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think I found yummybuds first date story

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ya, Yummy! Amsterdam 2011!!! :woohoo: maybe there will be a YummyCup :D
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the lesson I learned is definitely poop first cuz the pee is easier to clean

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Yummy I believe that the only way you can turn this tide is to get yourself some ass.


PS You're trying too hard. If you aren't able to ask them if they have boyfriends you should just act like they don't and see if you can finally lift the curse.


Active member
how? every girl I like and ask out rejects me like this by making excuses that they are busy or whatever and can't come out.

guess there must be something really wrong with me if 3 girl in a row reject me right?

i'm not fugly or fat or a midget, I don't have acne all over my face, and I shower and don't smell like a homelss guy, and I cut my hair and shave and wear clean clothes lol.

I don't think i'm stupid either, I have a bachelors degree and i'm planning on law school.

but I think some peopel get the wrong impression of me maybe, maybe I come off "sounding" stupid or weird.

I have weird sense of humour and I laugh at odd things sometimes, and yeah I have social anxiety which can make me awkward sometimes.

but I don't know must be something wrong with me that makes girls reject me. its either your looks or something really worng with your personality. or a combination of the two.


Active member
I don't think its my looks for some reason because initially I always get looks from girls but then later on they seems to lose interest in me.

like that girl at my work that rejected me she'd alwasy look at me and smile at me and come and talk to me then she started ignoring me and yeah obviously didn't like me any longer.

this new russian girl at my work (she's only 17) yesterday kept on looking at me when I was walking by and she smiled at me a couple times so I said hi to her and I talked to her a little at lunch (some other guy at my work is all over her lol, and trying so hard like he does with every other chick at work and never gets anywhere).


Active member
just a thought, I tend to act weird I think. I say random things a lot, its just my sense of humour. and this girl at my work yestersday said to me " how the hell did you get into university you say such weird things"

I wasn't offended this chick was a big fat chick. I say weird things to her on purpose so she thinks i'm weird.


Active member
Maybe you look and act too desperate? Maybe your approach is too aggressive?

possible I guess. but what is too desperate? doing nothing and not trying to ask a girl out won't get you anywhere also but then when you try to ask a girl out or see if she likes you you can alwasy come off as desperate.

its not like i'm going up to girls and telling them i'm in love with them or something.

actually that girl at my work that I asked out and she seemdt o like me at first (smiling at me all the time and coming to talk to me) I think I creeped her out lol.

when she added me on facebook I sent her a message in german saying I missed seeing her at work lol. (she speaks german).


Active member

man I laugh in inapropriate times all the time........

like with this girl when we were on our field trip, this prisoner came into the room we were in and said " hi i'm a paranoid schizophrenic" and I started laughing uncontrollably and I tried to hit it by covering my face and the paranoid schizo saw me laughing and said " you're laughing" and said "oh yeah" and pretended like I was laughing at soemthing else.

and then I tried to fix my fk up by saying yeah I have friends that are schizo and they are really good people and society makes them look bad blah blah.

man that was bad but sometimes I just laugh and can't help it.


Active member
yeah well he looked like the classic paranoid schizo also......his eyes were wide open and he wouldn't even blink and he the first thing he says coming into the room is " hi im a paranoid schizo"

I felt really embarassed laughing though, thats really rude thing to do. but I didn't do it on purpose the way he said it just made me break out laughing fk. I felt bad and I did try to fix it by telling him I had schizo friends and how society misrepresents them etc.


damn Yummy- you gotta big at least 6ft or summat. Para schizo are freaking strong... :yoinks: and scary! He had to be scared of you more..


Cannabrex Formulator
how? every girl I like and ask out rejects me like this by making excuses that they are busy or whatever and can't come out.


You are the excuse-monger, Yummy.......you will jump on ANYTHING a girl does or sez as evidence that she does not really like you and blah blah blah.....for 8 million posts.

guess there must be something really wrong with me if 3 girl in a row reject me right?

Again....you are the one ALWAYS leaping to the conclusion that it must be you and that there is something wrong with you......ALWAYS.

Methinks that is really how you feel about yerself, and are projecting it bigtime to all females you speak to. Guaranteed they WILL pick up on that self hate and lack of confidence and flee right quick.....because girls dont usually want to hang with a neurotic guy who is always beating himself up and sees himself as a loser (and finds every excuse to do so).

i'm not fugly or fat or a midget, I don't have acne all over my face, and I shower and don't smell like a homelss guy, and I cut my hair and shave and wear clean clothes lol.

It takes more than basic personal hygeine to get laid or get a girlfriend...it take BALLS....not much, but at least enough to be able to tell a girl you think she is pretty, or something else real, and not half assed.

I don't think i'm stupid either, I have a bachelors degree and i'm planning on law school.

Maybe yer not book stupid...but you sure as fuck are stupid when it comes to recognizing reality, yer own failings and the reasons for them.

but I think some peopel get the wrong impression of me maybe, maybe I come off "sounding" stupid or weird.

Only in yer head laddie.......

but I don't know must be something wrong with me that makes girls reject me. its either your looks or something really worng with your personality. or a combination of the two.

It's niehter...it's the fact that you have no confidence, and approach every situation with a female EXPECTING to get rejected, EXPECTING them to find somwthing "wrong" with you....etc etc etc.

It is NOT the girls Yummy....it is 100% you.....and until you recognize that basic fact and go get yourself some real fucking therapy* you will NEVER have any success in your quest for a girlfriend.

*as opposed to the ICmag version, which you can always just ignore


Active member
no i'm only 5'8 140 pounds lol. that guy was huge but he wasn't dangerous , he was a prisoner and said he used to hear voices all the time telling him to do things but now he manages his condition with meds.

lol afterwards I was thinking if he thought that I wasn't laughing and it was just his paranoid thoughts coming back.

when he said " you're laughing"

I said "oh yeah" like it wasn't a big deal and I wasn't laughing at him.


that was a 'que' he was switching gears...so to speak :yoinks:
Yummy be careful mon!


Active member
well true I do expect to get rejected now because it has happened so many times I don't think it will be any different next time.

and yes I was rejected i'm smart enough to know that. how else would a girl reject you?

most girls are too nice to straight up reject you by saying " no I don't like you and don't want to go out with you"

insteady they'll say " i have a boyfriend' or "i'm probalby going to be busy everyday"

or " yeah I work every single day and have zero time to come out with you"

or they don't return your calls or phone you back until you get it.

you can't tell me I'm just imagining this and when a girl tells me she has a boyfriend and when I still try and ask her out she says oh i'm busy everyday and work everyday so I can't come out, she means "ask me again" and "keep on phoning me for weeks"

I obviously got rejected. the last girl gave me a phone number and never even pickedup I called 3 different times.

and then she deleted her facebook a month later then a few weeks ago after months have passed and I stopped trying to contact her she is back on facebook and on my "friends" list lol.
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