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think I found yummybuds first date story

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Active member
shit some of those indians have skin under all those clothes so fucking smooth

well where I live there are a lot of east indians here and yeah some of them are extremely hot. not all, a lot of ugly ass east indian girls. some of the lighter skinned ones are hot and a lot of them have big tits and nice bodies. from what i've seen in my classes lol.


donut engineer
um well kind of too late. today was my last day of exams and I won't see her again lol.

I felt like she liked me because when she was talking to me she wanted to stick around and didn't look like she wanted to leave and was chatting with me for 5 minutes then said well alright see you later and I said yeah bye.



donut engineer
I think we've established something here: Yummy's target audience is Asian chicks. Where white women find his hopeless insecurity and anxiety extremely unattractive, Asian girls find it endearing.



Active member
well where I live there are a lot of east indians here and yeah some of them are extremely hot. not all, a lot of ugly ass east indian girls. some of the lighter skinned ones are hot and a lot of them have big tits and nice bodies. from what i've seen in my classes lol.



Active member
haha I sort of look like a young wood allen.

the last girl I liked wasn't white, she was from el salvador so native......

and you may be right..... about asian girls. asian girls usually go for caucasian guys.... they don't really like asian guys especially asian girls born here they never go for asian guys.

actually almost every hot asian girl I see here is usually with a white guy.
haha I sort of look like a young wood allen.

the last girl I liked wasn't white, she was from el salvador so native......

and you may be right..... about asian girls. asian girls usually go for caucasian guys.... they don't really like asian guys especially asian girls born here they never go for asian guys.

actually almost every hot asian girl I see here is usually with a white guy.

Funny you mention that.

If I see an asian girl with a white guy, I always figure their screwin.

But if I see an asian girl walking with an asian guy, I figure they're married. LOL

Is that weird?


I look like Willy Wonka I have the eyes and hair.Kids used to come up to me in high school and ask me for candy


Active member
Ever seen a Red-headed White Chinese freckled-face kid? Oh yeah...he was bowlegged too.

Funny...Ever time a nice looking female shows up,he runs around in circles and act like an idiot.It's True.


donut engineer
I've been told by more than one girl who's dated an Asian guy that Asian guys have smaller dicks. This was confirmed by a prior girlfriend, who said "thank god you have a white dick" the first time we banged. She had dated an Asian dude prior to me.

Given this, you already have a perceptual advantage over Asian guys. If you act like an Asian guy (quiet, shy, insecure) you've effectively filled the gap, being more acceptable to her Asian parents.

Fill her gap, yummy!


Thats not very nice, so what if hes a rascist women hater the man still managed to get himself through law school. Lets say he stays a virgin till hes in his 40's all it takes is 1 year of fucking a different girl every single day to put his numbers way over the average joe.
ok bruh i'll give you that but maybe your one of the ones that dont get it so lets have the proof be in the pudding, and for fun we'll even go the trial/law route. . .

exhibit A:
done school!! yehaaaaaaa finally finished my bachelors degree.

man today I had an opportunity to ask a girl for her number but I didn't because I was too pussy.

this asian girl in my class who always comes and talks to me (seems interested), she first came up to me one day and said " hey I noticed you always get donuts before class" so she obviously wants to talk ...

today she saw me studtying before my final and came and said hi then left then came back an hour later and said hey you still here and chated for a while then said ok well bye and I said bye and left.

I didn't know how to ask for her number or whatever without being awkward so I didn't. didn't want to just jump in all of a sudden and ask her out. but should have she probabl liked me.

exhibit B:
man I don't even know her name i've talked to her a couple times in class and never even asked what her name was.

exhibit C:
I keep on missing so many opportunities. this east indian girl in my class who is pretty hot also always used to come and talk to me and once I was leaving class I saw her running behind me to catch up with me.

but I didnt' really like her. she is good looking BUT after she start talking she is not hot anymore..... she has a manly voice lol. maybe she's one of those shemales.
now look at how many times he refers to his degree compared to the amount of times he refers to some woman that he cant get or finds something wrong with. . . ..

does this look/sound like a guy that is gonna get a woman or laid for a year straight from a different girl each time, even being a successful lawyer? c'mon man he takes it up the ass, 'nuff said!!!

he uses IC mag to make himself feel better. this is the one place where he wouldn't be found out on a serious note. maybe some other site , there would be some psycho that would look for his isp and all that in order to find him, but were stoners/potheads/growers and you know damned well some people get high and come to his posts just to for the laughs, or if not to just be reminded that as a grower your not one of the worst people in the world!! lol

c'mon antimatter just join in the fun!!! you'll see , you'll love it!!


Active member
pics of east indian girls? yeah I found some.....

thing is most east indian girls do NOT look like any of those bollywood girls who many look very caucasian and white........ those east indian girls they use in bollywood are most likely not pure east indians but indians with persian blood or maybe even greek blood.

but anyways the rare east indian girls that look more caucasian but with darker features, jet black hair, are really hot I think.



but this is the more typical east indian....


Active member
and about indian girls. I heard their parents are pretty strict and traditional even a lot of them that are born here. they are only aloud to date other east indians... but I still see indian girls with other ethnicities so its not always true.


Active member
ok bruh i'll give you that but maybe your one of the ones that dont get it so lets have the proof be in the pudding, and for fun we'll even go the trial/law route. . .

exhibit A:

exhibit B:

exhibit C:

now look at how many times he refers to his degree compared to the amount of times he refers to some woman that he cant get or finds something wrong with. . . ..

does this look/sound like a guy that is gonna get a woman or laid for a year straight from a different girl each time, even being a successful lawyer? c'mon man he takes it up the ass, 'nuff said!!!

he uses IC mag to make himself feel better. this is the one place where he wouldn't be found out on a serious note. maybe some other site , there would be some psycho that would look for his isp and all that in order to find him, but were stoners/potheads/growers and you know damned well some people get high and come to his posts just to for the laughs, or if not to just be reminded that as a grower your not one of the worst people in the world!! lol

c'mon antimatter just join in the fun!!! you'll see , you'll love it!!

Your onto something I think its about time we found out where he lives and what he eats for breakfast


Active member
and about indian girls. I heard their parents are pretty strict and traditional even a lot of them that are born here. they are only aloud to date other east indians... but I still see indian girls with other ethnicities so its not always true.

no we want pictures of the girls you always refer to in your long speeches of she and hes.


and about indian girls. I heard their parents are pretty strict and traditional even a lot of them that are born here. they are only aloud to date other east indians... but I still see indian girls with other ethnicities so its not always true.

yeah..... but not all of them. id say 10% are rebels against the whims of parents/religion/culture etc... i once was seeing one with the email of hedb4bed@.. she was a freaky little thing


make a card with your NAME and NUMBER. Not where you work, no other pertinent details, you might get away with a job title, which is great, but if youre handing your number out to possible crazies as you dont even know them well when u drop the number, it's an EASY way to give it out. And you look bomb doing it.

it's easier than being all fumbles with a pen/cellphone stuff. plus something tactile can be more effective, cause it may be something out of the ordinary in which case the card will be treated differently than a piece of paper... or forgotten just like another number in your cellphone.

females sum us up in a few seconds just like we check em out too, it's yes or no at that point. youre obviously passing the initial test because they arent freaking out right away and running in the opposite direction. take this as a compliment.

but then stop fucking it up and ask for the number, deviate the conversation into plans and include her, make shit up - it doesnt matter.

argh yummy. argh.:xmasnut:
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