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There is to be no more spamming.

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I dont understand. On a site that forbids open forum talk about clone exchange that provides you with private groups and private messages, you should be able to figure out how to accomplish your goals without putting the site in jeopardy.:wallbash:


And you know what really pisses me off. For the longest time I thought of really sick people or people dying when I heard the word "medpatient". But now I have people bragging to me how they conned a doctor to get a certificate so they could smoke free, or buy from a dispensory. Some people tell me it's as high as 4 out of 5 people are in it for the money and aren't even sick.

I got my card in Oaksterdam last year. Out of the hundred or so people that I watched come in and out of the Dr's office, none of them looked sick or medically in need.
60% were little juveniles looking to get high.
30% were some of the worst looking low life's
5% looked like your normal Joe.
5% looked as if they might be sick

I listened to a room full of jokers sit around laughing about the made up medical conditions they wrote on the Dr's medical forms. This doctors office was a huge revolving door. I feel the exact way JJscorpio does, the mmj law was enacted to help sick people alleviate discomfort. The people who voted for the law did it too help sick people not healthy people looking to get high legally.
As far as I'm concerned, healthy people shouldn't ride on the patients coat tails for their personal enjoyment. If you want to get high legally then go fight to legalize it for you, don't fuck it up for those of us that actually need it.


to the co med community I must apologise for my part in the co threads going south -I saw what i considered to be an injustice and in true American form ,put my money where my mouth was and put real cuts out for cheap-I merely wanted the sick to get the best meds for a fair price-problem is the ideals of supply and demand aren't so cut and dry within our community-The effects of years of oppression and prohibition have made many of us Very resistant to regulation,untrusting and a lil anti social.
In order to overcome these short comings we must come together as a united front and agree that we should take care of the sick ,respect others beliefs and In general=act like The decent,caring,compassionate HUMANBEINGS we are-Ic is a sanctuary ,actually the online community as a whole-lets treat it with the reverence that it deserves-
Thank you admin for Hearing our concerns and working with us to the same end.I for one will not take you for granted in the future and truly hope to continue to be able to help the sick find what they need -

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1FREE THE WEED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I doubt they read your PM's however, the owner of this board can access any thing typed here. Just keep that in mind. If they needed to, the owner could look at your PM's.

It's just part of the VB's software features.


There are no private groups

dont fool yourself, Staff can look at whatever they want, and they should be able to.


The owner of the board assigns moderator status, the features each Mod can access are checked off by the owner. Most Mods don;'t have the power to read PM's and such.



...any sigs, user names or links with 'clonesrus'.....globalclonage' clonetillyoubone' e.t.c

will be banned automatically......it's clear and unadulterated....'SPAM'.....

you cant be serious that you would ban someone just for having the name clonetillyoubone lol (most awesome name ever)

this post has nothing to do with the matter at hand, i live where mj is legal for medical purposes and not against federal law
i understand you are upset but to say you are banning over usernames is pretty wrong (i can see something like www.commericalseeds.com, but the others seems pretty overkill)

i imagine you are just blowing off steam

Like I always say; V-Bulletin can be purchased right here http://www.vbulletin.com/ for about $200.00 If you think you can do a better then purchase yourself some server space and go for it.

yeah well i am sure about a thousand people on here would hand over the 200 dollars - the problem is to host the servers in north america...

I dont understand. On a site that forbids open forum talk about clone exchange that provides you with private groups and private messages, you should be able to figure out how to accomplish your goals without putting the site in jeopardy.:wallbash:

first i dont think that the mods ever mentioned putting the site in danger, they just want their money (which may or may not be legit)

it is just fucking wrong if any old mod can read our pms though...


ICMag Donor
Sorry Mrs. Babba, NOT directed at you...more like JJ. There are tons of mods.
He said, 'we will not close threads' ...well, the next day what happened?

We lose our threads...and it is JUST COLORADO...SHOULD we be a little pissed?


WE ARE working with you (and supporting the site, via bay/boo)...more like waiting and trying to defend our thread which I guess is making all the mods piss their pants...????

Again BABBA NOT directed at you....never had a problem with you, you are legit.

End rant of trying to defend our threads.

Just so you know, I didn't bin the thread. And it's really no ones business who did.

With that aside, I asked Doobie to clean the thread up and give it back.

Thanks for making me look like a liar though....


ICMag Donor
Thanks for verifying what I was told.

I'm beginning to believe that IC should get away from the MMJ aspect altogether. The money part of it has led to nothing but one argument after another, and it only seems to get worse.

And for those of you that think Gypsy is in this just for the money, kiss my ass. I have never seen him turn down a member that was hard up or sick and needed seeds for themselves, at no charge to them. Shipping included.

This MMJ business is getting so shady that I have no urge to see this site stay involved in with the scams and scheeming that is going on. I have had dozens of people laugh and tell me they are perfectly healthy, yet they faked an illness and got a certificate, so don't think you all that are doing it are fooling everyone. The only people you are hurting are the ones that truly are sick and dying and need weed for medicine.

My Dad always taught me to seperate myself from those things that caused me aggravation. It's sounding real good about now. When I find out which ones of you are dumping on GN and this site because you can't continue your schemes, I will personally get rid of you from this site.... The bulk of you have run your mouth to one person or another and these people are now coming forward. It's just a matter of time before we find out who the troubemakers are and get rid of them.... So have fun while you can....

And the only times we know when someone is using the PM system for wrongdoing is when the person shares the PM with us because they are disgusted.

I got my card in Oaksterdam last year. Out of the hundred or so people that I watched come in and out of the Dr's office, none of them looked sick or medically in need.
60% were little juveniles looking to get high.
30% were some of the worst looking low life's
5% looked like your normal Joe.
5% looked as if they might be sick

I listened to a room full of jokers sit around laughing about the made up medical conditions they wrote on the Dr's medical forms. This doctors office was a huge revolving door. I feel the exact way JJscorpio does, the mmj law was enacted to help sick people alleviate discomfort. The people who voted for the law did it too help sick people not healthy people looking to get high legally.
As far as I'm concerned, healthy people shouldn't ride on the patients coat tails for their personal enjoyment. If you want to get high legally then go fight to legalize it for you, don't fuck it up for those of us that actually need it.
Whats your definition of medical though? Do I need to be dieing in order to get a med card?

I use cannabis for both rec. and med. If I dont use it, I dont sleep. I can literally be up 3 days, sleep 8 hours...Go 3 days. Unless I smoke.

But Im with you on the prices. 40-60 dollars for 3.5 grams of a plant? Please.

If I was lucky enough to have a shop for medical patients Id be selling an eigth no more than 15 dollars. And even thats high.

I mean this is a damn plant. We have plenty of supply...So price should go down.:2cents:


Active member

:nanana::muahaha: Don't get too mad now JJ.....:respect:


Hey JJ who cares if people fake being sick to get there mmj card-seems petty and none of my business.That being said in my personal situation I evaluate a patient's ability Or lack there of to provide for him/her self and go from there-In simple terms the not so sick pay for the really sick-everyone gets what they want ,and i can still provide for my family while being able to give medicine to those that need it.Just 1 of many ways to keep from getting caught up in BS and getting mind *****D for trying to sort out the right and wrong of a big grey area.
again I thank you for hearing us out and hope that we can come to a place where we realize that we have Moore common ground than not as a community,and move on!



So programed by prohibition that you can only take one line from a post?:fsu:

My point is its better to let 100 guilty go free than to punish 1 innocent!

Sick people are being helped,and you don't know weather or not the faker would have gone out and bought a bottle of booze to catch his buzz
instead of a some cannabis and went home to beat his wife and kids.

Outside of the golden rule-what rules do we really need as a society?Seems just another archaic system that only serves the enforcer !

Please tell me how some kid that isn't sick enuf for your standard getting cannabis hurts you-or affects you in any way?

Please don't take me as stirring the pot ,I am simply trying to come to an understanding here as to the ideology at play!
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We are discussing bringing this Colo thread back after cleaning it up. It has some valuable information. There are two clone threads being allowed and as JJ said above..the posters in those are policing the threads themselves, something we don't require but appriciate the heck out of..Biojenn there may have been some mistakes made in allowing this to go on for so long and it has caused a bit of trouble..but I assure all of you we are working hard to make this right. DD

Thanks for reconsidering!!


to the co med community I must apologise for my part in the co threads going south -I saw what i considered to be an injustice and in true American form ,put my money where my mouth was and put real cuts out for cheap-I merely wanted the sick to get the best meds for a fair price-problem is the ideals of supply and demand aren't so cut and dry within our community-The effects of years of oppression and prohibition have made many of us Very resistant to regulation,untrusting and a lil anti social.
In order to overcome these short comings we must come together as a united front and agree that we should take care of the sick ,respect others beliefs and In general=act like The decent,caring,compassionate HUMANBEINGS we are-Ic is a sanctuary ,actually the online community as a whole-lets treat it with the reverence that it deserves-
Thank you admin for Hearing our concerns and working with us to the same end.I for one will not take you for granted in the future and truly hope to continue to be able to help the sick find what they need -

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1FREE THE WEED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Hey JJ who cares if people fake being sick to get there mmj card-seems petty and none of my business.That being said in my personal situation I evaluate a patient's ability Or lack there of to provide for him/her self and go from there-In simple terms the not so sick pay for the really sick-everyone gets what they want ,and i can still provide for my family while being able to give medicine to those that need it.Just 1 of many ways to keep from getting caught up in BS and getting mind *****D for trying to sort out the right and wrong of a big grey area.
again I thank you for hearing us out and hope that we can come to a place where we realize that we have Moore common ground than not as a community,and move on!

Honestly, MMJ helps alot of people, but at the same time I reccomend everyone I know to get their medical marijuana card. Why? Because cannabis shouldnt be illegal, and if a $75 card can save you from being thrown in handcuffs and your cannabis confiscated, what is the problem? You all may say that these people will cause ill tides in the medical community, but I think it has been quite the opposite. The majority of dirt slanging street dealers are be putting out of business, or they are stepping up their quality and lowering prices. The majority of cannabis prices in dispensaries has continued to fall with the rise of competition among dispensaries looking to fascilitate the enormous amount of patients that are continually growing. The more people see dispensaries, and the more they start to realize that many people benefit from cannabis, and it is not used by just drug addict losers, but people you know, people in your family, people you are friends with, people you work with, etc, etc... The only thing that will legitimatly legalize this industy will be removing the social taboo that has been associated with cannabis since the 1930s, and I have to say that without medical marijuana, many people would still be against any sort of relaxation on cannabis laws. 13 years ago california was the only state with medical cannabis laws on the books, now we have 14 states that do. Id like to think within a few years the majority of states will have these laws, and by that time the majority of america will be chanting the battle cry of relegalization.


Long haired country boy
If in fact there are people who fake medical conditions to get legal, how do you feel about people who have a condition that the state doesn't recognize? I mean you can get a card for pretty much anything
from anxiety to insomnia, most states only recognize mmj to help the terminally ill, we all know this isn't the only people that herb helps. So I guess my point is do these people deserve to be criminalized just because the state(s) doesn't recognize their specific condition?

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