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The White: Interview with an Elusive Lady



I've never smoked the White but from the looks of it ,this strain definately lives up to its name


Active member
Thanks for the info Endo. I looked at the trichs again. This time I took off my "I want to start smoking this stuff soon" glasses and there are a lot of clear trichs. Which makes me think how freakin white this baby is gonna be when they are all real milky.

It's day 44 and things are fattening up around here.


Active member
Thought I would give you a peek at end of week 6. I had the light to close in the center. I raised it a bit. It fattened up quite a bit during week 6. I hope 7 is the same.


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not takin anything away from the white but what happened to the fame of white widow? Wasnt this one of the whitest strains? Or maybe the breders that offer it havent been doin a good job kepin the white phenos intact?


Active member
I never liked White Widow. It was a speedy buzz and didn't really get me "high". I only ever did 2 packs outside but IMHO nothing was a keeper in them.

You just gazed upon one of the biggest white scrogs under a 250w you will ever see and you could still type bluewonder??

Why does that pic of the street sign by somekeyjoe link to my album?

OK rewind.........view pic above...... remember it is under a 250w......


seeing all these pics made me put 5 seeds in the soil,endo said do it so i did, 3 the white / casey jones and 2 the white / sd ibl . i hope to get at least 2 nice ladies from 5 beaners , wish me luck
I hope Rez breaks this one out of the stable fairly soon. The ChemD/White looks like a sure shot. I can't believe how well its carried its traits in these crosses, that thing really is a gem. Hope to get my hands on some beans eventually, a clone would be nice but I'm not in Cali or in "the know".


I dont know why
I took this pic in santa cruz
The streets names are HIGH an STONY cool photo

is it linkt up to your album or mine?


Active member
I see the pic but if I click on it it doesn't enlarge it goes to my pics.

I thought it said High and Cherry street so I tried to enlarge it. Now it makes sense. LOL!


i hope rez doesn't ever break it out of the stable. whoever gave that d-bag the cut really fucked up.
I have been trying (maybe a little too hard lol) to get a hold of a cutting. Some information would be greatly appreciated! My PM's are always open!


Active member
You know right now on SeedBay there are 4 packs of "the white" x Pure Kush bx1. They are from zombo. If I wanted something special like the white I would get some of those. Go look for his pics. Seriously those seeds are probably some of if not the best seeds out there right now. I have some so I ain't bidding on them but I would normally be all over them.

In the meantime I will have to start some more babies because somehow the 11 I had all ran away from home. Because the white should be everywhere somebody wants it. So give me a few weeks and I will get a batch ready and them leave then on my cyber front porch.

Here are some pics. Today was day 49. It has been on 12/12 and flowering for a full 7 weeks. This grow exceeded everything I thought I could do. I think the T5s I vegged under for 8 weeks really helped because due to the extremely short internodes that a T5 encourages there is a lot more plant than meets the eye.

I know I am actually using a 270w HPS but it is still technically a 250w ballast.






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Well-known member
I've been looking for this strain for months now. I've been to a ton of clone
exchanges and I've been present when clone runners show up from California
with batches of hot clones (for tax, but they deserve it for the service they
offer). Never was 'the White' one of them.

I've looked for seeds and the prices all seem outrageous for untested seeds.
Not to mention you never know what you are going to get. I want 'the White',
not 'the White x someotherstrain'. Some evil people are even trying to get
near $30 per seed for this.

My patients would love a strain like this.
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Active member
I hear you LB. I bit the bullet many times and bought expensive seeds. I had too because clones were scarce to come by especially in the boondocks in the Mid Atlantic area. Lots of the clones were also just held in select groups. So I had to carefully choose crosses. But it was still a crap shoot. Over time I found some great stuff in seed form, Many others have too. Some of us also eventually came upon some nice clones. They were basically messing around but they had Chem D and they had the white so they crossed it to a keeper they found in a very expensive pack of Pure Kush bx seeds. They grew some of the seeds out and they were killer. Then they just gave them to the IC Charity Auction. They were hoping IC made some money but they didn't care what they went for. The bidders have decided the IC Charity Auctions.

I gave a heads-up about the auction so people would have a chance at something awesome because they just showed up out of nowhere. Sometimes clones show up out of nowhere too. You just need to follow the white. It will show you the way. It got you this far. The thread has the answer you seek.


Active member
Mmm White!!!

Mmm White!!!

Hey budz!
I been checking this thread out, and I finally have someting to add...

Day 54

Ickis great job with that lady!
I vegged about 2 months, just about the same as you... which is needed with White in my opinion.



Active member
Beautiful job for you too Xtra. Mine is at day 55 today. I will have pics tomorrow. My trichs are cloudy with a scant few semi amber and some clear. What are your trichs looking like and when are you chopping? On a day or by trich color?

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