficult if you wait until spring
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Mourning the loss of my dog......
I would like to keep mine spread out as well, but I tend to do smaller plants in small plots to make regular watering easier, or else keep a pod of smaller plants all with in a minute walk of each other.


I hear you on the watering BC. When I have to water its a 2 or 3 day job. I would give anything to grow plants together, but my grow style has been an evolution from being under SERIOUS air pressure. Every day, for an hour or more, choppers are over my grow area and I mean 100' off of the ground. Everyday. Then on the weekends, the sheriffs dept gets out their new toy and fly's around the county. According to the paper, the sherrif tries to concentrate in areas around the county, where those previously charged or convicted of Cannabis offenses reside, using court records/drivers license info. Its so difficult to grow here.

I wanted to show this second pheno of Mandala 1. Mandala says this strain can be grown from 35-50, but look at this girl at 38 degrees when its 91 degrees

She aint liking the heat at all. Its growing ok, its 40" and will finish over 5' like Mandala says, just everyday when its hot and the sun comes out, she hangs her head bad

Im not sure whats going to happen with these plants at flower. Anybody got any experience with the problem of temps being to high for a strain.? I know its the sun and temps because if i visit in the morning, she's sticking up like a honeymoon dick.
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Registered Med User
Yo silverback, the only time Ive really had problems with temp outside is when I water during the day, it burns the roots. Make sure you water either early in the mornin or later in the evenin when the suns goin down. I think high temps is part of the reason my mandala strains didnt do too well and hermed up, and I bought um cuz they said perfect for high temps too! Oh well, your plant is still lookin good even with a little droopyness, but them other ones is lookin killer! Good luck to u with this season yo!


I think it was mid day when I last watered/fed them. Im gonna take your advice MO and see what happens.

While Im up here, I thought i'd post a couple of pics. The first one is my sensi star mom and seeder. Ill be dusting her with a nice male one day.

This plant is Texada Timewarp from Peak seeds. This one was planted near the end of may, i have a couple more that are considerably bigger and were planted on April 25. I ll get some pics of those in the next week and get them up here. This ones about 40"



nice! so where's the killer newhaven? i never got a chance to run her but defintly on the list next season, good luck and stay safe

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