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the silent killer, as you drink and bathe, fluoride,



It's entirely appropriate here, and hardly pedantic. Cork is sensationalising a very minor issue. Yes, fluoride can cause major health problems, and even death. But not in the quantities that people get from drinking water from their taps, or cleaning their teeth, or having a bath. If that were true, almost all of us would be seriously ill. There's nothing wrong with being careful, but to embellish his argument and exaggerate it to this degree is being nothing more than paranoid.

if they admit they use fluoride to make prisioners stupid and docile, what makes you think everyone else wont have the same effects hmm?

im sorry for caring about your brain and body,

..."Some may think it's just a bunch of conspiracy fodder, but having read thousands of pages from hundreds of documents, both historical and from research, there's no doubt in my mind that fluoride is deadly and explains much about why Americans are so apathetic and lethargic about the very real dangers crushing our Republic. The American people simply have no will to resist and you can see it all across this country. Fluoride was introduced into the drinking water in this country around 1954. Think about it."....
if they admit they use fluoride to make prisioners stupid and docile, what makes you think everyone else wont have the same effects hmm?
Like my posts have said, it's to do with the amount of fluoride a person consumes. This is why I compared this topic to the whole dihydrogen monoxide joke, because even water is deadly, given that a person consumes a sufficient amount.

There's no doubt in my mind either that fluoride is deadly. Though it's a load of conspiracy fodder when people start saying that if you clean your teeth, drink tap water, and have a bath, you're going to be some bow-legged, wild-eyed, brain damaged mess by the time you hit middle age.


Active member
Fluoride has been in water for decades and kids don't look like that, and neither do I and I drink it DAILY.

Mmmm... Fluoride... Yummm....
I must be brainwashed right?


I love my fluoride too and it's funny when you go to countries that don't use it and you see people running around with black teeth.



the fruits will show themselfs eventually, kidneys, liver, whatever,

skeletal fluorsis is a rare condition, but its in the name to what causes it,


Active member

the fruits will show themselfs eventually, kidneys, liver, whatever,

skeletal fluorsis is a rare condition, but its in the name to what causes it,

There's harmful things in so many things in life. Better not breath the air. People around here add 40 birth control bills to their 40 gallon rez's in flower to increase yield and some of them don't even flush.


Active member
can the flouridated ones please get off the topic,

its scientific FACT that flouride is BAD, VERY BAD.

what dont you people understand about "more toxic than lead"

your morons, its incredible,

I gave up drinking tap water five years ago due to medical advice (not specifically due to flouride levels). The water source in South Australia where I live has always (since before I was born in 1980) had flouride added to it. I have never had a cavity or a filling in my teeth which may be attributed to drinking flouride water for most of my life, I'm not sure. Like I said though earlier, I no longer drink tap water myself.

I understand that there is alot of evidence to suggest that flouride is harmful and I appreciate you trying to use this forum to warn people of the dangers of flouride consumption.

I think you should consider that a few people who have lived with flouride water sources may have some questions or statements that may seem doubtful of your opinion. You should also consider that these people are not "morons" just because they came across as slightly doubtful.

By all means respond and explain why you think that they're wrong. Maybe they will change their mind after considering your further thoughts, information and opinions. Maybe they won't.

But be careful who you call a moron, and what for......


Kangaroos poisoned by fluoride

The Environment Protection Authority (EPA) says fluoride from Alcoa's aluminium smelter at Portland is making kangaroos sick.
The EPA's Bruce Dawson says the fluoride is being absorbed by the nearby vegetation which is then being eaten by the kangaroos.

He says the fluoride poisons the kangaroos and makes lesions grow on their bones, which renders them lame.

"Once kangaroos have restricted movement [it] has a significant impact on their welfare. So this is something that needs to be managed and avoided."

He says there is not a lot of information around about the impact of fluoride on kangaroos.

The problem is more common in cattle.

"There was a lot of research done in the 60s and 70s in the United States but this really has just started to emerge in terms of the impacts on kangaroos."
Come on guys, don't worry... we're better than kangaroos, cattle, or any other such beasts combined, this chemical won't affect us... Our governments have assured us as such, and we all know how honorable and trustworthy they are...


St. Elsewhere
It's entirely appropriate here, and hardly pedantic. Cork is sensationalising a very minor issue. Yes, fluoride can cause major health problems, and even death. But not in the quantities that people get from drinking water from their taps, or cleaning their teeth, or having a bath. If that were true, almost all of us would be seriously ill. There's nothing wrong with being careful, but to embellish his argument and exaggerate it to this degree is being nothing more than paranoid.

I understand your point, but none of us are really worried about "fluoride poisoning", as in death caused by fluoride. Most of us are concerned about the possibility of fluoride being used to keep people docile/stupid/complacent.

No one is dropping dead from fluoridation (at least not a remarkable number), but people are rather docile/stupid/complacent. Whether that is their natural state, or chemically induced is up for debate.

Allegedly the Nazis under Hitler did studies on this, but I haven't done enough research on the issue to state that as a fact, yet.

I appreciate your disagreeing in a civil manner, Mala.

I stopped using my RO unit for my grow, and started using it for drinking water. Completely worth it, if only for the absence of the damn metallic taste.


that was a good video vas,

the real shame is that since people are fluoridated, theyre passive to the fact that they are,

i mean, whats the justifcation for us? why do people put up with this? its poison,,


For everyone who say that fluor dont injure our health i have some pic:


Here is how fluor is stored.

Good luck


Active member
who's forcing you to buy they're water? its not like its a free service,they provide water,and they decide to put fluorine in it,its up to you to buy it.....

and its not like they're being under handed about it,they tell you how much they put in the water,and there is ample amounts of information about it.

What are the sources for this info btw? i see sites posted that would be akin to someone posting positive things about fluorine then citing the water company and not even questioning the clear bias...

if the goal is to control the minds of the masses,they're doing a pretty shitty job of it

i personally drink bottled water,because it taste better.....


i personally drink bottled water,because it taste better.....

I dont know how things going in usa, but in my country bottled water are fluorised :)

"From 90.XX century literature (in natural conditions, man evolved without fluoride), it can be concluded that the fluoride isnt necessary for and you can not count him as micronutrients"

Above all, be deterred by the processes of energy formation in cells, which reduces the amount of energy needed for working muscles, and therefore physical fitness, as well as to the action of the nervous system, which may reduce mental performance. Apart from this limited amount of energy required for growth of the organism."

Good luck
